[Day: Tuesday, Oct. 9th. Time: 5:45 p.m.] [You are in the small port town of Cromarty, built at the end of a cape somewhere in northern Scotland. You're hunting a carnival fey. Not much else needs to be said.] [Session Start!] (Mmm, capes.) [Sarah is with you, by the way. Woo.] (Khalil in a dashing cape!) * Ashley runs a hand through his oddly-striped hair. "This can be really easy, or it could be damnably hard." (I'm a kid. Grr.) * Ten looks at the world outside of the kilt shop. "Do they, like, post schedules anywhere?" (He could steal Ashley's monocle and look -really- dashingly diabolical.) * Lukas mutters, "My, an amazing leap of logic." Look for handbills, love. [At the end of the street, outside of the town proper, Togo spots a bunch of tents and Ferris wheels and things.] Is it not always such a way? (Stupid blind guys always seeing things.) (Even when they aren't looking! ) * Togo points to the carnival. "I'd check there. But that's just me." * Ashley looks where Togo's pointing. "... as I said, really easy. Now we get to the fun bit. Cross your fingers." * Ashley starts walking. * Alys claps her hands together happily. "I want cotton candy! Ten, we're getting you cotton candy, it's really good!" * Ten follows Togo's finger. "They've got a Ferris wheel! That's awesome! I've always wanted t... Cotton candy?" * Khalil eyes Togo's direction. "That may be a good place to start, yes." * Lukas says with a tinge of annoyance, "She doesn't need more sugar." (Isn't it called "Candy floss" in England?) Any more sugar and it'll fall out her ears. (Is it? Oops.) [Sarah casts a final glance at the kilt shop and follows.] * Khalil looks at Lukas. "Sugar does not flow out of one's ears last I checked." * Ten grins widely and giggles then she runs down the street. * Togo follows Ashley. "So if we catch this guy in one of his depressive states, should we leave and come back later, or run for our lives?" Oh... I... Look, I cannot fly, so someone else shall have to go after her. * Lukas rolls his eyes and eyes Ten. "Don't tell her that." Then he runs after her. * Alys runs after Ten. "It's yummy and sugary and colourful, and I don't see how anything can get any better than that!" We don't really have time for later, do we? We'll have to play it by ear, and hope Auberon's smiling. Sugar! [You wander out of town and walk for a bit, arriving at the tents. Woo! Tently.] (Some of us are, to their chagrin, not walking.) [They do have a stand with a cotton candy machine. In fact, that looks to be one of the few things that's open; the carnival is apparently still setting up.] * Alys runs up to the cotton candy machine. "Excuse me excuse me, could I have two things of this please?" * Khalil watches Alys as she stops at the tent and takes in a deep breath. "I shall never understand the other gender." * Ten follows shortly after Alys. "Yes, please!" * Ashley follows along slightly more sedately. "Bloody carnivals. Never could get into anything respectable, like card sharking or the bleeding mafia, could he?" [The guy working the stand is a 3-foot tall munchkin with a thin mustache that curls upwards at the tips and a large chin and nose. "Why sure, little lady." He whips up two swirls of cotton candy and holds them out.] ( Wow, a three foot-tall donut hole. Sounds tasty! ) * Lukas catches up to the girls after they ask, because he's slow, and leans on the machine. "Do either of you actually have any _money_?" ( "Oh you want that guy? Sorry, he left our troupe a few weeks ago to work for the yakuza." ) * Alys takes them and hands one to Ten. "Thanks! How much?" * Togo walks along. "Does he do the illusion thing too, or do different fae have different powers?" ( Beats me. How many pounds does the average schlaugh of candy floss run? ) * Khalil looks at Ashley. "Bleeding mafia?" (Three pounds! Sure.) * Ten takes it. "Of course!" (Depends on what you want inflation to be like and if they ever switched to the Euro.) (Or whatever.) Different powers. Aine's got a mean hand with fire, and Tyr - the chap we're looking for - can turn invisible. Sometimes. Part of why this might not be so easy. * Alys hands over however much money the guy wants from Xuan's purse. ( Thanks :P ) (Snicker. Lukas was more thinking, "Are we carrying around European money?) (Since we're all freaking Japanese?) Invisible. Wonderful. (Hey! I'm local!) * Lukas looks up at Ten and says with a little exasperation. "Try not to make too much of a mess of yourself, huh?" * Khalil looks at Ashley. "Still smells though, does he not?" ( You are! Seems most everyone did think to visit the exchange office. ) (Xuan's purse had pounds and yen, so.) (I think it did.) (She's so wise.) ( Yeah ) * Ten grins. "Kay!" She then looks at the mass of spun sugar. "Where do I start?" * Ashley looks around. "Don't rightly know. Never bothered to take a sniff - even the fae have personal space." He grins. * Alys eats her yumminess that she paid good, European money for. The top. [It tastes very unlike floss.] Yes. I wish, for once, we had taken Justinius with us, as unpleasant as he may be. (Thank goodness.) * Ten takes a bite of pure sugar and her eyes widen. "Mhhmmmhmmmm!!" Invisible... ironically, that'd be easier to handle in my own body. [The tiny guy leans over the counter. "You folks are looking for Tyr?"] That is what I was stating. * Ashley blinks, then walks up to the vendor. "Yes. Thank christ." * Khalil then looks at the tiny guy. ( Tyr is to the west of Urik, and ruled by the tyrannical sorcerer-king Kalik. ) * Lukas looks up at Ten more and shakes his head with a slight smile. [He nods. "Hm, well, I saw him a few hours ago, but it's been a while... oh! Here comes Louise. She'd probably know." He points behind y'all.] * Ashley spins around. "If we ever get to the end of this mad steeplechase, I am going for a drink on Dante's dollar, and you are all invited." He looks for Louise. [Behind you is a gorgeous dark-haired woman in a skimpy pink bikini. Well... She might be considered gorgeous if she didn't have a beard so long it would make Guan Yu jealous. "Did someone call my name?"] * Ten takes a smaller bite of candy and obediently turns around. * Alys turns around to look. "Oh, wow. You guys have the coolest facial hair." * Lukas glances and stares. "... uh, possibly?" * Khalil turns around and looks. All women should have beards. It's a muslim tradition. (Heh. First he glances, THEN he stares. Because he failed his 'look away' roll.) A pleasure. Looking for Tyr. Torin. Tiaran. Whichever of the three. * Togo raises an eyebrow, looks up to the sky, and mutters. "For this I get vision?" ( ..... I'd hit it) (You'd hit a chakat, Ashley) (You'd' hit it from behind.) [She nods. "I think he went into town. You might find him at the local pub."] Drinking merrily or drowning his sorrows? (I'd hit a chakat from behind, sure.) * Ashley shoots Togo a look. ["I think he said he was going to gamble a bit, so who knows?"] (I was talking about Guanita Yu.) Kay! Thanks! Pub! Sugar and alcohol! We should get Ten a drink. * Khalil watches the odd looks. (Shit, I'd hit her from the front) Fantastic. Thanks much! * Ten blinks and then looks distant. * Ashley takes off at a sprint for the pub. * Lukas starts to roll his eyes, then blinks at Ten. * Togo runs after Ashley, keeping up. "He a happy drunk or a sad drunk?" * Alys is distracted from her urges to have Ten try every food in the world and chases after Ashley. "Wait up!" [She waves cutely. Or attempts to be cute.] That depends on if we can catch him before he gambles away his last paycheck! * Ten blinks again. "Where'd? Hey! Wait for me!" She runs after the others. * Khalil heads off after Ashley. "So I presume that means he is in the better stage." * Lukas shakes his head and follows. * Ashley grins. "Well, it's a gamble, isn't it?" [The sun is setting by the time you get back to the town. You find the pub easily, seeing as how it's the only one there. Like an rpg, it's a wood- and-stone building with a sign out front portraying a mug of beer and the word "Pub".] Bloody classic, that. Bloody unimaginative too. * Alys smiles brightly. "I love convenient signs." She walks in. * Ashley opens the door and walks in. After Alys. This ought to be rich. Like, I thought they only built things like this in games! * Lukas smirks. "That's design constraints. This is just plain lazy." * Togo steps in as well. He really does need a drink. But later. Let's go! Is there truly any difference? * Ten goes into the pub. * Lukas follows. "Yes." Oh, let it go, Volt. A bit of camp now and then is good for the soul, what? * Khalil looks at Ashley. "What?" [Inside, the place has a Medieval feel: there's a fireplace on the far side of the bar (with a fake fire; a real one's just asking for a law suit) and a dank atmosphere. A mirror behind the bar makes the room seem bigger than it really is, while a small TV plays a news channel in one corner. ] [The bartender looks like Mr. Clean: Bald, muscular, wearing a white T- shirt. He's polishing a glass and seems to be the only person in the room not laughing in merriment. Other patrons are scattered about, but most are gathered around one table, where a man is waving around a stack of cash and laughing. "Don't worry, friend! Your money won't go to waste. I'll buy you a drink! Drinks for all!"] * Lukas says idly, "A name could be campy too." * Khalil looks at the man laughing and looks at Ashley. "Is that him by chance?" * Ashley breaks into a grin and mutters "Oh, perfect. It's him." Cool! He's in a good mood! [The man in question is ruggedly handsome, with green eyes and short black hair. "Bartender! Drinks for everyone!" The patrons cheer and clap him on the shoulders.] * Ashley starts walking over towards his group. "I recommend you take him up on the offer while it lasts." * Lukas looks to Ten for a second. * Alys's face takes on a soft look as she sees the guy buying drinks for everyone. "Oh, more nice looking people. I really like this- drinks? Ten, you should get a drink!" [Sarah grips her sleeves worriedly.] * Ten shakes her head. "Next time!" * Ashley takes a breath, then approaches Tyr, with a smile. "Well, if it isn't Mr. Generous!" * Togo eyes Ten, and grins. "Good choice." * Ten grins back. * Lukas looks away from Ten and says idly, "I wonder if they enforce drinking age around here." He looks over to 'Sarah'. "You joining people or hanging back?" Yeah, I guess we shouldn't drink on the job. Bartender! Could I have some orange juice, please? * Khalil shakes his head, watching the man curiously. "I do not drink." [Sarah looks at Lukas. "I don't think it's a good idea to drink right now..."] * Lukas eyes her grip. "Wasn't talking about drinking." [The bartender grunts and gives Alys some OJ.] * Alys takes it and drinks some. "Thanks." [Tyr grins. "Yes, that's me! And I can be even more generous with more money! So what do you say, stranger? Fancy a game of Blackjack?"] [The bartender grunts at Alys, picks up a different glass, and polishes.] * Khalil whispers to Sarah. "Are all fae this odd? [Meanwhile, Sarah stays near the door.] * Lukas turns away from Sarah and says, "C'mon, you're miss Merlin. How far away do you really wanna be from keeping people from dying if the guy goes moody?" Then he walks towards Alys. [She responds to Khalil! "Well, I don't really know. I've only met Liadan's mother, and from what I understand, she's not the usual type."] * Ten stands farther in, but hasn't made it to the bar. Mostly she's just watching the people in the bar. * Ashley looks tempted. Severely tempted. "I'd love to, if for nothing else than old time's sake, but I'm afraid I've other pressing matters." He grabs Tyr by the sleeve and pulls him aside a little. "And before you go off on a tangent and don't let me explain like Aine did - I'm Ashley, only my and my friends' bodies got all bollocksed up together." * Togo eyes Sarah. "You have a paralyzing fear of generic scottish pubs or something?" Is there a usual type then? [He blinks. "Ashley?" Then he points and looks around the bar. "This here's Ashley!" The patrons laugh as though there's some private joke. Or maybe they just want to keep the guy who's buying their drinks in the mood.] * Ten nods at that. "He is!" [He takes a swig of his mug, and wipes his mouth. "Ahh. That's good stuff. So you're Ashley, eh? You don't look it."] * Alys nods to Lukas as he approaches. "Hey Volt. You should get something to drink, you don't know when we'll randomly be attacked by vicious man-eating dolphins." [Sarah shakes her head. Reluctantly, she steps further in.] ( Alys has a good point. ) * Ashley looks panicked for a second, but nobody comes flying at him with a knife. "Yeah, great joke, isn't it?" He laughs nervously. Relax. I've got a thoroughly underwhelming array of sadly non-lethal weapons at my disposal, and I'm not afraid to use them if things get out of hand. Man-eat...what? * Khalil just blinks at Alys. [Sarah nods. "Mariah would be calm in this situation, too."] * Lukas gestures at himself with a smirk. "You think he's got a fake ID?" He looks up to the bartender. "Eh. Coffee? Corke? Or just a beer if you feel like it." [The bartender grunts and pours Lukas a cup of.... brown stuff.] * Alys looks solemnly at Khalil. "Man-eating dolphins. They eat people. It's sad and bloody and sort of gross." * Lukas shrugs and says, "There. I do listen to you sometimes, eh?" He takes a drink of brown stuff as he looks towards the Feyses. The water cleans it up pretty quickly, though. And she has eyes. *pauses* Not sure what that means, but it sounded good in my head. That's because I have good advice! You also are worried about dolphins when we're not near water. And your authority on this is what again? Listen, Tyr, I need a favor. I'm hunting for the old goat Dohrbran, and Aine said you'd have an inkling where to find him. [It tastes not quite like any of the three drinks Lukas expected.] * Ten listens to Alys as she's never heard of the man eating dolphins before. (Is it alcoholic?) My Dad used to tell me bedtime stories about them. ...Would they eat you if you were bad? Nah. Only if I went to the lake where they were being bred in Madagascar. * Alys takes another sip. Like, why wouldya go to Madagascar? So yeah, Sarah. Chill. My hand-to-hand might be about what you'd expect after having no eyes for a few years, but unless these people are all secretly Asahara operatives, I think we're okay. I don't know, it seems like we've been everywhere else. Alright. I would say that that is silly, except coming from my standpoint, I am not certain if anything I hear is silly any more. ["Dohrbran! That old geezer! Well, old as any of us, eh?" Tyr laughs again. By now, most of the patrons are going about their own business. "Yeah, I was talking to him not long ago. He said he wanted to find an elven apprentice to help with his new research."] ( I'm really having to restrain myself from launching into an Ethan-esque "Don't Worry, Female Person!" speech. =P ) * Ten nods. "Me'n Lukas travel all over the place! 'Cept I'm not supposed ta tell people where we've been, so I can't." * Ashley's jaw drops. "A WHAT?" * Lukas's eyes flick to Ashley, then he smirks slightly at Ten. "Aw, you remembered." Anther sip. ["An elf." He snorts. "Bah. Elves. They act so high and mighty, and their magics don't even compare to the likes of ours."] * Ten looks over at Ashley. My dad had the -best- bedtime stories. There were dolphins and evil trees and explosions and zombies. [Sarah relaxes a little. "If you're certain..."] * Ashley suddenly realizes he's in a pub, so collects his jaw, colors crimson, and glances around sheepishly before looking to Tyr again. "Oh, hells... look, keep it down, would you? A lynch mob was never my favorite game." * Ashley rubs his eyes. "Where the hell am I going to find an elf in this day and age?" That is... quite an interesting conversation. [Tyr takes another swig. "Why, the North Pole of course! That's where most of 'em live. Although the old coot's probably done his business and is off to Norway by now."] * Ten turns her attention back to Alys. "That sounds awesome!" Norway. I can get to Norway. Can you narrow it down a little? I don't remember much about the place except it's narrow and bloody frigid. * Togo shrugs. "Fairly certain. 'sides, we don't wanna give Herman's body an ulcer." *smirks* * Alys stares at Tyr happily for a moment, then looks back to Ten. "Thanks!" [He shrugs. "Couldn't tell you for the life of me! Oh, but I bet Brigid Glistenstorm -- You've met Brigid Glistenstorm, right? -- I bet Brigid Glistenstorm would know. Last I heard she was in Skien for business of a vacation or something."] ( "What's she doing in Skien?" "Skiing." "... I should've seen that one coming." ) ("But Sasahril-Tyr, I don't WANT to get the pendants for the Master Sword.") * Ten grins and nods and goes back to listening. * Khalil sighs and shakes his head. "This is a flying goose chase." * Ashley smacks his hand into his head with an audible thwack. "Going the rounds, are we?" ["Guess so! And speaking of rounds..." Tyr pulls out a seat for Ashley. "Sit down and I'll buy you one."] * Alys pats Khalil on the shoulder sympathetically. "Have a drink, looks like they're free." I'd love to, old chap, but I've really got to be popping off. Besides, you'd drink me under the table in this body. I told you, I do not drink. * Ashley smiles. ["Aww, come on. Just one drink!"] At all? No water, or orange juice, or... whatever it is that Volt's drinking... * Lukas takes another drink while looking at Alys and her drink foisting ways, then replies after the sip's done. "It's... brown juice. They squeeze it fron brown things." [Tyr points at the TV. "Hey, look. It's that priest kid that everyone's talking about."] Tell you what - I'll buy you a round next time we... eh? * Ashley looks at TV! He is GM-slave. A distant relative of oranges, I bet. ( Ohno, it's a 50 foot tall hermaphrodite Bridget destroying Tokyo! ) Uh. Yeah. Sure. * Ten blinks at Lukas. "I don't know what I want, but, like, juice sounds good!" Then without waiting for the bartender to respond she looks at the new source of info! No. Well, in this body, strangely I have not felt thirsty. (It's Tuesday?) [On the TV is a picture of a priest who couldn't be much older than his mid-twenties. He wears a black robe with a gold cross on the front and on the cuffs, and is very handsome, with long black hair. But you can't see his eyes: They're hidden behind shades.] * Alys shakes her head. "That doesn't matter! You could dehydrate, or-" She follows Ten's line of vision. "Are we looking at something?" * Lukas isn't looking at the TV. Busy drinking. * Khalil watches the TV It's somebody on the TV! ... my local priest never wore shades. He's a tad creepy, isn't he? Oh, he's cute. We should go meet him next. * Lukas finally looks to it and snorts to himself. Let's not, huh? You think everyone is cute. * Lukas smirks slightly. "You can get a cuppa with him on your own time." I believe I will get something to drink. He's kinda overdoing that whole cross thing. * Khalil goes to get some water from the bartender. Not everyone! [A woman's voice comes reporting: "... And as Pope Innocent XIV's health continues to fail, everyone's making guesses as to who will succeed him. The question of whether this man, the famed Cardinal Karasu Kage, would stand a chance as being selected. If he is, he would be the youngest Pope ever chosen. We asked some of the other more popular church leaders what they thought..."] I have very specific standards for cuteness. Although he's a Cardinal, so there goes that idea. [A man in a white robe appears next, a caption reading Cardinal Andrew Clemens, age 52, U.S.A. He looks angry. "Ridiculous. I won't deny father Kage's accomplishments, but he's simply too young! He isn't ready to lead the Catholic Church."] Jesus, he's a Cardinal? I didn't think you could be a cardinal with the Catholics that young either. * Lukas sips. "I'd say he's sleeping his way up the chain... well, maybe he is anyway." That is odd... I wish I still had my connections, I could, like, look all sorts of stuff up on then. ( I totally object to Karasu being a cardinal and a pope. A ninja with a demon in him can't be the bloody pope. ) Why would a church let in one so young? * Ashley looks. "Tyr, you know anything about this?" * Lukas rolls his eyes. "It's just religion. Nothing to worry about." He looks over at Ashley. It's the church. Why do they do anything? (On the contrary. Who better to be the Pope than a ninja?) 2d8+1 * Diceroshi throws the bones for Togo (2d8+1) and gets a natural 5 for a result of 6. [And a man in red, with balding white hair: 52 year old Cardinal Antonio Lancione. "Ridiculous! The Church needs reformation! We need to regress to traditional standards! If we continue the way we are, the Church will crumble from the inside!"] Ew, old guys. Make the cute one Pope! I think that, like, you need a lot more than just cute guys to run a religion, you know? Actually, would you not wish someone with more experience to be the head of an organization? ... I know the young guy. Well, of him. * Khalil then looks at Togo. * Lukas snickers and reaches over to pat Ten on the shoulder. "Ah, that's why we love ya, Ten." * Alys blinks at Togo. "Really? Neat. D'you think he'd be a good Pope?" * Ten beams. He heads up the Vatican's... best way I can put it is 'warrior-priests'. * Lukas EYES Togo. "... you're not serious." [Finally, another man in red, an older guy with a beard: Cardinal Joachim Dziak: "Hmm.... A youthful figurehead might help the younger generation to better connect with their faith, but we mustn't lose sight of our purpose. The Catholic Church must not become Hollywood."] * Alys grins. "Wow, Christianity's gotten kinda cool, huh? 'Warrior-priests.' Neat." [Tyr shrugs, meanwhile. "First I've heard of it."] Hmm. It's the Catholic Church. Of course they're involved in anti-supernatural stuff. * Khalil looks at Alys with a hard stare. (Gah, I was right, he is Iscariot 13 >_>) * Ashley turns back to Tyr and grabs his hand. "Look, chum, it's been fantastic. I'll pop by later for a drink, and a game. Your choice." He pauses. "Not tiddlywinks. Not after that one time." * Lukas rolls his eyes. "Sure, but 'warrior-priests' sounds like a cross in one hand, and a crossbow in the other." [The news report continues, showing a film: "Cardinal Kage is best known for his efforts to build peace between the fledgling Byzantine Empire and the country of Turkey during the rebellion, and he continues to work towards peace now that the war is over."] I'd like to avoid the crossbows, kay? Look out, sinners, Jesus is comin' for you. [And Tyr blinks suddenly as Karasu is shown briefly with Justinius. He turns and points at Khalil. "Hey! You're that guy!"] Not far off, actually. Though I think they use guns now too. Oy. Oh, Christ. [The patrons turn their attention towards Khalil. They start murmuring.] * Togo grins. "The power of Christ compels you, but just in case, they have a .45." *looks up* "... the hell?" * Ten blinks and freezes. Thanks for the info, Tyr, got to go, lovely time. * Ashley walks towards the door. Swiftly. Wow, looks like it's time to leave let's go! [And just in case there's any confusion, the news report helpfully posts a close up of Justinius's face, announcing, "... working with leaders such as Justinius Stanton..."] * Lukas digs for the kid's wallet and pulls out some money for the bartender. * Dreol is now known as Dreamland * Alys finishes off her juice and heads after Ashley. * Lukas eyes Alys running off, mutters, and covers her too. * Ten realizes a moment later that pretending to be an inanimate object is not a good defense in the current situation and grins nervously as she exits. "Bye!" * Togo turns to Sarah, a bit confused. "The shirtless perv with the three-shot gun is some sorta leader?" [Tyr frowns. "Hey! Don't leave yet!..." And frowns darker. "Oh, I see... You hang out with all the bigshot mortals now. No time for us little guys anymore." He gets up, scowling.] [Sarah nods to Togo. "He's..." She stops, looking at Tyr out of the corner of her eyes. "I'll tell you about it later."] * Khalil just freezes up. "...great." Oh, shit... Call you later, Tyr, I promise! * Ashley runs out the door. * Lukas heads doorward and looks to Sarah/Togo, saying at them, "Less talking about hentai-head and lots more moving." * JesseLman is now known as Togo * Togo opens the door for the others, and motions for them to GET. [Tyr starts forward. He doesn't look happy. "Yeah, 'promise'. You'll go off to live the high life, while I'm stuck working at a fucking freakshow!" He kicks a chair over angrily.] [Meanwhile, you all rush out the door!] * Lukas says Ashley's way. "Good move. I hope you keep your promises." Sarah, can you magic us to Norway? *runruns* Where in the hell am I going to call? He doesn't have a phone. [Sarah looks around frantically. "This is bad. I can, but I need time to cast the spell..."] That's gonna be hard then, you could, like, mail him one and then call! I'll show up in six months with a six-pack of kegs and we'll have a grand old time for about three days. That works. * Togo frowns, pulls out some shades, and slips them on. "I think I can keep an eye out for him, even if he goes invisible. Let's get some distance, and find someplace for you to cast." * Lukas looks to Sarah, ignoring that he said 'keg' and not 'beer'. "Just find a door, huh?" 2d8 * Diceroshi throws the bones for Ashley (2d8) and gets a natural 12 for a result of 12. Lots of doors! [She nods and hurries across the street to the general store. "I hope nobody's watching." Luckily the streets do seem fairly deserted.] * Ashley looks around worriedly. * Ten follows Herman's body to the other side of the street. Just practicin' our act for the 'freakshow', as the nice moody man put it. * Ashley winces. "Ssh!" ( Gimme hearing checks! ) 2d8 * Diceroshi throws the bones for Alys (2d8) and gets a natural 12 for a result of 12. 2d8 * Diceroshi throws the bones for Ashley (2d8) and gets a natural 13 for a result of 13. 2d8 * Diceroshi throws the bones for Lukas (2d8) and gets a natural 14 for a result of 14. 2d8 * Diceroshi throws the bones for Ten (2d8) and gets a natural 7 for a result of 7. 2d8-2 * Diceroshi throws the bones for Khalil (2d8-2) and gets a natural 8 for a result of 6. (EXCERRENT. GO FOR 15.) 2d8-4 * Diceroshi throws the bones for Togo (2d8-4) and gets a natural 13 for a result of 9. * Togo stops running long enough to pull out a bolo and chuck it at the approaching nothingness. * Ten turns around and looks back the way they came. "Like, maybe we should pick someplace bit farther away?" (HA.) [Sarah doesn't respond. She's chanting.] 2d8-2 * Diceroshi throws the bones for Togo (2d8-2) and gets a natural 9 for a result of 7. * Alys sees people going into action and looks around wildly. "What's going on?" [The bolos wrap around nothing, and it shrieks. "Bastards! I knew you were never really my friend, Ashley! You son of a bitch!"] [The bolo starts untying itself.] * Lukas 's eyes widen. "Goddamn!" ..well, that works. [Sarah finishes chanting and opens the door, revealing a portal. "Get in!"] Uh, could you, like, maybe cast fa... Thanks! * Togo levels his wrist crossbow at the untying nothingness. "Go!" * Lukas wastes no time on 'go'ing. * Alys looks back to the bolos for a moment before running through the portal. Look, Tyr, I swear, broads and booze, just like the old days, only not right now! * Ashley dives through. * Ten runs through the portal with a few tongues of flame appearing on her body briefly. The bolos fall to the ground. "Oh, yeah, sure you will, Ashley." * Togo grabs Sarah and drags him/her through the portal. * Khalil heads on through himself as fast as he can! [You all go through the portal! ... And appear in mid air. You fall, landing in a drift of snow in a heap.] [As usual, Justinius is the last one to come through, and lands on top of the rest.] * Ashley collapses. "Oof!" * Lukas gets heaped on in snow! "Fucking christ! What is it with portals and piles of goddamn people!" [And Lukas is at the bottom. Ow.] ... at least he didn't land on my boobs this time. Ow. Ow! Offoffoff! * Lukas tries to flail. "Get the fuck off of me!" * Ten falls onto the snow, but mostly other people. "Waaah! This isn't cool!" [Sarah groans. "Sorry! I had to use a door, and that's the only one I remembered!" She points upwards at a tall tower, where there is, in fact, a door in the middle of the wall.] * Ashley rolls out from under people and flops in the snow. "Well. Wasn't that fun?" ( Ashley wants some. ) You know the most interesting people, Ashley. And by interesting I mean dangerously psychotic. * Lukas groans. "I was wondering when my luck would kick in again." * Alys crawls out from the pile and turns herself around so she's face-up. "You have no portal skills whatsoever. Ow." He was on a rather short cycle today. Usually it takes days. ( You happened to hit him at the turnover point :P ) * Khalil picks himself up and dusts some snow off. "Now I believe you owe us an explanation..." He looks at Herman's body. [Sarah clambers out and rubs her head. She looks at Alys. "If you can do better..."] * Ten gets up off of Lukas and stands in the snow. "This isn't cool at all. He's all mean and it wasn't even our fault!" ( Sad Ten in... nah, too easy. ) * Lukas just lies there. "Actually it's pretty cold. God, You'd think I'd like snow." * Alys pauses and thinks. "No. Not really. Okay, I take back what I said." * Ashley stands up and brushes off. "You try being bipolar for five centuries." [You seem to be on the slope of a mountain. There's a small town below. Next to you is a large stone tower, with a door in the middle.] * Alys stands up and shakes the snow out of her hair. "Right. Okay. Onward! Er... where are we going now?" No clue. I'm not certain where we are yet. I am trying to figure out just what in the name of Allah happened. [Sarah points. "We c-could..." she shivers; it's much colder here than in England, "catch a bus there to the city..."] So, first up's where's here, and then, like, why's here? * Lukas groans and floats himself up off the ground. "Where the hell are we GOING?" We were attacked by an invisible man. I tripped him with a bolo. We went through a magic portal and dropped into a snow drift in Norway. What's not to understand? No, I mean, like, how come somebody put a door in the middle of a wall? Isn't that where people usually put windows an' stuff? * Lukas brushes himself off and checks his computer for not being freaking broken. [Sarah shivers. "W...Well, if it wasn't, I probably wouldn't remember it."] * Ashley sniffs the air. "According to Mr. Grumpy, Brigid's in Skein, here in Norway. Sarah, where did you drop us?" ["N-N-North side of the c-country."] * Lukas chuckles. "God. Norway." Could be worse, but not much. * Ten blinks at her arm. "An how come my arm's gotten all bumpy? An shaky an it's kinda hurting but not like that arrow." * Alys rubs her arms to keep warm. "Sarah, do you have a handy fire spell, or something?" That's not what I am asking. I am asking is how is Justinius involved in all this? [Sarah shakes her head. "No, b-b-but Liadan c-could k-keep us warm."] Ten? Do the firey thing, please? * Ten holds up her arms and concentrates. With any luck they both burst into flames, but not her dress. [Sarah shivers and trudges over to Ten. "Th-Thank you." She stays near and warms up.] * Lukas whews at his computer and puts it away before rubbing his arms. "C- c'mon. We shouldn't stay here anyway." * Ten stares up at her limbs. "This's kinda scary, and lots cool, and not cold at all." * Alys sticks close to Ten. "Mm, good fire." [Sarah nods and points at the town again.] * Khalil sighs and starts walking that way. Seems his questions will go unanswered for now. * Togo starts trudging towards town, not getting too far ahead of Burny Ten. * Ashley comes out of a reverie, and suddenly notices he's turning blue. "Why on earth did it have to be the NORTH half of the country, Sarah?" * Ten goes to town, and probably takes all the others with her. * Ashley gets in the Heat Range and follows along. "Skien is down south of Oslo. We've got a country to cross, and it's the long way to boot." [Sarah rubs her hands together as she walks. "It was the only place I could think of in Norway. I haven't been here since I was very young."] I hope your people are paying for bus fare. * Lukas rubs his arms and mutters aimlessly to himself. [She frowns, but nods.] [You walk down the mountain, eventually coming to a small town... or more accurately, village, in a valley. It's even smaller than Cromarty.] * Khalil gets nearer to Ten, walking with her and fighting the chill. "I have never been in a place so...cold.." * Ten grins. "Yep! It's cold! And I'm going to have to turn this off soon!" Maybe we'll get lucky, and Dohrbran's here already. * Ashley sticks his hands in his coat pockets. "That'd save us a step." You guys have obviously never been to a Steelers game in late December in Pittsburgh. No turning off the fire! It keeps us from being cold and frostbitten! * Lukas eyes Ten and rubs his head. "Is there any way to know where the hell it is? And she can't leave it on in TOWN." * Ten grins widly at Alys. "We'll just have ta, buy warm clothes!" I don't have Norwegian money. Gah, this is so inconvenient. [Sarah nods, pointing to a store! Apparently, the town has one tailor.] No. The body switching was inconvenient. This is simply a minor nuisance. They've so have to have an ATM! * Lukas rubs his temples. "Sarah, funny question for you, because I really don't want to contend with two hours of Ten's shopping." * Ashley has buttoned up the coat and seems warmish, if lost in thought. [Sarah looks at Lukas expectantly.] * Lukas looks up at Sarah but doesn't say anything immediately. * Lukas rubs his temple, then looks at her a bit more intently. Yes, time is passing! Not too much though. [It really is!] * Ten burns cheerfully while she waits for Lukas to do whatever it is he's trying to do. [Sarah turns to everyone. "Um... We're going to try something to make this trip a bit faster, ok?"] [She walks over to a door and starts casting.] * Ashley blinks a few times. "Wait, what's going on?" (Wait, does that mean I'm on fire in the town?) (Let's hope not.) [One minute later, Sarah opens the door to another portal.] * Ashley shivers slightly. [Sarah gestures.] Aww, so we don't get to buy clothes here? That sucks. Wait, do they have a better store on the other end? Huh? Huh? * Togo steps through! * Lukas looks away from Sarah immediately after the portal opens and rubs his arms. He doesn't look like he's in a great mood. "This should go to "Stockholm. Lemme go first so I can, uh, explain--goddammit!" * Lukas dashe after Togo. * Alys hurries through. (Apparently, people don't know how to listen. *eyes Alys*) Family reunion, I bet. * Ashley strolls on through. * Khalil looks at whoever's left, shrugs and walks through himself. * Ten lets the fire on her arms die out and then follows the others through. [And so everyone goes through the portal against Lukas's wishes. Session End!]