* Leopoldo walks into the room up to his father. "Hello dad. I'm home, but... The reasons aren't the best, are they?" <> * Leopoldo hugs his father back. <> "Have you... have you seen...?" * Leopoldo nods slowly. I'm... I hope I can do something to get them to stop. Something's seriously wrong in their heads... "The police came in, to tell us... your mother was in the kitchen, I was downstairs fixing ..." <> "There was no sign, nothing. They were going shopping! At the mall, just shopping..." <> * Leopoldo nods, and glances down at the chip. "I'm trying to find anything that will help, though. I've already had it told to me, multilpe times, panicing isn't the answer. We need to fix it as soon and as reasonably as possible..." <> "It's music. Her favorite. I wanted to play it - they wouldn't let us near the site. Said it would be too bad for our hearts." "Trish's favorite." * Leopoldo gulps and nods. "Trish tried to contact me when I got there. But something was holding her back..." * Threnody opens his eyes at that, but says nothing. Maybe we could try playing that? Or at least listen to it? Maybe... Maybe it'll tell us something we never noticed. "I don't know, son. I'm pretty rattled.. they had to sedate your poor mother. She was hyperventilating." <> * Leopoldo takes the chip, and a deep breath. "I was afraid you got caught up in it too..." "I almost wish I had, just to be near her." Yeah, me too... Maybe I could have done something... <> "Go, do what you can. Get her back." * Leopoldo hugs him back a bit harder (Which might hurt a little, but...). "I'll bring them both back..." He lets go. <> Please, look after Mom... "I will. I am. Better go before you wake her up." * Leopoldo forces a smile to his father "Good bye," then walks out the room. * Threnody steps up behind Leo, then smiles at Dante. "I believe your son can do it. We'll bring them back." And then he's gone too before any questions can be asked. <>