[He gets a response! "'Sup y'all? R&D here."] ["Togo! Ah, well, ya see... We been looking into that, raight? Well guess what?"] ["We didn't find the location of the place, but seems there was this guy who worked with 'em, Claude Sherman. And guess what? He up and quit!"] ["That's the thing. There's no indication that they managed to catch him, so Ah reckon he's still alive. And if my information is correct, Ah reckon he's still in the area."] ["Ah can't say fer sure why they haven't caught him yet, tho. Reckon there's a reason. Anywho, he'd be the man you want. Not only would he know where the place is -- ya'll kin just call HESO for that, if'n ya think ya can get 'em t' talk. -- But this here Claude Sherman would give ya insider knowledge, to boot."] ["Hang on, Ah wasn't expecting y'all to come calling for him, but...."] [After about a minute, he gets back. "Okay. I got it. He's at a little country farm about ten miles from Hamburg."] [He gives a latitude/longitute. "Now, Ah'd be careful goin' there. The man's gotta have some reason Asahara didn't give 'im the Royale Hoedown."] ["Good luck, y'all."]