[Day: Thursday, Oct. 26th. Time: 12:00 p.m. German standard.] * Segev is now known as Awaymancer [Claude Sherman (the four-eyed guy) was nice enough (didn't really have a choice) to put you up for the night. Yay. It's noon now, so even the latest of the late sleepers should be waking up. By some convenient plot contrivance, you all wind up gathering at the field next to the house. Jacqueline and Lazar are sparring some distance away, with Ensof watching, so the only NPC I have to deal with is Claire.] [Anyhow, maybe you can make up a plan, or something.] [Session Start] * Ashley is still a lobster. Just not in the tank anymore. Instead, it is a hammock. * Khalil stretches his arms over his head and looks for a tree stump or something to sit on. * Alys is singing quietly and picking at the grass. Anyone listening closely will likely only be able to pick up the name 'Alejandro' and bad rhyming. * Togo is stretching, apparently trying to work a kink out of his lower back. [Claire is there! Too bad, she is. Her arms are folded. It's exciting.] * Khalil finds a good size stump and sits, taking out a lint brush and combing out his tail. * Lukas is, as he has been for the past long while, working at his computer. However, he's come out of the house just recently, backpack, computer and all! * Lukas 's computer is closed under his arm, at the moment. * Khalil looks about and nods, flicking his tail off of his lap. "Find anything of importance?" * Lukas nods. "I'd say a map is pretty important, yeah." [Claude isn't even there. He's working on the robot you screwed up or something.] Find a good way in that'd get us to either the supercomputer or Shibamura? Yes, but where is our objective? (Hey! I so improved it. He just doesn't understand my genius.) * Lukas nods a little and opens his computer. "Nothing like detailed plans to make you feel like you know everything, I say." * Lukas looks over to Alys and says, "Hey, you want to hold this up for us for a sec?" Sure! I'll be like the woman on game shows with the prizes! ... sure. Just don't move it. Which is simply sure fire proof that they are hiding something. * Alys holds up the computer so everyone can see the screen and grins charmingly. Please be more descriptive than you'd normally be, since I'm pretty bad at reading maps. * Lukas glances to Togo and goes, "... right." (... where is Herman?) * Khalil takes in a deep breath. "I have never liked lectures." He bats his tail away as it curls around his waist. * Togo gets out his PDA and pulls out a stylus to... do something with. The Grand Inquisitor listens. * Ashley swishes his tail. * Herman walks out right about now. Look, he is approaching the field. With a pipe. Egads. Please to be serious. ( Ashley is... LOBSTERGELION INCARNATE! ) Someone needs to get me a stuffed animal version of Alejandro for my birthday, okay? * Lukas gives Ashley the eye, then taps the comptuer. "Right. So the five entrances we have..." Wham! Random 5 entrances on a giant map of the city. "The ones I like are the Matic and Motic buildings here..." he points at two somewhate nearby places and sees Herman coming. "Hey, you made it in time for our ten step program to certain destruction." Always good to have a plan for destruction. The lobster's Ashley, right? No. It is the Grand Inquisitor, ALEJANDRO. * Togo reaches into his coat and tosses a plush lobster to Alys. "Happy birthday." It's like AA, but with less steps. We're awesome like that. Guessing was in one. (... You what makes this all very, very sad? I actually did slap my sibling with a plush lobster today.) * Alys gets hit by a plushie, because she's holding a computer with two hands. "Thanks! I'll get that in a minute." * Lukas shrugs and points back at the map. "Anyway." He plays with the computer again and a giant flashy underground map sprawls out under the city. Ooh. The shiny only sci-fi computers can buy. "And this is our map of the place." He points at a very important room with a helpful label. "Here's our computer." * Togo nods, and tries to use where Volt is pointing on the map to draw himself a rough sketch of the place. It's pretty damn sprawling, all things considered, but the meat's in the middle. Which is not a very failsafe design, but since nobody in the fucking world has these plans, hey, no big problem with that. * Lukas smirks a little. * Khalil lets a slight scowl play on his lips. "Underground. Wonderful. I suppose there is little maneuverability?" ( The scowl plays a mean game of stickball. ) (That's the new upcoming super hero. The Scowl.) * Lukas nods a little. "'Fraid so big man. Only barely wider than normal corridors, so the bots can get through." He draws a circle around the computer area. "This is going to be the big target. But that's not the important part." * Khalil lets out a breath. "Looks as if this is one mission I am going in as is. Funny. I was getting used to the wings." I'll bite. What's the important part? * Lukas doesn't comment on that one, instead hitting a few keys on the computer, and paths are overlayed on the map in various colors. "This is the director's cut of the disc, complete with control routes. So with a little fancy math..." he presses one key and a arrow, marked with numbers, snakes from each of the entrances to the computer room. "... and we've got a solid, timed path from points A and B to point Computer." In a perfect world, we're as set as these things get. (patrol routes, even.) In our reality then? * Lukas grins. "We won't know until we get a face full of lead." Since I'm shorter than the rest of you, do I have less of a chance of being shot in the face? I'd like to avoid that. Lobsters do not like lead. How much time between patrol rounds? * Lukas shrugs. "Depends. They stagger it. I've got the math all worked out, and Ashley... or rather, Alejandro," Lukas rolls his eyes before continuing, "Will be our safety, hopefully." If the Pope deems it to be so, then it must be. [Could be, but the Pope's dying, you know.] The last time we dealt with religion, it got us in a rather major scrape. I would prefer not to relive that encounter. I don't want a pope uncle, I'm very much not Catholic. The Grand Inquisitor is controlled only by the will of the Papal Seat! I simply wish to get this over with and check on my village. * Lukas chuckles. "Don't worry, not really religious." Beat. "Anyway." Then doesn't that make Togo the Pope? Or the Papal Seat? Are those different? * Togo nods. "Is there anything relatively near the supercomputer that's of some importance? I want to send in Lazar and Ensof as a decoy... they'll draw attention from us, and if Asahara sees them raiding, they might not think there'd be another group with them." Do you think they will be agreement? * Lukas says with a mock plaintive tone, "Why you makes me do more work?" He scans over the map. * Togo nods. "Lazar said last night that they wanted to do something to that effect." * Ashley swishes his tail in time with a tune he's humming. They're not afraid of turning into Swiss cheese? I am not certain how left-over milk product applies here. * Herman looks at Khalil like he's lived under a rock. Which he might have. In some desert somewhere. "Holes." Bloody hell, do you know nothing about the divine foodstuffs? Swiss cheese is holey. * Alys grins. Cheese is hardly a milk byproduct. It is the reason for it. * Khalil glances at Ashley oddly. "...I am sorry. I have trouble taking a talking lobster seriously." I could turn you into a lobster as well. Would that help? No. And no you could not. You could only make me appear as if I were a lobster. There is a distinction in that that you forget. * Lukas stops his scanning and drags his finger over the map. "At least he's not a giant spherical smiley face." He stops and points. "Here. A bit away from the labs. Holding cells." A long pause, then, "Probably nothing better for them to look like they're hitting than the juciest prisoner test subjects." Do not doubt the Alejandro! * Togo looks up at Herman. "Lazar's a golem, apparently, and Ensof is pretty good at what he does, so I'm not too worried." (*shoves his stuff after all that*) *nods at Volt* That works. Fits in with what they've been going after before, too. Such synchronicity. * Lukas rubs his neck and yawns. "Anyway. Thank you, Alys, I'm sure there are some lovely prizes somewhere for you." * Khalil has quit IRC (Ping timeout ) Plush lobster. * Alys hands the computer back and picks up her plushie. "Thank you, Togo!" * Lukas laughs slightly to himself and takes the computer off Alys' hands before he reaches back to pat his bag. "You can thank my coprocessor for some of the math, too." What do we need to deal with if something goes wrong? A man, a plan, a canal, Alejandro. What's to go wrong? * Lukas smiles wanly. "Pretty much an uncountable number of bots and soldiers." * Alys holds up the lobster and smiles at it. "I'll put you next to my other souvenirs when I get home, and you can meet Syla and Random and my unnamed homosexual drinking tool." And science experiments and gods only know what else. Is there anything else we should be on watch for on the way down? Zombie type experiments? Pretty much everything short of Lucifer himself, unless he's down there on vacation. Will there be, say... a zombie horde ready to go forth under my command? * Herman looks thoughtful for a moment, then he turns his attention to the ground and uses the end of his pipe to trace a few things. ...I doubt the second will apply. Under someone's command, I wouldn't doubt. * Lukas shakes his head. "Yeah, sorry." He looks over to Herman for a moment, then the others. "Anything, uh, else?" Just gotta fill Ensof and Lazar in. Bring the computer and come along so we can show them? * Lukas chuckles and says weakly, "When did I turn into a projector driven by SuperPowerPoint XD?" * Awaymancer has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer ) The same time Herman became a door-to-door taxiing service? * Lukas barks a sardonic laugh. "Dead on, Khalil." He nods their way. "Let's go, Togo." Ooh, so what does that make me? * Togo nods, and walks over to where Ensof and Lazar are. * Herman doesn't look up from his tracing as he says, "Should start charging by the kilometer." [Lazar and Jacqueline are still sparring. They look like they're really going at it. But Ensof is just watching, so he's totally available for prom dates and pizza parties.] (Comic relief.) Better than charging by the mile - you'll make more. Damned right. * Ashley swishes his tail. "Accursed Queen's units. Metric is the way of the enlightened Grand Inquisitor." I am not used to things in miles, no. [Session Ended.]