* Makoto plunks the girls down on her rump, on anything that looks remotely seatlike behind the bar. ( Will a crate do? :P ) (Yep.) ( Yes, thanks! ^_^ ) ( Yeah.) Alright, girl, this is how it's going to work. We've had a rough day, and we're all a bit pissed right now, do if you don't stop crying we're going to have to tape your mouth shut and beat you until we all feel better. * Chie cracks her knuckles. [Makoto better say that louder. The girl seems like she didn't hear him :P] * Chomei cracks his neck. * Makoto repeats himself, much more loudly and angrily. * Makoto waves Chomei forward, with the tape. If she didn't hear him this time, they're just going to have to shut her up. * Chomei comes forth with the tape. "Should we close her mouth or leave it open when we tape it?" * ChineseGirl stares at Makoto between sobs. "You're just a buncha meanies. One day, someone's gonna stand up to you." * Chie smirks. * Chomei looks at the girl. "You don't know the half of it." * Makoto doesn't look worried. Yes, yes, our day job is beating up little kids and stealing their lunch money. Now, do you have something useful you'd like to say to us? Or do you want us to tape you up now? Yeah, one thing. * Makoto braces himself for a scream or a spit. * Chie folds her arms. * Chomei pulls the tape out and stretches it out. I come from a long line of martial artists. They'll get you after I die. You won't get away with this. * ChineseGirl then leaps up and throws a kick at Chomei! * ChineseGirl kicks Chomei in the stomach, but loses her balance and falls over. * Chomei oofs and backs up. "Okay, I guess we can start the beating now." Good. * Chie looks somewhat angry. * ChineseGirl rolls around trying to get back on her feet. "Oof. Dammit." Never woulda happened to mom. * Makoto grabs the duct tape from Chomei, takes a few steps toward the girl, and pauses. Mom? ( Curiosity killed the doppelganger. ) * Chomei says sarcastically "Wow, you're mom was a martial artist? And you're one too? That's such a big surprise." * ChineseGirl manages to get herself in a sitting position. "Yeah. I told you: long line of martial artists." And when mom finds you, you are going to be SOOOO sorry. I know a couple of long lines of martial artists in the city, actually. Who's your mom? You'll be begging for your life. 'Oh, please don't kick my head so hard that it explodes!' Just like that. * Makoto idly tosses the duct tape back to Chomei, and reaches into his pocket for his heavy yo-yo. * ChineseGirl frowns. "Er... well... she's in China. But she'll hear about you! Don't doubt it!" * Chomei catches the tape. "Oh, why do you get the first shot?" Ohhh, okay. If she's so tough, you think she'd really approve of you hanging out with those two losers in there? * Makoto nods slightly, though he doesn't turn his attention from the Chinese girl. * Chie perches on the bar, keeping a close eye on the girl. * ChineseGirl shrugs. "She doesn't know. 'Sides, I bet she wouldn't mind." Sure she wouldn't. when she was young, she used to deal with these creepy folk all the time. Oh yeah? In China? No! In Tokyo! * Chomei walks to the wall and leans against it. Ahh... She run a restaurant around here or something? I hear the delivery business is pretty messed up. Hmph. She used work there when great gramma was still alive. I see. So, why'd -you- come to Tokyo? 'Cause, someone has to pick up where she left off. Can't have all these supernaturals running amok. And I gotta look after the restaurant, too. * Chie raises an eyebrow, but says nothing. * Chomei isn't paying attention. Hrm. So, you hunt supernaturals with those guys back there? Uh huh. Mom had her sister to help, but I'm an only child. And it's dangerous to hunt alone, so... Ah. Must be a pretty rough job. Why are your friends so interested in Interpol, though? I thought they were just global cops. Because, Interpol has a secret supernatural division. * Makoto looks surprised. You mean they -endorse- that sort of thing? I guess you guys would like to get rid of THAT. * ChineseGirl shrugs. "I don't mind." But I thought you said you hunted supernaturals. Yeah. But you know, it's not like you can just advertise on TV. So, that's why you have secret meetings here at the bar and go over game plans and meet with creepy people? Yeah. Do you hunt for supernaturals anywhere but Interpol, or did you find out about this secret group recently, or what? * ChineseGirl thinks. "Ummm.... Well, I came here all set to fight the supernaturals and improve my training, but I couldn't find any." Ah. Is that how you met those guys? Looking for supernaturals to fight? I spent about a mounth working at my cousin's Chinese restaurant - - that's the one mom used to work at when she way about my age -- and -- yeah." * Makoto nods. * Makoto waves Chie over to him, but doesn't take his eyes off the girl or his hand off the yo-yo. * Chomei checks his watch. * Chie hops off the bar and walks over to Makoto. * Makoto murmurs something to her. * Chie nods to Makoto and walks off into the other room. So, did you find any more supernaturals when you started hanging out with these guys? Or were they pretty hung up on finding out about Interpol? We started finding them 'cause Kanjiro's good at hacking, and he hacked into Interpol's files so we could find them. Oh, I see. Is Kanjiro the spikey-haired guy? Yeah. Funny name, huh? But all Japanese people have funny names. * Makoto nods and grins indulgently. Why, what's -your- name? * ChineseGirl grins proudly. "MY name is Tianyi Tsu, of the Tsu clan." * Chomei looks at the two. "What was that?" *** ChineseGirl is now known as Tianyi Strange, I think I -have- heard of them before. * Makoto makes a point to look a little impressed, but not -too- much. * Chie walks back in, and over to Makoto. * Chie murmurs in Makoto's ear. * Tianyi beams proudly. "Our clan is full of master martial artists and magicians, and we've always fought supernaturals since the Later Han period." * Makoto nods, first to Chie, and then Tianyi. * Chie murmurs one last thing to Makoto, then hops back up on the bar. Do you hunt them indiscriminately? Or do you only hunt harmful supernaturals? * Makoto nods again, and turns his full attention back to the girl. * Chomei smirks. Just the ones that wanna fight. How else am I going to improve? Good point, good point. Were the other guys looking for supernaturals when you met them? Uhhh.... I don't really know. Oh, no, I do! Sergei was, sorta. He never said why, though. Sergei? So that's the Russian's name. Yeah. Didn't I say that? I guess I didn't. But it is, yeah. Huh. Do you deal with any other groups of hunters? * Chie slides off the bar and murmurs something to Makoto. Um... * Makoto nods again, and waits for the girl's response. * Tianyi frowns and looks to the side. "Unfortunately." Oh yeah? Any names? Well, it's not a group per se... It's my cousin. My annoying, stuck-up, perfect brat cousin. * Tianyi scowls. "Ooooh, she makes me so mad." Why's that? Maybe because she's 'perfect,' and Tianyi here isn't. She's not, you know. Or at least that's the way it works out in Tia's mind. It's true! Just because her family's rich and she's treated better. Reminds me of my cousins. So what's Little Miss Perfect called? Francine. 'Perfect, pretty, popular' Francine. * Chie nearly falls off the bar laughing. ... * Chie wipes her eyes. "You have... a very interesting family." * Chomei grins and chuckles. She didn't even keep the clan name, and they still treat her like the most important person in the world! She makes me so mad... I can imagine so... * Chomei nods. She's not even that good at martial arts, either. Uses a stupid western sword. I woulda beat her last family reunion tournament if I, uh, didn't trip. Hey, as long as you think what you're doing is important, and you try hard at it, that's all that matters. *Not* what your stupid cousin thinks. Yeah! I think so too! * Chie grumbles a bit. But nobody else does, so it still sucks. What about your mom? I don't know... She's sorta in the middle ground. Mm... have you met any other hunters or creepy people named Lau? Or any big Russians named Dmitri? * Tianyi looks at Makoto wide eyed. "Yeah! Dimitri! Actually, Sergei kept being all pouty and wanting to look up information on him since the bulletin we saw on the site yesterday." What bulletin was that? Something about how he stole some important files, and people should watch out for him... Hey, can you untie me? I won't hit you anymore. * Makoto puts his yo-yo back and steps forward to untie Tianyi. * Chie slaps a hand to her forehead. "Oh, *shit.*" * Chomei looks over to Chie. "What's up?" I think that answers the biggest question we had. * Makoto smiles sheepishly at Tianyi. We thought you guys were working for Dmitri. Well, we got the wrong people. * Chie nods at Makoto's statement. "Yeah. We're really sorry about the mixup." The important files he stole were ours. * Tianyi looks at Makoto in realization. "Ooooooh. That explains why you attacked us for no reason. Blowing off steam, huh?" Heh. Sort of. And we thought you had our files. Um... sorry about commin' in and attackin' you guys... Well, we thought we'd be able to get information on his whereabouts from you. Yeah, and finally piece together where they took, what was it... box? So we *had* a reason. It just turned out to be totally wrong. * Makoto nods in agreement with both Chomei and Chie, and waves an arm toward the door. "Want to go back with the others?" They took a box? Nah, Rei's pride and joy. It was really a computer. Mostly. * Tianyi peers at Chomei. "Her pride and joy was a box? Oh, there was a computer in the box." * Chomei grins. "No, the computer was called 'box.'" So, the name 'Lau' doesn't ring a bell? Or maybe anybody who reminds you of a bat? * Tianyi shrugs. "Lau is a pretty common name. And a bat? Uh... Batman? That was a really old comic..." * Chie nods. Oh, and Tianyi? Huh? Have you ever heard of the Wei School of martial arts? Yeah. They're kind of a branch from the Tsu school. * Chie nods. "Master Wei is the person who trained me in fighting. If you want to, why don't you stop by sometime? I'll put in a good word for you with him, in case you want to practice there. And I'll stop by and spar with you, if you'd like." Well, I'm going back. Come back when you're ready. * Makoto nods to Chomei. * Chomei walks back to the main room. Sure! I'm always looking for improvement. *** Chomei has left #kirbykirby * Chie smiles. "Good." * Chie turns to Makoto. "I think we're done here." * Tianyi throws two quick punches and a roundhouse to emphasize, but trips after the kick. "Oof." I do too. Sorry we acted like we were gonna hurt you, Tia-- * Makoto doesn't help her up, as that would probably embarrass her. * Chie refrains from adding: "You probably need it." ^_^ * Makoto waits until the women go inside before following them in, because following them in BEFORE they went inside would just be weird.