[Herman heads down to the bar. Miranda (remember her?) is there. She's the only one, though. But hey, it's early.] * Herman walks down and leans against the bar. "How's it going?" [She looks up at Herman and smiles mirthlessly, gesturing around. "Slow, as usual."] * Lukas ... comes downstairs? Yay? He looks conflicted for a second before rubbing his face. * Herman is talking to Miranda. "Well, I need a beer..." He glances at Lukas, then turns back and says, "two beers, and a coffee." [She nods. "Coming right up." And she serves them, too!] * Lukas puts his fingers to his eyes, pulls down slightly to stretch them open, then follows. "She apparently wants an orange juice too." A weak chuckle as he sits down. "Togo's gone right to vodka." * Lukas exhales noisily and leans forward on the bar. "Fuck." I'm not drinking a bloody thing coming out of that coat of his. * Herman slides one of the two bottles to Lukas, then digs in his pocket for some cash. He hands it to Miranda, plus tip. ["Thanks." Miranda pauses a bit, then asks, "So... Business not going well?"] * Lukas smirks a little, then takes the bottle. "Probably smart." * Lukas then looks to Miranda and says, "Bit too busy." He takes a swig. Not by a long shot. [She nods. "Two of your clients just ran out the door."] Eh, they weren't paying us crap anyway. * Herman sits, himself, and has a swig of his own. "Yeah, now we get to see if they come back." [She shrugs. "There'll be others, I bet. Probably plenty of clients for.... What exactly do you do, again?"] * Lukas glances to Herman and then shakes his head. "Fuck, I can't decide if I want them to or not." He glances to Miranda, then says, "Security." And here I was going to say I whore myself out for cash. Which is pretty much the same thing. * Herman drinks more beer. * Lukas chuckles a bit. "Less job satisfaction." ["Ahh."] * Herman frowns for a moment. Lukas, can you take Alys' coffee up? * Lukas pinches his brow and rubs slightly. "Yeah, I can manage." A beat as he stands up, then "You comin'? Or trying to forget this crap?" Can't bloody forget it. I'm gonna do some follow up. * Herman slides off his chair and heads outside, beer in hand. * Lukas looks at him go and frowns, then looks to Miranda and shrugs helplessly with a weak smile. "Security. It's a job that never sleeps. See ya." [She waves. "Later."] * Lukas takes the coffee and his half-done beer up, up, up! ( Annnd we can just use this channel. Lukas can leave :o ) (Try not to die!) [Herman heads outside! Awareness roll!] (Made, shockingly.) [Herman spots Jacqueline and Claire about two blocks away. They seem to be arguing.] * Herman walks that way, having another swig of beer as he goes and hooking his other hand in his pocket. [Claire starts to walk off, but Jacqueline grabs her arm. In response, Jacqueline's lifted off of Claire and tossed halfway down the street. She lands on her back, but rolls and is on her feet in an instant.] * Herman stops for a brief moment and then goes back to walking, this time muttering under his breath. The ground starts to tremor as he heads towards the girls. [Jacqueline smacks Claire upside the head before she's lifted and tossed again. She manages to land on her feet, but this time Claire takes to the air herself.] [Claire takes off, though, and Jackie's just left yelling at her from the street until she's gone out of sight.] * Herman frowns slightly - he's been frowning a lot - and cuts the spell. No more ground shaking now. * Herman approaches more quickly. "Jackie?" [Jacqueline turns to face Herman, quickly wiping her eyes with her sleeve.] * Herman holds his beer out. "You look like you could use some." [Jacqueline snatches the beer and takes a big gulp.] * Herman hooks his other hand in a pocket and waits. [It's a big gulp. You'd think she would need to stop for air, but she doesn't!] * Herman notes that yes, she really did need it. [She finally stops after drinking a good portion of the bottle, and holds it out. "Thanks. I needed that."] No problem. What's up? * Herman takes his beer back and checks the contents. Yup, almost empty. [Jacqueline waves her arms. "Claire's so stupid! There's no Interpol people in Saudi Arabia (actually I think it's Afghanistan. Remind me to check that o.O)!"] ... Okay, I wasn't expecting that. * Herman takes a second to gather his thoughts. "Then why'd she go off like that?" ["She said she's going to go herself and talk to them. But she also has it rigged up so that the information about this gets to HESO in a few days."] Uh. If they're *really* summoning Satan, a few days is too bloody long. [Jacqueline shakes her head. "I don't know! But she's going in alone! It's dangerous and stupid and I might never see her again..." She sniffs. "Could you... could you take me back to Germany? I have to stop her. Maybe Ensof can help me."] Yeah. I'm going with you, anyway. Lemme pick up my pipe, all right? * Herman gives Jackie the rest of his beer and then heads back for the office. [She shakes her head. "You shouldn't. Claire was right about one thing, we shouldn't... hey!" She follows after. "We shouldn't get you guys involved. You're civilians."] * Herman walks. "Fuck not getting involved. You said Sarah might be, right? What, can you dispel a bloody force field?" Besides, she's my friend. I'd be a piss poor friend if I let her summon bloody Lucifer. [She shakes her head. "Well, no, but...."] Then you need me. [Jacqueline stops a block from the bar. "I... Hate to admit it, but yeah. I'm sorry."] * Herman rolls his eyes and looks at Jacqueline. [Jacqueline looks sad :(] [It starts to rain. Flowers start to wilt. Snowmen melt.] [Or it just starts to rain.] There is *no point* in having magic if I don't use it. I've whored myself out for less, and I've already decided I'm doing this. ( But not 'cause of her. I just felt like having it rain. ) * Herman grins a little. "So don't blame yourself, all right?" [She nods. "We'll talk to Ensof. He'll know what to do."] Maybe. Now c'mon, I'm getting wet, and that makes me want another beer. ( Next scene... "Hell if I know what to do." ) (Basically!) [She shakes her head. "I'll wait here. It's best if I don't go back there."] * Herman nods and returns alone. [Except for Herman. He's outside again.] * Herman is outside again. It's raining, and a pipe's over one shoulder. He approaches Jackie. "Ready to go?" [Jacqueline nods timidly.] * Herman walks to an alleyway door and starts tracing runes on the slick surface, murmuring in Anglo-Saxon. They glow a deep green as he does so, and when the chant culminates, shift from bottom to top to white. He lets out a breath. [Jacqueline follows. She's holding the bottle of beer like a teddy bear. Doesn't look like she's touched it since.] * Herman turns the knob and opens the door, revealing a blinding white portal. "After you," he tells Jackie. [She nods and goes in.] * Herman heads in after her, closing the door behind himself. [End!]