<> ( What was the date of last session? ) <> (Tuesday the 10th.) <> <> * Vera heads on in, back in her usual clothes, which aren't all that much different from her costume, albeit a wider-brimmed hat and a brown duster. She slides up to the door and grips her pistol inside the coat. Hunting artifacts is one thing, but hunting people is another. * Vera tries the door, slowly, so as not to make much noise if it's locked. <> <> * Vera doesn't bother to wake him, then. She looks for a registry instead, being nice and quiet-like. <> * Vera peeks at it. <> ( No room number? ) <> * Vera doesn't need to read anymore, then. She heads for the... elevator? If there is one. If not, the stairs are a better bet. <> * Vera sighs silently. That figures. The stairs it is! She starts the long... LONG... journey. <> (Er, less that second though.) * Vera ignores them, then. Unless they try to take money from her or something. <> * Vera wastes no time in finding her prey's room. <> * Vera curses. Locked door. She gives up and goes home. Just kidding. She turns the knob as much as it'll go and bashes the door with her shoulder, so her gun will be free. <> * Vera dashes after him! <> * Vera ignores that for now and hightails it after him. She glances quickly at the surroundings (Are we in an alley?) <> ( How far's the other fire escape? :P ) < * Vera jumps at that one, then, trusting it more than the gutter. She fires in mid-air at his leg as she goes, 'cause she's like that. ( Ok, what kinda rolls do I need with that? :P ) -herring.sandwich.net:@#atc2- Chamelaeon invited Dicesuke into channel #atc2. *** Dicesuke has joined #atc2 (One Acrobatics(Jumping) at a +1, one ranged, with whatever gun you're using, +3.) ( Steady hand do anything for me? ) (Steady Hand bonuses apply.) ( Nifty ) 2d6+1 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Vera (2d6+1) and gets 6. ( Got the jump. And... ) 2d6-2 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Vera (2d6-2) and gets 6. ( Got the shot. ) ( Woot! I succeeded in looking cool! ) <> * Vera straightens her hat, and walks down the fire escape slowly, keeping her gun trained on Aaron. She calls out, "I wouldn't bother trying to run if I were you. Not unless you want to lose the use of your other leg, too." <> * Vera grumbles and jets down the fire escape, jumping as soon as she can do so without getting hurt. Even as she does, she fires again, hoping to get lucky with a ricochet. ( And what kinda roll do I need for THAT? :P ) (Uhm let's see. +4, no steady hand bonus.) ( Oh my. Well, it'll be pretty cool if it works. Here goes. ) 2d6+1 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Vera (2d6+1) and gets 6. ( Woot! ) <> * Vera rushes around the corner. <> * Vera chases after, changing clips on her gun as she runs. "Kid's not too bright." <> * Vera glances from side to side without turning her head. "Where is he?" (Hearing check, idly) <> 2d6-2 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Vera (2d6-2) and gets 2. ( Got it. I'm on a roll tonight ) <> * Vera rushes back that way, leaping over the counter if she has to. She keeps her gun on the Mexican incase he tries anything. < * Vera dashes outside and looks around. <> ( >.> ) * Vera chases the blood trail, glancing at the leg as she runs by. Ew. <> * Vera follows, figuring that this guy can't possibly evade her much longer with those injuries. Especially if he's, uh, missing a leg. <> * Vera chases him. <> ( What kinda door is it? Can I shoot the lock off, or bash it down? And are there any other entrences? ) <> * Vera tries that. <> * Vera kicks it in, gun ready <> * Vera rushes over to him, pointing her gun at him. "Moron. I'd almost say you were trying to get yourself killed." <> "Bah. Lucky - I just tripped on the steps." <> * Vera slugs him once, providing a reason: "Resisting arrest." She then goes about cuffing him. "OW! Careful of the leg, cowgirl bitch, that's new skin there." <> * Vera slugs him again, once more providing a reason: "Felt like it." She lifts him to his feet and starts marching him out. "What'd you do, nano-grow a new one?" <> "Twenty-Four power. Younger than I look." * Vera shoves him gruffly. "Really? Damn. If I'd have known, I'd have shot you a few more times." "'s only the leg. Damn, I ought to report you fer unnecessary roughness." <> Seemed necessary to me. <> * Vera hails a cab. <> "Awww, Aaron, I told you they'd get you one day." <> <> "You stupid fuck. I bet you told them where I was." * Vera smirks and shoves Aaron into the cab before following. <> * Vera tips her hat to the driver and drags Aaron out of the cab once she's there. She gives the driver a fairly generous tip. <> "Good job, lady. Make sure he stays off the streets this time." <> <> <> * Vera says, "Will do," as the cab driver leaves and pushes Aaron towards the building. "Not your first escape, eh? Good, probably means the reward's higher." "Last time I got let out on parole. Unless they got somethin' better on me than parole violation in Red Cincinnati." (Er. add "then I'll just get out again soon enough>" onto the end.) Not my problem, man. There's already a bounty on your head, so they've already made their decision. * Vera leads him into the building. <> "Well, well, a bounty. And during Festival, no less. You must be sloppy, man." <> * Vera chuckles. "And bad aim, too." <> "Stick out your hand. Or stick it out for him, lady.>> ( The teller already knows how cool I am! :P ) * Vera does just that, 'cause she doesn't think Aaron will do it himself. <> "There we go." <> "You, sir, are one Aaron Underhill, wanted for parole violation, suspicion of murder, transporting of illegal weapons, use of illegal substances, procuration of illegal substances with intent to sell, and the cherry on the top is consuming alcohol while a minor." <> "Shit." Yeah, shoulda waited until you were old enough to drink. "Take him around to the door, ma'am." * Vera nods and does so. <> "Push him on through." * Vera pushes him through! *push* <> "Alright, ma'am, you've got a 5000 credit bounty due. Come back over so I can get your print." * Vera heads back over. "Excellent." ( How much is a credit worth? ) <> * Vera does that. Money is good. (A credit is worth roughly as much as a dollar is now. Convenience is nice.) ( Woot ) <> "There you go, ma'am. Remember to check the ESC Bounty Organization site often to make sure you're up on the latest bounties. Also, we've updated your account and you're three bounties away from a 15% discount at any participating DunnoBucks." Cool. That shouldn't take long. "Have a good day, ma'am." * Vera tips her hat. "Thanks." She heads on out. <> ( Well, now that I've got a little extra pocket cash... Hm. ) * Vera ponders what to do now for a few minutes. Too early to go back to the hotel; festival's still on... She decides to see if she can get a head start on tracking these artifacts down. Or maybe just gather information on the people who want them so badly. (I do have to sleep around one. Got to get back home.) ( Oh. Maybe we should save it for tomorrow, then? ) (Might be better to. Especially since I delayed the research part since I have no ideas on it in the first place. ^^;) ( Sure. She doesn't have to find anything anyhow. Heck, she's not just looking up the artifacts; you could use it as an opportunity to create NPCs or something. ) (I have most of them created already. ^_~) <>