<> <> (Whoa. Sunday? After Thren and our Date! Aww.) (Roch has work Monday.) (Aww.) * Katherine is in the apartment! She came back from her 'date' with the sword, and put it back on the wall. She's seemed reletavely pleased, as opposed to the somewhat antsy/annoyed you might have seen the days before. Since then, she's done some exercise and reading, and has basically lazed. * Rochelle is wearing some of her new clothes! It's more of the same, only it actually looks like something someone would wear, instead of falling apart at the seams. She's painting her nails and watching the 'net, as she usually does. (Woot for clothes!) <> (Apparently it's Sword Week.) * Katherine looks up from her book, and chuckles. "Swords? Again? Apparently, I'm not the only one who has combat on the brain." Hey, if that's all he talks about... * Rochelle dips her brush again and gets to work on her thumb. No, that's not ALL he talks about. That was mostly my fault. I dunno, don't get most of what he says. Must be an Earth thing. * Katherine smirks. "I think it's just a Thren thing. Anyone who learns how to fight so that he is calm is definitely outside my world." * Katherine licks a fingertip and flips another page. Yeah. Mine too. (Yo, Brett!) * Katherine continues reading. Aah, lazy sunday. (... I'm going to nuke you both from orbit if this is all you're going to do with my time.) (It's not my fault!) * Rochelle finishes, screws the cap back on, and waves her hands in the air. "I think I'm gonna visit Box City." * Katherine looks up from the book again. "Oh?" Yeah. Wanna check on Hettie. * Rochelle almost seems to frown for a sec, but picks up her polish and goes to put it away instead. * Katherine smiles faintly, and slips a bookmark (it has cats on it!) in the book, and closes it. "The one who liked stones, right?" Her eyes move a little oddly. "Wanna make it a real trip? We could go get your suit and put it on Leo's ship while we're there." Yeah. Uh... actually, that's a good idea. Sure. * Katherine nods again, and leaves the book where it is. She then collects her favorite gun and her purse, as per normal, and slips on a comfy pair of sneakers and the jacket. * Rochelle pulls on her boots and jacket, then wanders over to the kitchen to grab some Vwoof Food. "All right." <> * Katherine nods, and turns to move, but is immediately interrupted. "Ha, what timing. Who is it?" ( It's a Kirby! ) (Hello Kirby!) * Vera says over the intercom, or whatever futuristic thing replaces it, "Dobryj vecher, comrades." * Katherine looks confused, and responds, "...What?" .... Yo. Is Dem there? Nope. She's not in the alley? Nah. Figured she might be up there. Nope, sorry. We were just coming down to feed Vwoof and take a walk, though, if you wanna wait thirty seconds. Sure, why not. * Rochelle shrugs to herself. * Katherine nods, and finishes actually leaving the room, waiting for Roch to exit before locking it behind her. "Vera and Deme? Huh." Probably trying to figure out how to kick Anders' ass. * Rochelle walks out. * Katherine smirks. "Then why weren't we all invited?" Down the hall and down the elevator she goes! 'Cause they're the ones who're obviously pissed? * Rochelle is in the elevator. "Not quietly seething." * Katherine hrms. "You're right there. Ah well. Their call." The elevator hits the bottom, and she strolls out the door. * Rochelle walks out, too. * Vera is leaning against the side of the building in her usual getup, arms folded, smoking a cigarette. "Yo." * Rochelle waves at Vera with her free hand. "Hey." She wanders over to the alley to give the Vwoof the Vwoof Food. <> * Katherine nods at Vera, not following Roch. "So, like I said. No idea where she went." * Rochelle heads over to Vwoof and kneels, opening the food and setting it down for him. * Vera shrugs. "No big deal. So what's up?" * Katherine gestures absently towards the alley. "Roch wanted to go visit a friend and we were gonna give Leo her exo, in case we needed it on earth for extra... whatever the hell it does." Flying. Won't that leave her short an exo? * Katherine shakes her head with a small smile. "I didn't mean give it to Leo forever. For shipping. He said he could handle our exos, space-wise." Ah. Leo'd never fit in an exo anyway. He'd need a hex for sure. * Rochelle takes a moment to rub Vwoof behind the ears, then gets back to her feet and walks out of the alley. <> Yeah, what with the tail and all. * Katherine grins. "Exactly." Wonder if you could make an exo with a tail. Probably never come up. Yeah. The Sleythin sure as hell wouldn't. With that kinda strength, hexs are the only way to go. ( Hexes are the oni way to go! ) (Probably true. @_@) * Katherine mms, then says, "Well, if you want to come with us, Vera, I won't mind, but we should probably get going either way." Alright. * Katherine thumbs at Roch. "She might mind though." She grins, and then starts walking subway-ward. * Rochelle shrugs. "Nah." She walks, too. Maybe she'll call you a spirit, too. She's been on a spirit kick. * Vera stalks after. * Katherine snickers. "And you could get a stone. Although what color would she use? Brown?" Maybe orange. Can probably get a lot of that. Hmm... What am I getting into? * Katherine wanders into the subway, because subways are good. <> ( Not the one in Red Detroit. :P ) (Hah.) * Rochelle is out of there! And heading to Box City. Glorious Box City. * Katherine is going too. * Vera follows too, marvelling at the boxes. * Rochelle hmms. "Wonder if she's still here." (They're not really boxes. Um.) <> <> * Katherine chuckles. "I was just here a few hours ago. Well, not here." She looks around. * Rochelle almost smiles. "Guess so." She walks over to her. "Hey, Mad." ( I dunno what Box City is. I figured it was a homeless section where people lived in cardboard boxes :P ) ( Kinda like that one street in Hong Kong. ) (They're more like small shacks, I think. Made of scrap metal.) (Same concept.) <> "Well, bless me soul, if it ain't me dearie, Rochelle! And she's brought back the dog cat, and a new one, too!" <> * Katherine waves at the crazy lady. "Dog cat? It's Kat, not cat." * Vera peers back. Yup. This's Vera. * Vera waves. "Yo." * Rochelle looks to Vera. "This's Mad Hettie." (A more full desc of Box City can be found in MiniFile 3.1, Brett) <> "A rattlesnake." <> "A good choice. Can't ask for a better ally or a worse enemy." ( I don't see it :P ) A wha-? * Katherine looks over at Vera. "A rattlesnake! Wow, I thought she was gonna stick with something simple." Damn. I was hoping for raccoon. "A snake spirit, lass! That ye be." <> * Rochelle snickers. Do you have every animal back there? * Katherine grins. "We can get Thren a fluffy bunny." "No! Just the good ones. Bad luck to keep the others around. Won't find me with a tarsier, no." Thren would be a bunny, yeah. "What brings ye back to see an old hag like me, eh? Glad fer the company?" Just wanted to check on ya. We're going on a trip soon, so. <> "A far trip! The stones said so." Talking rocks? * Rochelle blinks. "Cool." <> "The stones!" <> * Katherine eyes. "Well, I think some people used to throw stones, but not talk to them." Talking stones... Wasn't that some kind of Jewish method of defense against vampires or something? * Rochelle blinks. "Vampires?" * Vera shurgs. "Don't look at me. I didn't make it up." <> "It's a ritual! Ancient and old, from the mother planet." * Rochelle tilts her head. "How's that work?" "Marbles." * Katherine rubs her right temple with her right index finger. "Marbles." Marbles. So, what, you throw them at each other or something? "Yeh. 's like marbles. What, they don't tech et in school?" Never been ta school. Dunno. So, what about them? * Katherine looks thoughtful. "I sorta remember, but I don't remember the rules. It's been too long." <> "Kids these days." <> "Roit. Jest like I said, a trip fer ye all." "With a joke at the end." * Rochelle nods, thoughtfully. "What kinda joke?" * Katherine looks a little dubious on this whole 'Marbles for the Future' thing. Better not be a pie in the face. "A bad one. That makes you want to hit the person that told it." * Rochelle thinks a bit more, then nods again. I think I get it. Okay. Anything happen since I left? <> * Rochelle blinks. Wow. Active old bird, ain't she? Yeah, she is. <> "Well, Long Jim, he got his leg broket, see, but then one o' the doccers set 'im right straight up, but then he brokt the other on the scaffoldin' the other day. So he's laid up, right as rain. The twins been down with croup for a week, an' nobody kin make 'em come out it. 'Cept me, an I gotta head there soon." (... croup? Are we supposed to recognize that?) ( Just smile and nod ) <> "An then the fog had'ns someone crackt the support fer Jones' home, and jes today was two people dukin, or so say Louie." (Croup is an old-time childhood disease.) * Vera catches it and blinks. (Ah.) Can't believe you kept track of all that. <> "Fer luck." <> "Not hard. don't got much else to mem'rize." * Vera shrugs and puts the stone in her pocket. Yeah, guess you got a point. But still. * Katherine looks sorta amused, and says to Vera quietly, "What color'd you get?" Green. Why? Is that a good one? * Katherine shrugs. "Don't ask me." * Rochelle sighs and runs a hand through her hair. "Nice to hear things are going okay. I'll visit again when we get back from the trip." "Aye, lass, see that ye do. Don't be fergettin' old Hettie now, when times get tough." <> "And nice to meet yer friend, too." <> * Katherine does her best to keep a straight face. "Don't think we could forget ya, Hettie." Yeah, not even if we tried. Good luck. Er, right. Nice to meet you too. * Rochelle turns and starts walking off to another section of Box City. <> * Katherine follows Roch, and glances around. "She's really into those spirits." She blinks, and suddenly chuckles to herself. * Vera turns and follows Roch, lighting up a cigarette as she goes. <> * Rochelle looks at Kat. "What?" Oh, just finally figuring out what the hell she said. * Rochelle looks amused. "What, with Anders bein' wrong and it's not over? Yeah." * Katherine quirks an eyebrow. "Well, maybe. I was laughing at all the stuff she was talking about." Like what? * Katherine shrugs. "The 'dukin', like she said." She frowns. "Although the joke thing sounds pretty bad, if it were true. You think it is?" * Rochelle shrugs. Yeah. * Rochelle turns her attention ahead. "I mean, what do I know about it. But I don't think Anders can pay attention to everything, all at once. Somethin's gonna be wrong, and it'll be big." Mmm... I wonder how a man can know everything and not be driven insane by it all. <> Lotsa practice, I bet. * Katherine grins. "Nah. Did you see that shirt? He's definitely insane." * Rochelle snickers. * Rochelle heads past the busts. Busts are fun. * Katherine follows. * Vera follows, not paying any mind. <> * Rochelle starts pulling off circuitboards. "So, right. He's gotta be insane, 'cause his shirts are." * Katherine chuckles, and helps. "No, no, I think he's insane because he's wearing the shirts. Little different." But if he picked out the shirts, wouldn't that be sorta the same? * Katherine shakes her head. "But the shirts aren't insane. He is." Could be both. How do you know? Maybe Thren can tell- or that. <> <> * Katherine snickers. "Maybe. Sentient shirts. I can believe it." * Rochelle lets out a breath once it's completely uncovered. "So, right. I fly this to Leo's, or something?" Could ship it to him through the mail. * Katherine snickers. "Nah, the shipping would suck. He said to take it to Ian's skimmer." Works for me. * Rochelle starts suiting up. "I hate this part." (Gonna have to call it soon. I'm dying. x_X Stupid reindeeeeeer.) * Katherine says, "There's docks just south of downtown you can take it to. The passcode is..." commense random eye movements "... Concordat. Good and obvious, Leo." Remind me to smack him. Eh, maybe they'll skip searching that one because they already think they own it. Or something. * Rochelle jacks in. "Okay. Remember to smack him." * Katherine gives a thumbs up. "Got it." Catch you back at the apartment, then. (Need to eventually describe what jacking in looks like. Oh well. Wrap up>) * Rochelle nods. She waves at the two of them, then takes off. Fly, suit, fly! Yay! * Katherine watches her fly off. "Well, time to go back, rattlesnake. Maybe Deme'll be there." * Vera nods. "Guess so." <>