( South SIIIIIIIIIIDE! ^_^_S ) [Lukas turns the corner! Gimme a sight roll, +1] [Way at the end of the corridor, Lukas spots a bunch of scientists running towards the railway.] * Lukas points and says, "Hey, the geeks are runnin'. Gonna catch 'em, Togo?" [Meanwhile, he hears gunfire from the lab next to him.] [One of the locked ones, that is.] [Followed by an explosion!] (Do the labs have windoooooshit) (Is it an explosion that gets us, or an explosion that is kept in?) ( Yes, up ahead. ) ( It's kept in ) [The window shatters upon the explosion, though.] * Lukas winces at the sharding, them moves towards that lab, at least. "Fucksakes... Togo, chase the geeks, dammit~" * Togo catches up to Lukas, then whirls as the windows blow out. "What the he-, okay, keep up with me." * Togo starts running down the hallway after the geeks. [Amidst the smoke and fire, Lukas spots three bodies in white coats and what looks like a guard. Everything else in the lab is destroyed beyond recognition.] ( Togo, body roll! ) (Are they all very down?) ( Yes ) * Lukas jokes, grimly, "Well, they're not running." ( The others are though, and Togo needs a body roll. ) [A slab of metal falls, Togo managing to make it past just in time.] ~God DAMN it! Stop fucking around and follow me! These things are sealing off the railway!~ *keeps running* (Echo that to them.) (You're aware that most people aren't in this channel.) ( Force of habit. Sorry. =P ) [Out of the very last lab comes a familiar Japanese scientist, carrying briefcase. "Hurry! I don't know how they found us, but we have to leave, immediately." He's followed by two more guys, pushing a cart containing a box not unlike the one that woman was in at the Asahara labs.] * Togo fires a burst from his machine gun at the guys pushing the cart. "Don't fucking move!" ( Christ. No. ) ( Warning shots! They were warning shots! From a fully automatic machine gun! >_> ) [They freeze! Until a familiar voice says, "Go. I'll handle this." Emerging behind the men comes a beautiful bod, from his well-toned muscles to his finely distinguished abs to his beady eyes and big hooked nose, he sways out, wearing black leather boots, a turban, and a speedo. "Long time no see, beefcake."] ( Gimme an init roll! ) (...) (You've been playing too much Shadow Hearts, Brett.) (Too much.) ( You fought that guy before ) (I maintain my stance on this.) ~Any time you guys wanna come and make yourselves useful, the head Asahara scientist is about to get away with a person inna box! ~