<> (Woot, we're in the negatives!) (I'm winning at golf!) (We're not good enough for a positive number. <.<) (*smacks Leo* Quiet, you.) (*doesn't care*) (*flicks banana goo on Leo*) <> (... Barista?) (*looks it up.) <> (*points at Kat* Don't ask me how I know.) (Is there something I should know?) (I told you not to ask.) (Listen to the lady.) <> (Do we awaken on the floor? @_@) <> (We're at a table! Unless you're under the table...) (And drunk.) (On coffee. Hey, it could happen.) * Rochelle blinks sleepily. "What...?" She inhales extremely strong coffee aroma and jerks into wakefulness, looking around with blue, cat-slitted eyes. She's about averageish height with short (below the ear, above the chin) auburn hair, with bleach-blond streaks, and excessively pale skin. She'd be mistaken for a zombie if she were a little more gray. The fact that she was just half asleep probably doesn't help. * Rochelle catches sight of Kat and groans. "Not you again." * Leopoldo leans forward on the table, looking around through his blue eyes. His skin is obviously scaled, but still follows the standard contours of a human body (As the face is concerned). He's rather large... He'd be at least 6 feet when standing, maybe taller. His scales are a peachish grey, the peach highlighting areas of curveture. His black hair, or what little of it has grown, is only on his head and sqeezes thru the scales atop his head. * Katherine awakens quickly and blinks at where she is, and quickly her hazel eyes dart from side to side, looking around the room, and locking on Rochelle. She has slightly asian features and skin, but only slightly, with euro-american features mixed in. She is wearing a black t-shirt and matching black miniskirt, with fiery red hair and a pair dog/wolf looking ears on the top of her head. "Hey, I didn't set this up ki--Rochelle." Sure you didn't. <> * Katherine gives Leo a glance, and then back to Rochelle. "What, I decided to kidnap you and take you to a coffee joint? I don't even know how I got here." * Leopoldo also has a tail, which is managing to stay kinda off the ground. His clothing is fairly standard, blue shirt and a pair of jeans. He looks around, blinking somewhat. "Uh... Why am I here? Wait, no... HOW am I here?" * Rochelle blinks. "Yeah? Neither do I. That's more than a little creepy." She looks at the pseudo-lizard, then back to Kat. "Do you know 'im?" For her part, she's wearing a worn black tank top, equally worn jeans, and workboots that look like they're on their last legs. * Katherine looks over at him and gives him the once over. "Nope. Never seen 'im before." Joy. * Leopoldo looks over the company. "Do I know either of you?" * Rochelle turns to the new guy. "I dunno. Got a name?" <> Hmm? Oh, yes. Leopoldo. And you? Rochelle. And you don't know what you're doing here, either. I guess you know as much about this as I. Which is nothing. * Leopoldo looks over at Katherine. "And you have a name as well, don't you?" * Katherine smiles very slightly, and leans forward on the table. "Yeah. Call me Kat, everyone else does. Pretty wild to drag three people out..." she frowns. "... when they're sleeping." * Rochelle picks at her tank top. "And not staying to chat, too." She blinks, then looks over to the barista. <> * Leopoldo nods. "Of course, I would have no expierence in the matter. It isn't common around here, is it?" Is it common anywhere? Nowhere I've been. * Katherine chuckles. "Well..." she trails off, then says, "It's just damn weird." * Rochelle scratches the back of her head. "Well, huh." She stands. "Nice seein' you again, Kat, and it's been fun meetin' you, Leo, but I guess if whoever it is that brought us here isn't gonna bother keeping us, I'm not gonna bother staying. So..." Yeah, seriously. * Leopoldo nods and gets up. He easily beats those 6 feet by an inch or two. "Yeah. I need to get back to my ship. Nice meeting you young ladies." <> "So were you gonna order, or just sit there all night?" * Rochelle blinks and looks over. "Oh, heya. We were just thinking of leaving. You wouldn't know how we got here, would you?" "Same way as everyone else. Through the door." Okay. G'night. * Rochelle goes to leave. Through the door. <> "That's not the door." * Rochelle kicks the not-door and looks back at the guy, the slightest hint of annoyance showing through now. "Oh yeah?" * Leopoldo looks at the door. "That is the strangest looking not-door I've seen." "Yeah. Now are you gonna buy something?" * Katherine rubs her head. "I'm more worried about what the hell's up with my head." She eyes the blank-faced barista. "Give me some coffee. Black. Do you do black here?" * Leopoldo walks over to the brista. "If you don't mind me asking, where is the door?" "Yeah, but it's three bucks extra." <> "The door is wherever the Banana says it is." * Katherine rubs her head. "Black, then. What the hell kind of coffee place doesn't do black coffee?" * Leopoldo raises an eyebrow. Or it would be, if he had hair there. "Wherever the Banana says it is? Could you elaborate?" <> "There you go." <> The kind that listens to bananas, I guess. * Rochelle gives up and goes to sit at the table again. Without ordering anything. * Katherine mutters, and takes a sip. "I'd be up in an hour anway. Might as well make it official." <> ... If Zak laced my drink with clarity, I'm going to fucking kill him. * Katherine smirks. "He'd never do that, would he?" She takes another drink, and eyes the Banana. * Rochelle leans on the table, looking at the banana. "You never know. You wouldn't be a hallucination, wouldja, Kat?" Not last time anyone checked. * Leopoldo double-takes at the bartender, then at the banana. His skin changes the oddest shade of greenish yellow. Right. <> "Hi. I'm the Banana." * Rochelle doesn't notice Leo's color changing. "Yo, Banana." * Leopoldo looks a little freaked by this. <> "I bet you're wondering why you are here." Y-yeah... Yeah. I guess you could say that. Hey, Leo, sit down- * Rochelle looks over. "It's just a banana, man." I think I will... * Leopoldo sits down. * Katherine smirks. "Yeah. How did you drag us all down here? Do you work out in your spare time?" "I have pheNOMenal pSYchic POWers, of course." "I mean, I'm a talking banana. I don't have much else going for me. Now." * Rochelle puts her chin on her hand. "How about why we're here? Besides to drink coffee." "You're all here because I really like coffee. And I have to tell you about the FUTURE." * Katherine eyes 'him'. "Is that right." She takes another slug of coffee. Uh huh? "There's about to be a serious shortage of coffee. And that's bad, because mmm, coffe. You can live without coffee, you know. "Oh, I mean, it's bad because you're all gonna be in serious trouble!" Because we don't have coffee? * Katherine sips. "I know some people who'd disagree with that live without coffee thing." "But I can't tell you about the trouble." * Katherine puts down her cup, and starts walking her hands towards him. At this point it becomes quite obvious that her hands are clawed. "So why the hell are we here?" * Leopoldo calms down, his skin changing back to 'normal' colors. "You're here because I like coffee. Mmmm, coffee." <> "And also because soon you'll be in Red New York or you might already be there, and then BIG THINGS will happen!" "Now. TO THE BANANAMOBILE!" And we are supposed to trust a talking banana? <> * Rochelle looks around, then checks her clothes. If she changed into spandex... * Katherine is only barely not in spandex, and so doesn't seem concerned. "... Apparently, he wasn't joking about this trip to the Bananamobile." ... <> Zak, I am so going to kill you. <> * Leopoldo checks his, um... spandex? "Okay, this is going too far." * Rochelle looks for the stupid little banana. * Katherine eyes the other two. "Yellow? Don't they teach bananas to coordinate?" She frowns, and looks for a window. <> * Leopoldo feels the walls of wherever he is. He takes his hand off of it and looks to see if there's any residue on his hand. <> * Rochelle tries to put her hands in her pockets, realizes she has no pockets, and just folds her arms. "Honestly, now." * Leopoldo drops the bannana peel. "This was annoying in the beginning, but this is getting disturbing..." * Rochelle says, casually, "It's been disturbing for a while. Wonder where we're goin'." * Katherine frowns. "Yeah. Seriously. Some of us... might have work in the morning." <> I just hope I'm not too sleepy to land my ship after this. * Rochelle shifts slightly and manages not to lose her balance *too* badly. "You've got a ship?" * Leopoldo steadies himself with his tail. "Yes, actually. I'm making a pickup in Red New York shortly." Huh. The banana sees all. <> "Find the door and get out! Then you can go home!" * Katherine frowns. "I've been trying not to be violent, but I am sorely tempted." Likewise. I do hate breaking things. Why don'tcha just make a door, Kat? * Katherine smirks. "That's why I was tempted, Roch." She presses a claw slowly into the side of the banana. <> < Huh. Who'd have a thunk it. * Katherine puts both claws to the side, and just claws along the skin to both sides. <> * Rochelle tries to peek out the opening without getting in Kat's way. * Leopoldo stands back and watches. Might as well keep his hands nice and clean. <> ... That was just *creepy*. (Are we back in normal clothes yet? c.c;) <> * Rochelle steps out and looks around, trying to determine what planet/city/neighborhood they're in. * Katherine steps through the opening, if she must. "Ech. Another shower." She does the same thing. * Leopoldo steps thru the opening if he hasn't. I'm guessing banana gets all over his bod. "That is a must...." He looks around, yada yada. <> We'd better not have to drink all that. <> * Leopoldo walks over to the coffee bean bin. "I'd guess we just need to jump in the bin." At least he gave us new clothes. Horrible new clothes. I hope this is all just a dream... * Leopoldo looks somewhat uncomfortable. * Katherine frowns. "If it were my dream, someone would be dead already, and if it's your peoplese' dreams, I wouldn't be here. Let's just get this farce over with." She sticks a hand into the coffee bin. <> Simple. * Leopoldo sticks a hand into the coffee bin? <> * Rochelle eyes the bin. "Well... that just figures." * Rochelle walks up to it, peeks in, and then puts her hand into it. <> <> <>