-MC2 vampire guide- *Note: There's actually a variety of types of vampiric beings in the MC universe, such as the Kuei-jin mentioned in the first chapter of the Impro. This guide covers the classic blood-sucker type. The levels represent age cycles of the vampires; As vampires age, they develop new powers and lose weaknesses. However, this is not solely limited to age. In MC, Treasa was the oldest vampire recorded in history, but (before she became a goddess, and maybe even after), her power didn't compare to Dracula's. (It's sort of like a self-discovery thing; some vampires never get past the first few levels). =General= All vampires, regardless of age, have increased physical abilities (super strength, super speed, jumping) and the ability to suck blood at an alarmingly fast rate. They also all have the ability to turn their victims into vampires, though the method varies per level. They do not need to breath, and are therefore unaffected by harmful gasses. =Level 1= A newly turned vampire rises from the grave anywhere from a few hours to a week after he was turned. These vampires are comparatively weak compared to what they can become if they live long enough. They have no powers, other than the physical enhancements (though that still makes them quite formidable). Like all vampires, they can contaminate their victims with vampirisism, but this only occurs after the victim has been completely drained of blood. Thus, it's possible for a victim to die but not become a vampire. These vampires can be killed by decapacitation (though it's harder to do to them than to humans), a stake through the heart, and exposure to sunlight. They can also be killed by blessed weapons (magical weapons are NOT the same as blessed). They are burned by touching crosses or holy water, but will only be killed by them through prolonged exposure. Silver weapons hurt them gravely, but will not kill them. They are sensitive to the smell of garlic, and will be repelled by it. They cannot enter someone's home without first being invited. =Level 1+= A few weeks later, vampires also tend develop heightened senses. =Level 2= Typically after a few years after (un)death, vampires gain the ability to change into bats. Their ability to induce vampirisism becomes easier; now they can do it after about 20 seconds after biting into their victim, although it still occurs if they completely drain the blood, too. The transformation is not instantaneous, giving the victim a few days to search for a cure. But vampirisism is not an easy thing to cure, and these hunts almost always end in failure. Sometimes a vampire in this stage will gain a new defect: The inability to cross running water. This is not always the case, however. =Level 3= After learning to change into a bat, the vampire will also acquire the ability to change into a wolf, and then mist. The amount of time it takes to contaminate a victim is further reduced, to approximately 10 seconds. The victim will be turned within 24 hours. These vampires have the ability to, over time, regenerate any lost body part other than their head. It's around this time that they lose the vulnerability to silver. Also, if they had gained the inability to cross running water, they're just as likely to lose it now. Level 3 is often as far as many vampires are able to progress. =Level 4= At this stage, contamination occurs as soon as the vampire sucks any blood from the victim, regardless of how much or how little. Vampires at level 4 begins to develop hypnosis powers, and are able to put their victims in a trance-like state. They can now go where they please, no longer needing to be invited into one's home. =Level 5= (Rare) These vampires are truely dangerous, for they are no longer destroyed by sunlight. They lose many of their powers in daylight, but otherwise are not restricted by it. Furthermore, they can now regenerate their heads, and can no longer be killed by decapacitation. Only a stake through the heart or blessed artefacts can kill them. =Level 6= (Extremely Rare) The vampires on this level are immune to being staked through the heart. Only blessed weapons can destroy them. Their hypnosis powers become strong enough to control their victims minds, though only to an extent. =Level 7= (Nosferatu and Dracula) This level is so rare that only two vampires have ever been known to reach it: Nosferatu and Dracula. At this level, the vampires themselves are invincible: In Nosferatu's case, he was completely indestructable. In Dracula's case, he would be resurrected after a maximum of 100 years (although he was often brought back much sooner with his followers' assistance). The only way to destroy a vampire at this level is to destroy the source of his power: In Nosferatu's case, it was his coffin. In Dracula's case, it was his castle (except not exactly. More like his essence within a chaotic dimension within the castle). =Level 8= (Dracula) There is in fact one more level that only Dracula has ever been known to reach. At this level, the vampire can shape-change into his true demonic forms, and obtain powers close to demi-god level. (forms, plural.)