[Day: Sunday, Oct. 15th. Time: 10:00 p.m.] [Togo and Mariah are standing atop a hill. Below them is a plain looking square-shaped building, all on its lonesome in the wilderness outside of Dublin. "Doughnut King" is written in small letters on one corner of the building, but otherwise it looks pretty bland.] [But Togo and Mariah know better. Beneath the surface lies sinister dealings and very few if any doughnuts.] [And they get to blow it up! Session Start!] [The surrounding area is grassy with hills, by the way, but few trees. There's a single road leading from the factory that connects to a highway a mile or two away.] * Togo stares at the building for a few moments, then turns to Mariah. "You're the expert, and you scoped the place. How do we approach and where do we go in?" [Mariah produces a square of paper from her jacket, which she unfolds. "Blueprints," she explains, not bothering to show them to Togo. Guess she remembered he can't read. "Mitsuji got them. But they're not completely accurate, of course; the labs are hidden beneath the factory."] Like any good Asahara lab. ["The labs were built beneath the building, but the factory itself was legit at one time. It's old. So, we can go in through this vent on the roof, to this storage room here. I'd bet that's where the entrance is."] [She folds the paper back up. "Getting in is the easy part."] The hard part is getting to the combustable areas without getting into a gigantic firefight with a horde of armed vampires? [She nods. "Yeah."] * Togo shrugs. "Well, I've got silencers for my SMG and my assault rifle, but it'd probably be better if it doesn't come to that." [She nods. "All we have to do is find the power source. That shouldn't be too difficult." Emphasis on 'too'. "Let's go." Mariah stalks towards the factory.] * Togo nods. "If things get ugly, I'm gonna pop smoke to give us cover to either get away or fight, so be ready with those infrared goggles you have." * Togo follows! [She glances back over her shoulder. "They don't work on vampires. No body heat."] [You approach the factory! While it's dark all around, the factory itself is illuminated by lights every few feet. It seems impossible to approach under complete darkness. (But gimme 2 sight checks)] ... right. Damn. Well, it'll help cover our escape, if nothing else. 2 2d8-6 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Togo (2 2d8-6) and gets a natural for a result of 3 7. ( Made by 4 and exactly ) [Togo notices no guards on the outside, fortunately. He also notices cameras, both at the corners and at the one door he can see. Fortunately, Mariah is heading for a patch of wall that isn't in their sight.] ["Can you climb?" she askes.] I'm not bad at it. Not Spiderman. [She nods and hands Togo her grapnel gun. "Here. You'll need this, then."] [Then she climbs up the wall. She is Spiderman. Woman.] * Togo aims for the roof and fires the grapel gun. ( Gun combat pistols ) 2d8-3 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Togo (2d8-3) and gets 13, a CRITICAL FAILURE!!! "Don't blame me. Blame yourself, or God." ( o.O ) ( An auspicious start to the evening. ) (... And Togo shoots himself in the foot....) [Togo fires, and the grapnel catches on something above!] * Togo looks up to see what it's caught on. [He can't see, the end disappears over the roof top.] * Togo gives the line a good stiff tug, to make sure it's secure. [There's a wrenching steel sound, and then a big chunk of sheet metal falls off the roof, clattering noisly to the ground.] * Togo winces, and quickly reloads the grapnel gun so he can get up to the roof ASAP. He fires again! 2d8-3 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Togo (2d8-3) and gets a natural 8 for a result of 5. ( made by 4 ) [Togo fires, and the grapnel catches on something above! Again!] * Togo hesitates, then gives a stiff tug to, again, make sure it's caught on something solid. [This time no sheet metal falls. It seems to be caught on something strong enough.] * Togo climbs! [Togo gets to the top just as Mariah finishes removing the fan from a ventilation shaft. "Let's hope they didn't hear that," she comments.] * Togo pulls up his line, and has the good grace to look abashed. "That's not goin' in the memoirs." [Mariah snickers. "Don't worry, it's unlikely they heard anything. Come on." She crawls into the vent.] * Togo follows. A lesser man might complain about getting his nice trenchcoat all dirty. But not Togo! [Into the vent they go! There's a short drop, then Togo follows Mariah down a long venty corridor. She turns a corner and goes down another short drop.] ( And a stealth roll (silent movement) for this one. ) 2d8-3 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Togo (2d8-3) and gets a natural 7 for a result of 4. ( Made by 5 ) * Togo idly ponders, as he crawls down the ventilation shaft behind Mariah, that this would be a rather nice time to have eyes. Ah well. [Togo drops down silently. Mariah continues forward a bit until she gets to the end of the duct; there's a grate to her left. She peeks out and scowls then turns back to Togo, holds up 2 fingers, and points at the grate.] * Togo nods, points a the spot where they are, then makes a little shooting motion, and then shrugs his shoulders questioningly. [Mariah nods to Togo. She silently removes the grate, then drops down. There's a gurgling motion, followed by a surprised, "What the-?"] * Togo drops out of the grate, pulling out his silenced assault rifle, and fires a burst into the person/thing that Mariah is not currently occupied with. 2d8-3 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Togo (2d8-3) and gets a natural 9 for a result of 6. ( Made by 3, so... two hits? 3? ) [Togo shoots the vampire three times in the chest. He looks down, shocked.] [Meanwhile Mariah, who had dropped down and jabbed the other one in the throat with her wrist spike, pulls out a stake and, well, you know the rest.] ( Togo's action! ) * Togo fires another burst into the vamp, hoping to put it down long enough for Mariah to stake. 2d8-3 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Togo (2d8-3) and gets a natural 13 for a result of 10. ( Oy. Miss ) [Ouch. Togo riddles the wall beside the vampire with bullets. Meanwhile, the guy recovers from his shock, leaping at Togo, fangs bared. "I'll kill you!"] ( Gimme a def roll! ) 2d8-3 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Togo (2d8-3) and gets a natural 8 for a result of 5. ( Made by 2 ) [Togo swerves to the side, avoiding the vampire's lunge. There's a *thwip* sound, and the vampire suddenly has a small tranquilizer dart from Mariah's crossbow sticking out of his shoulder, but it only seems to make him madder. Togo!] * Togo takes a couple of steps back to put some distance between himself and the vamp, and opens up with another burst from his asasult rifle. 2d8-3 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Togo (2d8-3) and gets a natural 6 for a result of 3. ( Made by 6. This could hurt. ) [It hurts alright. Togo rips the vamp's chest apart, and he falls to the ground, though still squirming until Mariah finishes him off with a stake.] [It's about now Togo gets a chance to take note of his surroundings: a small rectangular room with a single light over head. It might have been used for storage at one time, but all the clutter has since been removed. There's two doors: a wooden one and an elevator, locked with a keypad. Guess which is the one you want?] * Togo puts a fresh clip into his assault rifle, then gets himself into position to cover the wooden door while Mariah takes care of the elevator. [Mariah does just that, removing the casing around the keypad and fiddling with the wires. The elevator doors slide open. "There will probably be a guard at the bottom," she cautions. "Be ready."] * Ardweden has joined #besm * ChanServ sets mode: +o Ardweden * Togo grins, and readies his assault rifle as he steps into the elevator. [Mariah follows, hitting the down button, and the elevator doors close.] [They open again into a small room. There is, as Mariah predicted, a guard sitting behind a desk. His feet are propped up and he's reading the sports page, but his eyes widen as the elevator doors open.] * Togo makes sure Mariah isn't in front of him as he steps out into the room and opens up with his rifle. ( Roll, or init? ) ( Just roll for now. You've got first action. ) 2d8-3 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Togo (2d8-3) and gets a natural 11 for a result of 8. ( Made by 1 ) [Togo blasts the guy with a burst of bullets, knocking him off his chair. Good thing, too, since it looked like he was reaching under the desk for something. Meanwhile, Mariah darts out of the elevator and leaps over the desk, staking him while he's down.] * Togo gives Mariah a thumbs up, then looks around the room. [The room is a hexagonal-shape, with the elevato on one side and the guard's desk on the other. There's nothing else in the room; vampires evidently don't have much by way of decorative taste. There's two paths leading from the room, left and right.] * Togo points left, then right, and shrugs his shoulders questioningly. [Mariah shrugs back, and mouths, 'pick one'] * Togo heads left, and motions for Mariah to take both the lead and the ceiling. [Mariah nods and leaps up, attaching herself to the ceiling. She crawls forward along it.] * Togo follows a few paces behind Mariah, sweeping his rifle back and forth as he advances along one of the walls. [The corridor turns to the left, and goes forwards for quite some distance. Three glass windows line it on either side, then it hits a cross- intersection, then three more window sets, another cross, and one more set of windows before the door at the end.] ( There's also small doors next to each window. ) [Mariah moves forward pausing to check in one of the windows.] * Togo isn't much good at windows, so he lets Mariah handle that. [All in all, the base is desturbingly like the Asahara lab Togo remembers.] [Beyond the windows are small rooms that have about as much trappings as prison cells. Each room contains a one person. The captives are of all ages, both male and female, and various body sizes, though they tend to be rather attractive. Vampires don't like eating ugly people, it seems.] 2d8 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Togo (2d8) and gets a natural 13 for a result of 13. * lessJo is now known as Joii * Togo pulls out a pad, and writes a quick note saying 'Layout is familiar. Like other Asahara lab. Think this is right way to combustable area, but not sure where.', which he hands to Mariah. [Mariah reads it and nods, and continues forward. She stops at the intersection and peeks around the corners, pulling her head back swiftly. She glances down to Togo, putting a finger to her lips, and crawls across the ceiling past the intersection.] * Awaymancer is now known as Sleepmancer * Togo nods, and positions himself at the corner before the intersection. [Mariah motions Togo to come.] ( Oh, and give me a hearing roll ) * Ardweden is now known as Ardle 2d8-6 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Togo (2d8-6) and gets a natural 10 for a result of 4. ( made by 5 ) * Togo scoots across the intersection, trying to strike that perfect balance between being quiet and MOVING HIS GODDAMN ASS OUT OF THE UNCOVERED AREA. [Togo can hear vampires around the corner, discussing various specimens. Sounds like there's at least 3 of them.] ( Stealth (silent movement) ) 2d8-3 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Togo (2d8-3) and gets a natural 5 for a result of 2. ( Made by 7. I R TEH STEALTH ) [Togo makes it across silently, and follows Mariah past the next few cells to the next intersection. She repeats a similar procedure before crawling across.] ( Similar in warning Togo that there're vamps, or just in checking the windows, the interesection, then going? ) ( That there's vamps. Another stealth (move silently) roll to get across. ) 2d8-3 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Togo (2d8-3) and gets a natural 6 for a result of 3. ( made by 6 ) [Togo silently moves across that one, too. The two finally make it to the end of the hall, where the door is.] [Mariah checks it over for any traps. Finding none, she opens it, revealing a staircase that winds downwards.] * Togo steps in and points his gun down the stairs, checking for anyone visible on lower levels. [Mariah (now on the floor, in case you were wondering), starts down the stairs. It's not quite a spiral, but rather a set of stairs that leads to a landing with another set, etc.] [Togo sees nobody on the stairs, but gimme a hearing roll.] 2d8-6 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Togo (2d8-6) and gets a natural 9 for a result of 3. ( Made by 4 ) * RowynWorkyn is now known as Rowyn [As they get to the bottom landing, Togo hears the noise of a camera, set in right underneath the stairs next to him, focussed on the door.] [Mariah evidently doesn't hear it, because she doesn't slow down.] * Togo reaches forward and grabs Mariah by the shoulder, pulling her back up the stairs a bit. [Mariah stops and looks questioningly at Togo.] * Togo makes a 'taking a picture' motion, and points down at where he heard the camera. [Mariah blinks at it. She nods to Togo and leans over the side of the steps. A minute later, the camera noise stops.] * Togo nods, and with a bit of a flourish and a grin, gestures for Mariah to advance. [Mariah continues down the stairs and checks the bottom door for traps, too. Finding now, she pushes it open, revealing a long corridor. At the end is a set of double doors with a sign that Togo can't read. (sight check, though)] 2d8-6 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Togo (2d8-6) and gets a natural 10 for a result of 4. ( Made by 3 ) [Togo notices little groves in the wall, no bigger than nickle-size. Mariah does too, evidently, because she pulls out a zip-loc bag of flour and opens it, spreading out the flower in front of her. It illuminates red beams briefly as it passes over them.] * Togo scowls. [Mariah does, too.] [She reaches up and turns on her infrared shades.] [Togo also notices a control panel for the beams! ... on the far side.] * Togo points to the control panel, then motions that he'll stay right where he is. [Mariah sighs and nods. Then braces herself.] [And with a flashy display of acrobatics you only see in cartoons and RPGs, she cartwheels and sommersaults her way over to the other side. She then fiddles with the control panel and deactivates the beams.] [She starts towards the door. "Looks like this is it. I don't think anyone's down here, so feel free to talk again."] * Togo whistles. "Impressive." He shoulders his rifle and walks over towards the door. [She nods. "I've had practice." Scanning the door, Mariah frowns. "Looks like the lock itself has an alarm." She checks it out a bit more, than turns to Togo. "It'll go off if I try to disarm it, but I can disable it temporarily.... you any good with lockpicks?"] * Togo pulls out his lockpicks. "I'm not in your class, but I'm pretty good." [She nods. "It'll do. Pretty simple lock. Hang on." She opens a panel next to the door and fiddles with the wires inside. She lifts one with a screwdriver and holds it in place, nodding. "Ok, now."] * Togo gets to work with his lockpicks. 2d8-3 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Togo (2d8-3) and gets a natural 14 for a result of 11. ( Yeeeeeeeeeeeah. ) [Togo FAILS!] * Togo mutters. "This was a lot easier when I had eyes..." [Mariah frowns. "Hurry, I don't know how long I can keep this up." Her arms are in a rather strained position; eventually, she'll need to relax.] * Togo tries again! 2d8-3 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Togo (2d8-3) and gets a natural 11 for a result of 8. ( Is this body or mind? ) ( Body for this one. ) ( Made by 1 then. ) [The lock clicks open.] Much better. [Mariah nods and removes the screwdriver, pulling the door open and revealing a fairly large circular room with three huge, noisy spinning cylinders, no doubt the generators. It's hot inside, and you can almost feel the electricity in the air.] ... that'd be them. [She nods, stepping into the room. "Yeah. There's deffinately enough power here to destroy the whole lab."] You got the explosives ready? [She nods. "What do you think, five minutes?"] * RowynWorkyn has joined #besm * Togo pauses. "Make it six. Just in case." [Mariah nods and begins attaching the explosives around the room. She finishes and heads for the door. "Okay, let's go."] * Togo makes for the stairs. [Mariah jogs after, and they make it both to and up the stairs without incident, back to the long corridor with two intersections. Mariah slows at the first long enough to check and make sure there's no vampires; there evidently aren't, because she continues down the hall.] [She stops short between the two intersections and looks left and right. She points at the cells and looks questioningly at Togo.] * Togo points at the windows and then covers his shades for a moment, then gestures for them to continue on. [Mariah hestitates.] [Then she moves to one of the doors and starts disabling the lock.] * Togo looks confused for a moment, then regains his composure and starts covering Mariah, checking back and forth in both directions with his rifle at the ready while she works. [The door slides open, and Mariah rushes into the room. A young boy of maybe eleven blinks at her and Togo slowly. "Is it my turn?"] * Togo tilts his head as he figures out what's behind the windows, and realizes why Mariah wanted to stop. *whisper* "Take him and let's move." [Mariah grabs his arm. "Come on, we have to go." But he blinks confusedly. Then he starts struggling. "Wait, you're warm. You're not a vampire! Let go of me!"] [Mariah calls over her shoulder, "There's others, in the other rooms. Free them!" She then turns back to the struggling boy.] * Togo shoulders his rifle and tries to pick the lock on the window across from Mariah. ( Lockpick roll! ) 2d8-3 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Togo (2d8-3) and gets a natural 12 for a result of 9. ( Made exactly. >_> ) [Togo picks the lock, and the door slides open, revealing a black-haired woman. She smiles at Togo. "Type A-. 125 lbs."] ... stay here for a moment, but be ready to follow me when I say. ( How much time do we have left? ) ( About four mins. ) [She blinks confusedly. "Are we going somewhere? You're not going to take my blood here?"] * Togo moves on to the next window, and tries to pick the lock. *whisper* "We're cutting it close, Mariah, and I'm not sure we're gonna be able to get them outta here." 2d8-3 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Togo (2d8-3) and gets a natural 13 for a result of 10. ( Nope ) [Togo FAILS! Meanwhile, Mariah emerges from the other cell, a pained look on her face. She's carrying the kid, who's got a tranq. dart in his shoulder. "I... They're conditioned. They see themselves as food."] * Togo curses. "I know. We're not gonna be able to get them all out. Take the kid and let's move. He's young... maybe the conditioning isn't as strong." [Mariah starts to say something, but she's distracted by four vampires that suddenly come around the corner. Their eyes go wide with surprise, then they raise their semi-automatics. (init!) ] 2d8+14 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Togo (2d8+14) and gets a natural 9 for a result of 23. [Togo, Mariah, Vampires.] [Togo!] ( Are they in front of us (ie between us and where we wanna go) or behind us? ) ( Behind you ) * Togo pulls out a smoke grenade and tosses it between them and the vampires, then grabs Mariah by the wrist and starts running towards the elevator. ( Do I need to roll anything for that? ) ( Nah, not in these quarters. ) [Togo and Mariah run! The vampires fire at their backs, but due to the smoke mostly miss. Mostly. Mariah grunts as a shot hits her in the shoulder. And Togo maybe gets shot too if he doesn't make a def. roll.] 2d8-3 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Togo (2d8-3) and gets a natural 12 for a result of 9. ( Nope. ) [Togo's shot in the opposite shoulder of Mariah.] [But they run down the hall ahead of the vampires, only to meet another one who comes out of the hexagonal room, armed with a SMG. Togo, go!] * Togo grunts as he's hit, but his armored clothes absorb enough of the impact that he's able to pull out his assault rifle and fire at the vamp ahead of him. 2d8-3 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Togo (2d8-3) and gets a natural 14 for a result of 11. ( Dammit. ) [Togo puts big holes in the wall near the vampire. What's more, due to carrying the boy, Mariah's aim is off as well, and she lands a dart into the wall near him. He opens fire!] ( def at +1 ) 2d8-2 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Togo (2d8-2) and gets a natural 14 for a result of 12. ( Yeah, no. ) * Zegon is now known as Zegone [Togo gets a bullet in his gut. Mariah manages to turn to shield the boy, but catchs one in the small of her back in doing so.] [Togo!] * NinjaDebugger is now known as SleepDebugger (Night doods.) ( Nightz ) * Ardle has quit IRC (Quit: Gikathud.) * Togo grunts, getting knocked back a step, and tries to pull himself together as he fires another burst at the vamp. 2d8-3 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Togo (2d8-3) and gets a natural 8 for a result of 5. ( Made by 4 ) [This time, Togo perforates the vampire pretty guud. He staggers into the wall and slides down it into a sitting position, leaving a blood stain behind him.] [Meanwhile, the other vampires rush out of the smoke, starting to fire again. Luckily, the vampire you had just downed must have been waiting for the elevator, because the doors are open.] [Mariah limps to the elevator.] * Togo moves into the elevator after Mariah, pulls out his machine gun, and fires a burst to cover them as the door closes. 2d8-3 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Togo (2d8-3) and gets a natural 11 for a result of 8. ( made by 1 ) [Togo hits several of the vampires as the doors close. Mariah frantically jams the up button.] [And the elevator heads up. "We'll have to go out through the factory," she says, grimacing a bit. "You got anything to keep the vamps inside busy?"] * Togo pulls out a bandolier of grenades. [Mariah grins. "That'll do nicely."] [The elevator opens up into the storage room, where the wooden door leads to the factory proper. Mariah drops a spider bomb at the base of the elevator. "A going away present," she explains.] How thoughtful. [She smiles and gestures to the door. "After you."] * Togo heads for the wooden door. "Open it, I'll toss in the grenades, and then we'll make a run for it in the confusion after they go off?" [Mariah nods. "That works too." She steps in front of Togo and pulls the door open.] [Togo can see that the nearest exit is a small door, directly across from them on the other side of the factory.] * RowynSleepyn has quit IRC (Ping timeout) * Togo pulls the pins on as many of the grenades as he can, tosses it through the door into the factory proper, then takes cover back behind the wall. * Togo also covers his ears. [Mariah does similar, and shortly there's a number of explosions, the sound of a lot of machinery falling apart, and a lot of screams and yells.] [Mariah nods quickly to Togo and darts out the door, carrying the kid with her.] * Togo runs for the door after Mariah, scanning back and forth as he runs with his machine gun. ( Gimme a body roll - any speed mods. ) 2d8 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Togo (2d8) and gets a natural 11 for a result of 11. ( Nope. ) [Mariah covers the distance fairly quickly, but Togo gets only part way across before someone shouts and they open fire. Two bullets ricochet off the wall near Togo. A third might hit him.] 2d8-3 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Togo (2d8-3) and gets a natural 6 for a result of 3. ( Made by 4 ) [It doesn't! Meanwhile, bullets bounce off the wall near Mariah, too, but she throws open the door and darts out. Togo nearly reaches the door when the vampries fire another volley. Again most miss, but one of them might get lucky.] 2d8-3 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Togo (2d8-3) and gets a natural 7 for a result of 4. ( made by 3 ) [Togo ducks, and the bullet bounces off the wall where his head was an instant before. He makes it out the door as Mariah tosses another spiderbomb at it. It lands right in front of the door.] [The bomb sits there a moment, then skitters towards the door just as a pair of vampires appear behind it. They look down in confusion, and are thrown off their feet, back into the factory as the bomb explodes.] * Togo chugs along after Mariah, running rather awkwardly due to the gutshot. [Suddenly, the ground rumbles. Body - acro (balance)!] 2d8 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Togo (2d8) and gets a natural 14 for a result of 14. ( Heh. Noooooooo. ) [Togo loses his balance and falls!] [Another vampire appears in the door and takes a shot at him while he's down.] (def roll at +3 ) 2d8 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Togo (2d8) and gets a natural 12 for a result of 12. ( Nope ) [Ouch. Togo is shot while he's down!] * Togo struggles to one knee, pulls out his LAW, and fires at the doorway with the vamp in it. ( May I? ) ( Go for it ) 2d8-3 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Togo (2d8-3) and gets a natural 8 for a result of 5. ( Made by 4 ) [The LAW hits him directly in the stomache, turning him and that corner of the factory to bits. Not that it matters, since the rest of the factory goes up in a huge explosion right after. Debris scatters everywhere, brightly illuminating the area for a large distance.] ... nice shot, if I do say so myself. Ow. * Togo stows away the empty LAW, pushes himself up to his feet, and continues after Mariah. [Mariah's standing a comfortable distance away from the burning wreckage of the Doughnut King, still holding the boy. She stares at the factory through her shades. "All those people... Did we do the right thing?"] With what they'd had done to them... they coulda never led a normal life, or anything close. If anything, we gave 'em something like peace. [Mariah nods. "I guess... that's one way to look at it. You're right." She looks down at the boy in her arms. "Even he'll probably be upset that he's not going to be eaten by a vampire."] * Togo rubs his neck. "While the soldier in me wants to give a speech about how a certain level of civilian casualties are acceptable if the military value of the target is high enough." *shakes head* "Man, they do a job on you in basic." [Mariah nods. "I've taken more than enough lives in one life time. But it had to be done."] * Togo nods. "I know some people back in the States that might be able to do something for the kid. It's a bit of a longshot, but..." [Mariah nods.] ... let's get back to the safehouse. I'll lend you my medpack. [And back they went. Mission Accomplished! Session End]