[Day: Saturday, July 10th. Time: 3:00 p.m.] [You are all in the hospital, in Chomei's room! He was howlin' like a madman or maybe like a rockstar (but not a good one; one of the bad ones) most of the night, but got 4 hours of sleep and feels fine now. Or rather, he doesn't feel fine, but he's conscious at least. Chie is there! She's injured, but she's there. So is Lazar! He's less rocky, but he's there.] [Asanjya is not there. She's somewhere else.] [Rei is not there either. She's visiting Katsu.] (What, uh, happened to Kaira?) [Kaira's not there either. She recovered at some point, turned into mist and went off.] [And Maria isn't there. Apparently some new evidence was released to the press earlier today by a certain Lt. Touji Hasegawa, and she's being held in prison while the police investigate.] [Interpol took control of the labs (though there's not much left there).] [I think that's everything, so Session Start!] (( if they have enough evidence to arrest, they should have enough evidence to go directly to trial. :/ )) [Perhaps she is pending trial. Nobody knows!] * Lazar is sitting against the wall in Chomei's room, mostly quiet. He has his illusion up, but you've seen that he's still in pretty lousy shape. ( Sometimes you keep people in jail to harrass 'em. ) * Chie is lying in a bed, stitched and bandaged and IV'ed and what have you. She hasn't woken up since yesterday, and thus has no idea what's happened since her unfortunate KO'ing. ( Or maybe you haven't seen! ) (Well, Kaira's state is most important given that Asanjya would have wanted the orb back before, you know... she left. AND she was the only one concious left.) (Kaira never had the orb, though.) (She left before they could give it to her.) ( Nope ) (Or am I misremembering?) ( She didn't have it. ) (Yay, my memory is accurate this time! ;p) ( And she wasn't in any state to try to take it. ) * Chomei is, well, he doesn't look too hot. He's, uh... Yeah, that's about it. He's hooked up good and well to machines and an IV, but other than that there doesn't seem to be any extra tools and stuff there. And he doesn't look that happy, either. *softly* You awake, Chomei? * Chomei angrily states "If you could call it that." Well, you no no-concious. So you awake. * Asanjya knocks on the door. Come in. * Asanjya walks on inside. "Hello, guys. Feeling any better?" Chie still asleep. I can walk, but still look like road under construction. Chomei... awake. You took hell's own beating, the lot of you. * Lazar looks over at Asanjya. "And you did no bad impression of golem." *grins* * Asanjya smiles. "Thank you. It was either that or give up, and I don't do that well." She looks over to Chomei. "Any residual pain?" ( Not said: "Please get some faster spells." ) * Chie stirs and makes a soft noise. (Back) (Ard wanted me to hook up the computer. ^^;) * Lazar looks over at Chie, but doesn't get up just yet. * Asanjya looks over at Chie. "Has she been awake yet, or is this the first time?" Let's see, my mouth hurts like a bitch and my back's killing me. What do *you* think? First I hear her stir. Mmmh. * Chomei looks over at Chie and winces. "How's she doing aside from that." I hear doctors say she cut bad, but stable. * Chie slowly opens her eyes, then blinks a few times. She looks very disoriented. "Wha..." 2d6 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Asanjya (2d6) and gets 12, a CRITICAL FAILURE!!! "Sorry, I don't take bribes. No, not even chocolate. No, not kinky sex acts, either." ... and awake. *pushes himself to his feet, with obvious difficulty* Welcome back, little one. * Asanjya walks over to Chomei, and peers into his eyes, then looks him over critically. "I'm not premed, but I don't see anything wrong with you..." * Chie shuts her eyes for a minute, then reopens them, trying to focus. "Laz?" Mostly. Left large parts of torso back in Asahara building. * Asanjya moves over to Chie and gives her the once over. Where's... ( Waldo? ) * Chie notices Asanjya. "Hi." She tries to smile, but it doesn't quite work. Where's everyone else? 2d6 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Asanjya (2d6) and gets 8. Chomei over there. Rei visiting brother. Maria... get arrested by crazy police guy. * Chie looks confused. "What?" That is about the size of it. They aren't giving any more information about Maria out. Keira has vanished. * Chie then tries to turn her head in the direction of "over there," to see how Chomei is. Oh, that's just great. Least she's gone. ( That's in reference to Keira, right? ) (Yes.) ( Figured. ) ( I'm assuming you mean Kaira :P ) I don't mean Maria. That's... not good. (Yes.) Since she left the orb in my care, I don't have any qualms about her leaving us, no. No trust her, even if she Reimom. You'n'me both. And... Rei's okay, then? Perhaps a little shaken, but not unduly so. That I could tell, at any rate. S'good. I've been quite busy, attempting to cover my absence with my parents. Simulacra only last so long. After I went down... what happened? (I have no idea! Where is log?) We take down Kuro. He very dead. He's... yes? As far as is percievably so, yes. Chomei, you're... okay, right? As far as is percievably so, yes. (I'm also very wrong.) I get ass kicked. Stupid mages... no offend, Asanjya... knock out Rei and Maria. Chomei go down when kill Kuro. Asanjya finish off mages with mighty muscles. I killed him myself, and... Other than lots of pain, Asanjya says I'm fine. I... don't quite believe that. What d'you think's wrong? And I get stone butt kicked somewhere in there. * Asanjya looks to Chomei, and frowns. * Chomei winces. "Take a guess. Kuro and I were supposed to be the same soul in two bodies. Now that I killed'im, the whole thing should be in my body." * Lazar lumbers over to Chomei, and eyes him. 2d6-3 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Lazar (2d6-3) and gets 6. * Lazar rubs his head. "Whatever going on, it beyond what in my head." *lumbers back to where he was at Chie's bedside* But you're still you, right? Do you feel any different, Chomei? I'm not out marauding the countryside, if that's what you mean. * Asanjya walks back over and eyes him again. ( "Well, let's check with this Lame-o-Meter!" ) (No desire to burninate?) 2d6 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Asanjya (2d6) and gets 10. (Night, Folks) (Night.) It's... not quite what I mean. But I've got faith in you. I'm just not sure, Chomei. When you've healed, would you mind returning with me to my house? I think I would like to run a test or two. ( I could go get baby from baby area, see if Chomei start drooling. ... ) * Chomei eyes Asanjya, then looks over at Chie for guidance. ( And first, we'll start with you putting this chocolate sauce on your chest. ...) Well, it can't hurt... ( ..."tests" ) ( Odds on her needing... samples? ) (Test #1: IF WE PRICK YOU, DO YOU NOT BLEED? Test #2: The Witch Test) ( Test #3: The Puppy Test. ) Alright. Would probably be smart to figure out if anything change before it bite you in rear end. ( Literally! ) Would no want be snuggle with little one when suddenly grow horns or wings. I can guarantee nothing, but there are people better versed in Demonology than I. I require books and lots of research time. * Chie shudders involuntarily. * Asanjya pulls up a chair. ( Does anyone ever shudder voluntarily? ) (Good question.) Do any of you recall what actually occurred as the fight progressed? I was pissed, and then I was hurt, and then I was really hurt. Sorry. Kind of. Was very busy getting beat up, but think have good idea of what go on. (*shudders* Okay, I just did. Not sure if it counts, though. ;p) ( Then again, knew guy back in village who was part possessed by demon, and grew tentacles. And he wife never seem mind. ) What want know, specific? Well, specifically, do you remember the spell one of the magi cast? * Chomei shrugs. "I don't know." They cast many spell. Cold one what knock me out. Which one talk about? * NinjaDebugger is now known as SleepDebugger There was an emotion-tampering spell previous to that. Chie had already been taken down, but Rei, Maria, and you all became lethargic. Chomei and I apparently resisted the effects. ... yeah, kind of remember. Think was already knocked out when cast, so no really do much. Immediately following, Chomei was stricken when he killed Kuro. Oh, that. * Lazar nods. "Remember that. After Kuro say bad thing happen if kill, was going to go cut off wings, hands and feet." Bad thing? * Asanjya frowns. "Then I, as you so elegantly put it, Lazar, "did an impression of a golem". I attacked the two magi. Do you remember the face of the second magi, when I removed her hood, Lazar?" ... no. Was very hard to focus. Spell probably do something, but also with magic in golem body drained... * Asanjya continues her frown. "She looked like Maria." * Chomei frowns. Well, if he wasn't frowning already. ... that very not good. What? Another Et'Ada? When say 'look like Maria', was it like Maria, or was exact Maria? Could be. It could be a clone, or a demonic simulacra, or another Et'Ada, or merely an illusion, save that it remained when she was knocked unconscious. A clone... there was another Rei, wasn't there? This is why Maria's arrest intrigues me so. Think she got set up? Though we knew she had been cloned already. * Asanjya nods to Chomei. "My instinct suggests such, yes." But Maria... yeah. Who did the setting up? Asahara? Although larceny does come naturally to Maria... And it is a theft charge. But if was her, she no leave evidence. Yeah, I don't think she'd be that careless. ( Unless she needed to be removed from the group for a while o/~ ) (But IC, we don't know that. ;p) * Asanjya shrugs. "Even the best occasionally make mistakes." It happens. We figure something out. *pauses* Once everyone recover, maybe I go visit, make sure she holding up. Yeah, but... this still seems really suspicious to me. Everything's got a purpose to screw us up. The possibility remains, yes. There is, however, no sense in gallivanting off before we're all fully healed. * Lazar shrugs. "Worst case, I change into golem form, break her out of prison in time to go do important mission." ( Best case... Dracula trips and impales himself on a bed post. ) I don't know if that'd be a good idea, Lazar. We may not have time. Theoretically, she isn't necessary for it. ( ... I really hope nobody saw this. *POOF* *holds his camera phone* HA! ) * Chomei nods slowly. If it comes to it... yeah. But it'd be best if we could bring all the people we could get. Additionally, as Chomei might be about to mention, that would also earn us the enmity of law enforcement, and our only real strength is that we're currently backed by Interpol. What silly police guy going do? Chase to Transylvania? He's hung in this long. * Asanjya shakes her head. No, I think it for the best if we let things take their course. Or at the very least alter events unseen from the side. We see. Hopefully, it get cleared up before really need her. We're in a battle against Satan, Dracula, and a sentient sword, Lazar. Fate is beyond trust. Last thing we need is a pissed off Interpol. They'll take care of Maria's problem. * Asanjya nods. * Chie nods and closes her eyes for a minute. Meanwhile, we have a scant period of time to perform the counterritual. Yeah, about that counterritual... Do we even know where the Star Orb is now? The odds are high it's in Translyvania. In Dracula's castle. That's what I was afraid of. * Lazar scowls. "So no can do ritual to stop Lucifer until deal with Dracula?" * Asanjya sighs, and for a moment looks frustrated. Then she's back to passively distressed. "No." Oh, that's just great. Dammit! ... was going have to deal with Dracula at some point. What matter if before or after? True enough. It'd be nice to save the world before we deal with him, though. Now we do both at once. I guess saving the world really is a Mystery Club tradition. Glad to be part. Eoi-sensei'll probably say "I told you so" next time I see him. * Asanjya stands up, her hair unfurling from its bun. Xaphan flutters out and perches on her shoulder, and she whispers to him. He nods, and flies over by Chomei. Nah, he will. * Chomei eyes the small creature. Chomei, if you feel or sense any changes, tell Xaphan, and he will get the information to me. * Chomei winces. "Sure." I stay here, keep eye on little ones. * Lazar pauses, then walks back to the wall and sits down with a thud. "... and recover self. Oy." Yeah, the best thing for all of us to do now is to rest and recover. Gods know we'll be up and at it again soon enough. Not that I *like* being stuck in a hospital bed and out of commission, mind you. Sucks like nobody's business. * Asanjya nods. "I must return to my books, I'm afraid. Information and favors need to be called in." Thanks for stopping by, Asanjya. Glad to see you made it out okay. Wish I could help you more, but... * Lazar waves to Asanjya. "Same. Would help, but no have concentration to be any use." * Asanjya shrugs. "I'm fairly used to doing it alone. Granted, not under the time pressure, but ..." She shrugs. "Be sure to report any strange feelings or effects, any of you." She starts walking out of the room, then turns around and smiles. "And feel better." She waves See ya later Asanjya. * Lazar leans back against the wall. "I really need stop getting beat up." * Asanjya leaves! Real annoyance it is. I could do without it. (Night guys. ><) ( Night ) (Night, Cham.) Is third time I really get mangled. First without stupid cursed sword... Well, hey, at least this time... no, I really can't think of a positive spin on this. It just plain sucked. Kuro dead. That good. He control blood poison thing in Rei, so she no have to worry about that maybe? Yeah... I hope. * Lazar eyes the two of you. "If you two want little alone time for talk, I can sit somewhere else for bit." * Chie turns her head slowly and looks at Chomei. "Chomei?" I really don't mind... not right now anyways. * Chomei gives a weak smile after a wince. "I'm hurting too much to concentrate on things like that right now, anyways." * Lazar grins. "Good. Because no sure if can get up again right now." * Chie laughs, then winces. "Can't blame either of you." Can't blame you either. Is odd. No quite tired... is more like magics what animate golem body busy keeping body together and healing, so no much power for move. Yeah? Has meditating helped any? Well, can move. Just feels funny? Interpol people could no move me, so had to lay there for few hours while they cleaned up until could stand. Which is far better than the alternative... like that. Yeah. * Lazar rubs his neck. "Fell like everything I try do is go through molasses." I think move, and body take second or two to respond. Funny, I think mine's acting a bit like that, too. Think it's that, or the drugs they probably have us on? Doctors give you happy drugs. Nah, if it were drugs, I'd be up and kicking ass. At least, that's what you guys told me I was doing way back when we fought Blight. I kinda don't remember it myself, for some odd reason. Yeah, that was... Yeah. I rock. Sometimes. ... could make bad joke here, but too tired. No, Lazar rock. You just kick ass. Sorry, couldn't help myself [Lazar is a rock star.] * Chie grins. "See, I knew somebody had to make it." It was too bad not to be made. * Lazar looks for something to throw at Chomei. He is briefly tempted by a table, but decides against it. Exactly. * Chie tries to lift her head slightly. "Laz, why are you eyeing that table?" ... no reason. * Chie rests her head on the pillow again. "Uh-huh." * Chomei raises an eyebrow. ... Right. ( End? ) * Chie closes her eyes again. "Sorry, guys... I'm still kinda out of it." (Not much else to say, I think. They're recovering, and I'm kinda sleepy myself.) ( Yeah, end ) [Session End!]