* Lazar finally gets out from underwater, standing for a minute to let the water drip off him before he alters his illusion (to a tank top and loose cottonish shorts) and heads back to his room. * Asanjya , whenever Lazar walks in, is sitting on her futon, leaning against her pile of books, her cloak wrapped around her. Xaphan is sitting on her shoulder. She looks up when Lazar walks in and smiles. * Lazar waves at Asanjya as he walks in, then plops down against a wall and falls silent for a bit. *flip page* Have a nice soak? Kind of remind me of when walk across Pacific. But shorter. A good thing it was not the Atlantic. Unless I've misplaced the Marianis Trench. * Asanjya puts down the book. "Why, exactly, did you do the ocean walk? I don't believe I've heard." After village destroyed, last alive gypsy magess in village told me to contact person in Japan for help. No exactly had money, so I walked to Japan. From Transylvania. Quite a trek. * Asanjya is, for the record, smiling just barely. About eight months Being golem have some advantage. No need stop for rest, no get tired... no need breathe. * Asanjya shifts to the other side of her book pile, closer to Lazar. She is, thankfully, wearing a yukata under her cloak. Despite that being weird. "Couldn't hitch a ride on a train? Or did you just walk it straight as the crow flies? Could have, most likely. No had money, but could have done some jobs to make little. No was thinking to clearly, though. So... just walked. * Asanjya shoots a few glances at Lazar, but focuses on the window instead. "Understandable." She shrugs off the cloak and sets it on one of the larger piles of books. (You know what a yukata is, Jesse?) Just no occured to me to no walk... ( Nope! ) (Summer kimono. Light. Google'll provide images.) ( Okay. It's a kimono, but lighterweight ) (Yeah.) ( Yukata... I miss FFXI summerfest ;_; ) So was water relaxing? * Asanjya turns to Lazar suddenly. "So, can you see in the dark, or did you just trust instinct on direction?" Um. Yes, it was. * Lazar nods. "Good. And no could really see in dark. But gypsy magess give me magic compass, set to where needed to go... so always knew right direction." Magic is useful like that. Is very useful for many things. Both good, bad, and in between. That's the way of a lot of things. * Asanjya makes a sly smile. (For the record, she's just totally out of control now. >_<) Yes, but very much with magic... sometimes think world be better off with no have magic. Then remember that no magic no mean no demons or vampyres. * Asanjya shakes her head slowly, and looks back at the window. "It could be argued that man would not exist without magic, or vice versa, Lazar." If believe power of God is kind of magic, then true. * Asanjya looks back and smiles. "You wouldn't exist without it, right? I'd call that a kind of magic." Well, soul technically put into golem by gypsy magik. Kabbalists were dead, so no could animate golem with proper ritual. So, very much I no exist without magic, yes. * Asanjya releases a small, secretive smile to Lazar. "Then that makes two of us." She may be imperceptibly closer to Lazar than before, but she turns her attention to her book! Well, yes. You person, but with no magic, you no be you. You be other Asanjya, without moving hair. Technically, I wouldn't exist either. Family line shaped by magic, and all. ... is everyone in Japan have family with magic somewhere? Not ones with Western magic. Point. ... magic make life interesting, in end. * Asanjya makes another secretive smile, not looking up from the book. "I would have to agree." But old Transylvanian curse... translate something like 'I hope you live in interesting time.' Your Transylvanians seem like a dour people, all in all. Maybe. Maybe just adapt to area around us. Transylvania no exactly Happy Fun Land. No, it doesn't seem to be, at that. * Lazar shakes his head, smiling a bit. "Others think I joking with some stories I tell. Think no place can be that bad. It not, though. It much, much worse." *pauses* "But it home." * Asanjya smiles again, wordlessly. Then clicks the book shut. "I think I'm a bit peckish. Want to see if the others want to eat?" * Lazar pushes himself up. "Sure."