[Day: Unknown! Time: Unknown! But four hours later!] [You camp out where you were teleported in. Woo. Some of you are resting! Some not! You have no idea when/if it'll be dawn again. And stuff.] [Start!] * Togo is keeping watch! Which mostly consists of wandering around the periphery of the camp, sitting in high branches of trees, and the like. * Lukas is sitting up with a nice laptop resting mainly on one leg, because the other done be shot. He's nearish Ten and Kid-Lukas is still shot-up and bandaged, but slugs away at the computer anyway. * Alys is laying down near Ten, resting her eyes. She's definitely resting her eyes and not napping or anything, because how could she sleep when Ten was hurt and stuff? Right. * Khalil is sitting silently, trying to relax as much as he can. He looks slightly less tense than he did the other 4 hours ago. He's currently dusting off his turban. * Herman is seated on the ground. She's idly pulling stuff out of her cleavage and arranging it in front of her, just to see what Sarah *has*. There's a small pile of trinkets now, including an owl, toads, a cell phone, a watch, Aspirin, a box of paper clips, a flashlight, a calculator, a handkerchief, a purse, tarot cards, and a pouch of sand. * Lukas mutters, "I swear I'll throttle this kid. Japanese. Nothing but Japanese." He looks up to Herman, smirking, "Does she keep candy bars in there?" If she did, they would probably be melted. * Ten is currently also laying down near Alys, and on her unijured side, she stopped crying a bit under two hours ago, but she isn't very happy at all. * Khalil puts his turban back on his head. "So, do we have a plan this time?" * Togo looks over Lukas' shoulder while standing upside-down on a tree branch over his head. "I've got a couple of baggies of what appears to be flour. Either that, or this lady has a really bad coke habit." * Herman pulls out a small Snickers bar and tosses it to Lukas. "Guess so." * Lukas's screen is covered in windows! With Japanese in them! He takes it. "Come on. Like she's not gonna keep chocolate close to her, uh, heart." Why not? She got everything short of the kitchen sink in here. I have a kitchen sink in my trenchcoat. Won a bet on that one. Poor bastard had to buy a round of drinks for the house. * Togo hops down from the tree, doing a quick flip in midair before landing softly. "Nothing of interest to report from watch. Nothing edible, either." * Ten sits up stiffly and looks at Lukas. * Lukas peels the candy bar. "Yeah, that's probably the cut of it." He breaks it carefully and hands a piece to Ten. "Here." We should find something soon then. Even if it is not our bodies, it would be being a bad guest if we left them in a ruined condition. * Alys yawns and sits up, then looks around and spots the phone near Herman. "Hey, Pipe Girl, does the mobile work?" * Lukas breaks off a piece for himself and groans slightly. "Never let any data out of your sight, kid. God." * Ten holds out her unarrowed arm for the chocolate. If we were willing to camp out longer, I could try'n hunt down something with legs and meat. But we wanna get moving soon, right? * Ten takes it too and brings it up to her mouth before stopping and blinking. * Lukas looks at Ten with a small smirk and pops his piece in his mouth. "Bad news, Togo... now that Ten's actually been up to translating." Hmm? (And yes, Ten hasn't been doing any actual translating out loud. Ha ha. Ahem.) * Ten swallows and gives Lukas a weak grin. "This, like, I guess smells good. This is so strange." * Herman looks over at Alys. "Nope." Line's dead. * Lukas laughs a little. "Yeah, it does." Of course it is. What's the bad news? * Lukas points at the screen while responding to Ten, "One day we'll get those sensors working. The same day they make a bleeding internal power source that digests food." Then to Togo. "The way out is in the castle. A 'magic mirror'." And this is surprising how? * Ten keeps holding the chocolate in her fingers and just looks and smells at it. Oh, awesome! Does it say who beautiful people are or have zombies coming out of it or anything? * Lukas shrugs. "Didn't say it was surprising, just, uh... bad news." To Alys, just a funny look, then to Ten and he sighs. "Ten... eat at least some of it before you make a mess and have to lick it off your hands." * Togo frowns. "Figures. We'll hafta try and sneak in." *looks around* "So do we wanna get moving soon, or should I go hunting, and we'll wait for nightfall tomorrow?" That depends. * Khalil turns towards Lukas. "What exactly does "way out" mean in this case? Let's go now, so I can maybe get back and call home and we can track down our real bodies and I can ask Xuan where she gets her shiny- on-a-stick things. * Ten looks at Lukas and nods, then ever so carefully opens her mouth and puts the piece of chocolate in, she doesn't even get as far as closing her mouth again before she freezes up. * Lukas says idly, "It doesn't say. It just says 'that we can use to escape'. The kid isn't one for detail." Wonderful. Which may mean we escape this world but not these bodies. (Who's got the Ashby?) (Is it still resting near Lukas?) ( I thought Herman had it. ) * Lukas rolls his purple eyes. "If we were that lucky..." * Lukas closes the computer up and groans again as he gets it off his lap. That is a valid point. Where in this castle is this magic mirror? I did not see it from where I had passed through. * Ten's body decides that if there's nobody in charge right now it should get on with the important things, like breathing. Worrying about the chocolate melting, or drooling is higher brain function stuff. * Lukas eyes Ten for a second. "Yeah. About that. Remember my comment about the kid not keeping all the data? That's it." We're lucky there's ANYTHING in this computer. * Alys glances over at Ten. "Hey, you okay there? Chocolate is good, I promise." It is as if that computer was housed by the same organization that we work for. (... ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.) * Herman starts picking up items and stuffing them back into her cleavage. "I have an X-Ray spell. That'd help." It doesn't say what the mirror looks like, does it. * Lukas snickers and actually looks to Khalil. "You know, that's actually dead on. Good one." He shakes his head to Herman. Oh, oh! Hey, Volt, could it be a super intelligent computer that's been ordering us around and paying us badly and stuff!? * Ten doesn't respond to Alys, or take the chocolate out of her mouth. * Khalil grants Lukas a slight smirk, then looks at Herman. * Lukas gives Alys another look. "Sorry, it only knows Japanese." Not super intelligent, then. Damn. * Alys frowns and pokes Ten. "Teeeeeen. Tententen. Hello?" * Lukas snaps, "Leave her alone, she's eating." He waves the other half of the candy bar around. "Anyone else need a piece?" * Herman shakes her head. * Ten blinks and then bites down on the chocolate. This is followed by an attempt to cram the rest of into her mouth and results in chocolate smeared on both cheeks. Not that she seems to mind in the least. Right. I'll take some, thanks. I'm good. Gone longer'n this without food. * Lukas breaks off another piece and chuckles. "Ten, you look like a kid." Beat. "Which isn't a surprise." He actually gives Alys something! Wow. * Alys eats it. "I don't think I've -ever- gone this long without sugar. Yum." * Ten gives Lukas a chocolate coated grin. * Khalil waves it off. "That is not exactly the best. Far too indulgent for my taste." He smiles slightly. "Besides, I shall think of this as a fast." Though food aside, I would have thought I would be at least thirsty by now. * Lukas smiles faintly at Ten and holds out the rest to her. "Well, here you go, Ten. Enjoy." He then flops back on his back. "Uhf." * Ten has ... MORE Chocolate! Which she proceeds to inhale. I don't care if we go now or then. As long as I don't get shot another couple times. This isn't what I call 'built for getting shot.' And you normally are? * Lukas snicker-coughs. "Alright, no." I think we should go soon. I'm tired of this place. * Ten finishes the chocolate bar and looks at Lukas. "Do you have any more? I want more! Give me another one Lukas!" Then she starts putting her chocolate covered fingers in her mouth. I'm ready to do fun stuff. Hey, ask the guy with the massive breasts, I was just the chocolatey messenger. * Ten looks at Herman now. "You've got more chocolate right? You've gotta! Can I have some?" * Khalil sighs then turns to Herman. "Yes. Let's. Hopefully, that spell will work." * Ten smears the chocolate on one of her cheeks with her hand and then puts her fingers back in her mouth. * Lukas groans again and starts sitting up, "Sounds like we're going, then." Are we in any shape to get moving? 'cause I'm not sure how much more darkness we have. * Alys hops to her feet and stretches a bit. "Let's go! I'm so ready!" * Herman eyes Ten, then reaches into her cleavage again and pulls out a Three Musketeers. "... Guess I do." She hands it to Ten. * Lukas groans again, but with a faint smile as he stands. "God. Ten on a sugar high." * Khalil sighs. "We must do something." * Ten giggles and takes the candy bar. Then she starts struggling to get it unwrapped. * Herman finishes stuffing the rest of her... er, stuff into her breasts of stuffiness. She stands. "Whenever you guys are ready." * Khalil puts his fist in his palm. "I was born at the readiness." Ready, I said I'm ready, come on! I'm guessing most of you don't have any kinda stealth training, and we don't have time to do training, so all I'm gonna say is to step slowly, watch where you step, *really* try not to knock anything over, and remember that lots and lots of large men with weapons are waiting to kill you if they hear you. * Lukas picks up the backpack and the computer. "I'll just, uh, float. Yeah." * Ten resorts to using both hands and her teath to get it open. * Khalil just peers at Togo. He makes a lot of guesses and assumptions, doesn't he? Stealth. Gotcha. I am the epitome of secret ninjaness. * Lukas snorts and puts the backpack over his non-shot arm, then looks to Ten. "Ten, you don't need to eat it to get it open so you can eat it." C'mon. * Ten glares at Lukas. "My hand are too big to get it open!" * Togo eyes Alys. "I'm serious. We do *not* want a fight. At all." * Lukas sighs and holds out his hand. "Fine, fine, I'll get it. Up for you." * Alys looks about as serious as she ever does. "I can do this. Trust me!" * Togo hesitates for a sec, then nods. "Consider yourself trusted." * Ten gives Lukas a slightly mangled candy bar. * Alys looks startled for a moment, then grins. "Right!" * Lukas carefully unwraps it with a sigh and hands it back to her silently. * Ten takes a big bite of candy bar and grins while chewing on it. * Togo looks over at Khalil. "Can you carry Ten and still pull off stealth?" I...um... (Togo? Ten got shot once in the shoulder, and just used both arms without thinking about it.) * Khalil turns slowly to look Ten over. She's not a doll anymore. (And how! n_h) * Lukas smiles slightly back at her and says, 'Walking time, Ten." ( Yeah, but she's still in bad shape, and the least likely of the bunch to know how to pull off stealth, in Togo's mind. ) * Ten is happily eating a candy bar, and the past hours of crying and whining seem to have faded to a puffiness around her eyes and a stain on her top. "Aww, do I haveta?" Yes, Ten. Phooey. I only ask because you're currently big'n beefy, and my impression is that you can do stealthy pretty well. * Lukas gestures up and awayward. "Less phooey, more walky." She seems to want to be able to do it herself. * Ten holds the candy bar in one hand and uses the other to help push herself up. She gasps when this results in her bad shoulder moving, but she does eventually wind up standing on both feet and with watery eyes. [You start moving!] * Herman is moving! Walking, even. * Togo frowns as they start towards the castle. "Ten, do you think you've gotten a hang of this whole 'moving' thing enough to be stealthy?" * Lukas is floating just off the ground. Less leg movement! It's good for him. * Alys is humming one of those songs that's been on the radio frequently enough to drive you nuts and moving along happily. * Ten shakes her head. "Never had to be stealthy walking before! Like, Lukas did all that for me." I can be totally stealthy inside of computers! [Eventually you come to the bridge. Or, lack there of.] ...I think I should still carry her then. * Lukas chuckles a little. "Yeah, you can piggyback. It'll be great." * Khalil looks like he doesn't know what to think of that. * Togo frowns s'more. "Good idea, Khalil." *eyes the bridge* Wow. We did a really good job of wrecking that. So, do we get to use the shiny cards again? * Khalil glances at Alys and rubs his forehead. "This was your doing?" Shiney cards? What're they? Huh? Of course it was! Plus a bomb. * Herman shrugs. "I can take us close to the castle." Well, I said 'we'. Point taken. Wonderful. No wonder. * Ten looks at Herman. "That's awesome! Can you keep them from shooting me again too?" I have a shield, but we'd need to stay in once place for it. If we're being sneaky, shouldn't we not get shot at in the first place? * Khalil glances at Ten for a moment. "Are you coming?" Uhm, uhm. I know! What if Lukas carries you like he did me? That'd so work! * Lukas shakes his head. "I just can't do that forever, especially with one bad arm..." * Ten 's head droops. "Phoeey." Then she looks at Herman. "How're you going to get us there? Huh?" * Togo looks at the group, and mutters softly. "Not exactly Army Rangers, but it's gonna hafta do..." I can just teleport us, but I don't know how closely they're watching. So teleport us around the back wall of the castle, but some distance away, if you can. * Herman nods. "Everybody stop." "You could send somebody to fi..." She stops midword when Herman gives her order. * Lukas stops and sets down, saying with a small grin, "Yes'm." * Alys stops in place, one foot still slightly raised to take her next step. * Herman pulls a small deck of tarot cards from her cleavage. She fans them, then gives them a toss. She closes her eyes and chants in Latin as they surround them. * Togo stops. [Session End!]