<> <> <> <> * Threnody stands off, brushing off his lap and glancing out the window with a slight smile. "Rain... how nostalgic." <> * Threnody hums to himself as he gathers his jacket from the overhead, then steps into the aisle and off the plane. Light traveller, to be sure. <> * Threnody stretches his arms behind his head, looking around as he walks. He *screams* tourist, although the anachronistic Chinese clothes may be at fault. <> (Hm. It still rains on Earth, right? They haven't weather controlled it out of the public eye?) <> (It does indeed rain. It doesn't often in Mars cities, though. Not enough moisture in the ion curtain most of the time to actually coalesce.) (*nod*) (If you want to know, it;s raining now because after Sangria-Beltane factories work doubletime, and that puts a lot of extra steam in the air.) * Threnody mmms at the terminal, looking for the baggage claim. He smiles faintly at the cherry, but it puts him in mind of his bokken, which he'd really rather have on him despite the empty building. "At least it's quiet." <> (Common use says it'll lead the way otherwise.) * Threnody flinches, halting jerkily. "I'll never get used to those..." He glances around for said baggage claim. <> * Threnody walks to the left! Warily. Holosigns freak him out, and it shows; he's muttering to himself. "Silly things. Whatever happened to non-invasive personal service?" (Oh, you're not gonna like this city. <_<) (I know. ;) <> * Threnody snags a very small suitcase and in a dramatic little twirl makes a sharp 180 toward the baggage office like a good citizen. "I do so wish they'd simply let me keep it. It's only wood." <> "Can I help you, sir?" * Threnody smiles. "I'm sorry to trouble you. I just flew in and I've come to claim my..." his smile tightens faintly "...weapon." <> "You have your claim ticket?" * Threnody nods and digs into his jacket, producing it. "Yes, sir." <> "'s very nice. Real wood?" <> * Threnody smiles as he takes it. "Yes, actually. It was a gift... the same wood used in your reception area, I believe." * Threnody ties it across his back, per normal, as he answers. <> "I'm partial to cherry myself, sir. Have a nice day." <> * Threnody bows a little, out of habit. "You as well." And then he leaves! "It will be nice to be in the rain. I haven't been out in a storm since I was home..." <> * Threnody chooses the doors. Water never hurt anyone. <> << Towards the crater spill it's mostly commercial, and towards the east it's mostly residential. But the only real touristy sections are right in the center, or along Clinton Ave.>> * Threnody blinks at the holomap, then hmmms and looks for public transit information. Best to find a place to stay first, after all. <> * Threnody takes a deep breath, then heads for the escalator with a faintly sheepish look. "Got wet for nothing..." <> (Did I ever explain how the money system works to you?) (Not really, but I have a decent grasp thanks to log reading.) (Still, a quick rundown might be good. ^_^) (Everybody has their own thumbprinter. Said thumbprinter contains your personal back info, encrypted, obviously. The store produces a datapad with an invoice, and all the 'pads have a slot for a 'printer.) (Aha, so... actual device.) (You slot your 'printer, and it contacts the bank over wireless. The bank contacts the company, the company tells the bank how much you spent, and then you confirm with a thumbprint. 99.8% secure.) * Threnody digs through a pocket for the thing, which he pulls out awkwardly and with reasonable grace inserts into the slot. <> * Threnody enters the train! And almost forgets his 'printer, which he reaches back for deftly, adopting the sheepish look again. <> <> <> 2d6-2 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Threnody (2d6-2) and gets 8. (Ha. Failed by one. How portentious.) <> * Threnody is nice and oblivious, lacing his arms behind his head (again) and glancing at the art, clearly a little surprised. "I guess I was expecting something a little... dirtier," he mutters to himself. "Don't move, you," <> * Threnody blinks and turns his head around, letting his arms fall to his sides. "Hm? Can I help you?" > "Sure. You can not fight while we go straight to TC." * Threnody actually turns his body around this time, and tilts his head a little, then ohs. "Oh, sir. This is really something you don't want to do." "Why not? What the hell you gonna do, cut me with your SWORD?" <> * Threnody smiles pleasantly. "Oh, no. I might break your knees, though." "Just you try it, buster." <> d6+6 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Threnody (d6+6) and gets 9. (Wow. Dicehate.) (YOU SEE? YOU SEE? THIS IS WHY WE USE ATOM, YOU PUSSILANIMOUS ASSHAT DICEBOT!) <> (Guessing I don't have time to draw and block.) (Winamp: Hunter vs Hunter) (Prly not.) 2d6-2 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Threnody (2d6-2) and gets 3. (That's a successful dodge, though. Woo.) <> * Threnody sighs and he draws his sword. "Sir, please reconsider..." He slashes at the man's hand to disarm. "This really isn't wise!" 2d6-2 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Threnody (2d6-2) and gets 2. (Yup.) <> "OW! Shit!" <> (Aha, now we can indeed block.) 2d6-3 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Threnody (2d6-3) and gets 3. (Yep.) <> (Sure! Just a regular attack roll, right?) (yup.) (And can I counter with, say, a kick, and not the sword?) (I'd presume so.) (Sure. I didn't really mean Counter, but more "It;s your turn" so.) (Aha.) * Threnody sighs and keeps the pressure up on the block, then kicks at the man's stomach to force him back. "Sir, please. I know the reward is quite good, but if you persist, consider medical costs, travel fees... this really isn't worth it." 2d6-3 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Threnody (2d6-3) and gets 2. (Yep.) <> * Threnody smiles. "Thank you, you've made a wise choice." He bows a little, and re-slings the bokken as he walks into the train. <> * Threnody settles into a seat and breathes out, placing his hands in his lap. "I have to be more cautious." (where are you planning on getting off?) (Hotel district, I'd wager. Somewhere close.) <> * Threnody lets his eyes travel up the building, but is wet and now a little tired, so one hotel is as good as another. He makes to enter. <> "Take your bag, sir?" * Threnody smiles tiredly. "Please, thank you... I don't have a reservation. Are there rooms available?" <> "Yes, sir, tons. The Sangria-Beltane rush just ended." <> Wonderful. If you'll excuse me... * Threnody heads toward the desk, glancing around. "How lovely... it reminds me a bit of home." <> (Wacky.) <> <> "Sir?" * Threnody gets a sort of quizzicially confused look as he approaches the desk. "Please excuse me, but I'll be needing a place to stay for a few days. Just myself." <> "Yes, sir. <> "Will a business-class suite be okay?" * Threnody smiles. "Anything will be fine, thank you." "Very good sir. Please put your thumb on the pad..." <> * Threnody blinks a moment, then ohs! and does so. "Yes, of course." "And now the room should be keyed to your thumbprint. You'll be in 405. Thank you sir, and please enjoy your stay." * Threnody nods and bows shortly, out of habit. "My thanks." * Threnody glances around, looking for the bellhop who took his things. <> "You got your room okay, sir?" * Threnody nods. "405, yes. My thanks again for your help." (OH god, how do you TIP in the age of e-money?) (Credchips.) (Aha.) (You can charge a credchip with a value of money, and then it actually has value because it's not attached to your account anymore.) * Threnody fumbles for said credchips and produces one, looking a little dorky as he does so. "I hope this is helpful. Thank you." (I am adorably embarassed!)' <> "Thanks a lot, sir!" <> <>