<> <> ( Only if we get SpaceChikin Sandwiches. ) <> <> <> <> (Have we ordered? Y/N?) (Y) * Ian sits back, awaiting food. "As much as I love this city, it's refreshing to be in a French restaurant and not Corsican-East Asian-NeoJamaican." * Leopoldo sips some water. "Interesting choice. Can't say I object, though." (And if you don't know French Cuisine at all, here's a cheat sheet: http://www.ffcook.com/pages/dmain-p.htm) ( Aww. We don't get to make it up? ;_; ) (You can if you want.) <> ( She's gettin' a burger across the street :P ) * Katherine sits at the table, wearing a soft-looking green dress, which is definitely different for her, but it seems to work very well with her coloring. "Well, it'll be good, even if you can get simple anyday." * Vera folds her arms, wearing the same type of stuff she always does. "Feh. They get so involved making the food look good that they forget to make it taste good." For the record, she ordered a fillet mignon, hold darn near everything. * Ian nods. "It also gets harder and harder to find crucial, basic ingredients that just happen not to be trendy any more." * Rochelle looks around, idly munching on a thinly sliced chicken, potato, and vegetable dish with cheese sauce of some sort. It looked gorgeous when it was put in front of her, but now it's a complete mess, because she decided (immediately after it was served) to completely mess it up. The waiter probably wasn't pleased. (second complete mess thing to mix it up. I goofed.) (Apparently, Poor Ian is just unlucky not to have his food.) * Ian is having boeuf bourguignon. :9 <> * Ian thanks the waiter and happily begins consuming it. * Leopoldo is having Salmon and Spinach terrine on rice. Whatever the hell that is. He idly munches on it, not eating too fast or too slow. <> * Vera munches on steak. "Right. So. Now what?" * Leopoldo shrugs. "Got me. Seeing how things have gone so far, I'm tempted to just wait and see what happens. More research can't hurt, I suppose. * Rochelle blinks. "What are we trying to do?" * Katherine cuts into a Duck dish with a funny name. "Who knows, Roch? I'm not the biggest fan of standing around, but there's not much we can do to deal with anything that's come up recently." * Ian nods. "Exactly." * Leopoldo sighs and eats some more. * Threnody did not, in fact, order food, unless a croissant counts. He is having that, and a pot of tea, and seems content not to be saying a word. So we can sit and eat dinner? Works for me. * Rochelle swirls one of the potato pieces in the cheese and stabs a bean, then munches. * Katherine shakes her head, with a small grin. "Sounds about as good as running around in circles waiting for something bad to happen so we can jump on it." Not for me. I hate dead ends. * Ian smiles. "Food's much more enjoyable." * Katherine munches, and says with a half-inquiring, half-mocking tone, looking right at Vera, "If you've got options to share..." I figured you would; you're the one who said you have to make stuff happen. * Threnody sips. Tea. o/~ * Leopoldo pointedly ignores the bickering. * Fitzroy has been enjoying a beef dish of some form and not saying much of anything. * Katherine shrugs, then starts ticking off on her claws. "Well, I can't track down Ed's creator. The geek patrol hasn't found anything yet on the aliens. Roy hasn't found anything more on the aliens or Ed and Deme. Anders is still a big coward. And looking at the available artifacts, I don't see a thing." * Katherine glances around, then takes a bite. "Unless someone's got an angle they're not sharing, the only opportunity we could make is to start tearing up old Concordat or Anders bases in the hopes of finding information." * Ian nods. "The most interesting thing, I think, would be if ATC figured out what some of those artifacts are." Mine's a gun that shoots a big friggin' glob of energy. * Rochelle shrugs. She's good at that. The fact that someone named them means they know what they do. Hmm... * Katherine takes a sip of a drink. "And considering we got that list in Red Marion..." I do still have that list. We could go hunting. * Ian nods. "That's about all we can do, no?" We could, but why bother? We might find something useful. * Ian nods. "Failing that, we could just eat, drink, and be merry. Either option's fine with me." * Vera taps her foot. "Hmm." * Leopoldo shrugs. "I'm not sure what we can do. The artifacts are nice, I guess, but why bother? What'll they do?" Color-changing fruit may not be very useful, but it's interesting at the very least. * Fitzroy shrugs. Heh. It's probably just a sign or something. * Katherine looks at Ian suspiciously, then Vera. "If it's a sign, I wish someone'd turn on the neon so I knew what it was saying." That's my point. We could send them a neon sign, and they'd be boggling over what it was. <> 2d6 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Leopoldo (2d6) and gets 4. <<+2>> 2d6 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Vera (2d6) and gets 8. * Ian nods. (... Made it on the dot.) 2d6+2 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Katherine (2d6+2) and gets 4, a CRITICAL SUCCESS!!! "Fight! For everlasting love and peace!" 2d6+2 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Rochelle (2d6+2) and gets 7. 2d6 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Threnody (2d6) and gets 6. (Katherine is all-seeing. c.c;) 2d6-4 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Ian (2d6-4) and gets 2. (Yep.) (Oops. So 4.) (Which is a yes.) 2d6-2 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Fitzroy (2d6-2) and gets 5. (yeah) * Demetreia (sharyna_t@sfa234219.richmond.edu) has joined #ATC2 <> (Thank god.) * Chamelaeon sets mode: +v Demetreia ( Deme! ) * Vera didn't, but probably wouldn't recognize the thing anyhow. * Leopoldo doesn't recogonize it. * Leopoldo doesn't because, guess what, he wasn't around for all the other animated sleythin. * Rochelle stabs at the chicken again. It's a really dead chicken. (You were there for one!) * Ian hmms. "They're still showing that ad? Huh." (Which one? ^^;) * Katherine does, and it definitely seems to catch her attention. She keeps an eye on it while she eats. (My chicken, of course!) (All the ones I remember were in minis where I wasn't. ^^;) <> * Ian waves to Deme. (The first session.) * Threnody notices something flashy over the rim of his teacup and chooses to ignore it, because flashy holos annoy him. Sip. * Fitzroy doesn't really pay attention to the sign. * Leopoldo doesn't really pay attention to it anyways. It's just an ad. Hello. Good evening Demetria. <> * Katherine glances away from the ad to nod at Deme, then smirks faintly. "Trying to make an entrance, Deme?" * Demetreia blinks at Kat. "What?" * Katherine seems a little distracted for a second, then says. "Arriving late to make an entrance." She looks back towards the ad if it's still there. * Demetreia stares blankly at the waiter. * Rochelle looks up at Deme. "Hey." <> (For everybody.) 2d6 Oh, I...no? * Dicesuke throws the bones for Katherine (2d6) and gets 10. 2d6-4 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Ian (2d6-4) and gets 5. (Wow, thank you, dice.) 2d6 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Leopoldo (2d6) and gets 11. (Hell no. :P) 2d6-2 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Threnody (2d6-2) and gets 3. (Yes.) (That's a yes. Outfoxed you, Dicesuke!) 2d6-2 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Vera (2d6-2) and gets 4. ( Yep ) (oop, I should have missed the last one) 2d6-2 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Fitzroy (2d6-2) and gets 6. * Katherine eats a little more. (but did get that one) 2d6-4 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Demetreia (2d6-4) and gets 2. 2d6 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Rochelle (2d6) and gets 8. (DR1) 2d6 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Rochelle (2d6) and gets 7. (Bah!) <> * Ian blinks, looking at the group out of the corner of his eye. "Trouble brewing." * Demetreia eyes the people nervously. Hmm? * Leopoldo looks over. * Rochelle blinks at Ian, then looks around for whatever trouble this is? * Vera pays them little heed. Eh. * Threnody slices his croissant in half and idly chews on it, glancing outside and then nibbling. "I suspect the ATCops will be here soon enough to handle it." * Katherine glances around, and sees los bumos. <> 2d6-6 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Ian (2d6-6) and gets 1. 2d6-4 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Vera (2d6-4) and gets 2. 2d6-2 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Katherine (2d6-2) and gets 4. 2d6-4 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Threnody (2d6-4) and gets 6. 2d6-2 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Rochelle (2d6-2) and gets 4. (Still yes. Fuck you, Dicey.) 2d6-6 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Demetreia (2d6-6) and gets 2. 2d6-4 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Fitzroy (2d6-4) and gets 6. (Yeah.) (Oh yeah.) (yeah) 2d6-2 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Leopoldo (2d6-2) and gets 4. (Yay!) <> I definetly don't like the look of that. Oh, cool. A gang war. (More trouble brewing.) * Katherine puts down the utensils she has in her hand, and slips her hands below the table. "I doubt the ATCops will be able to handle this shit." * Threnody butters a half of croissant, looking unperturbed. "How archaic. Maybe it's a reenactment of some kind." * Demetreia gulps and looks down at the table. You're not going to go out and try to stop it, are you? I'm not. * Rochelle keeps eating, calmly as ever. Only her meal's pretty much gone. Nah. I'll wait until they shoot each other, then make my move. ( Now they shall break into dance and low-key song, with snapping. ) * Katherine glances at Roch. "Well, you guys can stay, then. I know better." * Ian nods. "I'm in." <> * Katherine grits her teeth, throws a chip on the table, and pulls out a gun, matching the second that has appeared in her left hand. * Rochelle looks at Kat blankly for a moment, then goes back to watching. "Better than what?" * Leopoldo blinks. Better than to fight a pack of fucking Fummers. Or Thudniks. * Threnody sips his tea. "She thinks they're from Twilight City." Sip. Hmm... Just got a bit more interesting. * Demetreia scootches as far into the table as possible without squishing herself. Roy, can you call ATC? * Vera eats more steak. Yup. * Fitzroy looks from the ruffians to the logos to Kat. ".. uh, sure." * Threnody finishes his croissant. "So you might understand why I would be reluctant to get myself involved. And ATC has already arrived, so I believe the point is moot." Huh? Okay. * Rochelle squints a little, then blinks again. "Fuck. What the hell are they doin' out here?" * Katherine stands. "Moot or not, I'm not staying here." She pauses for a second, then adds softly, "If I'm still alive, you know where to find me." <> * Rochelle looks at Kat. "You can't be thinkin' about goin' down there." (Concordat people the kidnappees saw didn't have a logo that I remember.) I'd rather stay out of a fight unless it can't be helped. * Leopoldo sighs. (Assume they did and I did not make a note of it.) So would I, but considering the situation... * Katherine glances around, then says, "I'm thinking about running. Excuse me." <> ...a good plan. * Threnody glances at Ian. "The situation is that an unknown fourth party is only going to cause problems. I plan on staying here and protecting innocent lives if I have to, not throwing my life away in a conflict that's going to be settled soon anyway." * Leopoldo gets up. "A very good plan." (Or that might have been relevant if the plot hadn't leapt forward in the time it took for me to type that up.) * Rochelle gets to her feet. "You've gotta be kidding me." * Ian gets up and gets the hell out of here! * Vera gets up, too. "Aw crap." * Katherine smirks, and runs left-ward. * Fitzroy gets up and gets out as well. (So, I guess just retcon it.) * Leopoldo runs in a similar direction as Katherine. * Rochelle dashes after Katherine, glad she managed to finish her food before they showed up. * Ian heads the way Kat's going as well. Better to be in the group with the firepower. * Threnody gets up and leaves along with everyone else, though without the concerted note of prevalent panic. * Vera draws her gun and heads that way too. Meatshields :P <> <> The hell? * Rochelle looks up, reads, and doesn't stop running. * Leopoldo looks up while running. "So, that's what it is." What the.. * Ian doesn't stop running, either. "Good lord. We're not in DunnoKansas anymore." * Fitzroy looks for Deme as he goes. * Katherine doesn't stop running, but says, "I'll work on it if I live." <> ( Gah! )) ( Hel-LO, lagspike of doom! ) (Puase to let her catch up.) ( Thanks. ) * Demetreia slid under the table when all the rushy scary stuff starting happening and is still cowering under there. ( Done. ) * Rochelle slows down a little at the darkness and looks around, her eyes adjusting. "Deme's not here." * Ian says, "Shit!" What else is there to say? She isn't? Dangit! * Vera skids to a halt. "Aw damn." * Leopoldo looks around. "I can't see a thing. Should I go up and get her?" * Katherine coughs. "Jesus, what kind of a screw-up is this?" She's looking around wildly. You just said you can't see a thing. Why the hell should you go up and get her? I'll find her. * Fitzroy shouts "Demetria?!!" * Vera starts back slowly, so as not to trip over stuff. "Yo, Deme! You there?" Yeah. I'll go too, I guess. It's not like they want to kill me a whole lot. I'll come with you. Looks like we'll need her, and we can't just leave her there. Because I can make it so they won't recogonize me? * Threnody blinks at that news, and then rubs his temples at all the conflicting plans of action. ( Where are you guys right now then? ) Just stay here, okay? ( Like, out of the restaurant? ) * Rochelle starts walking quickly back, grabbing Vera lightly by the arm (without asking) and pulling her out of the way of stuff. Looks like she can see just fine. (Yeah.) ( I'm over here! ) (Hehe!) Yeah, fine, okay. * Vera is pulled @_@ * Katherine backs up against a wall. * Fitzroy tells the others. "I know a lot about her.. I could tell her.." * Ian backs up as well, and watches for hostiles. * Threnody closes his eyes and keeps an 'eye' out, but doesn't say anything. Who should? <> <> * Vera hears the gunfire. "Aw damn." * Fitzroy has stayed where he could see people.. hopefully. * Rochelle speaks more quietly. "Just don't draw attention." She looks under the table. "Hey, Deme. Can you see in the dark?" * Demetreia is backed into the area of the table furthest away from the commotion, not that there's much to pick from. * Katherine glances about, and seems to be peering into the darkness. * Leopoldo mumbles. "Sure, I could have gotten night vision or something from my parents. But no, all I get is color changing skin and the ability to tell where Carner is." (Hehe!) ( Really? Where? ) (* Points. "There.") C'mon, Deme. It's not safe here. * Threnody makes a faint 'mmm' noise. * Katherine says softly, "Well, they're taking eachother out fairly well. I can't imagine this will stop the gangers for long." ( Note: The network is making Shar a very unhappy penguin. ) * Threnody says, in a sort of dull tone, "They panicked. They shouldn't be an issue." ( *gives Deme a carrot* ) * Ian nods. "I guess they did. Why all at once? And who are they?" * Demetreia nods a little at Rochelle, staring out with big wide oogly eyes. I don't want to know, and I really don't know. ( I think this will be happening at irregular intervals. Network is being Grand Pooba Asshole. ) * Threnody mmms again. "One third are gang members from Twilight City. Another third are bounty hunters after me. The group in blue and white is the Concordat." He opens his eyes. "Which I believe is why we should part ways. If I'm not with you, the second group won't bother you." ...say what? * Katherine adds after a second, a little hesitantly, "The first group's after me. but the last have to be after all of us." * Rochelle holds her hand under the table to help Demetreia out. "Okay. We're gonna go back to the others. It's pretty safe." A lot safer than here. C'mon. Yes. And I feel a lot safer with you guys even if you do attract others. At least you know what to do when this stuff happens. * Threnody stretches out his arms in the dark. "The short form is that my brother is a very successful criminal and he would like me dead, thus there is a rather large underworld bounty for my head." He looks around, mentally navigating to an extent. "I'm sure I'll meet up with you again once the power is restored." * Katherine frowns, looking straight towards Thren, "Hey, you can't leave. The Concordat makes this a bit bigger than splitting up." ( *screams* ) * Demetreia gulps and crawls out slowly, looking very little and timid and eeepy. ( She is so frozen in fear she can only respond every several minutes. Yes! <.< ) * Leopoldo nods. * Ian nods. "I'd rather not split up." ( PCs that DON'T want to split up? Something is very wrong @_@ ) * Threnody turns and starts to go. "I don't believe I was asking for permission. You can handle the Concordat alone without me easier than you can them AND the bouny hunters with me." * Katherine exhales slightly, then says, "Yeah, and when the Concordat catches up with you? Get real. For that to work, we'd both have to leave." Come on, hurry. You sure you'd be alright on your own Thren? * Threnody turns around a few yards away and says, with a hint of annoyance, "I have for four years without any help." * Rochelle nods at Demetreia, then leads Vera and Deme back to the group. * Demetreia follows Roch and Deme. ( *Vera. ) (Roch and Vera.) * Ian nods. "And without you two, we're low on people who can fight." ( Deme does not follow herself. ) ( Much. ) (She chases her tail!) Yo. What's up? (Only she doesn't have one.) <> We got her. You okay, Deme? Good. Let's get out before we get shot then? What about the signs? * Demetreia blinks at Ian. She looks like a scared Deme. ( At least she doesn't look like a macho Deme. ) (DEME SMASH!) <> * Threnody takes advantage of the confusion to head out. Run first, signs later. * Rochelle watches Thren go. "Yeah, Thren's got the right idea." ( http://jadenight.relnor.com/stuff/freakDeme.jpg ) Yeah. * Katherine says, "Right, we're out of here. Who can see? Deme, right, Deme, grab Vera and Ian. Roch, you can get Roy and Leo." (Haw!) ( @_@ ) * Demetreia grabs Vera and Ian overcarefully and tries to lead them out. Sure. * Ian follows faster than Deme is actually going. ( So *not* that Deme, right? ;P ) * Demetreia walks to try and keep up, kind of. * Rochelle glances around, takes Roy by the hand and Leo by the wrist, and starts guiding them out. * Vera is lead out! * Katherine brings up the rear. * Leopoldo is led out! * Fitzroy follows Roch out. <> ( No headlights on, either? ) <> * Katherine sighs, and says, "Well, hell. We need to pick a battleground." No, we don't. * Katherine says exasperatedly, "What, do you think they're going to dissapear?" We could just go where they won't find us?? If we clear out of here, they're going to have to split up to look for us. Sure. The cops find them before they find us. Yep Although a battleground wouldn't hurt, either. Says you. Sure. Why pass up money when it comes looking for you? * Katherine rubs her head, then looks back. "Well, maybe Thren was half right. How about you guys pull a hole in after you, and I deal with the gangers?" Don't think so. I can't have you dying when I'm living at your place. * Katherine smirks, and puts one of her guns back in her purse. "Well, if we don't deal with them, they're going to find us, and the cops aren't that damn dependable." * Vera shrugs. * Demetreia looks more frightened by the minute, with all this talk going around. * Rochelle opens her mouth to say something, then stops herself. "Okay. Go ahead." But... * Leopoldo holds his head. "Geeze, why us?" * Ian nods. "There's one more thing, now - the signs." * Katherine glances between everyone slowly, then says, "Deal with the signs youselves. You know how to get to me, if you find the right hole to crawl into. Hopefully we can regroup after that." They seemed pretty insistant. * Demetreia looks to be on the verge of hyperventilating. "But how...I...I do not know, what about...where..." Sure, Kat. If you're really sure, Kat...good luck. Yeah... * Rochelle stares at Deme. "Get a grip." * Demetreia shuts up, but looks no less meepy. * Katherine sighs, and says, "Bullets are more insistent. Good luck, yourselves." She smirks faintly. "Don't worry. They're the ones afraid of me." * Ian nods. * Katherine walks off slowly, in an off-direction, not the way they came, or the way they were running. There's only ten or so, eh? Less now, I bet. (#goodbye, Kat.) * Vera follows Kat! ( Me too? :P ) (In the darkness!) <> They've been killin' each other. Okay. (Where can we go?) ( I like Deme's plan best. Step 1: Find Something. Step 2: Hide Under It. ) (I like it too.) <> (Which is closest? ;P) (I don't know logistics!) (Kat's, I think? Mine's way the hell south.) <> <> * Rochelle shrugs to herself. "Okay. Let's go to our favorite hole." She starts guilding people to Kat's place! (And hopefully she has a key in by now. ;P) * Ian follows. * Leopoldo is guided! (Talk for a bit, I gotta get a snack/drink. >_<) * Fitzroy follows along. ( BOX! ) * Demetreia guide-goes. * Rochelle leads them to the apartment, up the... 'fire escapes', since the elevator isn't working, and opens the door. ( How is the door working? ) ( Either of them? I mean, come on. ) * Leopoldo can make them work. ^^; * Threnody meets Rochelle at the door. Sort of. His bokken does a few inches from her face, but he lowers it once he sees who it is. "I thought you'd come here." ( Fine, that works. ) (Clarification: Thren was inside.) ( Door not locked? ) * Rochelle didn't even flinch at that. She just nods. "Hey." And shoulders her way into the apartment. ( Not for him, dude. <.< ) (Okay! Back.) (I M NINJA.) (Thren's super-ninja. Kat'll have to buy a bear trap.) * Ian heads on in. "Hey. That...was lots...of stairs." And he collapses onto the sofa. <> That's my... aww. * Threnody frowns, then looks at Rochelle without even looking around for people. "Where are Kat and Hat?" He pauses, then puts his fingers to his temples. "Vera, even. I am a bit frayed." It's okay. We all are. * Ian nods. "You all right?" * Rochelle has a seat on her couch! And kicks off her shoes, because she figures they're not going anywhere soon. Lovely couch. "Fightin' gangers, maybe." * Leopoldo has a seat on one of the sturdier chairs. Yeah. I really hope they don't get hurt... * Demetreia sinks to the floor in a random corner facing the window. * Threnody shakes his head, then walks across the room, opens up a small brown leather bag, and produces candles, which he lights and places on whatever approximates a coffee table. "I went to get a few things, then came here." * Rochelle shrugs, then blinks at the candles. "Hey, cool." (I also brought my Ouija board.) (Yay!) * Fitzroy finds a chair to sit in and sits. ( Did you bring the ribbons and the streaking stuff? We could do makeovers! ) (Yay!) (Streaking party. Going to find the exec responsible for that and rip off his sack. Pardon my Klatchian.) ( Yeah? I got an opportunity to get an invitation to one. Scariest thing I ever saw in my life. ) (I meant the commercial.) <> (BRB, keep going.) ( haven't seen that. ) * Leopoldo looks back into the room. "So, was ATC up to this?" ( Hope the bounty hunters don't come after Thren o/~ ) * Threnody glances at Leo. "I think we've had sufficient calamities that you'll have to be more specific than 'this'." Don't think so. Anyone want snacks? I mean, we didn't have a lot of food back there. (Hope Vera doesn't get a bullet in the face. o/~) Okay, the lights going out. * Rochelle gets to her feet again and starts poking around the kitchen. * Threnody shakes his head. "I don't think so. It seems a little atypical for them." I think it's the sleythin ad. I couldn't check on it if I wanted to. I can't connect to anything, obviously. * Rochelle returns with a bag of green sour gummies. She reclaims her seat and pops one into her mouth. What? * Ian nods. "It seemed like it was the ad." Oh yeah, that'd do it. * Threnody nods at Ian, but is looking at Deme as he does so. But...but how? And why? 'Cause someone's lookin' out for ya, Deme. Gummy? * Rochelle holds the bag out to Demetreia. ( It's obvious: Deme's parents invented Sleythin. ) * Demetreia takes one absently, twisting it between her fingers. "But...there is no reason to...I have not..." * Demetreia falls silent and pales. More. (The secret's out!) * Rochelle takes the bag back and grabs another for herself. (Deme killed a man just to watch him die!) * Leopoldo lets Deme go on her own little tour of self-discovery. * Threnody closes his eyes. "I know if I were you, Demetreia, I'd be happier to forget. But I don't agree with Vera. Sometimes you have to face the truth even if it's unpleasant and even if you're not ready." * Ian nods slowly. * Demetreia shifts uncomfortably and curls into herself a little. (And then nobody said anything and everyone was killed by meteors, the end.) Thren.. Can you unlock what she has locked away? * Demetreia drops a few more shades and stares disbelievingly at Roy. * Threnody gives Roy a nervous glance, then looks at Deme. "Maybe. If that's what you want, I can try. But never without your permission. Someone's memories are..." He pauses. "Memory is our proof that we are who we are. It's not something to take lightly." * Demetreia shakes her head spasmodically. I think that's a no. It was just a thought. I wouldn't want to force that. That's a definete no. Do you remember anything, Deme? * Ian nods. * Demetreia shakes her head. "I don't understand...why now?" I don't know, either... * Leopoldo shrugs. "I don't know." * Threnody closes his eyes. "It might be because of Edward." He takes a breath. "He really does think you're his sister. The memory is, to him, very real. Just..." He opens his eyes and knits his brow. "Like everything, it's scattered and fleeting." He is *not* my brother. I...know that much. But he would know...how to do.... * Demetreia trails off and waves a hand at the general chaos. * Ian nods encouragingly. He'd know how to shut all the power off? And more...those people, how did they all know to find us? The same way we seem to run into people who want to kill us at every other turn. But never like that. At least...I think not. * Threnody says, in a bitterly rueful tone, "You'd be surprised." You think he did it? * Ian nods. "Good point...uh?" But how could he? Unless... * Demetreia breaks off and glances at Rochelle. * Rochelle looks back at Demetreia, evenly as ever. She swallows her gummy. "What?" Your...friend would not...she would not....tell him? So that he would tell otheres? Mad? What do ya you think she'd tell him? * Demetreia shrugs a little and hunches back over. "I don't...do not know." * Threnody blinks, giving Deme a curious look but not saying anything. I doubt Ed would be able to do something like this on his own. What she'd tell him? I have no idea what she'd tell him, which is why I asked you. * Ian thinks. "If Ed is to blame, are we safe here?" * Threnody shakes his head. "I don't think Ed is responsible." * Rochelle pops another gummy in her mouth. "If the power's his fault, he saved us." * Demetreia shrugs. "I do not know. I am just trying to...figure things out." Ah, that's a good point. I wouldn't think he'd have any reason to tell those groups. * Threnody glances at Deme a moment, opening his mouth to say something, then shutting it again, pausing, and then asking again. "You're... angry. Confused, hurt, I understand. But... angry?" * Leopoldo simply listens. Very interesting conversation. The power grid has a ton of security, by the way. It'd be hard for anything to affect it. * Demetreia looks back a little sullenly, then looks away for a bit. I do not understand. Why *now*? Why not? Everything's happening now. You knew it'd happen. Anders told ya, didn't he? * Demetreia frowns a little, then blinks, her face going into an appalled "O" of surprise. I thought you wanted to know what happened. I...did not think...I did not think it would be like this. * Threnody also blinks. "Anders... he was going to tell you, wasn't he?" He looks at Demetreia. "That's why you were angry when we met him for dinner before going to Earth. You and Vera..." * Demetreia looks down. * Ian blinks. * Threnody grits his teeth. "I thought it was strange. He was holding it over you like a carrot... what kind of person does that to another human being?" * Demetreia clenches a fist slowly. * Ian sighs. "That's...typical of him." Com'on, we all knew he was a pain. * Demetreia nods a little jerkily. Yeah, sure. But he was right. You did what he wanted, you came to New York, you met us, and you were here when Eddie showed up. (Eddie -> Edward.) (My name for him slipped in. ;P) (And then I hit enter too early!) ( We forgive you. ) ( Wait, we don't! I lied! Ahaha. ) * Threnody walks over to Rochelle and claims a gummy, then looks at Deme. "So... what do you want to do?" <> * Rochelle looks back at Eck. * Demetreia blinks and looks for a second to be on the verge of explosion from frustration, then takes a breath and closes her eyes. She wails, "But...what *can* I do?" (.... ) ( I'm tired shut up. >_< ) * Fitzroy suggests cautiously, "I could always tell you what I know." ( Becareful. When she says explosion from frustration, she might mean literally :P ) (*gasp* How many times has she blinked?) (BOOM!) (Some of us have a full day of license testing/line waiting/etc. at the DMV tomorrow at 8am, among other things, so if we could keep it moving...) ( Oh no! We haven't checked! ) (YEah, really. Move it along.) I... ( I'm working on it! It's kinda hard, she's being stubborn. ) I...I... * Demetreia rests her head in her hands. "Do you...think it will help? What is going on?" * Ian nods. "I think so, Deme. The timing of it..." * Demetreia looks up suddenly at Roy, hope flaring in her eyes. "Wait...if *you* know...is there anything *you* can do?" * Fitzroy scratches his head. "Anything I can do to what end?" * Threnody eats gummis, sitting on the floor next to Roch with a look of blissful incomprehension. To...to stop all of...to make things...I... * Demetreia sighs. * Leopoldo rubs his head. * Demetreia leans back against the wall and closes her eyes, sighing. "I suppose...there's no hiding from it, is there?" * Rochelle hands Thren gummies as he runs out. Feed the addiction! ( Popcorn, eh? ) (Sour gummies are awesome.) (They are so addictive) (Guess what I had yesterday? ORANGE SODA. ^_^) (... less comustible talk. c_C;) (Yay! *drinks orange soda) (Can't stand 'em in RL. Hate anything sour.) The only thing I can do to help you hides is to not do anything at all. ( Hey! Deme's ready to hear about her past and noone cares? ;-; ) .. and hiding probably won't help anything. (It might be because she's been fighting it with incomprehensible statements for about an hour now.) * Demetreia rests her head on her knees because she can't seem to make up her mind on how to arrange her body. Silly Deme. "...very well." ( * Deme turns herself into a pretzel ) ( Yes, well. ) (We'll never make it back in time. ;_;) (Sure you will. Look at how long it took us to get this far.) ( In time for wh--oh, dear. ) ( Hey, out of my court now. ) * Fitzroy hmms. "I could show you what I have then.. Can you read data chips?" N...no. * Fitzroy smiles "Just thought I'd ask." * Demetreia eyes Roy suspiciously. * Fitzroy pulls his TSM machine out of a pocket, disconnects the mindlink, and hands it to Deme with the holo display on. * Demetreia holds it like it's some kinda evil bitey thing and eyes it. What I have is all here. * Demetreia begins to read through slowly. In short, the Kanenas' were cybernetics researchers. They were working on full-conversion cyborgs. * Rochelle shifts a little on her seat. They got pretty far, but ran into some misfortune. * Ian nods. * Demetreia is listening not reading then. * Leopoldo nods. They had a daughter, listed as Demetreia Kanenas.. She went missing about two years ago. That's when they ran into their misfortune as well. The finance records say that their project was continued, however. * Fitzroy gestures at the comp. "You can get all the details about their research in there." * Demetreia bites her lip a little as she listens. "I see." I...so...a duplication? Well, it seemed that they had two projects going. One was under the name Kanenas, and the other was under the name Lazarus. I couldn't get into the second project. ...Lazarus? * Threnody blinks. "In my experience, projects named for Biblical figures almost never come to good ends." * Ian raises an eyebrow. * Fitzroy nods. (mostly at Deme) ( *snerk* ) * Demetreia sits back. "Well." I...now what? * Threnody seems about to say something, then shuts his mouth and goes back to looking perplexed. He also has another gummi. * Leopoldo shrugs. * Rochelle bites into a gummy, looking at its gummy insides. <> * Demetreia starts. "Oh. So that." ( That was a nasty gummi >.> ) Wha -?! * Leopoldo looks around. "What was that?" <> * Rochelle shrugs. She gets up, looking out the window. ( Musta been. ) (Frogstar Scout Class D come to get you.) * Threnody immediately gets up, snagging his bokken off the table and holding it in front of him. * Demetreia stands up. "I do not...are we sure it is safe enough here?" <> Yup. * Leopoldo looks at the comming lights. "Yeah, we should be safe." <> * Demetreia starts relaxing a little. * Threnody breathes out and lowers his arm. <> * Rochelle blinks as the lights go on, her eyes adjusting. Whoo, that's much better. * Leopoldo nods. "Yeah. Let's hope that doesn't happen again." <> * Rochelle chooses this moment to... eat another gummy! :9 * Ian leans over and snags a gummy, too. Bubblegummy Crisis! * Katherine opens the door loudly, bleeding from maybe 4 or 5 minor gun-shot wounds. Her dress is ruined, and she looks a mix of victorious and lousy. Vera is with her, but she can describe her own fool self. * Leopoldo grabs a gummy too. Mmm, gummy. (*reads the "The Question of ROMs" at Zophar. What an insanely biased and one-sided report.) * Vera comes in, also bleeding from 3 or 5 minor gun-shot wounds. But her hat is intact! ^_^_V * Rochelle looks up to Kat and Vera. "Hey. Have fun?" * Leopoldo blinks and looks over at Kat and Vera. "Forgive my Spacer, but shit." * Demetreia looks up at them. "...oh, dear." * Ian blinks at Kat's entrance, and looks up. "...oh, man. Are you two going to be okay?" * Katherine looks at Roch tiredly. "You have no fucking idea, Roch. Thren, could you get me a nanopak? You know where they are." * Fitzroy notes the wounds "geez.. Doesn't look like fun to me." * Threnody shoulders his bokken. "I've got things to attend to now that the power's back on." He gives Kat and Vera a nod as he walks by. "I have no idea where your nanopaks are." Yeah. I don't get shot that much. Want a gummy? * Katherine says, "Yes you do. That's what I used on your shoulder a few weeks ago.' I'll live. More than I can say for the other side. * Threnody mms. "I'm afraid I was rather distracted at the time. I'm glad to see you're both alive, though." He makes for the exit. (... The exit? @_@) (Just get the fskin' nanopack. <.<;) (Okay, WHY would he lie about not remembering where it is?) ( They paid him to ) * Ian gets up to grab the nanopacks. "Where are they?" (Dirty capitalists!) * Katherine glances at the leaving Thren, and then hobbles across the room, dropping her purse on the way. "Nevermind." (Well, not so much hobbling, but z_z for Kat.) * Leopoldo gets up, leaving room on his seat for either Kat or Vera. (Wrap up.) I've come to the conclusion that fighting when you can't see sucks. * Demetreia starts reading through Roy's information, still absent-mindedly twisting the same gummy from before. It's starting to look quite disheveled. * Katherine reaches under her bed, pulls out the ice-pack looking Nanopak, and starts applying. She sits on the floor, and smiles faintly. "Damn right. Anything interesting happen here?" We ate gummies and looked at candles. It was a blast. * Ian nods. "And Deme's getting info." Pretty much it. * Fitzroy nods "You can read it when she's through." Found out what was up? * Katherine just closes her eyes as she sits there. * Vera leans against a familiar wall. Not really. Uh, Vera, you might want one of those nano packs. You're bleeding all over the wall. Eh, I got one already. What's left will heal up by morning. (Ugh. Just blacked out a little in my chair. Unless someone wants something, I'm going to sleep.) Maybe you should have a seat then. (Errp...unmoo.) ( Yeah, I'm getting there too. ) * Katherine exlaims, "Oi, not on my furniture!" Wall's fine. * Leopoldo looks over at Kat and sighs. "Guess the wall it is." * Ian shrugs. "Blood's easy to clean off walls." * Katherine rubs her head. "Yeah. Easy to clean the wall and the floor. Don't feel like throwing the couch out the window." She closes her eyes. "Fuck it all." (Having heard no objections, I'm sleeping. Night.) (Last pose.) * Vera bleeds. "Damn. Didn't even get to finish my steak." But then again, I didn't pay, either. * Demetreia stands up, holding the reader, and turns to Roy. "May I...borrow this?" Tell you what - next time I have the chance to go shopping, I'll bring stuff here and cook. At least we won't get interrupted by that again. * Leopoldo glances over and grabs a book and starts reading. ( No, we'll be interrupted by STUFF ENTIRELY DIFFERENT! ) If anything, they'll come here and rip the place up. That won't be bad, would it? * Katherine says softly, "Yeah, except the Concordat know what city we're in. It's... not gonna be that simple." * Katherine glares at Leo. (I mean it. >_< I've got an interview tomorrow.) * Leopoldo sighs again. "Sorry for suggesting it, Kat." ( Well, if Roy would answer Deme's question, she'd get out. :P ) (sorry.) (hold on) ( I didn't mean it in a mean way. ^^; ) (I wasn't really watching. I had to go back and re-read.) * Katherine smiles very faintly. "S'alright. Not like it's your stuff, right?" hmm? Oh sure. I can put the info on a datapad. (I'm good to end.() * Fitzroy does some datamoving for Deme. (Nothing to say here. ^^;) ( Me too ) I don't know, just a suggestion that hanging around here might not be the best idea in the future. Thank you. (Ready to end as well) ( guess we're done-ish. ) * Vera shrugs. "Could go to my hotel room. I don't care if they trash that; it's not mine. * Ian nods. "Or my apartment - it's small, but quite a ways from where they'd be looking." <>