[You head to the booth! Magnolia slides into one side. "So you have it, then?"] Yup. Was tough, but we got it done. * Togo leans back a bit. "Made tougher by HESO's odd appearance at the vault." [She nods. "I apologize for that. I'd sent them the information just in case you failed, but I didn't think they would be able to act on it so swiftly."] * Togo nods slowly after a moment. "Thought it might be something like that." *pauses* "Gotta be honest with you. Some of my team are a little wary about giving this thing to you. Myself included. But your info was solid, and it's bad practice to burn reliable sources in this line of work." [Magnolia nods. "I thought they might be. Still, I will remind you that I gaved them information that probably saved your life, and I've made good on my part of the bargain so far."] Besides, the old man pointed you to me, and I trust him. So whatever reservations I have, I'm willing to take you at your word that you're just planning to use this to keep yourself safe and get a little bit of a tan. [She nods. "You have my word on that."] * Togo takes out the blood orb from his coat. "Please don't make me regret trusting you." *holds it out to M* [Her eyes gleam as she takes it. She then pulls a small perfume bottle from her pocket and opens the top, dripping a bit onto the back of her hand. "Holy water," she explains. "I have to be certain, you understand."] I'd do the same. [She smiles toothily as her hand fails to burn. "Excellent. So this is the real thing."] It damn well better be. [She puts it away and nods. "Very well, and now I'll keep the rest of our bargain. As per agreement, you can see I've already sent HESO the information they needed. As for Covenant, their remaining base of operations in England is in a castle on the Isle of Wight."] * Togo grins viciously. "Much obliged." What're you gonna do from here? Carribean cruise? [She laughs. "Funny you should mention it, I was thinking of heading to one of the Hispanic countries."] Well, enjoy. *stands* You'll forgive me if I hope we don't have reason to meet again, hmm? [She smiles, rising as well. "Of course. Give my best regards to your crew."] * Togo nods, and heads back to the bar.