[You guys are back at the room. Woo!] [Action!] * Ashley is lounging in his beatnik!Goth-ware. * Togo is, as per usual, checking his guns. In this case, he's replacing the spring in one of the drum clips of his machine gun. (I parsed that as a slightly different word containing w*re) ... so have you thought about whether it's worth the risk hitting that Covenant base? * Ashley looks over. "Thought? Risk? Risk assessment is for dwarves and accountants." Well, last time I asked you about it, you said you needed time to think it over. I was lying. I needed time to get stoned on horse and screw sixteen hookers of various racial profiles. Sadly, Virgin Air declined to acquiesce to my intentions. * Togo pauses, looking up from his spring-replacement and staring at Ashley for a moment, before shrugging. "A perfectly understandable lie." I thought so. Though I somehow doubt you've ever needed to pay for it, judging by the way I've seen women react around you. Well, there is such a thing as professional courtesy. Point taken. * Togo finishes replacing the spring, and starts reloading bullets into the clip. "So. Do you have any objections to hitting the Covenant hideout? It's your people that're gonna be pissed, so it's only fair you get a say." * Ashley rolls his eyes. "If I were worried about the opinions of 'my people'," he says, making the air quotes, "then I would be off in high fucking Shangri-La sipping tea and noshing crumpets. * Togo nods. "Good. For what it's worth, if you get any backlash as a result, we've got your back." No offense, but I doubt you've the capability to stand up to the Seelie Court. s'why I said 'for what it's worth'. *pauses* Could always invest in some cold iron bullets. You'd have better luck with crossbow bolts. Howso? Cold iron wouldn't malform to stick in the body like lead. Poor bullets. So the cold iron isn't so much a way of getting around a resistance, like with werewolves, as it is poisonous to fey? When touched, we lose our power. When not, we regain it. Simple as that. * Togo hrms. "Sufficiently low caliber bullet might actually be better, then... or a hollow point. Something that doesn't penetrate out the other side, but fractures internally, making it impossible to remove." You've not worked much with cold iron, have you? Can't say I have. Not a typical bullet making material. For good reason. * Togo hrms. "Grenade?" Shrapnel would be near impossible to get out in the heat of a fight. So much obsession with explosions. You know, if you're desperate to prove your masculinity, I'll let you seduce me. * Togo tilts his head. "Funny. I just like to be prepared for what's coming. Don't know a whole lot about your people, so I'm tossing out ideas so that, if things get nasty, I won't be left trying to fight with nothing but buckshot." I already told you the best method. * Togo smirks. "Yeah, but they don't teach crossbows in the Army nowadays." * Ashley rolls his eyes and sighs. "It's easier to learn than a bolt action rifle. It's a pistol with a winch, how simpler can you get?" Men these days. I'd rather adapt the material to my weapons than adapt my weapons to the material, if possible. Good luck with that. Most iron these days is cast. * Togo nods. "s'no sure thing. Know a couple of really good gunsmiths, though, so I'll run it by them and see if it's possible." If not... I'll see about picking up an auto crossbow. *smirks* Good luck. And remind me to never visit. Lover, not a fighter? It's hard to get in the mood when there's cold iron around. Another point taken. * Togo finishes reloading the clip, and slips it back into his trench coat. He then pulls out a pair of Badass Bars. "Want one?' I don't have a soul and I believe power bars are an abomination. That should tell you something. Power bars fucking suck. This is a candy bar. See the label? 'Chocolate as dark as your withered, shrunken soul' That would be an amazing trick as I don't actually have one. (It's so dark, it actually sucks in souls!) * Ashley plucks it out of Togo's hand and inspects the ingredients. ( It's a chocolate bar. With caramel. ) ( And some partially hydrogenated soybean oil. ) Good god, all that transfat and you eat this? I get a lot of exercise. Exercise be damned, how do you still have a heart? Your cholesterol must be stellar. They make some excellent pills for that, you know. * Togo shrugs. "Last time I got checked out, I got a clean bill." *pauses a beat* "Didn't do so well on my vision test, though." Probably expected. Yeah. Doc said I might need contacts someday. I tried colored contacts once. Didn't see the appeal. Did you know they make them that look like goat's eyes now> Who'd want goat eyes? Goat fanciers? Lord if I know. * Herman turns the knob on the door and steps into the room, still holding it open. He looks like he did when he left; no injuries or anything. "Hey, guys. Van's parked at some office. Ready?" Bloody finally. Yeah. Think it'd be best if you do the illusion thing when we get out there. * Togo stands up. "Yup. Anything else we should know?" Done and done. They drive bloody fast. * Herman holds open the door for the other guys. * Togo steps through! * Ashley follows through. * Herman goes in last, closing the door behind him.