[Day is Wednsday! Time is unknown.] ['Cause you're in Hell! You got to see the Cubs and the Beatles and the lawyers and a bunch of other cool stuff (or you might have if you moved at the speed of light). Then you got to where you're supposed to go (sorta) and met Victoria (who makes Chie insanely jealous). You also passed up free food. Oh, and Chomei's uncle is here, too.] [Chomei's uncle looks like a goth, and is currently outside of the white marble palace giving a speech to a bunch of other wacky demons. You're in the back of the crowd.] [Action!] * Chie blinks yet again. "But... that can't be! It's probably someone who just *looks* like your uncle... or something... right?" * Asanjya peers up at the guy. "OOoohhhh... I dunno about this..." Shh! I wanna hear what the goth's saying! I hope it's not poetry. ... they say every family have one very odd uncle... * Chomei shakes his head. "I really don't believe it, but that's unmistakably him." He pauses. "Ya THINK?" * Rei ticks on her fingers. "Wait. If he's your uncle, and he's giving a speech, and Victoria said her uncle's giving a speech..." She looks to Victoria. * Chie is putting two and two together, and hoping for five. * Victoria smiles at Rei. She's got fangs! Chomei, *how*? ... of course, my odd uncle just loved taste of brussles sprouts... * Chomei blinks and shakes his head in disbelief. "I don't know how. I don't fuckin' know how." * Rei blinks at Victoria, then smiles a little, too. She doesn't have fangs, but she has a tail! "Then you're related. Didja know this, Victoria? I think you did." * Maria fidgets. "Uh, hey. Enough with the family stuff?" Uh huh! Why do you think I was so happy to see him when we first met? * Chie is starting to look rather distraught. "But this is... this is *crazy*!" Well, I guess that'd make a lot of sense, since you probably didn't show up for his family reunions, so you didn't get that whole cousin-whatever-hate thing going, so there was no rivalry there. But he wasn't that happy to see you, 'cause he didn't know. * Lazar looks at Chomei... then Victoria... then Chomei... then Victoria... "Well, good thing you no fall for odd demon lady, Chomei. Would no have been good." * Chie turns and looks at Victoria. "How, exactly, are you related? Cousins?" *mutters* For many reasons besides being cousins. * Asanjya rubs her chin and looks on. With a bemused smile. I wasn't going to fall for her, you know that. What if she tripped you? * Chomei glares at Maria. I know. Those 'many other reasons' I say. * Rei giggles. * Maria doesn't notice Cho's glare. * Chie swallows a couple of times, and keeps looking at Victoria. Well? * RDMgryphon has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer ) If share uncle, then they cousins. * Victoria tilts her head at Chie. I asked how you were related. * Chomei turns his attention to Victoria. "How are we related, then. And why the fuck is my uncle down here with wings on his back?" Oh, like you guys say on the mortal world. We're hella tight, yeah? * Rei cracks up. Maybe you could elaborate on that? * Maria blinks, then giggles. ... Explain. * Chomei isn't finding this funny at all. * Chie isn't, either. * Asanjya looks up at the demon, then back at Chomei. She rubs her chin some more. * Lazar tilts his head. He's not laughing or scowling or anything... he's just kinda observing. ( Gimme hearing checks, +2 ) * Rei manages to reduce it to a giggle and tries to pay attention to the uncle and the conversation at the same time. 2d6 2d6+5 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Chie (2d6) and gets 5. * Dicesuke throws the bones for Chomei (2d6+5) and gets 15. 2d6+2 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Rei (2d6+2) and gets 5. 2d6+2 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Asanjya (2d6+2) and gets 13. 2d6 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Lazar (2d6) and gets 6. 2d6 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Maria (2d6) and gets 6. ( *quickly tucks away his new pouch of thirty silver pieces* ) (Chomei: You are right. We are in hell, and there was no way you made that. ;p) (Hehe.) [Everyone who made it realizes that Chomei's uncle was speaking all along, you just couldn't hear it, 'cause you're a lot further from him than it looks, and 'cause some guy is yelling very loudly, "Get your meece meat here! It's tasty, and it might not kill you! Meece meat here!"] Hmm... I really ought to get some of that meat. * Rei peers at the guy. "Uh, are we s'posed to hear what he's saying? 'Cause I'm not. I am! * Maria twitches. Guess we'll have to get closer if we want to hear. Oh. ... It's okay, I'll get in closer! Hear what? Or something. I don't know. I still want to know what's going on here! * Lazar attempts to *gently* clear a path for the others to get closer. Sure. Closer works. Your uncle, or whoever the hell he is. [Lazar shoves some unfortunate demons aside.] * Asanjya looks up. "Oh, we're going? Ooops." She starts to follow Lazar. * Maria minglesneaks her way into the crowd ahead of Lazar. * Chie looks over at Chomei. She's confused. And angry. * Victoria grabs Chomei's and Rei's arms and tugs them after the others. "Let's go!" * Rei isn't confused and angry. She grabs Chie by the arm and tugs her after Lazar. Aaah! Wah! * Rei is tugged and she tugs Chie! It's a tugging train! ( It's a train! :P ) * Chie is chaindragged! Let's. * Chomei forcefully keeps pace with Victoria. ( o/~ People all over the world, join hands! Join the tug train, tug train! o/~ ) * Rei stumbles to keep up. * Asanjya looks up at Lazar. "Are you always this busy?" * Chie follows Rei, managing to keep her balance okay. "Why won't anyone give me any answers?!" [The guy who may be Chomei's uncle is speaking! "... But we will not be defeated! The citidel is strong, but it cannot mobilize its troops while our allies are camped outside of it! We can fight without worrying about our rear flank. It's only a matter of time before we march home victorious!" He raises his fist into the air, and a buncha other demons do likewise. They play victory music! ... On kazoos.] * Victoria claps. "Yay!" * Lazar nods back at Asanjya. "I team muscle and cover. Busy work." ... *Definetly* Joe. Maybe we could talk to the uncle guy and he'll give some- ooh, kazoos. Nice taste in music. I think they should oof. * Rei is let go, as Victoria claps! * Victoria doesn't let Rei go, she claps with her. Nooooo, I meant all of you! You're all running around, busy-like. And Victoria, too. * Chomei pulls his arm back as Victoria claps. Oh. Yes. Lots of mysteries what need solving. Hey, Chomei, if this's your uncle, how come you're not cool like him? I mean, gothy taste aside, but you're pretty gothy, too, so I guess that doesn't work? * Maria blinks. "Citadel? Mobilize? ...oh, shit." Hmm. * Chie stumbles. "Aaaagh! I don't *understand*!" * Victoria doesn't let go of Chomei, either, so he actually winds up clapping with Rei inadvertantly. Hey, Victoria, what's he talkin' about? There's fighting going on? Is it good or bad and does it involve a Chinese clan with crazy weapons? Uh huh! * Victoria grins. "We're in a war! Isn't that neat?" No. * Lazar stops. "... so demons going to fight Chinese people?" That's not good. Not like any of this is good, but this is particularly not good, and somebody please tell me what's going on?! Ummm... I dunno! * Maria frowns. * Chomei takes a deep breath. "I want to talk to Joe. Now." * Chie is almost to Rei-levels of flailing panic. ...Victoria? Whose citadel is strong? [Chomei might get his chance; the speech is over, and Joe's heading back into the palace.] I have no idea, Lazar. Ooooh. It's that mean mean Kali. Uh... we need help from the Chinese people. That's why we came here. She's got this citadel that's on this big hill that's really really hard to attack! ... so not Chinese people? Kali? Whozzat? Oh. Is good. Very good. * Rei scratches at the back of her head. * Asanjya brushes back her hair. "Now I'm confused, too." So! We should talk to Uncle Joe! * Lazar turns back to the others. "Kali sound like demon name. They fighting citidel of demons, I think. No fighting Chinese people... at least at moment." * Lazar scratches his head, creating an odd grating sound. "... I think." Riiight. Let's go talk to Joe, then. ...how're you guys gonna get in? * Chie takes a *very* deep breath. "Okay. That part sounds okay. Maybe." * Chomei looks at Victoria. "How do we get in. And 'I dunno' is not a wise answer." I usually walk. But you could jog, run, dash, or cartwheel, too! Works for me. Lead the way then. ...and nobody's gonna try to stop us? 2d6-3 * Atom rolls for Lazar (2d6-3) and gets 2. * Dicesuke throws the bones for Lazar (2d6-3) and gets 3. Oh, sure they will, but they're never very hard. * Maria blinks, then giggles. Okay. * Chie puts her hands to her head and makes a "nnnnngh!" sound. * Rei looks like she's about to say more, then gets cut off by Chie. She looks over at her. "Uh... we'll catch up to you. One sec." And she grabs her friend by the arm and pulls her away from the group a bit. * Asanjya sighs. "This is why I never invite you over anymore, Victoria." * Chie is yanked. "Wha?" ... oh yes. Kali. I remember now. Shut up and walk, priesty girl! Victoria, try not to get them killed! Hell's a nice place to visit, but we don't wanna live here! Demon with black skin. Like sacrifice humans, wear skulls as jewelery. No very nice. Why not? * Rei leads her a bit aways (but still in view) and talks to her quietly. It's likely lost under the hum of the crowd. Then we could visit each other every day! * Maria blinks. * Lazar grins. "Knew I pay attention in demonology class for reason!" *pumps fist* Kaaaali.... hmn. * Lazar somehow restains himself from doing a quick Golem Jig. He does, however, look fairly pleased with himself. Colorful name. ( Her full name is Kali Kulus. ) ( Aim for the demon wearing the penguin costume. ) ( *snerks* ) (Stupid Ian.) (Heh.) * Victoria leads everyone towards the castle. It, like the rest of the city, is white marble. [As you cross the lava moat, a gator, made of rock and lava, jumps out of the moat, flips around, and falls back in.] ... Right. Bah. Obsidion for weenies, too. Oooooh. Nifty! Obsidian? * Victoria nodnods. "Uh huh! It's all about brimstone." Rock from volcano. Is black. Make good weapon, except that it have nasty habit of shatter when hit with harder weapon. No, I mean, why'd you mention it? The gator. Made of volcano rock, from lava. But it sissy rock. No manly, like granite. *nodnods* Oh. Poor gator. * Victoria drags Chomei towards the uncle when they get close enough. "Uncle Julian! Look who came to visit!" * Chomei rolls his eyes. It must have to deal with the shame every day. (Julian?.. Oh shit.) No know how it go on. * Asanjya looks around at the castle. * Julian turns around slowly and frowns. Frown. :( (Ooh, with the emoticon? That's so cute!) * Chomei looks pissed. * Julian looks disturbed. * Maria blinks, then kind-of waves hello. "Uhm... 'lo." * Victoria looks cheery! ^_^ * Lazar looks... er... stone-faced? * Asanjya looks quietly reserved. * Victoria waves Chomei. "See? See?" I see. * Chomei walks up to Joe. "You have a lot of explaining to do." Wouldn't be the first time. I don't give a flying fuck if it's the first time or the hunderedth time. What's going on? So, uhm, yeah. I think I'll go out of the room and let you two have some family time, right? Right. * Asanjya blinks. "I think Maria needs some company." This would be the... 323rd time, if my count is accurate. * Julian rubs his eyes. And boy does he look tired. Maybe because he's a demon. "Yes, that might be a good idea. Follow me, Chomei." He heads into the castle. * Lazar gently pokepokes Chomei, and whispers to him. "You want me stay as backup, or..." Uhm... yeah. 'Cause... right, hell alone and all. C'mon, Anjy, let's book. ...mind if I call you Anjy? Sure! Er, I mean no, I don't mind. * Asanjya beams. * Victoria grins at Maria. "I know a nice little grove with a pond and benches and trees that eat people." * Chomei shakes his head at Lazar. "I gotta deal with this on my own. And I doubt you'd like to be with me when I find out what's really going on. " * Chomei takes a deep breath and walks in after Julian. Sounds... dangerous. Let's go there! Maybe. * Lazar nods. "If say so. If need help, just let out bloodcurdling scream." * Maria heads out of the room! Nervous? Maybe. * Asanjya follows Maria, still looking around lots. You'll know if I need help. * Lazar heads out with Maria and Asanjya. * Victoria heads out with them too! * Maria waits until they're away from the room before muttering. "Hell really hasn't made a good first impression on me." Oh, like I said, this is one of the nicer ones. I'm sure the evil ones have the brimstone and fire. They're probably a lot more efficient about it too. It no supposed to make good impression. It Hell. I'll say. I really wish they'd build a new brimstone mine. And hey, could be wor- wait, no. No going to say it. Eh, not really what I meant, but sure. Frankly, I thought it'd be a little less... uh, upscale. [On the way out, you bump into Chie and Rei. Maybe literally.] Well, someone's got to be on top in the pecking order, you know...oof! * Asanjya bumps into Chie! Hey guys. Family dispute inside, dangerous stuff. * Lazar is in the back, and doesn't bump into anyone! Thankfully. That'd be bad. Oof. Sorry, Asanjya. * Rei manages to stop before someone runs into her. "Damnit, we miss all the good parts!" Chomei's in there? He say he want to talk to uncle alone. Yeah. And, uh, whatsisface. Joe or Julian or whatever. ( JUUUUUUUUUULIAN! ... nah. Not the same ring to it. ) Oh. Guess I'd better stay out here, then. We can go get ice screams! Iiiii think no, Vicky. Maybe for you. But I like silent ice. * Rei blinks. "Julian?" * Maria perks up. "Someone say 'Ice cream'?" * Rei scrunches her face. "That sounds familiar." Familiar? * Victoria pouts. "Awwww." * Asanjya rubs her chin. "Iiiii wonder if there are any dodo talons down here. They're getting hard to find back home." Yeah, kinda familiar. Like I heard of a demon named Julian before. Is his real name Julian, Victoria? Uh huh! And he's a demon, right? With big wings? And he's gothy? Uh huh! And he's so cool! 2d6-1 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Lazar (2d6-1) and gets 2. Yeah, I really liked the bit with the kazoos. That was pretty cool. Um... where'd I hear about him... oh! Aunt Chelsea mentioned him! I think. They know each other, right? Are they related or somethin'? Oooh, the mysterious Chelsea. The plot thickens! * Maria sighs, having not heard anything more about ice cream. Julian... wait. Know that name... who was he... no, not demon lord of spleens. That other guy... * Chie blinks. "Your godmother, Rei?" Yeah! Then we got the right place? * Lazar rubs at his head, again creating that odd grinding sound. * Rei muses. "Actually, my kinda grandpa's her grandpa too, but he's dead now, so she's more like my cousin, only I never really thought about it like that... This is complicated." ( 'lo Nut-kickers. Kick any demons in the nuts yet? ) (*kicks Jex in the nuts*) ...I'm hungry. It sounds like it. Maybe you should draw it out in the dirt? Or .. uh.. rock? (*Bodyslams Jex*) ( Rei's family tree is a fscking maze! ) ... hey! No draw on rock! * Lazar mutters, then goes back to what he was trying to figure out. * Chie fishes in her bag and comes up with some sort of granola bar-ish thing. "Would this be okay, Maria?" ( *kicks Jex in the nuts* ) * Asanjya looks at Lazar oddly. "Er, oooookay...." ( v^_^v ) * Rei snaps out of it and looks at Victoria expectantly. ...sure! Was wondering if hellfood was safe to eay, anyway. * Chie hands it to Maria. * Maria takes the bar of food gratefully. "Thanks!" She opens and munches. Julian... I remember now! He one of many grandchild of... what name... Arakus? Yes, that it. Arakus. Very nasty demon, very powerful. Killed 20 years ago. Oooh. You know your demons! * Asanjya frowns. "I need my book still." Twenty years? That's not a coincidence, is it? * Rei points at Lazar. "That's my grandpa! Kinda. Only he had a different name!" * Lazar nods. "In Transylvania, more know about demons, more can fight." And he was a really big jerk. * Asanjya smiles again. "You're going to have to teach me!" Your what, Rei? Please tell me you meant adopted or something. Like your godmother. I don't know if I could handle both of you being blood-related to demons. So that means Julian's like my cousin, too, which means he is related to Chelsea, which means Chomei's like my nephew... ooh, I can order him around! That's gonna rule. Arakus tried enslave all grandkids once reach certain age. So yes, was big jerk. Julian escape, organize resistance, but he no one who kill Arakus. * Chie actually laughs. "You can try, Rei, but will he listen?" * Rei blinks at Chie. "Nah, I don't think I'm blood related. Dad doesn't got any demon blood in him far as we know, and it looks like my biological mom was turned into a vampire, but that'd be after they took the genetics for me and besides, are vampires even demons?" * Maria ignores the family stuff in favor of energy bar. :9 Kind of. Vampyre technically undead, which type of demon. And I don't think he's gonna listen 'cause he's a disobedient young whippersnapper! * Rei shakes her fist. Yeah. Kids these days. * Chie cracks up. * Lazar hmms. "... no remember who kill Arakus, actually. Oh well." * Maria giggles. * Rei puts her hands on her hips. "Hmph. I'll just have to show him a thing or two." She nods decisively. Well, I'll keep him in line for you, Rei. * Chie winks. Okay! But grandkids of Arakus is born human... become demon over time. * Victoria meanwhile snuck off somewhere, 'cause the GM can't keep up. Wait, repeat that, Laz. * Lazar rubs his neck. "Teacher explain that, but explanation go way over head." Oooh, didn't Rei mention Chelsea wasn't always a demon? Or at least a full one? No, repeat the part about how they're born? * Lazar tilts his head at Chie. "Grandkids of Arakus born human. Become demon over time." * Rei nods at Asanjya. "Yeah, she was in Mystery Club twenty years ago. Probly wouldn'ta done that if she knew she were a demon or something something like that." That's not going to happen to Chomei, is it? * Asanjya has pulled out a tiny notebook and is scribbling fast in an odd shorthand. Oh, probably. I bet that's what they're talking about right now. Well, you know, he could be adopted. Nobody's thought of that yet. Just without the whole heavy breathing and "Chomei, I am your father" bit, because he isn't, because he's his uncle? And that would make for a nice story. Yes. Yes he couuld. I *like* the way you're thinking, Asanjya. ... he no grandkid of Arakus. He... um, great-grandnephew? * Chie smiles at Asanjya. * Rei folds her arms. Well, *she* thinks it's plausible. No know how works. Class no go into that much detail. Just what needed know if ever demon lord come into Transylvania, try make trouble. * Maria frowns. * Asanjya is mumbling things about demon blood and genetics. It's reaalllly highfalutin'! Fighting undead, were-things, minor demons bad enough. Few times my people actually had to fight demon lord... was no pretty. * Chie looks back over her shoulder at the distant castle. "Well, I hope he's okay." Oooh, I just don't know, Chie. They might not even be blood relations, or could be half-related or something and who knows how many of them were half- demons or not even demons at all! * Asanjya tosses the notebook up into the air with a flourish. ...I'm not the only one who's confused, am I? Though if he is I want a blood sample. * Chie looks back at Asanjya and chuckles. "Okay. But you're the one who has to explain that to him." Never seen half-demon DNA. I was lost when Rei start describe family tree which way too twisty. Rei, what's your godmother like? * Lazar pokepokes Maria. "You no is Rei's daughter, is you? Uh... not unless she's older than she lets on. * Rei shifts her feet. "Aunt Chelsea? She's pretty nice, actually." Her tail flicks. "She always says she's spoiling me an' my brothers rotten when she visits. She likes movies and books and liberal artsy stuff like that. And she's a really good singer." And she's really, *really* pretty. With black hair and freckles. * Rei grins. "I like her a lot. She's cool. Only she doesn't visit all that much, 'cause she lives in Hell and all. This one, maybe!" Well, if she Chomei aunt, then could be you mother. *pokepokes Rei* ... is you mom of anyone on team? * Rei yelps. "No!" ... so you no my mommy? *sniffles* * Rei folds her arms. "I'm the youngest person here, now go to your room!" * Maria blinks in total confusion. * Lazar sulks, and wanders away a few steps. * Chie laughs. "Okay, your aunt/godmother/whoever does sound nice. And poor Laz." * Rei nodnods. And your parents like her? * Lazar lumbers back, grinning. * Asanjya patpats Laz. Uh huh. Dad knew her before they ever got involved with the club thing. She helped Mom when there was the whole... Ambition incident, too. I mean, if they didn't like her, I guess she wouldn't be my godmother. Right? Well, yeah! Makes sense. Wonder how Eoi-sensei feels about her. You could ask! I should ask. But, really, that's not all that important. ( ^_^_v ) Do you think we'll get to see her? I'm kinda curious now. ( Chelsea > You. ) ( Pie > Chelsea. ) (Therefore, Pie > You. ) Maybe. I wanna ask about it when I can. * Chie takes a deep breath. "Okay. If you can have a nice demon godmother, then maybe I can learn to handle my boyfriend having a demon uncle. At the very least." * Rei nods cheerily. "If it helps, they're probably brother and sister, or maybe half-brother and sister!" * Lazar mutters softly. "Is nice having family..." Chomei and your aunt? Ohh boy. That's confusing. * Asanjya looks up. "I wonder what my uncle's doing right now. I wonder if he's here, even. That would be weird." * Maria blinks at Lazar. "It is?" Well, was nice. ..oh. * Lazar shrugs. He's looking less cheery than he was before. Family's more than just blood, though. Sometimes it's people who aren't related to you that are closer than your real family. Those were nice have, too. It is. But... * Lazar lets his rather broad shoulders droop somewhat. * RDMgryphon has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer ) * RDMgryphon has joined #besm * Chie sighs. "What's worse? To have the people who really care about you not be related to you, or to have the people related to you not really care about you?" Wow, that question's so rhetorical, my rhetorical's looping in on itself. Heh. I... need to go for a walk. Or something. * Rei spins. "Roooooound like this." She tries to stop to look at Maria and just ends up falling over. * Maria looks around and heads for the tallest building in the area. Prolly the palace. * Chie looks down. "Did it again." * Lazar looks around for something sturdy and non-carnivorous to lean on, and goes to do so silently. * Rei looks up at Chie, or tries to. "Why're you spinny?" Awww, don't worry, Chie, my psychologist friends tell me there's a lull in the conversation every seven minutes! Not your fault. * Asanjya winks. I was just- I am? * Chie tilts her head at Rei. * Rei points. "Yes!" Uh, thanks, Asanjya. * Rei moves her pointer finger. Right... round... ooh. * Chie spins! Aaaah! * Chie stops. "Now you're spinny too, Rei." Damnit, don't do that! Now I'm gonna get spinny without even trying! Nyahh. ;p * Rei sits up and blinks. "... Hey, where's Maria?" * Lazar finds something that fits his aforementioned criteria, a bit away from the others, and gets to some heavy-duty brooding. * Chie shakes her head to clear it. "She went off. I think I brought up something I shouldn't have." * Rei winces and tries to keep the spinning to a minimum. "Uh? Whazzat? It's not the whole demon thingie, is it, 'cause if it is, I don't think we can really avoid it..." * Asanjya looks around. "You guys must have a lot on your minds often." You have no idea! No. Family stuff. And believe me, Asanjya, we do. Oh. * Rei pauses, then frowns. "I talk about my family a lot." I like hearing about them. But Maria... I don't think she knows much about her family. Really? I like talking about them, or else I wouldn't, and I have a lot of family. I mean, my family used to seem pretty small, but it just seems to grow... oh, I know! Maybe she's related to me by some unknown means, too! She can be my aunt? And she can be my cousin, which makes you my aunt too? Or are we sisters? (Fucked up family tree to the extreme.) Well, if you marry Chomei, then you'd be my neice-in-law! That'd be super weird. So don't marry him. * Chie actually looks startled at that, then quickly recovers. "What, you don't think I'd make a good niece-in-law?" Yeah, that's just it! What're you gonna bring to parties? Loud music and crazy hair! I can't have these things polluting the children of the future! * Rei gasps. "Think of the children, Chie! THE CHILDREN!" We can start a revolution! * Rei considers that. "I dunno..." Down with the Man! Power to the people! ^_^_v ... Okay! Asanjya, you in? Join the revolution, Asanjya! Peace, love, and... uh... help me think of a catchy third thing! (There you go again, Rei. How many times do we have to tell you. No plotting the overthrow if the world before dinner time!) (But she already took over the world.) * Asanjya looks up from talking quietly to her pocket. "Er? In? Revolution?..... oh. Sure! Peace, Love, and Really Good Endings!" Square-dancing squirrels! Well, they do make good endings. Peace, Love, Really Good Endings, and Square Dancing Squirrels! Down with... uh oh. Rei? Didn't you already take over the world? Yeah. So are we starting a revolution against ourselves? * Rei scratches at the back of her head. "I could give it back so we can take it over again?" Wait, when did that happen? *There* we go! Gimme hearing checks! A couple months ago. Yeah, weren't you paying attention? 2d6 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Asanjya (2d6) and gets 3. 2d6 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Rei (2d6) and gets 8. 2d6-2 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Chie (2d6-2) and gets 6. 2d6-2 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Lazar (2d6-2) and gets 7. No, I was too busy with demons. [Everyone who makes it hears, "Aieee!"] * Rei blinks and looks that way. Then floats up for a better look. What was that? I don't know! Rei, you see anything? The square-dancing squirrels must be acting sooner than anticipated. Darn communication breakdowns. It's so hard to find good implements of destruction nowadays. * Victoria comes back through the crowd. She's carrying 5 ice creams and eating one; when she licks it, it goes, "Arrrrgh!" Uh oh. (Is that the same thing we heard?) ( Similar :P ) (Heh. Oh dear. ^_~) Oh, awesome. Ice scream! * Victoria smiles and holds the non-licked cones out. "Ice screams?" .... what flavor? Chocky. * Chie blinks. "For me?" * Rei cheers. "Don't mind if I do!" She's back on the ground. * Victoria nodnods. "Uh huh!" Oh, well, can't hurt. * Asanjya takes one and takes a tentative lick. [It tastes just like ice cream, except it goes, "Waaaah!"] * Chie looks hesitantly at them, then sees Asanjya and Rei trying them, and takes one. "Um... thank you!" * Victoria smiles and licks her again. "Eeeeeek!" (What flavor ice cream? Not green mouse and telephone, I hope.) * Lazar is leaning about 15 yards away from the rest of the group, for reference's sake. ( Says the cone, not Victoria :P ) * Rei takes an unlicked one and tries it without much hesitation. "Tasty and waily at the same time. I'm glad this isn't Hades or something." [It tastes like chocolate-covered chicken] * Chie takes a very small taste of hers. (Jin has been developing ice cream flavors!) [Rei's shouts, "We need lower taxes, NOW!"] ... This one RULES! * Rei tries hers again! Cool! You got the political flavored one! * Rei giggles. * Asanjya licks hers. ... interesting but not entirely bad. "Act 451: The plan to enact new rights. Vetoed!" * Chie takes another lick of hers. Weird. But in a kinda good way. [Most of the others just scream wordless screams, 'cause the GM is doing stuff elsewere.] * Rei beams at Victoria. "Thanks! I was wondering where you went. Thought you picked a fight. Didja beat anyone up to get the desserts?" Not yet! That's too bad. *broodbroodleanbrood* I'm gonna go to the front tomorrow and kill lotsa things, so it's cool. * Victoria sighs dreamily. * Chie blinks. "You're gonna go off and fight in that war?" Uh huh! I always do when I get bored. Oh. Uh... good luck? Sooooo.... is this the first war? Or the second? Or which? * Rei idly licks on her ice scream and listens to shouts about impeachments and appeals and vetoes. I dunno. It's been happening ever since I was born. D'you think it'll end anytime soon? Or is this one of those eternal war thingies? Oooooooh, an eteeeernal war! I dunno. There's lotsa people to kill, soooooo.... Hm. What happens if you die in Hell? My uncle never answered that one. I dunno! Maybe your soul goes somewhere else. ( It goes to heck :P ) * Rei says around her ice scream, "You repop at your bind point, completely naked, and you lost a level. And you have to go get your stuff again, but that's difficult, so a lot of times it just stays there." ( And when you die in heck, it goes to New Orleans. ) * Chie blinks. "Naked?" Yeah! Like the day you were born! (And if you die in New Orleans?) (Ooh, good deal) * Chie ponders. "Rebirth... reincarnation... hmmm..." * Asanjya nods. "Oh, that makes sense then." Then she shakes her head. "Wait... what? That actually makes no sense at all!" ( You become reincarnated as a MacDonald's janitor, permanently. ) (That's worse than hell.) (So the trick is to stay at the New Orleans stage) Nope, 'cause I made it up! But not really. That's how it works in lots of games. If Hell were really a game, that's what would probably happen. Oh. Kay. * Rei licks her ice scream again. Hey, Asanjya? How much do you know about souls? We should go meet Chomei. I bet he'd like an ice scream. Uhmm..... not too much, really. I know we kinda have them and they go places when we die. Ahh, okay, then. Are you sure he's not doing privatey talk with his- your- both of your uncle? Hey, does this mean I'm related to you, too, Victoria? Kind of. * Chie looks over at Victoria. "Do you think he's done?" Uh huh! Kinda. We shouldn't interrupt if he isn't. This is important stuff. Cool! My uncle wouldn't tell me. He said it'd be "more satisfying if I discovered the intricacies of interplanar travel on an astral level on my own terms." You can help me reconquer the world since I gave it back! * Victoria shrugs at Chie. "That's ok. I don't mind." She starts towards the palace. * Chie looks back at Asanjya and smiles. "Fair enough." * Asanjya says this last bit with puffed up cheeks and an impression of a deep male voice. No, Victoria, I meant your uncle might mind. * Rei giggles at Asanjya and heads after Victoria. "Well, if they're not done, they'll probably let us know. You can be frozen with Chomei's stupid arrow this time." * Chie winces. "I'm sure he didn't mean to do that, Rei." * Lazar finally returns to the group, a blank expression on his face. "Many things can happen to soul when die." Yeah, but he did it anyway! You know how hard it is to thaw out? ... Not very. But it's cold! I don't know. I think that was the night I ended up in the hospital. [Chie's voice is drowned out by a peddlar: "Genie for sale! Cost only you sight. Cheap!"] Some good things, some bad things. Laz, is it possible for a soul to be... missing parts? [You get to the castle, where in you see through open doors, a throne room, where Chomei is with his uncle and some other woman] * Chelsea has joined #besm * Lazar shrugs. "I no know. If go to Transylvania, I see if I leave anything behind." Ooh, looks like they're still into it. ... actually, I know I leave things behind. Ahh, okay. Never mind. S'not important right now. * Julian just shrugs. "To my best knowledge." They're real, alright. * Victoria drags Rei into the throne room. "Hi mom! Look who I found!" * Chie looks into the throne room, sees Chomei, and smiles timidly. * Rei perks visibly when she spies the woman, and if Victoria didn't break up the conversation, she does. "Hiiiii Aunt Chelsea!" * Rei wavewaves with her other hand. The one with the ice scream. * Lazar lumbers after the others. * Chelsea is a tall, lovely, light-skinned dark-haired woman of, mostly, European descent. She also has little horns and bat-wings, so she must be a demon, too. "Victoria? I didn't expect to see you here, darling. And-- Rei?" * Asanjya boggles! "... mom? .... Chelsea?" She spins to Lazar and Chie. "You didn't tell me things were gonna be THIS complciated!" * Rei grins maniacally. "In the flesh! Hey, what's with the wings? They in this year or something?" I didn't know! * Victoria grins. Grin. :) * Rei has another lick of ice scream. * Chelsea smiles. "By all the hells, child, what are you doing here? Not that I mind." She goes and gives Rei and Vicky each a hug. * Asanjya rubs her temples and pulls out her notebook again, scribbling. * Chie walks up to Chomei. "Chomei?" * Rei giggles and probably gets ice scream on Chelsea. * Victoria hugs back. Aww. ... how the heck I know? Well, you seem to know a lot of other stuff. * Chelsea doesn't get ice cream on herself, 'cause she's graceful like that. I no know Rei family tree. And since most of Rei family no mind see me dead... I no really care. [The ice scream shouts, "We must organize a new welfare plan!"] * Chomei looks back at Chie and smiles somewhat timidly. "Hey Chie." He's not doing a good job hiding he's mad. So you're all here to stop this 'metal demon', then? How many of you *are* there? * Chie reaches out and takes his hand. Oh, we just came down with Chomei to talk to these Chinese people and stop a metal demon, but if Chomei's Chomei, then you probably know that already. * Julian watches the others enter. He's the guy Chomei called Joe. * Asanjya just kind of looks stunned. Oh. Oh! Check this out! * Lazar kinds of grunts in acknowledgement of Chelsea's acknowledgement of the team as a whole. * Rei pulls her tail around. "Isn't it cool?" (Yes, we're a team full of freaks and mutants.) (We're awesome!) (We rock!) (No, Lazar rock.) (Fabulous *and* fierce!) (*whaps Chomei*) (So beautiful. So freaky.) (Ow!) ( You'll need all the fierceness you can get when you face the A-Team ) ( And all the Fabulous when you face... the beauty contest involving Francine ) * Chelsea blinks. "A smorfy tail. What... no, we can save that for later." * Rei beams. * Victoria beams too. As usual. ... (You'd almost think they were related.) * Lazar doesn't! Because he's all broody. (*laughs*) * Chelsea stands back and looks at everyone with an amused look on her face. "Well, this is certainly a pleasant surprise! I don't suppose you could be bothered to spend some time here before you go slay the 'metal demon'?" ( *runs away and hides from having too many windows* ) Oooh! We could watch the demonchikin race! * Lazar mutters something in Hungarian. * Chie waves at Chelsea with the hand that's holding the ice scream, since the other is holding Chomei's. "Um, hi!" Demonchikins? Do they breathe fire and try to eat your toes? Or tails? Oh. Oh! I need to introduce everybody. Yes, you do. A little. * Chomei folds his arms and raises an eyebrow at Rei. * Chelsea glances at Lazar and says something back in Hungarian. * Rei points at Lazar. "That's Lazar. He's a golem." And then she points at Chomei. "That's Chomei, but you already know about him, and he's lame." And then she points at Asanjya. "That's Asanjya. She brought us here. She likes summoning demons and doing genetic stuff." * Chie looks at Chomei with a hurt expression when he pulls his hand out of hers. * Asanjya waves weakly. * Rei looks around. "Uh... Maria doesn't look like she's around, but she might be anyway. And that's Chie." Point. "She's Chomei's giiiiirlfriend. And Eoi's student, too." * Chie laughs. "Don't worry, I miraculously escaped having an obsession with naginatas." * Lazar raises an eyebrow at Chelsea. "You speak Hungarian?" Yeah, she's really well adjusted! (No I'm not! I'm dating Chomei! ;p) (Shh.) (Who's ignoring me right now. Bad boyfriend. Bad.) And Makoto was supposed to be here, but he's not. (Eh? Oh, oops? ^6;) * Rei sighs. "Oh well." * Chelsea grins. "I was about to ask where yours was, Chie. And yes, Lazar, I do. My lineage was Hungarian. Well, aside from the Infernal part." ( Oh, don't worry Chie ) ( He's not really a boy ) Mmm. Something in common. Was Hungarian too. Transylvania, to be specific. (But male-demon-friend is rather a mouthful to say, isn't it? ^_~) Ah, lovely place. * Chelsea glances at averyone. "What an interesting gathering. I trust you have a suitable name for yourselves." We'd be the Mystery Club. * Asanjya turns to look at Lazar, her mouth pursed in a thin line. Yes. Aside from were-creatures, demons, undead, and so on... my people did best to control that, though. I believe it's hereditary. * Chomei sighs, then glances at Chie, then looking back at Chelsea. * Lazar mutters, again in Hungarian, apparently more out of habit than directed specifically to Chelsea. * Chelsea blinks at the words 'Mystery Club', and then griiiiins. * Chie grins back. ( Of course, even if he didn't direct it to Chelsea, "Stupid Demon Bitch" isn't a nice thing to mutter. ) ( Fotunately, he didn't say that. ) ( Hey, he's brooding, not rude. =P ) * Asanjya keeps looking around. * Rei crosses her eyes. And eats ice scream. [Asanjya sees a large throne room with a throne (duh), red carpet, and candelabras. With candles.] Well! If the Mystery Club is out to kill a demon that isn't a friend of mine, how can I possibly not help? "We need to allocate more budget to agriculture!" * Rei giggles. * Lazar walks over to the nearest candelabras and smashes it. Huh? Oh! You could not help by saying, "I'm not gonna help! Go away, you disgusting children!" But you won't do that. * Julian sideglances at Lazar. ... sorry. Transylvanian custom. Supposed to bring good luck. * Chie blinks. * Rei looks blankly at Lazar. "What, did you expect a whip to pop out or something?" * Chomei sighs. [Actually, a heart pops out.] * Chie looks up at Chomei and half-smiles at him. * Lazar picks up the heart curiously. [Lazar has a heart now. Ewww...] (If he only had a brain.0 * Rei makes a face. ( Keep trying; maybe you'll find a bag of money in one of them ) * Asanjya wanders over to a window and looks out it instead. * Chomei looks back down at Chie, half-smiling back. * Lazar shrugs, and tosses it aside. "Like I say. In Transylvania, supposed to smash any candelabras you see." ( Lazar, roll 2d6! ) 2d6 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Lazar (2d6) and gets 9. * Chelsea chuckles. "The odd thing is, he isn't lying." * Chie reaches up and gives his shoulder a squeeze, then looks over at Chelsea. "So, um, yeah! You'll help us? That'd be great!" Yeah! Besides, stuff comes out when you do it. (Man, I wish I was Isaac right now. He'd have so much to add to this conversation...) Does this work everywhere or just in Transylvania and Hell? I dunno! * Chelsea nods. "Inasmuch as I can, of course. I am at war at the moment, after all." No know. Never saw candleabras in Japan. Right, Victoria was talking about that. * Rei muses. "I should do a study on it." She perks. "Yeah! Maybe I can do it for my senior thesis even though I'm not sure what the hell- uh, heck my major is yet!" ( Rei majors in getting stuff from candelabras. ) (Cool!) * Chomei nods while looking at Chie, putting his hand on her's. He looks over to Chelsea and Rei's conversaition. "Try and stay on topic." Custom originate centuries ago... serve my people well. * Asanjya wanders back over from the window. "So... are we staying here to war? I mean, we do have to find those CHinese people, and the guy who wants the metal demon dead is kinda ... well.. a big shot. You know." * Lazar eyes the remaining candelabras, then looks over at Julian, seemingly a bit embarassed. "Would you mind if..." I am on topic. The topic is candles and the still-beating hearts that come out of them, okay, maybe not that second part, as it's rather disgusting. I've got a lot to catch ya upon, Aunt Chelsea. And what's with the war thing, anyway? Crazy evil demons causin' trouble in your neighborhood? * Julian rolls his eyes. "Go ahead." * Lazar nods, and goes around the room, smashing all the candelabras with his golemy might. [Lazar gets three more hearts (two little ones and a big one), a knife, and a pocketwatch.] * Lazar eyes the knife and pocketwatch. "... neat." *takes them* ( Roll a d2 Laz! ) d2 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Lazar (d2) and gets 2. * Chie watches Lazar wreak candelabra destruction and laughs softly. * Rei mostly ignores him, as his random destruction isn't so random anymore. * Chelsea sighs. "The war is happening because people think I'm weak because I am not my grandfather. Or because I am half-human. Take your pick." That's stupid, really. Probably all of the above with a little standard power-hungry greed thrown in. * Lazar pauses, then goes to pick up the hearts. Why? 'cause it's not nice to leave hearts on people's floors. Well, of course. These are fiends we're talking about. So, long as there's a war, we can't go out and find these Chinese peoples, or what? * Asanjya listens attentively. Xaphan has peeked his head out of her pocket to listen. Arakus was lame, anyway. I heard he looked like a giant Papa Smurf in his true form. ... With wings! Yeah, with wings! * Chie laughs. "That *is* lame." Oh, you can go find them. In fact, they're our allies, even if they are somewhat wary of my demon blood. And yes, he did. And was. ... were-Smurf? Oy. * Lazar holds the three hearts in one of his big ol' hands as he returns to the group. Cool! So are they nearby? They're a few days from here, but we can arrange transportation. * Asanjya perks up. "If we get the weapons we can help in the war! Maybe." * Rei licks her ice scream. "Well, it's gotta help that you're half-human, at least as far as securing allies is concerned, right? 'Cause they'd be pleasantly disposed towards ya, or at least less nonpleasantly disposed." (Rei, you goof.) (Yes!) Uh, Asanjya? I'm not so sure about that. We might need to head back home ASAP. That's why they favor an alliance with us. Enemy of enemy is friend. Oh... well, yeah. Maybe. * Chelsea nods. "It won't be hard. And I'd rather you not get involved in a war just yet, dear. Victoria may wish to, but I trust her to take care of herself." * Chomei nods. "Our duty is to protect the overworld right now." Or, well, you know. Up there. * Victoria smiles at Chelsea. * Asanjya nods. * Chelsea smiles back at her darling bloodthirsty little girl. Okay, so we're not gonna fight the war 'cause that could take a long time, and instead we'll get some cool demon smashing weapons and go back to Earth and smash that stupid metal demon that almost killed us that one time? Sounds like a plan. * Lazar eyes the hearts in his hand. Ooh, hearty. (Sadly, they're not spleens.) ( Squishy, too ) Certainly. And if it's given you that much of a problem, hit it once for me. But mind that it likely isn't what you think it is. ...it's not? * Chie blinks. "What is it, then?" Something different! * Rei thwaps Victoria. "You're a big help. * Chelsea shrugs. "It's a myth. An ancient one, even by demon standards, but no metal demon has ever been known to actually exist. What you fought is probably some construct intended to look like a convincing metal demon." Still kicked our butts. But will the weapons still help? * Julian nods. "Likely." Oh, well, Lucifer asked us to stop it for some reason. Any idea why he'd want us to do that? This isn't another one of those races to end the world, is it? Because that gets old after the third time or so, and I bet it's happened more than that. I don't think Lucifer would ask us to get the weapons if it didn't help. Unless he wanted us dead and there's lots of other ways to do that. * Chelsea nods. "Absolutely. A weapon that -- Lucifer?" She looks to Julian in a 'did you know about this?' sort of way. * Julian shrugs and looks at Chelsea in a 'no idea' sort of way Yeah! He stopped by. Only he didn't have flaming hair; that's a different guy. He did have those neat red-on-black eyes, though. I don't think it's his true form, but hey! Demons can be cute. * Rei sticks her tongue out at Chie. * Chie grins. "Okay, Rei, you win." Odd. * Rei gives a V for Victory. "And I don't mean Chomei! Well, yeah, I know *you* don't. * Chie winks. * Chelsea smirks. ... Let's not go there. * Chie sticks her tongue out at Rei. Anyhow. It's not really a metal demon, but we should take care of it anyway, and the weapons will do it. What about Wingboy? * Chelsea nods. "Yes. And if 'Wingboy' is a demon, then the weapons will certainly hurt him, as well." Wingboy dies next time we meet him. Wingwho? Guy with wings, black hair, kinda looks like Chomei. Uses a scythe. Uh....huuuuuuuh. BatSchmuck. * Chie looks at Chelsea. "Would he sound familiar to you?" Wait, wait. Is killing really necessary? I mean, beat him up, okay, but... ( "He would, if I knew anything about him." "..." ) He bad guy. Try kill us, destroy world. Is only one way to deal with. Rei, he's trying to kill you. I don't think beating him up will suffice. * Chelsea raises an eyebrow. * Rei folds her arms. "It might. We could... lock him up or something." Does he belong down here? * Chomei shakes his head. I'm afraid that's not enough of a description to go off of. And Rei... if he is a demon, and he is intent on killing you, killing him first is very likely the only way to prevent that. But... what if he's half demon or something! Besides, demons are people too. I mean, really. Victoria's a person! I'm not just gonna kill her 'cause she's a demon or something. Let's see... what else... oh! He could smell Rei's astral form somehow. Does that help any? Of course not. But Victoria isn't plotting to kill me. Last I checked, anyway. * Victoria grins. "I wouldn't do that!" Uncle Louie, maybe, but not mommy. * Rei blinks. * Asanjya is conspicuously silent. * Rei looks at Victoria. * Rei looks at Chelsea. Heeeey, you're her Mom? * Chelsea nods. "Yes, I am." * Chomei stays quiet about all this too. ( Hasn't changed since the last time she told you :P ) ( And people say Chomei's slow on the uptake! ) (Rei wasn't paying attention the first time, I guess. ^_~) (...) * Rei nods and is silent for a moment. Then: "Nobody tells me anything anymore!" Flail. (Nope, she wasn't. ^^) Rei, she said it when we came in. I forgot! Or I didn't notice! Or both! Well, now you know. Aaah, I'm getting forgetful and stupid in my old age! Rei, calm down. And if you're old, what am I, huh? * Chie grins at her. Ancient! ( And knowing is half the battle. GI J- DON'T! ) Dang. Get me my cane, then. ( You really want to trust REI to give you your cane? ) * Victoria blinks a few times. Oh yeah! Humans get old! * Rei blinks. "Cane?" She calms down. "You can hit people with it! And it can be titanium, with a little yellow pom-pom near the bottom, and a button to activate the taser! * Victoria grins at Julian. "I remember when you told me that!" Ooh, a taser! With creme filling, only I can't say that exactly, 'cause I think it's trademarked somewhere. Gotcha. * Lazar loses interest in the conversation, and starts lumbering around the room, looking for any candelabras tucked away in corners that he missed. * Chelsea smirks. "But they're not there yet, dear. Rei is, despite her recent assertion, quite young." ( .... Lazar's a Belmont? ) ( No. He's just Transylvanian. ) ( Hee. ) * Rei flicks her tail and semi-jumps topics. "I wonder how quickly smorfies age in relation to humans, and the difference that'd make in a half-breed. Hmm. I should ask Norii; bet she'd know." ( You take half as long to expire ) I know. It's just... weird, that they end up looking different then they do now. * Jexless has quit IRC (Quit: Gung-ho spirit rival! Great fight execution! ) * Lazar fails to find any more candelabras. Instead, he busies himself examining the walls of the room, periodically knocking lightly on them. * Chelsea shrugs. "It's unfortunate, certainly. But if I figure out something to stop it, these will be the first to know." * Victoria grins. [Lazar makes a small hole in the wall, and finds a roast chicken.] ... ooh. Chicken. (...Poor Satoshi...) * Lazar removes the chicken from the wall, and walks back to the group. "Anyone want chicken?" * Asanjya mumbles something about Faustus. She looks out the window. ... I'm not hungry. Uh, no thanks. Still got this ice scream stuff... which is mostly melted... and making a mess... um, sorry 'bout that. * Rei blinks at Lazar, then shakes off the bit of her cone left at him. "You don't know where that's been!" * Chelsea blinks. She glances at Julian. "Brother, we must speak to your interior decorator, some time. I do not think he's quite right." In wall. Duh. * Rei facepalms. * Julian shrugs. "This place was built long before I came to power." Then we probably don't want to eat that chicken. In Transylvania, is very common to hide food in walls, just in case. True. It doesn't surprise me that Grandfather would have such design features. I would eat, but... well, no *can* eat. ( C'mon, Asanjya. You know you want... CHIKIN. ) (Who would want something so horribly misspelled?) (j00.) (Cham would. But he's not here right now.) Okay. Let's move awaaaaay from the chicken and make plans. * Lazar shrugs, and leaves the roast chicken on a convenient table. (Later, Jin shall appear and eat it.) * Asanjya blinks, and seems to come back from somewhere far far away. Mentally, anyhoo. I have a plan! We stay here overnight, and talk to people and hang out and generally have a decent time, and make arrangements to see the tribe tomorrow. Uhm....maybe? Sounds good to me. Is that alright? * Chie looks at Chelsea when she says the last statement. * Chelsea shrugs. "I don't see why not." And while we're doing that, I can design a meese-catapulting system to bombard your enemies! * Chelsea laughs. Sure! You guys can stay in my room! * Chomei smirks slightly. We can all fit in your room? You must have a crazy-big room. While we appreciate the offer, don't you think that'd get a little crowded? Nah! It'll be fine. This *is* a palace, remember. Well, yeah, but... oh, never mind. I'm sure we'll figure out something. * Rei nodnods. * Chomei glances around. "By the way... Where's Maria?" She went someplace. I think she's still outside. High, I think. ( I'm sulking somewher out of reach, stupid. ) * Rei blinks. "Uh... probably thinking, actually. Maybe I can find her. But she'll probably come in when she wants to and stuff. Nobody finds her if she doesn't wanna be found." Yeah, that's true. Is stealthy. Like... well, llike Maria. [End!]