[Uh... Lukas stirs first. He's lying in a similar hotel room in a similar bed! The man in the bed to his left is snoring loudly.] * Lukas tries to lean up and rub his head. "Ugh. Jesus. I need to stop this habit of waking up in strange places..." he looks over to snorer. "... with strange men." (I WIN LINE.) [The man on the bed is really tall, really muscular, with tanned skin. Lukas recognizes him: Justinius, from the vision earlier.] * Lukas tries to back/get out of the bed, "... oh man. Where the hell am I?" [Lukas gets out, and finds.... he's pretty darn short.] [Meanwhile, Justinius (or should I say Khalil), wakes up as well.] * Lukas blinks and looks... up at things that by all right he should not be looking up at. Oh, what the hell. * Griff_Khalil raises his head up, muttering slightly as he does so. He opens his eyes slowly and stares at the ceiling first, then picks his head up off the pillows. * Lukas's eyes widen and he ducks. (Getting out of any sort of 'visible'.) [Khalil awakes to see... he's got buldging muscles. And there's a boy ducking from him: An Asian kid, with short brown hair and purple eyes.] * Griff_Khalil looks at the kid and then holds his arm out in front of him and his eyes narrow. He mutters a string in Arabic. A LONG string. * Lukas says in English, as he's seen, "Look, I can explain. Okay, so I can't explain... dammit, I don't speak whatever the hell that is." * Griff_Khalil settles and looks at Lukas with a cool eye. " 'Whatever the 'hell' that is' is Arabic. And I would be pleased if you could explain it." * Lukas says, "Okay. Arabic. I still don't speak it. And no, I actually can't, I just wanted to delay you killing me for a few precious seconds." * Griff_Khalil sits up in the bed, fists in his lap. "Why do you automatically assume that I will kill you?" * Lukas rubs his head. "Christ. What was your name... Justin... something. Justinius?" Is it? Yeah. Justinius. Look, I don't know what's going on, okay, but whatever it is, I didn't do it. * Griff_Khalil eyes the short little asian man. "And your name is...?" * Lukas pauses, then goes, "Uh... shit, they didn't give his name in the story." So I guess you can call me Volt until we figure out what's going on. * Griff_Khalil blinks and peers at him. "...Volt?" Yeah. As in female robotic doll carrying Volt? (Darn. Lukas missed the chance to give out his real name and totally confuse Khalil.) * Lukas blins, then smirks. "You know, if it's the one thing peoople remember about me... does that mean you all were watching us?" * Griff_Khalil chuckles and waves his hand. "No. It means I am wondering why you have not asked where my feathers went yet." ... huh? * Griff_Khalil shakes his head and stands up, going towards the door, but first glancing at the window. "Hmm..." He then shakes his head and looks up, muttering quiet to himself in Arabic again. <"Allah forgive me, but there shall be another time for that."> He goes for the door again and tests the handle. [It opens!] * Lukas watches him. "Uh, feathers? Look, I only know one guy with feathers and you're not--oh, christ. Khalil?" * Griff_Khalil looks out into the hallway cautiously. * Griff_Khalil looks over his shoulder. "It took you long enough." Okay, I'm not Mr. Magic, remember? (Am I at least decently clothed?) * Lukas 's eyes widen. ( You're wearing pajamas :P ) ( And Khalil is wearing only pants. ) [Outside is not a hallway: It's a suite. There's a common room, and four other rooms, one of which you're coming out of.] (Khalil is so the male fanservice in the game. Or would be if Ashley didn't exist) ( He's certainly got the muscles in this group. ) (Yum.) Odd. I wonder if the others are in the adjoining rooms. * Lukas says, walking up behind Khalil, "Probably, now get out of the way..." If they are like us, however, how will we recognize them? * Griff_Khalil eyes Lukas for a moment over his shoulder again, then steps through the doorway and out of the way. * Lukas gets out in the suite and looks around. [A nice suite, at that.] If the pattern holds... Pattern? * Lukas rubs his head. "You... your body... and mine, I think, were in a group of people that saved the world..." So either we just got really unlucky and the people around us are going to question the fuck out of us... * Lukas rubs his head and murmurs, "Jesus, this is weird?" Yes. Indeed it is. * Lukas rubs his head and goes back into the room. "If anyone walks out, yell back at me." He starts looking around the room. If you had an extra set of picks, I could attempt one of the other doors. Or we could simply knock. However, in our current state, we may arouse suspicio-- * Lukas mutters, "I don't have anything, Khalil, which is sorta part of the problem." * Griff_Khalil blinks and stares at Lukas as he walks back into the room, then shakes his head. This is true. Switching bodies is somewhat difficult on your luggage. [There's various affects there... And a rather large semi-automatic assault rifle near Khalil's bed. Oh my.] * Lukas snickers. "Hey, maybe you should take this to Togo. Damn. I mean, Damn." Hmm? * Griff_Khalil goes back near the doorway to check. * Lukas hefts up the assault rifle. "I believe this belongs to you." Would... probably break my damn shoulder. [Lukas has a hard time lifting it.] [It's really heavy.] * Lukas unhfs. "Or my arms." * Griff_Khalil takes the rifle as soon as he can and looks it over. [It's a large gun. If Khalil knew anything about guns that might help. But to him.... it's a large gun.] * Lukas lets it go and uhfs, before gonig around and taking a good look at pretty much everything. After all. He'll need IDs, clothes, and keycards too. [Lukas finds clothes: jeans, a T-shirt, a jacket, sneakers. He also comes across a laptop, and an ID that reads: Mitsuji Chao Ueda] ... Well, hell Mitsuji. *beat* Ueda. *beat* Oh christ. * Khalil walks back out into the main suite. * Lukas tosses the clothes on the bed as he finds them and puts the laptop down on it too with a small grin, "Well, at least this won't be... all bad." Beat. "I hope he works in English." What language did this... Justinius speak? * Lukas walks out into the suite, too. "The, uh, dubbed English didn't really tell me." [And out you go into the main channel! Let me desc.]