~Yes?~ ~Satoshi, don't get me wrong. I feel very badly for you. Knowing that some of your memories are fake, and not who you are, is... a horrible, horrible thing. But if you're Judgement, that doesn't mean you're bad. We don't even know what Judgement is, in the end.~ ~If... if I'm *not* the one making people disappear... then it helps. A little.~ ~If you are, then do you even know what the disappearances mean? Maybe you're helping things.~ ~I don't remember anything. But... but you said Judgement is change once, didn't you? Or someone did...~ ~I did. Classically, Judgement is change. But there's two major Arcana for change, really. Judgement and The Tower.~ ~The Tower is destructive, painful change. Judgement is quieter, and usually brings about a good, enlightening kind. Because of that... well, I've always had doubts on whether Judgement was really a bad thing.~ ~...good. Change isn't necessarily bad. It can be renewal. It can be a second chance...~ ~It can, yeah.~ ~Just remember. Cards don't make you who you are. You do.~ ~I guess I can make myself be whoever I want to be now, can't I?~ * Katie gives the mental equivalent of a sigh. ~I suppose that's one way to put it. Who do you want to be?~ ~Satoshi Watanabe. Student, hockey player... your friend.~ ~Then why don't you stay that way? So you might be Judgement, you might not. If you think about it, it's like being born with blue eyes, only having nifty side effects, like being able to do really well in number guessing games and not have to take out the trash.~ * Satoshi mentally laughs. ~But I don't mind taking out the trash.~ ~I do. So you can take the trash out for me.~ ~I think Haruko wants to talk to you. I won't divide your attention.~ ~Um. Haruko wants to say something, I think, so I'm going to switch over to her for a second... yeah. I can only do one of you at once. At least right now.~ ~Yes?~ ~Should practice with words~ ~Had an idea Winston could fill out that sheet~ ~Not sure if we should though, it tells him what we know~ ~I'm sorry, what?~ ~Maybe ask Katie~ ~Hopefully Taki's carrying it with her~ ~Oh, the one that lists the name and cards of Arcana~ ~Oh. Um. Let me check.~ ~I mean I was right about a few things~ ~But she apologized for that~ ~Still probably best to ask Katie if it's a good idea~ ~Don't think she really meant it~ ~I'll do that.~ ~Question for you.~ ~Shoot.~ ~Do you think we should ask this guy who more of the Arcana are? Like the Band, and some of the others we know? Do you think he could help us fill out our list?~ ~I'm trying to work on that, so yeah, I'd say so. There's just so many questions I want to ask.~ ~Me too.~ ~I'm going to ask him about Reiji soon. This is a break for him. Nobody can escape my wrath.~ * Satoshi mentally laughs again. ~I don't doubt it.~ ~You shouldn't. If you do, it spells DOOM.~ (She's really helping him right now. ^_^) ~Aww, Kaede beat me to it!~ (*laughs* Really? Aww.) ~Should I have told him you wanted to ask?~ ~Nah. We'll let him think he came up with it first.~ ~Good plan. Do you want to ask about who Jin is? Or the Band?~ ~Yes, yes, and who he is, and everyone else. And where we are, exactly, and if it can be accessed from the Tower Reversed. But I think this is a little more important.~ ~I think so, too. Hopefully, you'll get your chance.~ ~I win. HA.~ ~Out of my head. Or am I in yours?~ ~You're in mine. I'm not the one with the mind-snatching powers, just the eavesdropping ones.~ ~I don't snatch minds! I just... borrow them? I give them back when I'm done.~ * Katie tinges her thought with amusement. ~You don't need to feel bad about it, Satoshi. I know you usually wouldn't read a mind without asking first.~ ~You'd be a lot better about it than me, I think.~ ~Well, at least you're not afraid of it. Or you're doing a really good job of not thinking fearful thoughts. I thought everybody was going to freak out, but here we are, talking. This... actually, this is really kinda nice.~ ~In all honesty, I think a lot of fearful thoughts. I just think other things, too. And this is... it's not like you're hearing everything I'm thinking, if that makes sense. Kinda like talking, but not.~ ~It does make sense. And this is getting even more interesting...~ ~Finally, some sort of answer to those calls Reiji was giving me. Though... why did he call me in the first place? Wouldn't Kyon have been a better choice?~ ~Oh, I'm letting my other thoughts leak in.~ ~It's okay. Though my answer to those questions would have been, 'I don't know.' Not terribly helpful.~ ~Yeah, well. I don't know, either. The first step to helping people is knowing what you know, and knowing what you don't know.~ ~Some people fall short even of that.~ * Satoshi sounds a little amused. ~I know?~ ~At least you're sure.~ ~Oh, of course. I'm always sure.~ ~Jin sucked all the confusion right out of you. Fascinating. I actually hope he doesn't leave. I'd miss him.~ ~Very funny. And I'd miss him too. Especially if... if I really don't have a dad in LA. But I'll worry about that when we get back.~ ~Do you want someone to be there when you call? Because I know that's the first thing you're going to do.~ ~Are you sure you can't read my mind back? And yes. I really, really would want someone there.~ ~See, Satoshi, I don't know everything. Just *almost* everything.~ ~You know more than I do. But I can learn. I will learn.~ * Katie mental-chuckles. ~I don't know any more than you do. Haruko could accuse me of keeping secrets if she wants, but I tell you guys close to everything I figure out. If I don't, it's probably because I forgot. Perfect memory isn't one of my powers.~ ~Well, you're still better at figuring things out than I am. No, this *isn't* me trying to knock myself. You're just better at it. But that doesn't mean I shouldn't try. Just that I shouldn't go spouting off things without giving them some thought first.~ ~Yeah, I know. But you have a habit of trying not to think, and another of trying to pretend problems don't exist. But this looks like a turn around, doesn't it?~ ~Judgement *is* change, after all.~ ~Now you're just fishing for excuses.~ * Satoshi sighs mentally. ~Okay, okay. Yes, from now on I'm going to be thinking a lot more, and I won't be ignoring things.~ ~Gustave!~ ~Yes. Him. Why did my fake card have to be *him*?~ ~HA, he's such a fake!~ ~But he seems to be enjoying himself.~ ~Yeah, he is. But I still think it's funny. Like Miho.~ ~Miho? Oh! Doom, gloom, and the blackness of the cereal? She was kind of creepy.~ ~Not much more than any other goth.~ ~I guess so. I haven't really met any others to compare her to.~ ~You *haven't*? What, have you been ignoring pop culture and sticking your head in the ice?~ ~Pretty much.~ ~I so want to ask about Reiji and Kyoko, and who the man who saved us from Saki was. I hope we're not running out of time.~ ~Me too. And I want to know what's going to happen to me. If I'm going to start remembering things, or if I'll start manifesting more powers, or what?~ ~And somehow it makes me feel better than Jin has somebody looking after him. Even if he is a crotchety old man.~ ~Only sometimes, Kaede. Even you don't want to always.~ ~Heh. Winston is hardly crotchety.~ ~He hasn't smacked any of us with his cane yet, for one.~ ~I don't think you meant to send that first one to me, but I agree. And ha! I guess we didn't make him angry enough. Which is good.~ ~Huh? What did I send? Oh, and we *never* make anyone angry. We're too cuddly.~ ~Kaede not always wanting to be a hermit. And we're cuddly?~ ~Adorably so. They should make a Sakuragaoka Arcana plushie line. Though Saki'd have to be an action figure.~ ~With kung fu punches. Trust me, I know. Ow.~ ~Yes. Ow. You think people would want plushies of me?~ ~Of course they would! With a jersey. Of... uh, what's your favorite hockey player?~ (You know, she's literally keeping him from thinking too much about being Judgement. But it's in a good way.) ~Paul Kariya. Of Anaheim. I use his number.~ (You think she's not doing it on purpose? All considered, this is stuff Katie thinks about normally, anyway. ^^;) ~Okay, that one! I don't know anything about hockey outside of very basic rules. I'm so ashamed.~ ~I could help you with that, if you really wanted.~ ~To be perfectly honest, I'm not burning with curiosity, but sure. It's not a bad thing to know.~ (Yeah, if she were burning with curiosity, she'd know everything she could find about hockey by now. >.>) (Heh.) ~Well, I won't force you if you're not that interested. Stuff like that can be boring if you're not really curious.~ ~I know, but it might be good for both of us. I actually... would really like to sit down with Winston and just talk to him. I almost feel bad, grilling him this way.~ ~I'd like to as well. Maybe... I'll remember how to come back. And we can bring him tea and cookies. And chicken, if Jin's here.~ ~It can be a picnic. And hungry Saki isn't invited.~ ~No. No, she's not.~ ~Oh my God, Jiro. I should have been there for him. I didn't even realize...~ ~I hope we can still help Jiro. I really do.~ ~I should have been there.~ ~I should've looked for him, too.~ ~Do you think our purpose might be to unite the Arcana?~ ~It might be. It would help. That's a huge and difficult job, though.~ ~I know. But we can start small.~ ~We did. Remi. Remember when she wanted to kill us?~ ~Yeah. And we helped her and now she's... if not on our side, at least not wanting to kill us anymore.~ ~Nah, she's as much on our side as she can possibly be. Trust me on this.~ ~I will.~