[02:09] [Day: Monday. Time: 8:00 P.M. (turns out while you were in the tournament, little time passed)] [02:10] (How're we doing this? Just continue from where we left off? ^_^) [02:10] (Let the GM finish, dear.) [02:10] (Yes ma'am. ;_; ) [02:10] [Chelsea, Shigeru, and Mei-Yin are on a bus, headed for home] [02:11] [The bus is practically empty; except for the driver and two guys asleep WAY up in the front, they're alone.] [02:11] [Mini-Session START] [02:11] Well. This was an interesting day. [02:11] * Mei-Yin gapes. [02:12] You... that... interesting? [02:12] [It's doubtful that people up front can even hear you, so go ahead and talk] [02:12] * Shigeru sighs, slumping into one of the back seats. "No kidding," he mutters. "Demons and psychos... hopefully this bus won't get possessed." [02:12] Actually, there was a lot more that you didn't see. [02:12] bus... possessed?! [02:12] [Just as Shig says that.... nothing happens] [02:12] Ah. I was kidding. Quiet down, please? [02:12] Demons? [02:12] Yup. [02:12] * Shigeru rectifies that. "The part about the bus getting possessed, anyway." [02:13] ... [02:13] * Shigeru runs a hand through his hair. [02:13] This... is gonna take some explaining. [02:13] Something wrong, Mei-Yin? [02:13] meep [02:14] * Chelsea chuckles. "That it is." [02:14] * Mei-Yin brightens. [02:14] * Mei-Yin starts digging in her pockets, frowns, and then opens up her backpack and starts digging through it. [02:14] You wanna start, Shig, or shall I? [02:15] * Shigeru blinks, and concentrates on Mei. Thoughts? [02:15] * Mei-Yin tosses out several small objects, a wallet, a stopwatch, a mini-photo album, and finally comes up with a mini-tape recorder. The photo album falls open on the seat, revealing two pictures of Shigeru. [02:15] * Shigeru blinks. [02:16] * Chelsea blinks, and grins. [02:16] * Mei-Yin is currently thinking ~My tape recorder! If it was on, I didn't lose everything!~ [02:16] * Shigeru picks up the photo album. "Erm." He blushes slightly. [02:16] [Sadly, it wasn't. Nope] [02:16] * Mei-Yin jerks her head up. [02:16] * Mei-Yin turns beet red. [02:16] * Chelsea looks at the photo album. "Looks like you have a secret admirer, Shiggy. You dog, you." [02:16] * Mei-Yin starts stuffing things back into the backpack. [02:16] Wha- hey! [02:17] * Shigeru blushes furiously. [02:17] ( The entire album is full of pictures of Shigeru. ) [02:17] ( Roughly thirty of them. ) [02:17] * Shigeru flips through the album. He gets redder and redder. [02:17] * Mei-Yin stays at least one full shade of red ahead of Shigeru the whole tim.e [02:18] * Chelsea keeps looking over Shigeru's shoulder. "Well, I'll be." [02:18] (That's difficult.) [02:18] ( Yeah, it is. ) [02:18] * Shigeru finishes flipping through the book and tries to gather his thoughts. [02:19] * Mei-Yin snatches the book back and tucks it safely away in the recesses of the backpack. [02:19] * Shigeru doesn't seem particularly surprised. [02:19] Um. You've been following me? [02:19] Um... sort of... [02:19] * Mei-Yin looks sheepish. [02:19] * Chelsea chuckles and shakes her head. [02:20] You saw me! [02:20] * Shigeru blinks in confusion. "Well, yeah. I guess I did." [02:20] Nobody's ever done that before. [02:20] Especially not a cute guy. [02:21] ... Wait, nobody's ever seen you before? [02:21] * Mei-Yin turns red again. [02:21] * Shigeru doesn't. He looks more curious than anything. [02:21] * Chelsea watches, fascinated. [02:21] Well, people see me... sort of... but they don't notice me. [02:21] It's horrible. [02:21] ( Not naked, at least. Unfortunately, it was a Shig-clone what saw her, so you lose out. :P ) [02:22] (Gosh darnit, clones stealing all my fun.) [02:22] But you noticed me! [02:22] * Shigeru rubs the back of his head. "Wait, I don't get it. People see you, but they don't?" [02:22] Neither do I... ;_; [02:22] Twenty one years, and I still don't understand. [02:23] I know some of the limits, but that's all. [02:23] Huh. That *is* weird. [02:23] * Shigeru glances at Chelsea. ~Y'know anything about this?~ [02:23] You saw, all those people that noticed me in the alley. [02:24] Like the alien boy, and the mean girl that broke my camera. [02:24] *** DemoSleep has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer ) [02:24] ~I had a friend who was tough to notice one time. Made it hell when he was on your team in basketball.~ [02:24] * Shigeru stifles a snicker and nods. "Well, yeah. It's kind of hard to miss somebody screaming." [02:24] They'll all forget I ever existed. They'll just remember rescuing a girl from a psycho. [02:24] ~Maybe this is something that; she's just naturally 'sneaky'. Or it could be any of a dozen other things. A curse, say.~ [02:25] They won't remember that it was me they saved, even if they see me again. [02:25] ( She's really Shiori :P ) [02:25] * Shigeru blinks, and peers at Mei-Yin. [02:25] ( Or maybe her sister :P ) [02:25] You're serious, aren't you? [02:25] * Mei-Yin nods. [02:25] (Long lost sister, seperated at birth in a hospital blackout! [02:26] * Shigeru frowns slightly. [02:26] Hey, Chelsea, let's test that out, yeah? How long does it take people to forget you, Mei-Yin? [02:26] I don't know... I think it depends on how much interest they have. [02:27] Ah. [02:27] Or how much excitement there was. [02:27] * Shigeru chuckles. "Lots of excitement this time around." [02:28] Mostly I think it's just that they have to get distracted. [02:28] * Chelsea chuckles. "Yes. 'I met you on the day I dound my long lost demonic brother' would be a handy memory-jogger." [02:28] * Shigeru rolls his eyes. "It would, too." [02:29] (found, even.) [02:29] ( You don't know how much important info was revealed that session. Hah! ) [02:30] *** NovaSeaker has quit IRC (Quit: ) [02:30] * Chelsea mulls things over while making sure to keep focused on Mei- Yin. [02:31] (Are we there yet? And where are we going, at any rate?) [02:31] * Shigeru sighs and leans back in his seat. "So, what were you doing out there, anyway?" [02:31] * Mei-Yin turns beet red again. [02:31] ( This can't be healthy. Her blood pressure's gotta be going insane. ) [02:31] * Chelsea raises an eyebrow. [02:32] ( To the U, I assumed. And if you wanna be, yeah. ) [02:32] (Welcome to the world of Mystery Club. ;P) [02:32] Um... I was taking pictures. Of the club. [02:32] * Shigeru blinks. [02:32] Yeah. Of the club. [02:32] Of the club? Why, exactly? [02:32] Ah ha. [02:33] I wanted to do a story, for the paper, you know? [02:33] * Chelsea frowns. [02:33] * Shigeru nods slowly. [02:34] * Shigeru 's eyes unfocus, then he blinks. "Okay. Why were you *really* following us?" [02:34] * Mei-Yin turns red again. [02:34] * Chelsea grins. [02:34] That's it, really! [02:34] * Mei-Yin hugs her backpack. [02:34] * Shigeru keeps his gaze on Mei-Yin, scanning her thoughts. "No, it isn't." [02:35] * Chelsea keeps grinning. "Suuure it is." [02:35] * Shigeru blushes. "I liked the paper reason more," he mutters. [02:36] * Mei-Yin looks sad. [02:36] Not that... I mean, I don't have anything against you. But why all those pictures? [02:36] Um.... because you saw me... and you're so cute, and I didn't have the nerve to talk to you... [02:36] * Mei-Yin gets steadily redder. [02:36] * Chelsea politely refrains from saying anything for a bit. [02:37] * Shigeru blinks. [02:37] So you followed me around and took pictures. [02:37] * Chelsea is laughing inside, tho. ^_^ [02:37] (We're all laughing! ^_^) [02:37] (Well, yeah. But I'm doing it IC, too. ^_~) [02:37] (Aaah. :P) [02:38] I like pictures. [02:38] I'm a reporter... sort of. [02:38] I'm only minoring in journalism. [02:39] I take my own pictures, and I'm my own cameraman, and I write articles. [02:39] Oh. So you really do work for the paper? [02:39] Yeah... [02:40] Nobody ever realizes that I'm the one writing the articles and taking the pictures, though. [02:40] How? Your name's on them, right? [02:40] That's why I stopped devoting so much time to it. What's the point if nobody's gonna recognize you. [02:40] ( CameraWOMAN. Let's be politically correct here :P ) [02:41] * Shigeru nods. "Yeah, I understand that... kind of." [02:41] They know that a 'Mei-Yin Chao' took the pictures and wrote the articles, but when they meet me, they can't make the connection. It sucks. [02:41] That's really bizarre. [02:41] * Chelsea nods. [02:42] So now I cook and I hack, and I only write for the paper part time, and that's more fun. [02:42] [The bus seems to be running into lotsa traffic jams, hence why it's taking so long to get back :P] [02:42] * Shigeru smirks. "I'm wondering if there's a CS major under the sun who *doesn't* hack." [02:42] (It's the rain!) [02:43] Well, I'm only majoring in CS because mama insisted I have a way to make real money... [02:43] I really wanna be a chef. An Iron Chef! [02:43] Hey, guys. We're getting close to my apartment. Would you like to continue this conversation there? [02:43] Maybe then people will remember me! [02:44] * Chelsea grins. "A chef, huh?" [02:44] Sure, if you want. More privacy. [02:44] Um... okay... [02:44] * Chelsea nods. [02:44] * Shigeru grins at Mei-Yin. "An Iron Chef? I saw that show a couple times. Very cool." [02:45] [Conveniently, traffic clears long enough for the bus to get to the closest stopping point to Chelsea's apartment, and the group gets off.] [02:45] * Chelsea gets off, as indicated. [02:45] * Shigeru shifts his laptop. "Lead the way, Chelsea." [02:45] * Mei-Yin hops off the bus. [02:46] * Chelsea walks around to the side door of her apartment (which is disguised as a mild-mannered warehouse) and unlocks the door to the stairwell, holding it open for the two others. [02:47] Wow, you live here? [02:47] * Shigeru steps in and glances back to make sure Mei-Yin follows. [02:47] Yup. [02:47] * Mei-Yin points up at the apartment building next door. [02:47] I live up there. [02:47] Huh. Fancy that. [02:48] It's really small, though. [02:48] * Shigeru laughs. "Looks like everyone's got the high life but me. I've still got a dorm room." [02:48] It's part of the culinary arts program... [02:48] * Chelsea closes the door, assuming that Mei-Yin has entered. [02:49] We all have to have our own kitchen. [02:49] * Mei-Yin has entered, yes, she just forgot to type it. [02:49] * Chelsea locks the door, and leads the way up the stairs. [02:49] Makes sense, I guess. [02:49] * Shigeru walks up the stairs. [02:50] * Mei-Yin follows meekly. [02:50] * Chelsea unlocks the door up there, too, and holds it open. This one reveals a massive living room with works of art and large, comfortable furniture. A kitchen is visible off ot the left. [02:50] ...wow. [02:50] * Mei-Yin gapes at the luxury. [02:50] * Shigeru steps in, then turns and grins at Mei-Yin. [02:50] ( Calvin lived in the dorms! ) [02:50] See, Chelsea? I'm not the only one with that reaction. [02:50] (He's dead! :P) [02:50] Welcome to my abode. Step inside, please. [02:50] * Chelsea grins. [02:51] * Mei-Yin steps inside. [02:51] * Chelsea follows, locks the door, and removes her sword belt, hanging it on the coatrack near the door. [02:52] * Shigeru glances around, then walks over to the couch and puts his laptop and jacket there. He glances down at his t-shirt and fingers the bloodstains. [02:52] Before I sit down, would either of you likes something from the fridges? [02:52] Fridge_s_? [02:52] Not as much as I'd like a clean shirt. Have anything I can wear, Chelsea? [02:53] Yes. I have two. [02:53] * Mei-Yin gapes. [02:53] ( Yup. The insta-heal doesn't happen until the next day :P ) [02:53] (Is that an insta-clean for my clothes, too? :P) [02:53] I'm afriad the kitchen's a bit of a mess; I've been trying to learn cooking myself, and it's been an uphil battle thus far. [02:54] ( No. You're assumed to have an entire wardrobe of exactly what you're wearing. ) [02:55] I... I could make something... If you didn't mind... [02:55] * Chelsea goes and fetches a largish t-shirt that she estimates ought to fit Shigeru. It proudly boasts the name of a sports team that doesn't exist anymore. [02:55] * Mei-Yin looks back and forth between Chelsea and Shigeru. [02:55] Hey, go right ahead. I hope you don't mind if I watch? [02:56] * Chelsea tosses the shirt to Shig. [02:56] * Chelsea points to a door near a hallway. "Guest restroom's right there, Shig." [02:56] * Shigeru catches it. [02:56] Um... it's your kitchen... I'm used to being watched... [02:56] Thanks. [02:57] * Shigeru heads over to the restroom and closes the door. [02:57] Where's the kitchen? [02:57] Alright. Right this wei, Mei. [02:57] ( That was bad. ) [02:57] (That was *awful*.) [02:57] * Mei-Yin follows Chel into the kitchen. [02:57] ( As Shig opens the door, the guest room tries to eat him! AAAGH! ) [02:57] (... that was an accident. c.c;;;) [02:57] Um... Chelsea... [02:57] (*sweatdrop*) [02:58] (And that's guest bathroom, not guest room. The guest room is to the northeast, and is clearly marked as a room you don't want to enter. ^_^) [02:58] * Chelsea leads over to the kitchen, which is partially seperated from the living room by a bar, and partially by one of many bookshelves. The kitchen is a chef's dream; very large and well-apointed. [02:58] (Damn, I with I had a kitchen like that. ;_;) [02:59] Um... [02:59] Yes? [02:59] * Mei-Yin blushes a little and does the index finger thing. [02:59] (Whoo! The index finger thing!) [02:59] ( I got a microwave. 'S all I need. ) [02:59] Are you and Shigeru... um... [02:59] * Chelsea blinks. "Are we what?" [02:59] * Mei-Yin blushes more. [02:59] Nevermind. [03:00] ...Oh! Ah. No, I don't believe we are. [03:00] * Mei-Yin brightens a little. [03:00] Shig is probably one of the better friends I've ever had, but if he's more than that It's news to me. [03:00] ( Chelsea's already promised to a certain someone :P ) [03:01] Hmmm... cook cookcook! [03:01] * Mei-Yin starts puttering around the kitchen, figuring out what she has to work with. [03:01] * Mei-Yin hums softly to herself as she putters about gathering various ingredients. [03:03] [Mei-Yin:#BESM PING] [03:03] Hmmm, what to make, what to make... [03:04] * Shigeru walks in, wearing the fresh t-shirt. [03:04] Mind if I watch, too? [03:05] * Mei-Yin ties a Piyo Piyo apron around herself and begins cooking with abandon, still softly humming herself and seeming to have forgotten that there are other around. [03:05] * Chelsea chuckles. "Sure, Shig. We can commentate on the food battle." [03:05] * Shigeru snickers. "But she's not battling anybody?" [03:05] And I've had enough cooking for one day, thanks. [03:05] True. And I, for one, won't limit her to an hour. [03:06] [Mei finds no Piyo Piyo apron, and has to settle for Puyo Puyo.] [03:06] * Shigeru nods with a grin and thinks to Chelsea, ~How do you want to tell her?~ [03:06] * Mei-Yin refuses to settle for Puyo Puyo, and wears it with the pride that it deserves. [03:06] ~Tell her what?~ [03:07] ( That's what you think :P ) [03:07] ~Why I'd notice her, for one. And why people were dying out there... and why she shouldn't write a newspaper report.~ [03:07] ( Brett: I meant that I don't have to 'settle' for the apron, as it's a pride to wear Puyo Puyo. ) [03:07] ~Oh. That is a rather important question, isn't it?~ [03:08] ( Oh :P ) [03:08] ~You'd think so, yeah. If she's been following us around, as jumpy as we are, and we didn't notice her until now she can damn well get whatever footage she wants later.~ [03:09] ~True. How well do you estimate she'd handle the blunt approach?~ [03:10] ~I have no idea. But if what she said is true, well... I guess she's not as normal as we'd like, either.~ He shakes his head. ~How blunt are we talking about, here?~ [03:10] *** blargh has joined #besm [03:11] * Mei-Yin finishes cooking and begins dishing out pork lo mein for everybody, with generous dishes of veggies for color. [03:11] *** Mandoric-AtLAN has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer ) [03:11] Done! [03:12] ~Just telling her 'I'm a mage and he's a psychic', basically. I don't think we want to make it too blunt. Perhaps we could slip it into casual conversation. *chuckle*~ [03:12] Wow. This smells *good*. [03:12] * Mei-Yin smiles prettily and puts the food down at the table, which became set somewhere along the way. [03:12] Mmm. Smells delish, Mei. [03:12] * Mei-Yin blushes a little. [03:12] I like to cook. [03:12] * Mei-Yin takes off the apron, hangs it up, and sits down to eat. [03:13] * Shigeru takes a seat at the table. ~Er, yeah. Though I don't know how we'd do that. It's not the kind of thing people usually talk about.~ He takes a bite of the food and grins. [03:13] * Chelsea gestures to the living room. "We can eat around the coffee table. I didn't bother to section off a dining room, see." [03:13] (Oh, *now* you tell us. :P) [03:13] (^_^) [03:13] Oh, I don't have one either, so I just used this table here, I'm used to eat-in kitchens. [03:14] It doesn't really matter, I guess. [03:15] And lest I forget, who wants what do drink? I have Corke, Dr. Pepsi, Sidhe, brandy and wine. [03:15] Sidhe? What's that? [03:15] (Takeoff of 'Sprite'.) [03:15] ( No Imperial Cola? ;_; ) [03:15] Ah. Corke's fine. [03:15] ( Ah. ) [03:15] (This is an anti-Imperial Cola apartment!) [03:15] Oh, Dr. Pepsi, please. [03:15] ( ;_; ) [03:15] ( Imperial Crown Cola? ) [03:16] * Chelsea nods. "A lady of defining taste." [03:16] ( Yeah. :P ) [03:16] * Chelsea gets two cans of Dr. Pepsi and one of Corke. [03:16] * Shigeru laughs. "I don't know how you can drink that diet stuff." [03:16] * Mei-Yin eats small, ladylike portions. [03:17] (diet stuff? >.> <.<) [03:18] I don't know how I'd survive without sugar and caffeine. [03:18] (Sorry, I'm still having a hard time reconciling Dr. Pepsi with... anything in my mind.) [03:18] * Chelsea eats in an entirely unremarkable fashion, managing to enjoy the food as she does so. [03:18] Neither do I, really. [03:18] * Shigeru eats quite happily. It's the first decent meal he's had in a long time. [03:18] I know how I'd survive without it, but the thought fills me with dread. [03:19] * Chelsea munches more. n_n [03:19] ( ^_^_v ) [03:19] * Shigeru nods. "The horror of it all." [03:19] Soon as we find someone who wants to rid the world of sugar and caffeine, we'll know that's the person behind all this crap. [03:20] Mmm. This is even better than the lumps in sauce that the Juni team made. [03:20] ...lumps in sauce? [03:20] Exactly, Shig. [03:20] And who behind what? [03:20] Eh? Oh. [03:21] Yeah, lumps in sauce. I was skeptical at first, too, because it looked exactly how it sounds. It tasted pretty good, tho. But this is *great*. [03:21] ( What do you think Quentin's trying to do? ) [03:21] ( Bah. The tentacle surprise was a masterpiece too :P ) [03:21] * Shigeru grabs another forkful of noodles. "Well... what do you know about Mystery Club, Mei?" [03:21] ( As long as you didn't think about what you were eating :P ) [03:21] Um... not much, really... [03:21] (Brett> Yeah, so long as you held your nose and kept your eyes closed.) [03:22] I only started following you a week ago, and I heard you talking about somebody dying... [03:22] And now somebody else has died, maybe two or three people... [03:22] * Mei-Yin starts to look really sad. [03:22] *** RDMgryphon has quit IRC (Quit: u.u-zzz ) [03:23] * Shigeru lowers his gaze. "Kind of... three people, yeah." [03:23] ( 5 this session alone :) ) [03:23] (Sh. ^_~) [03:23] I can't believe that the school actually sanctions this... [03:24] And there was a fourth, I think... he was mentioned a couple times. [03:24] ( Oh so long ago... :P ) [03:24] I know there's a story here, I've just got to dig it out and publish it. [03:24] * Mei-Yin gets a determined look on her face. [03:24] * Shigeru looks up at Mei-Yin. "You are *not* going to publish it." [03:25] Wha? [03:25] He's right; you're not. [03:25] B-but... [03:26] Why not? [03:27] Because we have information that is currently secret, and we would like to keep it that way. [03:27] * Chelsea munches some more. "And this is really good, y'know." [03:27] Keeping secrets is no excuse, the public deserves to know! [03:28] Oh, yeah, so they can all run around screaming about how there are "aliens" in their midst or something. [03:28] ( Instinct to powerpose overwhelming! ) [03:28] * Shigeru eats more food. "'Sides, Hikaru's not an alien anyway." [03:28] Huh? Why would they do that? [03:29] * Shigeru grins. "You tell me. You're the journalism minor." [03:30] * Mei-Yin pouts. "I wouldn't know. Nobody ever reacts to my stories." [03:30] * Shigeru sobers up. "They'd react to this one. All the wrong people would." [03:30] * Chelsea nods. "Shig's right." [03:31] If you publish something concerning Mystery Club, the activities involved, and the members in it... death is the nicest thing that could happen to me. And I don't mean that in the figurative sense. [03:31] * Chelsea eats some more, finishing her plate. She daintily wipes her mouth with her napkin, and sets it aside. [03:31] I've finally found a story that might actually be worth reporting, might actually make people recognize me, and I can't report it! [03:31] WAH! [03:31] To you? [03:31] Why? [03:31] * Mei-Yin looks puzzled. [03:31] * Shigeru shrugs and goes back to eating. "Sure." [03:31] * Chelsea looks at Shig. [03:32] * Shigeru glances up at Mei-Yin. ~I'm psychic,~ he thinks to her, broadcasting it so Chelsea can hear, too. ~And that's not the half of it.~ [03:32] * Mei-Yin falls out of her chair. [03:32] * Shigeru blinks. [03:32] Ow... [03:32] You alright? [03:32] You okay? [03:32] * Mei-Yin stands up. [03:32] You're what? [03:33] Psychic. Telepathic. Y'know. [03:33] Sure. [03:33] He's psychic. I thought he said it pretty plainly, really. [03:33] ( Spoonbender! ) [03:33] ( Chelsea pulls rabbits out hats. And is usable as ammo. ) [03:34] (*laughs* Rabbit launcher!) [03:34] Yeah, right. [03:34] (*snerks*) [03:34] It's a neat trick, I really like ventriloquism. [03:34] Okay. How do you want me to prove it to you, then? [03:34] * Mei-Yin blinkblinks. [03:34] Prove it? [03:34] Short of me breaking your mind. That's always messy. [03:34] * Chelsea chuckles. [03:35] You already did. You talked without moving your lips. [03:35] You're a very good ventriloquist. [03:35] * Chelsea smiles. "Ah. A skeptic." [03:36] Okay, so you can read my mind, right? [03:36] * Shigeru shakes his head. "I was wondering where they all went." He concentrates, and one chopstick levitates and twirls in the air. [03:36] Yup. [03:36] So read my mind. [03:36] * Shigeru raises an eyebrow and snatches his chopstick from the air. His eyes unfocus slightly. [03:36] * Mei-Yin pictures in her mind very strongly a scene from one of her more ecchi manga, with herself and Shigeru written into the scene. [03:37] ( c.c; ) [03:37] * Shigeru falls off the chair. [03:37] O_O [03:37] * Shigeru scrambles to his feet. "Next time, can't you pick a *safer* thing to think about?" [03:38] ( That was priceless. ) [03:38] * Chelsea frowns. "Safer? What was she thinking, Shig?" [03:38] (Yes. Yes, it was. ^_^) [03:38] Well, I had to make sure you were really reading my mind. [03:38] * Mei-Yin blushes bright red, realizing what he just saw. [03:38] * Shigeru blushes. "Um. You don't want to know, really." He sits back down. [03:39] ( Oi, Wrap it up. Tired. ) [03:39] ( We can quit whenever, guys. ) [03:39] * Chelsea frowns and shakes her head. "The fact that you said that tells me that I do. But whatever." [03:39] (I can keep going. ^_^) [03:39] ( I can't :P ) [03:40] [Session End]