<> <> (I've been directing!) (It's every young precog's dream to direct.) (It is?) (Yeah. Sure.) <> (go!) * Katherine looks around as she lopes along at high speed. No commanding for the moment, since hopefully everyone's going along! < (I am truly stunned. *checks the 'put all the hot chicks in front' strategy as a motivational success*) ~ Anything big, Roch? Distractions aren't any good when they're quiet. ~ * Rochelle shoots up higher and hovers there, looking down and around. ~Two blocks. They're coming in. Same numbers.~ * Katherine nods and gang-comms, ~ Another batch in two blocks. Move in and drop 'em the same way, Twilights. ~ ~Soutwest is safest, so we can jump them.~ * Rochelle sounds a little distant. ~I think. It should work.~ (Southwest) * Katherine frowns and says, ~ Change of plans. We're setting up a ambush. Fall back to the southwest slightly and set up your squads in the buildings. ~ Switch to just Roch. ~ Yeah? ~ ~Safest thing. Wait in the plaza.~ <> * Rochelle flies in that direction, putting words to action. Her suit moves fast these days. <> (How does one yell quietly? 2d6-3 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Katherine (2d6-3) and gets a natural 8 for a result of 5. (By 2. I am the smarts.) (Roch: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah) <> * Katherine moves, yes! Moves into the plaza area and sets up behind cover. She doesn't even have to look out much with Roch around. Hooray! <> * Katherine growls over the comms, ~ If you don't want me to crack your damn skulls, stay still for a second. ~ * Rochelle stays above and away from it all. EYE OF GOD. Like. Yeah. <> (... right overhead?) (Overhead and to the south. It's a big fireball.) * Katherine looks up and says with a faint smirk, ~ As good a distraction as any! Gangers, attack! ~ <> * Rochelle stays above and WATCHES HA HA HA. * Katherine strikes out with the red and blue beams, one from each arm, as she closes in. Lasers and armor piercers, ho! 2 2d6-1 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Katherine (2 2d6-1) and gets a natural 10 for a result of 6 9. (Hit on the 30 damage normal, miss on the 15 damage armor piercer.) <> 2d6-3 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Katherine (2d6-3) and gets a natural 9 for a result of 6. (Make on the dot.) <> * Rochelle hovers there and closes her eyes. * Katherine winds up and punches the guy who tried to grab her while she strikes out with her red laser again. * Rochelle opens her eyes and looks to the east. 2 2d6+2 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Katherine (2 2d6+2) and gets a natural 10 for a result of 10 12. (... Jesus, no luck on those dice.) ~Forces from the east in twenty seconds. Half as much as us.~ <> (forces -> purples) 2d6-3 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Katherine (2d6-3) and gets a natural 6 for a result of 3. (Mmm. Dodgey.) <> * Katherine does avoid before spinning around to deliver a high-speed kick to the purple. ~ Hostiles coming in from the east! Don't get trapped between these and those! ~ (You gonna roll?) (Dar.) 2d6-2 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Katherine (2d6-2) and gets a natural 4 for a result of 2. (That done be hitty.) <> (Roch meets a friendly bird and happy adventures ensue!) (And her dreams of life with the Repeating Yak are crushed forever. ;_;) (;_;) (Are there any gangers behind me?) <> (HOORAY. *kachack*) <> * Katherine puts her right arm forward and looses a giant red force wave from her arm, complete with a kick-back exhaust from her shuolder. She also cross-draws her sword, but that's less important than the giant spreading wave of 'hit lots of stuff'. 2d6-2 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Katherine (2d6-2) and gets a natural 9 for a result of 7. (Hit! And they have 3 dodge penalties. I feel good.) (*burps garlic at you*) <> * Katherine works her arm for a second and draws back as she says, ~ Gotta say, can't beat good intel. S'a like a fucking miracle. Anything else, Roch? ~ * Rochelle turns. ~West, same size as last. Twenty seconds. Maybe get out.~ ~Break through East forces and run to the water depot.~ (forces -> purples. I have to get her talking more like her, dammit.) * Katherine smirks a little. ~ ... since when did you get tactics training, Roch? ~ * Rochelle responds, neutrally, ~It's the safest place.~ * Katherine starts moving east as she broadcasts, ~ Heading east, people! Don't get bogged down here! ~ * Rochelle stays hovering, checking to see that people actually get going. <> (That's because I'll crack their skulls if they do!) * Rochelle flies above them, rushing ahead. She looks down and tries to pick out Zak. <> <> * Katherine commands, ~ Set up on rooftops and around corners, ~ as she heads up atop the building too. <> * Rochelle shoots up, again trying to stay out of reach. * Katherine , uh, waits for them to move closer before giving the order to fire? Since this is an ambush! Bwahaha. Ahem. <> * Katherine eventually says, ~ Open fire! ~ and she opens fire! With lasers! <> * Rochelle has no lasers, so she doesn't. No need to be a target, anyway. She watches. (Not that it matters TOO much, but!) 2 2d6-1 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Katherine (2 2d6-1) and gets a natural 5 for a result of 4 4. * Katherine engages in the good old fashioned 'Pop out and shoot stuff' routine! It's a tradition. <> (Damn right it is.) 2d6-3 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Katherine (2d6-3) and gets a natural 10 for a result of 7. (Darn. I got pegged.) < (+>>) * Katherine gets a scorch mark on her armor which, uh, quicky disappears due to nanotech because 0 damage is 0 damage. She then lays down the counterfire. ~ Does anyone out there look like they actually have serious guns, Roch? ~ * Rochelle peers. ~In the back. Looks like a gatling gun.~ * Katherine nods and peeks out to gauge if it's inside her 50 meter laser range yet. <> (Flexibility or?) (Flex, yeah.) 2d6-2 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Katherine (2d6-2) and gets a natural 10 for a result of 8. (... yeah, on a roll that actually matters. >_<) <> (From the gatlinggunner?) (Yup.) * Katherine gets smacked and pulls back behind cover, saying, ~ Bastard. ~ She pauses, then seems to focus for a split second as she brings the forcefield on line. ~ Roch, is there a line along the rooftops to get to the gunner? ~ * Rochelle looks. ~Yeah, but there's some jumping. You have three seconds. I'll try to help if you just do something.~ * Katherine nods and says, ~ Breaking for it, ~ and then splits out at high speed, comes around, and goes for her first leap. She shimmer slightly from the forcefield, too, as she goes through the air. Neat! * Rochelle doesn't move, but she watches, her eyes fixed on Kat. <>| (Okay, it's her second leap in the game! Will she smash her breasts again!) 2d6-1 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Katherine (2d6-1) and gets a natural 7 for a result of 6. (That's a make!) <> 2d6-3 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Katherine (2d6-3) and gets a natural 8 for a result of 5. (A make by 1.) <> * Katherine lands her jump, holding still for a split second before she bursts back to her high exo-suited speed. Hitting something at 100 KPH must be really hard as the weaponsfire hits around her and then with a one-two hop she takes her next jump! (*listens to the song for Greatest American Hero. HA HA HA HA HA. Ahem.*) < (... jesus.) (Lucking it to a +0.) (How sweet.) (I'm BENDING REALITY FOR YOU.) (... hooray! Roch really cares for me. Let's tease Zak later to blow off steam.) 2d6-1 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Katherine (2d6-1) and gets a natural 5 for a result of 4. (Woo! Keep coming up heads, rolls.) (That's a make by 2.) <> 2d6-2 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Katherine (2d6-2) and gets a natural 6 for a result of 4. (Another make.) <> * Katherine streaks through the air and lands on a convenient fire escape which doesn't give fast enough as she jump-dodges off of it just before it gets destroyed in a hail of Purples' Weapon Fire. * Rochelle keeps watching, motionless aside from turning to keep her eyes on what's going on. (Am I close enough now?) <> * Katherine , finally close enough, lands from her dodge and extends both arms down. The left one with a nice blue beam focused on her target and the right once again goes with the massive red force wave. <> 2d6-1 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Katherine (2d6-1) and gets a natural 9 for a result of 8. 2d6-1 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Katherine (2d6-1) and gets a natural 9 for a result of 8. (... Both on the nose.) <> (Well, the other was the big area force wave. Bwahaha. Ahem.) (Take that, no more than 24 enemimes!) * Katherine says hastily, ~ Roch, are we drawing enough goddamn aliens? ~ ~More from the north. Go south.~ * Katherine frowns and replies, ~ Dammit, that drives us away from where the hell we were going. ~ ~Trust me.~ * Rochelle starts flying south, whether Kat wants to go or not. * Katherine mutters, although Roch can still hear it, ~ If we get driven back into the Europa Team's cone... ~ then she clicks over to broadcast. ~ South now, people! We've definitely got their attention! ~ <> * Rochelle flies ahead a few blocks, then hovers above an intersection and tells Kat, calm as ever, ~East four blocks and north to the rim.~ (Give me a street/intersection name/point!) (... Um.) (Flinblester and Woobechow.) (Good names!) * Katherine closes on Roch's position at F and W, looks up to her for a second, and then orders, ~ Four blocks east at Flineblester and Woobechow, then back around to the north. ~ <> * Katherine zooms along with them, taking the time to ask people about their losses. Good to know how bad we're doin'! <> (Well, as long as we don't hit 98% or so we're doing better than the traditional death rate.) * Rochelle watches the purples trailing, then rushes after the mob. The good mob, not the bad mob. <> * Rochelle switches channels to Zak. ~Get the ones in back to keep going.~ <> <> * Katherine mutters on the Roch-channel, ~ This is when wish I spent time caring about demolitions. ~ * Rochelle flies along. ~You don't like blowing stuff up?~ she replies. * Katherine snickers and replies, ~ No, just haven't done it in a while. ~ Beat. ~ Ever. Dammit. ~ (Okay. gonna close when you guys hit the rim.) (Sound good?) (Okay. ^^) (Yup.) < <>