o_O * Quing sifts through his files for appropriate dying music... *** Kirby2 (Brett@n2-198-45.resnet.drexel.edu) has joined #besm Hmm... 'Three Doors Down'... Hiii!2 *** Tris-chan is now known as Vicki Since I can only run so much at one time, just assume that the Kappa says "Kappa" whenever someone interacts with it :P Ok... Someone logging? Yeahe Ok. And Daisuke's logging [Day: Thursday. Time: 11:20 PM] * Miyu is in a 3/4s asleep daze, being carried by Calvin... Urk.. * Calvin staggers along, trying to stay conscious. * Vicki jogs down the path, toward Quing. [Suburban area of Tokyo. The MC has just finished a mission involving the removal of Kappa, but...] ( Wait until it starts. Geez ) ( *hands out tickets for jumping gun. ) [...Quing has fallen from facing the tribe leader in a match to the death.] [Currently Calvin is running away, carrying Miyu after a sweet romantic kiss. Awww...] ( *^_^* ) ( And Vicki will never be kissed, cause everyone hates her ;___; ) [And Vicki arrived just in time to see Quing fall, his enemy's body beginning to drift downstream.] [SESSION START!] ( And if you kick me, ND, I'm gonna make you wear your balls for earrings ^_^ ) ....h...h-hah... geh............z.z * Calvin staggers along, trying to stay conscious. ...Quing! Oh god, oh my god... A-and.... stay dead.... * Vicki dashes down the path, falling once or twice in her haste to get to the river. [Did I mention Calvin was mortally wounded? ^_^ ] ( Mortally means he's going to die ) ( That's fatilly. ) ( Brett: If he dies tonight, I will HURT YOU. ) ( No, no you didn't. ) ( Mortally means OUCH IT REALLY HURTS! ) * Quing pulls himself off of the corpse... painfully. ( Actually, a mortal wound is generally fatal. ) [Fine. Calvin is in pain. Lotsa pain. Yeah.] ( Yeah. I know that. I've taken lots and lots of hurting. ) ( Very Badly Ingured ) ( *Puts down the gun* Good man. ^_^ ) ( ARRRRGH! ) * Calvin falls to his knees. ( Dinner's ready... ) [Pause] :P ( I can eat in five minutes. Or less. ) ( Or our money back? ) ( Heh ) So... read any good books lately? >.> NO. ( Hey, you're shocked and amazed. ) Whee! * Miyu feasts on Quing's remains Quing's not dead yet. ..... bleagh. * Miyu feasts on Quing's near remains ( O_Ox ) Hmm.... * Miyu takes a bite out of Brett. ( Back! ) * Kirby2 feasts on Miyu * Kirby feasts on Miyu *** Brett is now known as Anvil * Anvil falls on falls on Miyu *** Anvil is now known as Brett Gwah! ( Ok. Places. ) * Calvin falls to his knees. [Unpause] * Calvin sets Miyu on the ground, as softly as he can manage, and then lays down next to her to rest. [Vicki makes it to Quing] * Miyu looks at Calvin, confused... * Vicki dashes up to Quing. "Quing! Oh god...you're hurt..." * Quing turns and looks at the night sky. "H-hell of a way to end it..." * Calvin tries to signal Miyu for silence, but doesn't have the strength left. * Quing looks at Vicki. "Nah... j-j-just a scratch... *shiver*" You'd better not die...I'll never forgive you if you die and leave me with those nuts! Geez... A-are all kitsune... this rude? * Vicki smiles gently, tears in her eyes. "Of course we are. In our nature, and everything." I... thought... you were trying to... paw at them... Cal... Paw at them? Oh...that's in our nature too...but nevermind that...it's not just a scratch, and you know it. ...N..n...nevermind... Did they... get away? ...Yes....they got away...everyone is safe, thanks to you... * Vicki buries her face in her hands. "God, if only I'd been here..." H... hardly. *wince* They'd have been fine... if... * Quing rest his head back on the cool grass. Don't talk.....you saved them. You saved all of us. L-look. You gotta get back... and help 'em. Cal didn't look too... swell. * Vicki grasps Quing's hand. "You look a hell of a lot worse...Cal can take care of himself, for now..." * Quing eyes the Kitsune. "You.... never quit... Women..." * Vicki gives a ghost of a grin. "Of course not. I wouldn't be a very good kitsune if I quit, would I?" * Quing closes his eyes. "Sure... I'll just rest... my job's done...." H-eh... See Nea? I could... be serious... about this... if I wanted... * Calvin starts crying. * Vicki starts to cry. "Quing no baka! You can't just quit now! You'll leave me stuck with Miyu!" * Quing 's grip on his katana loosens, letting the blood-soaked weapon clatter softly to the grass. * Vicki grabs Quing's shoulders and shakes him gently. "You can't die, I won't allow it! I WON'T ALLOW IT!!" Stay... cute... You might... get one... Vicki... ( Heh. ) * Vicki sobs. "Don't you dare leave us..." [Quing ceases to breathe and goes limp] ( heh ) ...Quing...Quing?!?! No....no! I...I'll never forgive you! * Vicki collapses onto the grass, sobbing harshly. * Calvin lets the tears flow freely. ...baka... you just don't do something like that.... why... ( A moment of silence for the passing of the dumbass. ) [A minute passes] * Vicki picks up Quing's body and sword, and begins to walk up the hill. ( Hey, I'm worth more than a minute. :p ) ( I'll give you silence for the rest of your life, man. ) ( And for the rest of mine, too. ^_^ ) ( *snrk* ) ( Heh ) * Vicki walks up the hill... [Vicki gets to the top of the hill :P ] ( Who's here? ) * Calvin is lying on the ground at the base of the hill, next to Miyu. ( Calvin and Miyu are a short distance away, and Eoi's lying near the road. ) ( What's really funny is nobody remembered Eoi's bike ^_^ ) ( Why? ) ( Cause they didn't. He won't have it when he wakes up, and he'll be upset. It's funny :P ) ( Heh ) ( We can go back for it ) * Vicki shakes her head. "We...need to take him home..." ( Wow. Hysterical Kitsune. ) .... the kappa got him, didn't it... * Calvin nods. ..... you just don't go and fight something like that on your own.... I think maybe...we should call Mr. Nakamura... ... * Calvin tries to move, but just doesn't have the energy. .... ...why.... He...he can get him out of here...I just...I can't... .............. what now... * Vicki glances at Miyu and answers softly "Now...we grieve...for a lost soul..." ;_; .... let's just hope he's at peace... ...or we may have to meet him again, on considerably less favorable terms. o_o ( Ghost of Quing? WAI! ) * Calvin just sorta... looks at Miyu. ( Nah. He died without regret :P ) ( We won't have to climb Death Peak with a Weight-of-Quing doll, will we? ) * Miyu looks at Calvin... ( .... *pout* ) ( Unless he really loves Vicki enough to haunt her... ) ( Woo! I knew he had a thing for me! ^_^ ) ( REALLY hysterical kitsune... ) ( ...shut up ^_^ ) * Calvin tries to climb to his feet, and falls back down. * Miyu helps Calvin... *** Greg (greghoogen@bak-66-27-228-74.bak.rr.com) has joined #besm * Calvin limps along, cradling his ribs. ( Hi. Character death. ) (Please be courteous or whatever ) ( *quickly passes out phamplets and flowers for the wake ) * Miyu helps Calvin walk... * Vicki walks towards the house, Quing's body still in her arms. ( ... ) ( What? I'm not allowed? ;p ) ... his sword... ( No... ) Do you have it? ( Yup ) ...good... ( Damn.... Can you at least pour sake at the funeral? None of that malt liquor stuff. ) * Vicki turns back toward the two. "I hope that whatever you left him there for was worth it." ... * Calvin glares at Vicki. * Vicki turns back and continues toward the house. ..... we didn't leave him. .....baka........... ( You do realize Calvin looks really really bad, and he's at 3 HP, right? ^^; ) ( *looks at the gun pointed at Brett* Hadn't really slipped my mind.... ) .... Eoi... ( Meanwhile Miyu has full health :P ) ( Wai! someone remembered ^_^ ) ( And low energy ) (She's undamaged, but helluva tired. ) ( You still have 1 EP left. ) .... I've got to get Eoi... * Miyu goes back for him. * Calvin remains unsteadily on his feet. [Miyu remembers the wounded guy lying next to the road :P] * Miyu goes to pick up Eoi and load him on the bike... ( Bike's back at the river. ) ( Bike's a bit further away. ) * Miyu goes to get the bike, drive it over, then load Eoi on, then. c.c; ( Can Miyu drive? ) ( Good question. ) ( Even one level in a skill indicates extreme training ) Mind roll. 2d6 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Miyu (2d6) and gets 8. [Miyu can't figure out how to drive the bike] ( Miyu sould get a bonus because a bike is pretty simple ) ( *sniker* ) [It's a motorcycle, actually. ] ( You know what I mean ) (I just say bike) Grr... 2d6 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Miyu (2d6) and gets 9. ( moped! ) ...... bakabakabakbakabaka...... 2d6 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Miyu (2d6) and gets 11. * Miyu kicks the ground in frustration. ( Dem, give up. You can't drive it :P ) 2d6 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Miyu (2d6) and gets 4. ( YES! ) ( No. :P ) ( ..... dude. It's just a motorcycle ) ( You failed the first one, meaning you don't know how. ) ( It's a commonplace vehicle ) (.... does this even warrant a die roll?) ( You're trying to do something you don't know how to do. Yes it does. ) You can try to drive it if you really want... ( But it could be dangerous. ) ( I think that applies to things you know absolutely nothing about, Brett ( Brett...should've told me that when I made off to be Superman... @_@x ) ( A motorcycle is fairly commonplace in Japan ) ( What makes you think you know how to ride the bike? ) ( Quing: You don't have driving? c.c ) ( It's commonplace ) ( Dem, quit arguing. ) (........) * Miyu (sighs) ( Fine, fine. -_-) .... ( Yes, it's commonplace. You've seen tons of them. Doesn't help you know how to use them. ) * Miyu holds the bike, then pulls it alongside her * Miyu loads Eoi onto the bike, then proceeds to continue to pull it along some more. * Calvin stumbles along behind Quing. [The bike looks like its in decent shape, but has a few dents here and there] ( o_o ) ( ... ) * Calvin stumbles along behind Vicki, even. *** Kirby is now known as Yuki *** Kirby2 is now known as Nishida [You make it to the front of the house. Yuki is already outside, trying to clean up the part of the street where the kappa corpse was.] * Yuki gasps when she sees Quing. Is... Is he...? * Vicki nods slowly. ...... we're afraid so... .... unnecessary risk... I'm sorry... ... ( Not as sorry as I am. :p ) .... ( Actually Nishida was going to try to arrange a marriage between you too, so she kinda is :P ) ( o_O ) Maybe you should come inside... ( *Does a dance* I avoided a fiancee! W00t! ) ( No you didn't. Now that you're dead, you have to deal with Nea :P ) * Miyu walks inside, slowly... ( ....O_Ox ) * Nishida is inside. When he sees the state you're in, he bows his head in regret. ... * Calvin looks at Nishida and Yuki for a moment, and then collapses just inside the door. [The Kappa says "Kappa!" obliviously] * Yuki gasps and runs to him. ( heh ) ....... .... maybe if I had been a bit smarter about energy conservation....... *** Kyp (kypcole@115.norcross-09rh15rt.ga.dial-access.att.net) has joined #besm * Vicki goes inside, laying the body on the floor. * Yuki picks Calvin up. "I'll... I'll take him to my room." She then heads up the stairs. ( With Calvin, of course :P ) ( Eoi's still outside? ) ( ...Hot Yuki/Calvin regeneration Luvluv? ) ( You know it :P ) ( Sexual healing? ) *** Quing has quit IRC (kypcole@244.norcross-10rh15rt.ga.dial-access.att.net) (Ping timeout) ( *hands Calvin a pack of Trojans.& ) ( Natch :P . ) ( Die, bastard. ) * Nishida looks at the body. "I regret not being able to do anything..." ( Get some. :P ) There was nothing anybody could have done.... ( It's a love-triangle! ) He chose to fight the giant kappa on his own, when all of us had problems with the lesser kappa... I see... I'm deeply sorry. * Miyu nods... *** Yuki is now known as Kappa Kappa! * Vicki shakes her head. "Kappa...please...not now..." * Kappa tilts its head to the side. "Kappa?" Kappa! * Vicki starts to cry again, sitting next to Quing. * Kappa sits next to Vicki. "Kappa." Perhaps I should call your superior. .... yes... thank you... * Nishida moves into another room to do just that. [Miyu, Vicki and the kappa are alone now, except for Quing's and Eoi's bodies...] I should've been there...I...I should've... .....................energy conservation.... ... were you hurt much, Vicki? * Nishida comes back into the room. I've informed him. * Miyu nods... Thank you... ... Vicki? * Kappa pokes Vicki. "Kappa?" ( ... ) (.... does she look hurt, then? ) ( No. ) (.... shite. Miyu needs to ask permission for this one... >_< ) ( ? ) ( Calvin's hurt, ain't he? ) ( yup ) ( Yeah. ) ( Very, very hurt. ) ( And he's been gone for some time :P ) ( He should be dead, really. ) ( TRIS! WAKE UP ) No... ( Eoi is bruised and out, but doesn't look too bad, except for his leg :P ) No...no, I was...too late... I didn't fight it at all... ..... will you mind if I try something... ( Even that doesn't look broken. ) * Vicki blinks. "I....I suppose so..." Let me know when to stop... * Miyu places her hand on Vicki's shoulder. .............. * Miyu removes her hand. nothing happened. ...... [No effect] .... .... too wasteful with energy... ... I can't even do that! * Miyu goes off to Calvin.... *** Kappa is now known as Yuki (Lemme know when a bit over half an hour or so is done so I can do whatever it was I was going to do ) [After some searching, Miyu finds the room where Calvin is. ( Describe? ) ( He's probably typing. ) ( Ah ) [Yuki's room is fairly typical, but one thing stands out. Calvin is lying on the bed, surrounded by anime plushies. Yuki looks like she's trying to dress his wounds.] ...Calvin.... x_x * Miyu goes to sit by Calvin, waiting until her energy is replenished... * Yuki is already sitting by Calvin. ( Can't 2 young girls sit by an injured guy? ) [Not if there's only one chair :P ] ( Not unless their buxom and willing. ) ( On the floor, then ) [Miyu notices that Yuki looks very concerned :P ] ... Calvin..... ( Is it up yet? ) ( o_O ) ( The energy recovery) ( /me h-parses badly. ) ( No :P ) * Miyu ( baps Calvin ) ( Well, ok. Yes. ) ( Wai ) .... wait here a sec... ( Crap. Now I have to calculate >.< ) ( Assume an hour passed. 7 energy ) ( Health, though ) ( Oh yeah. That too ) Session Time: Mon Jul 23 00:00:00 2001 ( Ok ) Vicki... Let's try this again. It may hurt a bit... (.... Tris? ) ( ... ) ( Oi, Vicki, this part's important ) ( Oro? ) ( I'm downstairs. ) ( I went to Vicki ) * Nishida is there too :) ( Okie... ) (..... does she respond?) * Vicki nods, tiredly. "Whatever is necessary." * Miyu does the stuff from before, and makes with the psychic. [A strange energy flows from Vicki to Miyu.] ... alright... [Vicki looks rather weakened from the transaction] * Miyu goes back to Calvin and starts the healing process again... * Nishida stares in shock. "Wh..." ( Leech! Wai! ) * Miyu places her hand on Calvin and begins to concentrate.... ( Hang on a sec, Miyu ) [Miyu walks into the room to find Yuki holding one of Calvin's hands to her face.] * Miyu places her hand on Calvin and begins to concentrate.... ( In case nobody saw before...) *** Greg has quit IRC (greghoogen@bak-66-27-228-74.bak.rr.com) (Read error: Connection reset by peer) Calvin... ( this was where Miyu was supposed to be jealous... ) ( Bleagh. She doesn't quite understand how she feels yet. She's a very confuzzled person ) * Yuki stands up. "I'd better check on the others." And leaves the room. * Miyu nods... (.... is he looking ANY better from the healing? ) ( Yeah. He should PROBABLY WAKE UP SOON :P ) ( YES. ) * Calvin opens his eyes and sees Miyu, again. ... Calvin... * Calvin smiles. [You hear voices downstairs.] ... hang on. * Miyu goes downstairs.. *** Nishida is now known as Nakamura *** Yuki is now known as Nishida ( Doh! ) * Calvin gets out of bed. ( Crossdressin again, huh? ) * Calvin swoons a bit as he stands up. ( Is Vicki still here? ) ( She's somewhat inbetween at the moment... ) ( ? ) ( Attention's drawn away. ) ( ... ) ( Geez. Running this session was a bad idea, wasn't it? ) ( ...... is this a valid thingy? ) ( What? ) ( I'm here, I'm here. ) ( Psycho's on, that's all. The old one. I love that movie... ) ( ... ) * Nakamura arrives through the front door. ( Set up a video to record ) .... Nakamura-sensei.... * Nakamura is panting, staring at the body, and looking very disheveled. * Miyu starts crying... * Calvin walks slowly down the stairs. * Vicki is holding her face in her hands, trying to stifle her sobs. Quing... Dammit. I couldn't save him, sensei, I was too late...I...I couldn't... ...... why didn't he listen... * Nakamura clenches his hand into a fist. * Calvin makes it to the bottom of the stairs, and looks at Nakamura. [The kappa remains oblivious to it all. "Kappa!"] *** Miyu has quit IRC (demota@1Cust57.tnt15.sfo3.da.uu.net) (Read error: Connection reset by peer) ( X.x ) ( Pause ) ( ....psycho time! ) ( ... getting a bit sleepy. Pills are REALLY kicking in... ) *** Miako (demota@1Cust70.tnt15.sfo3.da.uu.net) has joined #BESM ( You can leave. You're not going to be doing much this session, after all :P ) ( We swapped a psychic alien girl for a psychic catgirl? ) *** Miako is now known as Miyu [22:10] * Calvin makes it to the bottom of the stairs, and looks at Nakamura. [22:10] *** Disconnected ( What did I miss? x.x ) ( I'd rather stay and see the havok I caused. ^__^ ) ( Just Kappa saying kappa! ) ( Blargh... ) (... seriously? ) (Paste over /msg ) * Calvin signs briefly -> *Nakamura* He... tried to fight the biggest Kappa alone... * Nakamura grinds his teeth. "Damn it! I warned you not to be reckless!" * Vicki winces. "I..I'm.sorry.." Why did he do it? -> *Nakamura* I... I tried to lure the biggest one away, to the river. Eoi attacked it, though, and distracted it from me. ...... I told him not to do it... ....baka.... * Calvin continues with a long string of signs. * Nakamura looks at Eoi's unconscious form briefly, then over Calvin again. You... How many did you fight? We had to fight 3... -> *Nakamura* We tried to get it to just go away. I though we'd succeeded, but Quing ran down the river bank to it and attacked. I don't know why. Maybe he thought that it would come back for us. They attacked us. [Kappa goes "Kappa!"] * Calvin makes a single emphatic symbol. -> *Nakamura* NO! ... we managed to tame the third. At least, for now.. -> *Nakamura* WRONG!!! * Calvin makes another emphatic symbol. * Nakamura signs back to Calvin. ( Until it rains. *snerk* ) * Calvin continues signing. ( It'll still be tame, not that it'll do you any good :P ) * Miyu waits for a part where she can join the conversation... ( Yeah, because it'll go the way of Dr. Tofu, most likely. ^^; ) * Vicki sobs again. "I stayed with Eoi...I..I should've gone with him..." I see. Pickles... They don't like them. .... no. We managed to beat that one... * Nakamura shakes his head. We tried to trick another, but it became hostile. The third... was successful. ..... we had a plan for the leader. * Calvin continues signing. But Quing... This... Was a bad idea. How could I have let you do this? ... maybe we should report in periodically... * Calvin _still_ continues signing. * Nakamura is still paying attention to Calvin, but barely. This is a disaster. ....yes... * Nakamura nods slowly. I see. * Calvin finishes signing and bows his head in shame. ... this can't get out to the public. ... ..... We have to take him home, sensei... * Nakamura nods. .... why do we need to hide the existence of paranormals... But we can't have a public funeral. ...... I can't understand... If knowledge of the paranormals got out ot the public, the public would likely riot. We'd be facing World War 3. .... maybe if it were a controlled stream.... It wouldn't be. * Vicki looks up. "I'd be hunted, Miyu. They'd hunt me and all of my kind down...for sport. Skins. Something." ..... i see... * Nakamura nods. How have your kind been able to stay hidden for so long? .... it can't last forever... Easily. Don't I look normal to you? ...yes... That's how. But others.... Furthermore, how do you think the public would react when they found out that paranormals were among them for eons? ... They'd loose faith in their governments. ... have the governments known? And accuse each other of being paranormals. All of us would die. Even people like you, Miyu. I don't know, but it wouldn't matter. ... me? People...different. ... psion... ...... I suppose having these abilities would make me seem like one, yes... If the public found out that there was something their governments couldn't protect them from, there would most deffinately be panic across the globe. There would be worldwide genocide... ( Definitely. ) ..... so things like this have to just keep happening... * Nishida nods to Vicki. * Vicki shudders. * Nakamura nods to both of them. There isn't any other choice for supernaturals. But... Damnit! If only I'd known what would happen...! ... ... maybe a staged alien landing... just reveal piece by piece.... just remake the truth....... There's no choice for either side. Miyu, it would never work. That wouldn't work, Miyu. ..... alien technology... maybe they... and Quing... yes.... ... I'll find them some day................. How many people would believe it? And if we showed them...how many would run, some screaming in fear...and some for their guns? ...... there has to be a way.... * Nishida nods in consent "Anarchy." Worse than the bakumatsu. I don't want to die, Miyu. If we showed them that...I would. There's no question of it. .... I know... But can this stay a secret for all time? My family, my race... We've been here....since the beginnings of man. We can hide a bit longer. * Nakamura nods. .... how did you come to be hidden in the first place? Why was it necessary? Paranormals are as old as mankind, if not older. * Vicki shrugs slightly. People fear what they don't understand. Was it an eletist thing that got out of hand once we humans advanced to the point of having power... ( I was wondering when it would be said... :p ) We are different. ( Mweh! ) We're viewed as demons. Devil-spawn. Because we're different. In any event, we'll need to cover this up. I'll handle it. .... I see... ..... * Calvin moves behind Miyu and pulls her into a friendly hug. wah! o.o * Nakamura picks up Quing's body. * Vicki glances at the two, and a tear rolls down her face. * Calvin motions at Vicki to come over. ( Nishida looks kinda lonely... :P ) * Nakamura turns and starts to walk out of the door. * Vicki stands slowly, and puts her face in her hands. ( ...cadaver luvluv? ) * Calvin motions at Vicki to come closer. ( ... ) ( /me kills Kenji messily. ) * Nakamura stops a foot out the door, and without turning, says. "Listen..." ( I'm dead already. :p ) * Vicki shakes her head. If any of you want to leave, I won't stop you. * Calvin shakes his head. * Nakamura then heads off to his car. I...have to think about it... *** Nakamura is now known as Kappa * Calvin lets go of Miyu and walks toward Vicki. .... I need to stay, at least until I find what I came here for.... * Kappa hugs Vicki. "Kappa!" * Calvin hugs Vicki too. ( Can't say Kappa, though, sorry. ) ( Cal: ... Kuno. ) * Vicki smiles slightly and pats Kappa on the shoulder. * Miyu starts talking to herself, as usual.... ( Kenji: What? ^_^ ) Sooner or later... * Calvin pulls Miyu into a big group hug. wah! o.o ( If that's the case, YOU take my sword then. :p ) * Kappa hugs everyone. "Kappa!" ( If I thought you wanted me to, I would. ) * Vicki shakes her head and pulls out of the hug, walking out of the door. "I should go home... ( I was going to have it stabbed into the ground of the grave ) * Nishida nods. "I'm truly sorry..." .... it wasn't your fault... * Calvin shakes his head. ..... he chose to take an unwise action... * Vicki absently grabs Kappa's paw, and leads him behind her. * Kappa looks at Calvin and Miyu, then follows Vicki. "Kappakappa!" * Calvin waves to Kappa. * Vicki walks out the door, into the night. * Kappa waves back. "Kappa!" * Miyu walks along, then looks to the stars... ( And Vicki is done for the evening. ) *** Kappa is now known as Yuki ... just you wait.... I'll find you... * Yuki puts a hand on Calvin's shoulder. "I... I'm sorry..." * Calvin touches her hand, nods, and starts walking toward the door. [Session End] *** Kyp is now known as Kenji *** Miyu is now known as Demota *** Nishida is now known as Kirby *** ChanServ sets mode: +o Demota Whee! *** Yuki is now known as Kirby2 Byeee! *** Kirby2 has quit IRC (Brett@n2-198-45.resnet.drexel.edu) (Quit:) Bai NPCs * Calvin rides off into the night. * Kirby gives Demota a big sloppy kiss. "Byeeee!" *** Kirby has quit IRC (Brett@n2-198-45.resnet.drexel.edu) (Quit:) -> *nickserv* identify what4 *** Calvin is now known as NinjaDebugger @@ ... *SNERK* Well, I'm bleary at this point, so I'll see you all later. Ja ne. Later Ja Brett: I should have something for you to look through by tomorrow. Ok *** Kenji (kypcole@115.norcross-09rh15rt.ga.dial-access.att.net) has left #besm I need a log. Daisuke has one. If someone can paste what I missed, I can provide my own. -_- I need a log that won't take forever to get :P [22:09] I couldn't save him, sensei, I was too late...I...I couldn't... [22:09] ...... why didn't he listen... [22:09] * Nakamura clenches his hand into a fist. [22:10] * Calvin makes it to the bottom of the stairs, and looks at Nakamura. [22:10] *** Disconnected That... was the last I saw. If someone can provide me with the missing stuff, I'll get the log to you. Wasn't much missed. But since I don't think anyone else was logging, I'll have to wait for Dai. It's not a log unless I have ALL The info. Bleagh. x.x Next session, the MC mysteriously gains a new member!