[Day: Tuesday, June 21st. Time: 8:30 a.m.] [Chomei stays with Chie as she lies in mortal peril from wyvern poison. Everyone else left to attempt to rescue a martial artist with the final ingredient they need for the antidote. They all ignored the ever snobbish Francine Jameson III, who had brought a "special weed or whatever" with her crew, on their way out. Unfortunately for Chomei, Francine and her servants stayed behind, which means he's alone in a room with them.] [Ok, Start now.] * Chomei stays near Chie, and continues glaring at Francine Jameson the III. "Didn't you hear them? Leave." 2d6 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Maria (2d6) and gets 6. [Francine is busy fixing her hair and pointedly ignores Chomei. "Of all the nerve...!"] * Chomei shrugs and ignores Francine right back. Let's just hope the rest of the team doesn't screw up... Francine looks at her hair in a handmirror and grins triumphantly. "Perfect!" * Chomei eyes Francine, then goes back to paying attention to more important things... Like the wall. * Chomei shakes his head. "So you have a 'weed' or something with you, and you 'claim' to need to have brought it here for... what?" Francine snaps her fingers. "Oh, yes. I nearly forgot." She turns to Roy and Marco. "Well, let's get started!" Hold it! *What* are you going to get started with? Marco and Roy get out a bunch of vials and microscopes and sciencey-looking stuff, and Francine pulls on a white lab coat and a pair of spectacles. "Obviously, I'm making the antidote. You DID want one, right?" 2d6 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Lazar (2d6) and gets 5. Antidote for what? (What do you think it's for, Chomei, dear? ;p) (Shhh! He's actully thinking straight for once. Do you want to screw up his mind again? :P) [Francine grabs a bit of the paoxiao bone and hands it to Roy, who grinds it up with a pestal. She hands the Nightshade to Marco who grinds it up with his hands. She then mixes various others things together. "For poison, obviously." She rolls her eyes. "Honestly, people these days just don't get it."] * Chomei observes the ingredients, then leans back and rubs his head, mumbling to himself. "Of all the people..." Marco looks over at Chomei. "Even Abraham Lincoln?" * Chomei blinks at Marco, then just shakes his head. 2d6 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Chie (2d6) and gets 5. [Francine mixes, adding the other ingredients to the concoction, and stirs that, too.] * Chomei watches, still almost not wanting to believe these people are gonna save Chie... But fairly relieved *someone* is gonna try. [Francine finishes the potion, which is black and bubbling ominously. "There. Now let sit for ten minutes and serve liberally."] * Chomei sits down. He's very tense, and for good reason... [Ten minutes pass, and Francine gets up and grabs the drink with a pair of oven mitts. "There we go." She heads towards Chie slowly, being careful not to spill any of it. "Now be a good boy and open her mouth. Make sure she drinks all of it."] * Chomei takes a deep breath. "If you're wrong, I'll kill you myself." He opens Chie's mouth as instructed. 2d6-4 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Maria (2d6-4) and gets 0. 2d6-2 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Lazar (2d6-2) and gets 3. [Francine pours the concoction down Chie's throat. Hooooo, does it smell bad. Probably tastes worse.] * Chomei ignores the stench... For now. * Chie coughs. [Chie wakes up, finding herself drinking something that smells and tastes horrible. Chomei is holding her mouth open, and Marco and Roy are holding her down.] * Chie sputters and gags. Francine continues to pour the whatever it is. "Don't let her go or you'll be sorry!" Com'on... Work, dammit. * Chie swallows, out of reflex. * Chie 's eyes snap open, and she *stares* at the others. * Chomei stares at Chie as well... [Francine finally pours of the last of it down. "There, that wasn't so bad, was it?" Naturally, it WAS...] * Chie swallows the last of it, then coughs again. Eeeeeuch. Wait. I'm back? Chomei? * Chomei takes his hands off of Chie's mouth. "Yeah?" He... grins? * Chie looks at Marco and Roy. "And... you guys? You can let go now. I'm not goin' anywhere just yet." [Roy lets go: "Sorry." So does Marco: "Germany is in Europe."] * Chie pushes herself upright, and smiles back at Chomei. "Yeah. I'm back." Francine laughs annoyingly. "Of course! My skill as a doctor is second only to my good looks!" * Chomei blinks, then leans forward and hugs Chie. "It worked... You're back..." He makes a point to ignore Francine. ( Correct response: "Wow, you must be a really awful doctor." ) (It's comming, just wait.) * Chie hugs Chomei back. "I'm not leaving you anytime soon." Good, because I'm not going anywhere either... * Chie lets go and grins at him. "I'm countin' on that." She looks around. "Hey, where's everyone else?" * Chomei blinks. "They went to go get the final compo... Aw shit." Oh shit? ...wait. Oh, *shit*! * Chie tries to get to her feet. That must've been what that weird guy meant... * Chomei gets to his feet too. "What weird guy?" * Chie stands up, a bit shakily. "I'll explain later. Right now, we gotta get back to Kanghua, and *fast*! I'm bettin' they're there!" * Chomei nods and looks around for some form of transport. [Francine laughs LOUDLY and ANNOYINGLY. "Naturally, I brought my Rolls Royce for just such an occasion!"] * Chie looks over at Francine. "Fantastic. Would you be willin' to let us lowly peons hitch a ride?" * Chomei sighs, but is still very pleased that Chie's back. [Session End]