[Day: Tuesday, June 29th. Time: 12:30 a.m.] [After a successful-yet-disastrous encounter with Asahara, everybody went home to deal with their new bodies. Or somewhere like their home. Bah, it's complicated, but the short story is Asanjya and Rei both ended up at Rei's apartment. (Probably because Rei didn't know where else to take them, but that's neither here nor there.)] [Asanjya's currently sprawled on Rei's bed, sleeping as ladylike as she pleases, but you know this won't last. Because if it did, we wouldn't have a mini!] [Mini Start.] * Asanjei is curled up in a tight little ball but the narrator must be psychic, because she starts to stir and then quick as a flash sits up, eyes wide open. "GAH!" * Reizar looks up from the tinkering he's doing. It looks like it has something to do with a coffee machine, but it's hard to tell at this point. "Oh, you're awake. Don't move too fast. First time you sit up always hurts the worst." * Reizar must have figured out how to use the pendant - at least to the default setting, since he looks nice and human, and is dressed in what Lazar usually wears. * Asanjei looks over at Lazar, and relaxes for a split second, then siezes up again as she clutches at her chest. "It's... healed?" She looks down. "These aren't my clothes.... that isn't my hand! What the hell is going on?!?!" Uh. Maybe you should relax a little. Deep breaths. At least you have a tail now! No, that wouldn't make you feel any better... * Asanjei looks up, eyes wide. "A TAIL? I have a tail? When did I get a tail? WHY did I get a tail?" There's nothing wrong with tails! And you're me right now, so you'd better take good care of it! * Reizar shakes his wrench at her. * Asanjei looks poised for another rant, but stops and raises an eyebrow. "That's not Lazar's voice.... Well, it is, but you're talking like... Rei?" She looks down again. "I AM you! I mean, Rei." * Asanjei rubs her head. "This has already given me a headache..." ...you a headache, I mean. Or do I? Right in one. I always knew you were smarter than the average bear. But since we don't compare ourselves to bears, it doesn't mean much. * Reizar makes a vague gesture. "This is my apartment. Yours, kinda. Lazar doesn't have a family to maintain or even a place, so I'll keep living here and taking care of things. You might want to meet Joe, though." * Asanjei looks around, kind of warily. "Joe?" Joe Iris. He's my pet demon. Kinda. I... don't remember you saying you had a pet demon. Yeah, Joe Iris! Victoria gave it to me for my birthday. I mean, at the time, I didn't know we were related, but now I do, so he's an extra special present. Hang on. * Asanjei drops her jaw for a second as something comes crashing back. "Crawling Chaos! DEMONS! I have no idea if this is covered in any of my contracts!" She flops her head into her hands and utters a small, muffled scream. * Reizar starts to get to his feet, then pauses. "Huh?" My contracts! All the things I signed giving me powers and spells and stuff! I don't think I ever put in a body swapping clause! * Reizar looks confused for a moment, then blinks and nods. "Well, if they're tied to your body and not your soul or mind or something, Chie might have 'em right now." "Blood and bat's kidneys..." She takes a few deep breaths. "I can argue around it either way. I just need my books. And a few years to read up on the right sections of demonic law." She flops back on the bed. * Reizar frowns. "Shouldn't be stuck like this for a few years. At least, I hope not." * Asanjei sits up, rubbing her face briskly. "No sense in panicking overly. Let's see uh.. our pet." * Reizar doesn't comment, getting to his feet and lumbering off into the kitchen. Before long, he's seen carrying a bowl of blood over to the family/bedroom, which he sets on the table. Joe Iris follows, cute and slightly oversized eyeball it is, eventually hovering over the bowl. * Asanjei blinks. "It is kinda cute." Yeah. * Reizar sits back down with a thud and watches Joe, who blinks back. * Asanjei looks around the apartment. [It's a cluttered and horribly colorful mess. Posters everywhere of plenty of subjects, and the carpet's covered with bits of metal and electronics. It's also, unfortunately, rather small. There's a bathroom and closet off to one side, and a kitchen/eating area, but other than that, the room Asanjya's in is it. The desk has a number of books and manuals piled on it...] [And there's a servicable television with VCR/DVD/whatever player that looks like it'd work if you turned it on. Probably.] Nice apartment, too. ... hey, if I'm in you and you're in Lazar, who's in me? Chie. * Asanjei nods slowly. "At least it's not Chomei or anything." Is Xaphan okay, or did he get switched, too? I dunno. He wasn't awake. I think Chie said he's okay. And Maria's Chomei. Poor Maria. Yeah, but Chomei's Maria now, and he can't fucking walk. It would've been funny, if I felt like laughing. * Asanjei chuckles a little. * Asanjei flops back on the bed again. "This has been a hell of a night. I get impaled, and then swapped with you..." She sits up again, hurriedly. "Say, did we, uh... swap abilities, too?" Uh... I haven't been able to heal you since we switched, so I guess so. * Asanjei chuckles a little more. "Well, have you tried to plow through any glass doors yet?" 's like a bad book. Just like a bad book. A couple of them. * Reizar nods. Yeah, I got Lazar's strength and all. And... everything else, too. Damnit. Carried you back just fine. Usually, I'd take a few days trying to drag you across a room. Guess you got that now. * Asanjei looks down. "Maybe later tonight you'll have to tell me how you do the ghost thing." If you got everything that goes with being me, you'll find out if I tell you or not. I mean, not on purpose. There's always accidental projection. On purpose is different. ... it can happen by accident? Oh, sure. You're not going to be able to sleep because of it. * Asanjei is looking a little distressed. "No sleep?" Yeah. Don't worry, you'll be rested. Makoto thinks it works on catnaps, but I'm not sure. Never really looked into it. Anyway, when you go to sleep, you'll give yourself up just enough for your body to go, "Oh! Now's when I should project!" So it does. * Asanjei shakes her head. "It's going to be a long night." Every night's a long night. Lucky I'm used to it, I guess. * Reizar pokes at the carpet. * Asanjei smiles. "I'm kind of used to it, too. Can't summon demons in the daystime 'casue of school, and so I get stuck doing it at night.: Right. So see, you won't even be sleepy now! Uh, don't make any deals when you're in my body, though. That'd be kinda messy. When we switch back, I mean. * Asanjei nods. "Also it might piss the demons off unless I got talking really fast at them. And besides, it wouldn't work anyways. I don't think." Probably not. Unless you can cook something to get us all switched back. That might be nice. But I'm kinda fond of my soul and I'm not too sure how many of us have them, anyway. * Asanjei casts a slight sideways glance at Reizar, then flits back to the ceiling. "I could try. I could summon something, maybe, or Chie might have to at my direction. That would be awkward." She pauses. "Where's she staying?" Uh... * Reizar shifts. "I'm not sure. I don't think she knows you well enough to pretend she's you, so... um. No idea." (You could try calling her. ^_^) "Do you have her number?", she asks, while instinctively reaching for her cloak pocket which doesn't exist. "..and a phone?" * Reizar reaches over to the desk... overreaches for a moment, then retreats and picks up a headset. He hands it to Asanjya while he dials with his other hand. Thanks. * Asanjei is listening to ringing! * Chisanjya picks up. "Hello?" It is Asanjya's voice. This may mildly freak her, or perhaps not. "Wow, do I really sound like that? This is Chie, right? Well, sort-of- Chie?" "Yeah. Asanjya?" "Yup. How are you holding up?" "Aside from the stomach wound and playing host to a bunch of really angry body-switched people, I'm just fine. How're you?" "Upset and twitchy. And it's really weird over here." She pauses. "Did you talk to my folks?" "Not yet. I was waiting until I could contact you and we could get our stories straight. Are they gonna freak if you don't get back home tonight?" * Reizar goes back to picking at the maybe-coffee-machine. "No, but you might wanna call them first thing and just say something hurriedly about spending the night at a friend's." She rattles off a phone number. "We going to meet up tomorrow, see what we can do about this?" "No problem. Will do. And, yeah, I'd imagine we can meet up at the usual place and time, if not sooner." "When would your family be expectin' you back?" "Not too soon, if you call. They're okay about stuff like that." * Chisanjya sighs. "They sound pretty cool. Must be nice havin' parents like that." (Hey, does this mean Lazar's going to be bothered by Chie's parents?) "Mostly they're too busy to care. You think any normal parent wouldn't notice the huge pentacle?" She chuckles. (If they feel like showing up. Considering they haven't since session 8.3... ;p) * Chisanjya chuckles, too. "Right, gotcha. Hey, anything I should know about takin' care of Xaphan? He seems okay. Just resting." "Um, if you've got a steak he'll need it in the morning. Raw." "Hamburger will do too." "Erk. Gonna have to do some shopping then. Did you have anythin' urgent to do tomorrow?" "Nope." "I'm over at Rei's if you need me for anything else, alright?" "Okay, cool. I'll see you tomorrow, then. If you wanna meet earlier, just let me know... everybody else is here except Makoto." "It'd probably be best, you now? Talk it over and you can call back in the morning." "Will do. Give Rei a hug for me, okay?" "Sure. Talk to you later." "Take care, Asanjya." * Chisanjya hangs up! * Asanjei pulls off the headphones and looks over to Rei. "Everybdoy's pretty shaken up." * Reizar looks up. "Yeah. We all are." * Asanjei stands up and stretches. "I really feel bad for Chie. She gets to have the stomach wound." She involuntarily winces. You can fix it next time you see her. It's not that hard. * Asanjei nods, idly. Do you have anything to drink? I'm kind of thirsty. * Reizar thinks. "I mostly fixed it, actually. Didn't want you bleeding to death. So she'll be okay until tomorrow. Guess we can take a trip over there and check, but I'll have to... walk." Sure. What do ya want? Water, if you don't mind. * Reizar gets to his feet and walks over to the kitchen area. He opens the fridge entirely too hard, nearly breaking it, and winces. "Oops." * Reizar reaches in, pulls out a pitcher of water, and goes about pouring Asanjya a glass. This, fortunately, goes a bit more nicely than the fridge opening. * Asanjei giggles. "Lazar's not the domestic type, is he?" Hell if I know. We don't talk much. * Reizar picks up the glass - carefully! - and takes it over to Asanjya. * Asanjei takes the glass. "That's a shame. He's kind of funny, even if he thinks he knows everything." * Reizar shrugs and goes thud on the ground again. "I guess he is, sometimes." * Asanjei walks about the place, idly looking at mechanical parts. "You two don't get along?" You just noticed? We got along okay in the beginning. He called me crazy and I called him a big walking rock thing. * Reizar goes back to toying with the maybe-coffee-machine. "But a while back, things fell through, and they haven't patched up since." He pauses. "I don't *want* to patch them up, either, so." * Asanjei sits down on the floor opposite. "You mind telling me what happened? Or is it not a topic for discussion?" * Reizar shrugs again. "It's old news." He almost killed my brother. * Asanjei blinks. "He what?" Almost killed my brother. I mean, Katsu did kill me, but he was possessed at the time. Wait, so you DIED? * Reizar blinks, then nods. "Yeah?" * Asanjei looks down. "So this is a different body than your old one?" It's mostly the same. Only that one's got some genes tweaked. I mean, the new one has a tail and can fly and wall-crawl, and the psionics some smorfies are known for are easier to come through. And there's constant blood poisoning going on, too, which can be triggered to be even worse. So, uh, I'm going to have to show you how to use the enzymes a friend of mine gave me just in case. * Asanjei cradles her forehead with a hand. "A sm... what the hell is a smorfie?" (Poor Asanjya. Too much madness.) * Reizar almost sounds detached at this point. Probably more like Lazar. "Supernatural race. They try to keep themselves hidden from humans. Look Japanese, sometimes have weird hair colors. All of them have tails and can fly, stick to walls, and walk on water." I... see. So you died, killed by your brother, and then Lazar almost killed your brother in return? And then you got stuck into a new body? * Reizar nods. "Basically, yeah." * Asanjei blinks. "How do you people manage to not just fall over twitching?" * Reizar rubs at the back of his head, then scowls and sets his hand down. (We're not sure.) I dunno about everyone else, but I've always had weird shit happen to me. Well, me too, I mean summoning demons as an extra-curricular activity isn't exactly the stuff of old Molly Ringwald movies, but I can't recall anything quite that odd in my life. (Woot gratuitous references.) I guess it runs in my family. But you might wanna get out now. I mean, once everyone changes back. What, and waste the opportunity? * Asanjei grins. "Not on your life. I can take wackier things than this." * Reizar continues, with unusual seriousness, "But you might get killed." * Asanjei leans forward. "I could just as easily get killed not connecting a point on a pentagram." Summoning's not a harmless profession. Come to think of it, neither is biochemistry. * Reizar nods. It's your life. I'm just saying. I asked for this, but you didn't, really. Sure I did. If I'd wanted out I wouldn't have summoned Victoria to tell me where your meeting place was. * Reizar fidgets. "Yeah, I guess." * Asanjei moves over and hugs the huge golem with the girl inside it. "Cheer up. Chie said you'd need a hug, and you do." Tomorrow we'll talk it over, see if we can straighten all this mess out. * Reizar nods glumly. "Can't feel the hug anyway," he mumbles. "Try to go to sleep. We'll see if you project or not." Okay. * Reizar sets down the screwdriver and gets to his feet again, lumbering into the kitchen. * Asanjei stands up, stretches again, and heads to the bed. "If I don't, goodnight and see you in the morning." * Reizar calls back, "Yeah. I'll be here." [The End!]