"How DARE you treat me like this! You won't get away with it! I PAID you to do your job!" "The PROBLEM is I PAID your organization to do a job, which you pointedly DID NOT DO." "I PAID you to do it! And I am very unsatisfied with your performance and the way you treated me!" "Don't you try to fool me!" "I know this is Mystery Club!" "You DARE! You charlatain! I DEMAND a REFUND!" "I won't stand for this! I PAID you!" "Get down here and do your job!" "I will not! I've been waiting for twenty years for you to do your job! That I PAID you for!" "I PAID you, Mystery Club! I PAID you to get rid of the ghost, which you DID NOT DO!" "I don't care WHO it is! I PAID you! Do. Your. JOB!" [He rants. :P] "How DARE you! I've been waiting twenty years!" "No! You get down here and do your job! I PAID you to do it!" [He rants more :P] "Well. We're finally getting somewhere." "About time. I PAID you twenty years ago!" "Excuse me?! I gave Nakamura the address! He'd better send someone NOW!" "Nakamura said it would take tewnty minutes at the most!" "I want it done NOW! Like I PAID you to for!" "You'll do it because I PAID you!" "I'll do no such thing! I PAID you to do it, YOU do it!" "How DARE you! Nakamura said it went through!" "I won't stand for this! You'll do it now, because I PAID you!" "How DARE you! You get down here immediately and do your job! I PAID you!" "And do it right this time!"