[Julian goes into the castle. Right behind the gate is a long corridor with branches; He turns down one and goes in the nearest door, which leads to a nice study. It's nice 'cause it doesn't try to eat you. The study contains a desk, a spikey-chair, a fireplace, weapons, and books. He walks over to the fire place and looks at it, and it lights up.] * Chomei folds his arms after he walks in. This is happening a lot faster than I intended. What were you intending? Waiting until you were ready. Ready for what? * Chomei narrows his eyes. * Julian turns to face Chomei. "You've probably figured it out, but you're not human. For now, you appear as one, but it won't last. Ultimately, you'll become like us." * Chomei sighs. "Yeah, I've figured that much. Just waiting to hear it... Dammit, is there any way to reverse it?" Not anymore. We had a theory once, but we never had the chance to try it. Explain. The humans invented a way to cancel paranormal abilities. Our theory was that if this could be worked into the central nervous system of a demon... Well, it was kind of a long shot. Just because you didn't try it you think it's a failure? No, actually, it's because we don't know any humans who have the facilities necessary to do it anymore. This was twenty years ago. * Chomei shakes his head. "Okay, tell me this then. *How* did this happen? What were the circumstances?" * Julian shrugs. "You were born. Not much more to it than that." Your real last name is Taltos. Your parents are my half-brother and half-sister. The mark on your left hand is the proof. * Julian holds up his hand, revealing a similar rune. * Chomei looks, then takes the glove off his left hand, revealing a rune. "Peechy. If my parents are half-demons or demons, then, why are they demon hunters? Or is that a lie too?" Not technically. We're at war; we have been for the past twenty years. So they do hunt demons. And what they were training me to do was just continue a war, then? In part. * Chomei scowls. "And the other part?" You've got to be able to fight your brother. Let me guess. My look alike? * Julian nods. "As he should be. He's not only your brother; he's got half of your soul." ( The non-lame half ) ... (Damn you.) (Apparently.) (Damn you all to heck. :P) (Already there!) (No, you're in hell. Heck is up.) Okay, so why the fuck does he have half my soul? ( Heck is between hell and purgatory ) * Julian shrugs. "I don't know, to be quite frank. Then how do you know he has half of it? He can use Rownal, just like you. He uses a scythe, though. * Julian nods. "Rownal customizes its form to fit its wielder." And before you ask, you've only got half of Rownal. He has the other half. That's just... *perfect*. You know that? God fucking perfect. * Chomei looks like he wants to hit something. * Chomei takes a deep breath, calming himself slightly. "I just want to know how this is all happening." Also, you gave Rownal to me. Why? I thought you might need it. ... Right, right. Any clue why my 'bro' is after me? If he kills you, he becomes whole. Same if you kill him. Sounds like a bad movie. (Sounds like it's out of SaGa Frontier.) (That too.) (Or The One.) Most bad movies are non-fiction. That would explain why they're bad. Is there anything else I should know? ( "This movie is 'adult themed'. What's that mean?" "Oh, probably grownups going to the offices, paying bills... things like that." ) Yes. After the transformation occurs, you'll find difficulty accessing the mortal world. * Chomei sighs. "That's going to make things difficult. What are the facilities required to do this transformation back to human?" I don't know. I just know they exist. Or... did, at least. * Chomei nods. Looks like I have work to do, although I *can* say I'm happy to see you again, although the conditions are... tense. Two more questions, if you don't mind. But, supposing you succeed in halting the transformation, bear in mind you'll lose your supernatural abilities, too. That include your magic and your ability to use Rownal. * Chomei shakes his head. "I never wanted them in the first place." * Julian nods. "Ask them." How is Victoria related to me, exactly? We've tried multiple times to get a straight answer, but haven't gotten anything. She's your cousin. * Chomei nods. "And the other question is in regards to the main reason we came down here. There's a group of Chinese humans that have settled somewhere in this Hell, and we are attempting to find them so we may put a stop to Blight." * Julian nods. "I had wondered what brought you here." Well, come with me, then. There's someone you should meet. * Julian walks past Chomei and out of the study. As he goes, the fire winks out. * Chomei walks after Julian, not looking back. * Julian walks down the corrider and into a large room with a red carpet and big chair at the end. There's lit candelebras lining the path up. And on the throne is a woman. (Hiiii Chelsea! Was wondering when you were gonna show up. :P) * Chelsea is a tall, lovely woman of European descent, with light skin, dark hair, and freckles. She's dressed all in black, with a cloak that looks like a pair of batlike wings clasped at her neck. She also has several weapons showing visibly on her person. "Good day, Julian. Who's your friend?" Your nephew. * Chelsea raises an eyebrow. "Oh?" She looks Chomei over. "Well, that's interesting. How'd you get here, O dear nephew of mine?" * Chomei says, with a completly straight face. "I took a taxi." Ah. Did you tip the driver? With what? Whatever was handy. And you have chosen to visit scenic Hell because?... Because we're looking for a way to stop Blight, and the only lead we had led us here. 'We'? They rest of the group is outside the building. I didn't know we'd need them here. I was just discussing some... Issues, with my uncle. * Chelsea looks from Chomei to Julian and back. "You just now found out you're related to a demon." It's news to me. Right. Well, you're taking it better than I did, if that's any consolation. * Chelsea stands up and stretches, and her 'cloak' stretches, too. Turns out it really *was* a pair of bat-like wings, sprouting from her back. ... I just have other obligations right now. You can be sure I'll raise hell when I'm back on the surface. Pun intended. * Chelsea smirks. "Well, you can't be blamed for that." So, what's this 'Blight' thing you wish to get rid of? I may be able to help out. Anything for family, after all. * Chomei raises an eyebrow. "Blight is also known as a metal demon. We are in search of a way to stop him, and that path has lead here." Metal demon? Those were simply myths, last I checked. * Chelsea glances at Julian for his thoughts on that one.