Start of Lukas buffer: Sat Nov 05 00:46:21 2005Session Ident: Lukas ( "Hello!" a hyper female voice replies on the other end of the phone. "Is this Togo's friends?" "... yeah." "Oh. Well, my name is Penny, an' I'm calling because there's this lady that wanted to meet with him, right? And I saw him outside the door, but he got kidnapped." "So, I thought you'd wanna know! Tee hee!" "... sure. Thanks Penny." "Sure! Buhbye!" *click* "Hi I forgot to mention it was a buncha girls that kidnapped him. So he's probably real happy! Except one was wearing a lotta armor and had an eye patch. It looked un comfortable but she didn't seem to mind. Oh, and this other lady is still here! She looks miffed about Togo getting kidnapped since she came all the way from.... hold on." "... how about where? Where is good." [Lukas can hear her confirm something on the other end of the phone. "From Ireland! Oooh, across the sea. That's neat."] "Can I talk to the other person?" "Hmmm.... Okay!" [There's a pause, then. "Hello." It's a female voice Lukas doesn't recognize.] "Yes, hello. Where did this actually happen?" "Just outside the Dancing Fiend club. They drove up in a black car, pulled him in, and took off before the bouncer could do anything." "Oh, yeah. He must have been crushed." "The bouncer or Togo? Togo might literally be crushed if those women from Covenant feel like it." "Was thinking the bouncer, but that's certainly possible too. Thanks for not being Penny." "Mmm, yes." "I'll stop by and let you know what happens if Togo doesn't. Bye." "Hmm? You're not going to go rescue him? That puts me in a difficult position." through." *click* End of Lukas buffer Sat Nov 05 00:46:21 2005