[Day: Saturday, Oct. 27th. Time: 6:30 p.m.] [The sun is setting in the distance. You've got a great view from Stonehenge; most of the surrounding area is grassy plains and hills, with a few sparse trees here and there. Naturally I'm completely making this up because I've never been to Stonehenge and can't find a good pic, but I digress.] (Brett, rolling hills covered in tall grass.) ( No biggie if Rowyn's not here, really. Just have AutoGriffon drop a grenade once a round. It'll kinda be like Joust. ) [Ok, rolling hills covered with grass. It's still a nice view.] [All's quiet, so far.] [Session Start] * Herman is in the center of his glowing star with the glowing runes and the glowing circle. * Lukas has dried blood on him and is standing prepared. With his satchel. Woo satchel. * Ashley is sitting on top of one of the stones, shirtless, wearing Dockers, with his long blonde hair flowing in a nonexistent breeze. He's also wearing raybans. (<3 Ashley) (Snicker.) * Ked has quit IRC (Quit: ) (He's Anime Fabio ) ( Do specify if you're inside the barrier or not :O ) * Togo is patroling in circles around the periphery of the circle, empty handed at the moment, glancing up to keep track of Khalil in the air every so often. * Alys is laying down in the grass outside the barrier, looking up at the sky. People will start twitching when enemies get near, so there's no reason to bother watching. * Ashley is inside the barrier. Spoilsports. (I'm inside for some reason. ^_~) (Gee, I wonder why? ;p) [Lukas's phone rings. It's pretty amazing.] (I don't have any choice but being outside! I can't die without it.) ( Wanna bet? :O ) * Lukas answers it by pressing against his side slightly. "Volt." * Lukas frowns. "For certain definintions of busy, kiddo. What's your definition of now?" ( Gimme sight checks :O ) 2d8 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Ashley (2d8) and gets a natural 8 for a result of 8. (N) 2d8 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Alys (2d8) and gets a natural 9 for a result of 9. * Lukas 's eyes flick towards Alys. "... jesus fuck! What was he DOING there?" (Made) 2d8-2 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Lukas (2d8-2) and gets a natural 7 for a result of 5. (Amazing. I made it.) 2d8-6 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Togo (2d8-6) and gets a natural 11 for a result of 5. ( Made ) * Alys doesn't see Lukas look at her. She's too busy with the important task of staring at clouds. 2d8 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Herman (2d8) and gets a natural 6 for a result of 6. * Lukas rubs his face. "I'll buy that." Beat. "Lemme get back to you, kiddo. I'll work on it as fast as I can." [The lot of you who made it see something on the horizon. Looks like speckles. Could be mist. Or locusts. Or both!] ... maybe my glasses need adjusting, but it looks like there's something coming in on the horizon. *points* * Lukas hangs up the phone, and immediately calls another number. A number he really shouldn't have. He eyes the horizon as he does. "Fuck, fuck, fuck..." * Alys sits up, then sighs and gets to her feet. * Pocky-kun has joined #besm What's up, Uncle Volt? * Herman stays seated. He looks pretty comfortable. Anyone with eyes seeing what I'm seeing? Yeah, Togo. Yep. Does it kinda look like a swarm of something? * Lukas looks to Alys. "Drek's hitting it in Russia, Alys. And your dad's waist deep in it." ( Drek? ) (Lukas is a shadowrun reject. :P) ( Ah. ) He can rot for all I care. What's happening, exactly? * Lukas eyes the horizon. "Apparently, a kidnapping to help your mom. And a little mass murder." The good kind or the bad kind? The kind that's gonna get them vaporized if 'Kaela doesn't pick up her fucking phone... * Togo hands Alys a pair of binoculars. "Figure out what the hell that is." Yeah, well, he's a fucking idiot and a lousy parent, and if she's ever normal and awake again, Mum'll hopefully divorce him. * Alys takes them and looks at the horizon. Ew, bugs! * Lukas says into the phone, "Mikaela, there's an Asahara incident at Ten and a few others are involved. I really need HESO support to keep them from dying. Quick pickup. I'll pay you back somehow." Beat. "If I live. Thanks." * Zimboptoo has quit IRC (Quit: *poof*) And mist, and it's black looking, and they're both moving really fast. * Ashley looks out at the Horizon. "Ze sky, she is darkening, no?" Mis- fuck. Valmont. Fun. I signed up for zombies, not bugs. I knew I should've requesitioned a goddamn flamethrower. Big bugs? Normal bugs? * Lukas adds, "And they were going southwest, so try not to miss 'em in the blizzard, huh?" Normal bugs, but they're really gross and there's lots and I don't want to look anymore! Here, take the binoculars back! * Lukas says to the air, "Fuckdammit... voicemail." * RowynAway is now known as Griff_Khalil (Shit. The paper wasn't supposed to take that long. >_<) [The cloud of bugs and things gets steadily closer... Hey, Khalil's part bird. Maybe he'll eat 'em for you.] * Alys hands them to Togo like she's holding onto something disgusting. * Togo takes them back. "Swarm of bugs. Okay. Shit. No flamethrower. Umm... okay. Throw grenades into the swarm as it approaches. The shrapnal won't do shit, but the force'll kill some. I could make us bugspray, but kinda busy here. Does your trenchcoat have, um, a bugspraythrower? Volt, fry the fuckers. Ashley... hell, I don't know. Make them see a giant frog or something? Me, what about me? Bug spray... hmm. I've prolly got a drum of DDT in there somewhere. Volt, what's the range on your blasts? ( Dual-wield flyswaters! ) * Lukas looks over at Togo. "I'm not wasting them on bugs. They're not exactly big boomers." Can't just slap in a new clip, man. * Sleepmancer is now known as Segev * ChanServ sets mode: +o Segev [The nasty things get even closer! They're nearly there now.] You know, I'm not certain my illusions work on bugs. * Ashley waves his hands. "Worth a shot, I suppose." Not smart enough? I was thinking of having Khalil toss a drum of DDT into the swarm, and then having you blow it up... fuck it, no time. Start tossing grenades into the swarm. * Lukas pulls an explosive out of the satchel. "That was the idea, yeah." [Togo now looks like a huge frog.] ( Is is in throwing range? ) ~Then we shall have to buy time~ [The swarm gets within throwing range! Do whatcha gonna do!] * Segev has left #BESM * Togo pulls out a grenade, pulls the pin, and chucks it into the middle of the swarm. 2d8-3 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Togo (2d8-3) and gets a natural 8 for a result of 5. ( Made ) * Alys pulls out a grenade, pulls the pin, and throws it. BUGS. 2d8-2 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Alys (2d8-2) and gets 0, a CRITICAL SUCCESS!!! "Fight! For everlasting love and peace!" 2d8 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Lukas (2d8) and gets a natural 7 for a result of 7. ( w00t ) (... Just barely made!) (Hooray!) * Lukas tosses too! WHEE EXPLOSIVES. (A winner is Alys!) ('SPLODY THE SPORK MASTER!) ( Critical SWAT! ) ( Khalil going to do anything? ) * Griff_Khalil pulls a pin and drops it in the midst of the swarm. Death from above! 2d8 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Griff_Khalil (2d8) and gets a natural 6 for a result of 6. (Si, senor boom.) ( Erm, how much damage did those do? ) ( 39 ) ( 20 ft radius ) ( orz, Tri-Stat doesn't actually say how much damage AoE does to a swarm ) (FYI, the force field is ten meters radius, so about thirty feet.) ( Wing it. =P ) ( Brett: All swarm creatures within the area are annihilated, as they all have 1 HP. Take the proportionate area, and that's how much HP is wiped out. ) (Um... okay, swarms are one hp kills one piece of the swarm.) (Right.) ( Area effects annihilated swarms but good. ) (They did. I know; Jason got blasted by AoE REALLY good.) (Yeah. And they need to be within 5 meters per level.) (It doesn't give exact numbers because it depends on swarm dispersal.) (So since it's a 20 foot radius, a level 4 swarm and below is toasty.) (Assuming they're all in range.) ( Taking into account 4 successfully thrown grenades, with oen critting ) (They have to stay that far per level. So they HAVE to be in a 20 meter radius of each other.) * Brett rubs his head. Ok... Here's what I'll do. I'll say the AoE does triple damage. ( Erm, OOCify that ) (Aha.) (I didn't see that. Neat.) (He must be a HUGE swarm level, though.) ( It's not an actual swarm ) ( I was just hoping to use the swarm rules to account for it ) (Right. So we wipe out 20 meters of it.) (And whatever's outside that is outside that.) (Per Grenade, assuming perfect awesomeness.) (If we'd coordinated better, we could have gotten 80 meter radius from the grenades. Meaning it'd take out swarm levels up to, errm, 20.) (Wait.) (16. My math is dead.) ( Ok ) [The multiple explosions cause huge decimation among the swarm. Especially Alys's well placed grenade, which lands right in the center of the creatures. Over half of the swarm is eliminated in the blast.] [That's the good news! The bad news is that some, but not all, of the bugs suddenly combine into much bigger bugs: Combinations of roaches, preying mantises, horseflies and bees. All in all, there's about 10 of these big ones. Plus the black mist, which is still a distance away.] ( Aight, you get one more action, then roll init! ) ( How far away are they now? ) * Lukas pulls out another grenade. "If I'd have thought we'd need an exterminator...!" he lobs! * Togo pulls out another grenade, pulls the pin, and throws. "Second volley!" 2d8-3 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Togo (2d8-3) and gets a natural 10 for a result of 7. ( Made ) ( About 20 meters. They'll be upon you next round. ) * Alys looks much more cheerful as she pulls the pin out of another grenade and tosses it at the bugs. Things are dying! 2d8-2 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Alys (2d8-2) and gets a natural 7 for a result of 5. (Made) * Griff_Khalil lets loose another drop-bomb as well. 2d8 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Lukas (2d8) and gets a natural 8 for a result of 8. 2d8 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Griff_Khalil (2d8) and gets a natural 4 for a result of 4. (I don't know how I missed with a grenade. Aren't they awkward size? ;_;) ( It rolled down the hill past them. :O ) (Miss by 1, though.) (9_9) (Hey, this is handgrenades! Close does count!) ( Heh ) [More explosions rock the swarm! It might have been annihilated if not for Lukas's gimp throw. His grenade goes boom at the bottom of the hill. The larger bug abominations are only singed, however, and charge at you angrily, while the dark mist gathers together to form Xuan Ueda. Gimme init rolls!] 2d8+7 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Herman (2d8+7) and gets a natural 6 for a result of 13. 2d8+13 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Alys (2d8+13) and gets 29, a CRITICAL FAILURE!!! "Death is temporary, only failure is forever. You may have just done both." 2d8+7 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Ashley (2d8+7) and gets a natural 9 for a result of 16. (Good init!) 2d8+7 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Lukas (2d8+7) and gets a natural 11 for a result of 18. (This _IS_ a good night to be Alys) 2d8+14 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Griff_Khalil (2d8+14) and gets a natural 14 for a result of 28. 2d8+14 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Togo (2d8+14) and gets a natural 12 for a result of 26. (Wow, so this is where all my good rolls went... they're not happening in any other game I'm in.) (And Khalil apparently.) [Alys, Khalil, Togo, Lukas, Xuan, the big bug hybrids, Ashley, Herman, What's left of the Swarm] [Alys!] ( Ten big bugs? ) ( Yep! ) ( Hybrids ) * Alys manages to ignore the bugs in order to throw one of her stronger wards at Xuan. ( Every nasty bug you can think of, in one! ) 2d8-2 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Alys (2d8-2) and gets a natural 9 for a result of 7. (Made) [The ward connects, and hisses as it burns! Sssss...] [Khalil!] * Griff_Khalil still drops it on the remainer of the bugs. Seems best to take out the swarm while it's weakened. 2d8 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Griff_Khalil (2d8) and gets a natural 7 for a result of 7. * Clarissa is now known as NinjaDebugger [Boom! The grenade destroys the rest of the normal bugs.] [Togo!] * Togo pulls out his machine gun and fires a burst into the biggest concentration of the big bugs that he can. 2d8-3 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Togo (2d8-3) and gets a natural 6 for a result of 3. ( Made ) [Togo blasts a few holes in 3 of the bugs, but they keep coming.] [Lukas!] * NinjaDebugger is now known as SleepDebugger ( Lukas can't dance. ) * Lukas raises his hand and says, "Dammit, we don't fucking have time for this." The thunder crackles, then jumps from his hand towards Xuan. 2d8-4 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Lukas (2d8-4) and gets a natural 12 for a result of 8. (Wow. Even full attacking, I can't hit.) [Lukas sets a nearby tree on fire.] ( Damn, if only I had a gas pump, I could make an improvised flamethrower ) [Xuan scowls. "You're not supposed to be here," She says. Of course, she's far enough away that you shouldn't be able to hear it, but her voice booms unnaturally around the area. Ignoring the ward that's burning her, she draws out her naginata and rushes striking at Alys and maybe hitting.] [Her naginata glows an eerie blue as she strikes.] 2d8-2 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Alys (2d8-2) and gets a natural 6 for a result of 4. (Naginata shows up in a MC game. Take a shot.) (She's an Ueda. Take two. ;P) (Whoo!) (She's possessed. Take five!) ( *ears perk up* Ueda? Where? ) (You don't want me to drink.) (I'll fall the fuck asleep.) [Alys dodges! Good thing, too, because that would've hurt.] (MC drinking game would so get people drunk easy.) (40 minutes.) [Unfortunately, you've also got 10 big bugs that nobody bothered to deal with. Lesse...] (Sooooooo totally drunk.) (They all go splat against the force field? ^_~) ( Conveniently there's six of you here, and I got a six-sided die... :O ) (Togo tried to deal with them!) ( He hurt some of them! ) * Brett sets mode: +v Griff_Khalil ( WEll, I have a rocket launcher, but firing that at close range... notsuchagoodidea ) [The bugs pick various targets! Unfortunately for Khalil, he seems to be the favored. Three of the bugs take off, rising towards him and slashing with their sickle-like claws. He needs 3 def rolls!] [Four of the bugs pick Ashley or Herman, but a white wall appears around the area as they charge keeping those bugs from getting close. They slash at the wall in frustration.] (Ouch, at a +4 for each one after the first.) (o.o) [And between them, Alys, Lukas and Togo all get saddled with a bug. Lukas, having fully attacked and missing, gets his Get Hurt Badly quotient filled as a bug cuts his leg. The other two of you? We'll see.] ( And yeah, don't forget the extra defense rule :P ) 2d8-4 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Griff_Khalil (2d8-4) and gets a natural 10 for a result of 6. 2d8 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Griff_Khalil (2d8) and gets a natural 11 for a result of 11. 2d8+4 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Griff_Khalil (2d8+4) and gets a natural 9 for a result of 13. (Dodged one of them!) 2d8-3 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Togo (2d8-3) and gets a natural 9 for a result of 6. ( Made ) 2d8-2 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Alys (2d8-2) and gets a natural 4 for a result of 2. 2d8 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Lukas (2d8) and gets a natural 3 for a result of 3. (... so CLOSE.) (Ah well.) [Khalil dodges one of the bugs, but it's too hard to defend against all of them, and he gets cut along his side and his arm. Togo and Alys both avoid harm, too. Lucky them!] [Ashley!] * Lukas takes his hit and grits his teeth, trying to stay upright. * Ashley looks out at the chaos beyond the barrier AND!.... holds turn. [Lukas gets cut too. I nearly forgot!] [Herman!] * Shadur has quit IRC (Ping timeout) * Herman sits there and radios to the others: ~I can't exorcise her while the shield's up. We've got to knock her out or something.~ (Done.) [Alys!] * Alys unclips her chains and mutters, "Easy for you to say," then takes a good swing at Xuan. 2 2d8-2 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Alys (2 2d8-2) and gets a natural 9 for a result of 8 7. * Shadur has joined #besm (Made both.) [Xuan manages to deflect one of the attacks, only to be grazed on the arm by the other. It's worth noting that while the wardis burning, it doesn't seem to be affecting her flesh. The chains do, though, giving her a bruice.]] ( Bruise ) (Bruce.) [Khalil!] * Griff_Khalil shrieks out in irritation. ~A little busy here.~ then flies above the nearest bug and lets loose an Exorcist claw along the top of its body. It seems he's aiming to carve through the wings, one claw on each side (Called shot). ( We need Bruce Campbell ) 2d8-4 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Griff_Khalil (2d8-4) and gets a natural 14 for a result of 10. (Bruce Lee!) (...well crud.) [Just like a real fly, it buzzes around in no sensical pattern, and Khalil misses.] [Togo!] ( Consulting GM... ) * Leo is now known as CCD * Togo pivots towards a group of 4 bugs near the portal and fires another burst from his machine gun. 2d8-3 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Togo (2d8-3) and gets a natural 7 for a result of 4. ( Made ) ( ping? ) (Pong.) [Togo fills 'em all with lead! Enraged, they turn their attention from the field to you guys.] ( Sorry, 2 channels ) [Lukas] ( We got: 2 very hurt bugs, 3 kinda hurt bugs, 5 just fine bugs ) ( And Xuan ) * Lukas gives them a new field to pay attention to, an area shield of electricity crackling into existance. His teeth are still gritted, and he says through them, "C'mon." (As good a coverage as I can get in my 10m radius area.) (Haha, we cover much area!) ( It sounds kinda like. "Cermern." ) [Xuan! She attacks Alys again, with the same glowing Naginata. "This body has been quite useful. I'm not entirely sure I want to give it up."] 2d8-2 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Alys (2d8-2) and gets a natural 7 for a result of 5. [Alys dodges again! Lucky her!] [The demons attack again! One on Alys, Lukas and Togo, 3 on Khalil. And the other four....] * CCD has left #besm [One flies up to get Khalil while the rest go for Togo.] ( So Togo and Khalil need 4 def rolls each :O ) (Apparently, a 10 m shield means nothing.) (They all always hit too?) ( I'm giving you a chance to defend if you want. :P ) (I mean, I can't help Khalil much, but.) (... Brett, IT'S A GIANT FORCE FIELD.) ( And yeah, so far they've always made their attack rolls. ) (Crackling with electricty, 60 meters across.) 2d8-4 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Griff_Khalil (2d8-4) and gets a natural 13 for a result of 9. ( Ummmmmm..... ) (Er, 60 feet.) 2d8 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Griff_Khalil (2d8) and gets a natural 6 for a result of 6. (20 meters.) 2d8+4 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Griff_Khalil (2d8+4) and gets a natural 10 for a result of 14. 2d8+8 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Griff_Khalil (2d8+8) and gets a natural 7 for a result of 15. ( So like.... You're putting everyone in the force field? ) (At max, anyway.) (So. That's...one dodge.) (That's sort of what it's there for) ( It's +4 to each subsequent after you exhaust your defenses? ) * Calculus has quit IRC (Quit: Lex Gladius Juris Est) ( Yeah Togo ) (Yes.) 2d8-3 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Togo (2d8-3) and gets a natural 9 for a result of 6. 2d8-3 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Togo (2d8-3) and gets a natural 6 for a result of 3. 2d8+1 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Togo (2d8+1) and gets a natural 13 for a result of 14. * Calculus has joined #BESM ( And if Lukas is making a huge force field, the bugs are inside it with you anyhow >.> ) (It's meant for the bugs to throw themselves against.) 2d8-2 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Alys (2d8-2) and gets a natural 6 for a result of 4. 2d8+5 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Togo (2d8+5) and gets a natural 8 for a result of 13. (Made) ( Made 2, missed 2 ) (See that statement about coverage?) (Yeah.) (How about you assume Lukas isn't completely incompetent, since we don't have a grid map, and lays it out for best protection, huh? c.c;) (And the one flying up would hit it regardless.) ( They're more or less all around you. I'll give you the flight one, but you can't really protect Alys or Togo with it. ) ( Sooo... Khalil only needs 3 rolls. ) (Okay, so dodged one.) (Woo. Electrical damage.) ( Ummm.... >.> You know this thing has a 10 init activation time? ) (...10 init isn't that long an activation time.) ( They're not 10 init behind Lukas. Khalil's going to need a 4th def roll after all. And Lukas needs one too. ) (Oh fun...) 2d8 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Lukas (2d8) and gets a natural 7 for a result of 7. ( It's long enough so that they have the opportunity to attack ) (More damage.) (I already did them. 3 hits, one dodge.) ( Ok... ) (We're gonna have to end soon.) [Alys avoids the bug as it slashes at her. Togo does some fancy dodging, but with that many monsters coming at him, he gets clawed twice. Khalil fares even worse, and looks like he can't manage much more of this. And Lukas's electricity disperses as he gets slashed along the arm.] [Ashley! And Herman too!] * Lukas does indeed falter. Apparently, cheering himself on isn't enough. * Herman keeps the shield up, though at this point, he's not entirely sure if he should. (End.) (Hold action. And I mean it.) [Day: Saturday, Oct. 27th. Time: 6:45 p.m.] [You're fighting a climactic battle at Stonehenge with a setting sun in the background. How dramatic! IF you have any boss-fighting music, now's the time to put it on.] (I'm listening to Cake be edgy and ironic, does that count?) [Surrounding Stonehenge is an invisible force field, which Herman is busily concentrating on keeping up. Ashley's there too, looking pretty and stuff. The rest of you are outside, fighting a possessed Xuan Ueda and ten of her underlings. That a good enough recap for ya?] [Currently, Alys is fighting Xuan and a bug. Lukas is fighting just a bug. And Togo and Khalil have four bugs on each of them.] (You mean Lukas is bleeding to death around a bug.) [Order is: Alys, Khalil, Togo, Lukas, Xuan, the bugs, Ashley, Hermantakingabreak] [Let's get this fight done with. Session Start!] [And alys, go!] (Herman's sipping tea in his magic circle while the rest of us fight for our lives.) ( No, Herman's in deep concentration. ) ( Ashley's the one sipping tea. ) * Alys decides she should have stuck to the bugs in the first place and throws a ward at the one closest to her. 2d8-2 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Alys (2d8-2) and gets a natural 9 for a result of 7. (Made) [The ward hits the bug, and it scre... erm... buzzes? In agony.] [Khalil!] * Griff_Khalil isn't looking so hot, glancing at the bugs for a moment, then down below. He breathes out then darts away from the melee, flying fast towards the magic circle, trying to get the bugs to follow but stay just ahead of them. (holdish) 2d8-4 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Griff_Khalil (2d8-4) and gets a natural 8 for a result of 4. ( Well... This is, um, interesting. ) [One of the bugs seems to guess Khalil's plan, and flies out in front of him as he pulls up, catching him in between itself and the other two. Yes, two. The third one keeps flying and kinda goes SPLAT against the forcefield. Ashley gets a nice look at its yellow insides.] * Ashley cheers. He does not, thankfully, put on the requisite outfit. [Togo!] (As long as he shaves his legs first...) You're assuming he HAS leg hair. +() (Stupid fingers.) ( You're assuming he still has legs. ) ( <.< >.> ) (How are the four around me grouped up?) ( In a C shape. ) * Togo backs up and sprays the group in front of him with a burst from his machine gun, trying to catch as many of them as he can. 2d8-3 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Togo (2d8-3) and gets a natural 5 for a result of 2. (Made) * Clarissa has left #BESM sleeps. night! [Togo catches 3 of them! In a hail of bullets, one goes down and two are left seriously injured.] [Lukas!] * Lukas lets the bug that hit him know how annoyed he is with a curse word and a desperately extended hand, from which crackles a bolt of bright yellow lightning. No more screwing around here. 2d8-6 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Lukas (2d8-6) and gets a natural 10 for a result of 4. * Bucher has quit IRC (Quit: We could play pogs with thermonuclear weapons.) ( Which one is that? ) (Assuming the one that's attacking him.) (Zeus' Hand.) ( Ah. ) (Ah. Which attack.) (The one that does _actual damage_.) [That leads to a very fried, but remarkably still alive bug.] (As opposed to the blue staticy one, the bright burst, and the stupid force field.) [Xuan is up once again!] ( Time out while I voice you all for my convenience sake ) ( Time back in :O ) 2d8 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Griff_Khalil (2d8) and gets a natural 5 for a result of 5. [Xuan apparently decided to do nothing this round.] [Meanwhile, the bugs attack! Three on Khalil, One on Alys, One on Lukas, Four on Togo. Except one of the ones on Togo misses.] (Ha, we love lazy villians) 2d8+2 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Lukas (2d8+2) and gets a natural 8 for a result of 10. (Hit.) ( Gimme def rolls whilst I go get the laundry ) 2d8-3 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Togo (2d8-3) and gets a natural 11 for a result of 8. 2d8-3 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Togo (2d8-3) and gets a natural 10 for a result of 7. 2d8-2 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Alys (2d8-2) and gets a natural 14 for a result of 12. 2d8+1 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Togo (2d8+1) and gets a natural 6 for a result of 7. 2d8-4 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Griff_Khalil (2d8-4) and gets a natural 11 for a result of 7. (Nope) (Made 2, missed 1) 2d8 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Griff_Khalil (2d8) and gets a natural 9 for a result of 9. 2d8+4 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Griff_Khalil (2d8+4) and gets a natural 5 for a result of 9. (Well, was nice knowing you guys.) (That's *I* made 2, by the way.) (Don't worry, I'll try to squeeze my way into heaven with you.) ( Back ) ( Ouch. ) (Not sure what else you were expecting.) (11 on 4? When the 4 _aren't_ Boss NPCs? Since when has that been anything but near-suicide? ^_^;) [That bug didn't appreciate the ward Alys stuck on it, and slashes her across the arm with it's claws. Togo dodges two of the creatures, only to be hit by the third. Lukas gets cut, but remarkably is still up! Not so much Khalil. The bugs' surprise counter to his tactic caught him off guard, and he takes two gashes, falling to the ground.] [Ashley!] * Phantasm has quit IRC (Quit: You're a fool. No weapon forged can harm me. *eyes rocket launcher* What's that do?) * Ashley waves his fingers. * Alys shrieks and stumbles back. "Creepy bug wound, I don't want to turn into a bug!" * Lukas gurks and spits blood before looking at his stupid bug. "I've still got things to do. Even if... everything in the world hates me--" he barks to Alys, "You ain't gonna turn into a bug! Dammit..." (Why isn't Khalil using my sword? He stole it! Least he could do is use it.) 2d8-4 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Ashley (2d8-4) and gets a natural 12 for a result of 8. (Make.) (Because he was too busy getting slaughtered 4 on 1?) [The bugs that attacked Khalil buzz around inconsistantly.] (Bah! It's a stolen sword. I stole it from the not-pope. It's got to be awesome.) [Herman is chillin'. Alys!] (Yeah. If I'd had more than 3 actions, one of which was a miss, and the first was the initial bombardment, maybe I would have thought of that. :P) (That's very true.) * Alys steps back while watching the bug warily and throws another ward at it. "Die, goddammit!" 2d8-2 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Alys (2d8-2) and gets a natural 11 for a result of 9. (Miss. Gah.) [It doesn't die. Boo.] [Khalil's unconscious. Togo!] (Oh, where did the good rolls go? They've got to exist somewhere.) (Is Volt's shield still up?) (IT never made it up.) (Ah) (I got hit.) (It tried!) * Togo tries to make his way over to Khalil's body as he fires another burst at the bugs that're all over him. "Herman, whatever you do, don't drop that damn shield!" 2d8-3 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Togo (2d8-3) and gets a natural 5 for a result of 2. (Made) (Apparently, Dice is into the blind, now.) (Togo's easier to skullfuck.) (Dude, there's bits of metal back there! x_x) [Togo blasts all the bugs, and they fall with a splat.] (Go socketfuckers!) [Lukas! He's still standing! Woo!] [So's the bug he's fighting, though. Hm....] * Lukas is still standing, and he tries to prove it with a static blue zap at the bug attacking him. 2d8-4 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Lukas (2d8-4) and gets a natural 10 for a result of 6. (Yay for full attack. This is the Static Shock one. Hopefully the bugs don't have twice as much HP as Lukas.) [Lukas wins! The bug goes rigid and drops dead.] [Xuan realizes this fight is going to take longer than she expected, and takes the time to tear off Alys's previously thrown ward.] [Then it's the bugs' turns again!] [One attacks Alys! Two attack Togo! The last one trips. >.>] 2d8-2 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Alys (2d8-2) and gets a natural 7 for a result of 5. (Flying Trip. That's talent.) (Made!) (Over its own wings.) (Hah, the bug's clumsier than me. There's a nice feeling.) 2d8-3 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Togo (2d8-3) and gets a natural 15 for a result of 12. 2d8-3 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Togo (2d8-3) and gets a natural 7 for a result of 4. (Made one, missed one) ( They've gotten 2 crit fails so far. ) [There's some nice dodging action going around, only Togo doesn't compete so well, and gets gashed. Ow.] [Ashley!] * Ashley wiggles his fingers again. 2d8-4 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Ashley (2d8-4) and gets a natural 11 for a result of 7. [Alys!] ( Technical difficulties, sorry. ) * Alys throws another ward at the bug-that-refuses-to-die! 2d8-2 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Alys (2d8-2) and gets a natural 8 for a result of 6. (Made) [The bug is hit by another ward! This proves too much for it to bare, and it dissolves into goo. Eww.] [Meanwhile, it turns out Khalil had some willpower left and he manages to get back to his feet. His turn!] * NeremWorld has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer) 2d8+7 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Ten (2d8+7) and gets a natural 14 for a result of 21. (Don't die, Ten!) ( Ten, you still have your Rozen Mystica! ...Actually, you're junk.) (;_;) * Griff_Khalil staggers to his feet. "That... did not quite go as planned." He looks to the remaining bugs near him and Togo and flies towards the nearest one, claws flashing out golden and cutting the wings. (Exorcist Claw, called shot) 2d8-4 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Griff_Khalil (2d8-4) and gets 12, a CRITICAL FAILURE!!! "Some things just aren't meant to be." (...) (... wow.) (...) (...) [Khalil's still kinda woozy, and trips and falls over. Doh.] [Togo!] * Griff_Khalil mutters, face in the dirt. "THAT did not go as planned EITHER. Ow." (Where are the three remaining bugs?) ( There's 4 ) ( Three are on you, one on Alys ) ( One is very nearly toast, thoguh ) (Another one on me?) ( Erm, wait a minute. ) ( My bad, there's actually 4 on Togo. ) ( Erm, wait, something's not right here ) (Uh. Togo wiped out 4. I killed 1. Khali shield-killed 1.) (Alys killed 1.) ( Aight, 3 on Togo. ) * NeremWorld has joined #BESM [And they're all blundering around aimlessly.] (Actually, was Togo shooting the ones around him or the ones around Khalil?) ( The ones around Khalil ) (There were only 3 around Khalil. The 4th was the one that splatted.) ('All over him' is very ambiguous.) (I assumed _Togo_.) (Well, perhaps Togo should say. ^^;) (Yeah. ^^;) ( Since he ran at Khalil, I assumed he was targetting the bugs around Khalil. ) (Are there 4 total left?) (So there would be 4 left.) (Depends which group you shot, yeah.) (I was shooting the ones on me, making my way to Khalil) (Then there would be 3 left.) ( Regardless of what happened, there's 3 left. ) (Okay) * Togo holds a gash in his side with one hand while he lets loose another burst from his machine gun into the last group of bugs. "Stupid goddamn bugs!" 2d8-3 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Togo (2d8-3) and gets a natural 12 for a result of 9. (Made) [Most of the burst misses, but Togo does catch one of the bugs in the spread. It's still standing, though.] [As though a deus ex machina was taking place before your eyes, the temperature suddenly drops, and a thick mist appears nearby.] (Damn DEMs!) (Oy) [When it dissappears there's a) a hunched old man with a knobby cane in a grey cloak, a blue-skinned woman in a black leotard and knee-high boots, and a tiny robot doll that would kick your ass in Expresso Wars.] ( That's all under category a) ) [And under b) Rocks and trees that were actually there beforehand.] (They're all one person?) ( No ) (Drat. That would be sweet.) [Lukas!] ... Old Man Winters? * Segev has quit IRC (Ping timeout) * Segev has joined #BESM * Lukas blinks and rubs his eyes at the DEMsquad. "'Kaela? Am I hallucinating?" (Hold while talking!) [Xuan doesn't wanna hold, though. She scowls, and slices at Alys again "Mortals, if you do not let me pass, you shall come to regret it."] * Ashley quirks an eyebrow. "Freak brigade, ho!" (HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO) (But don't talk about my sister like that.) * ChanServ sets mode: +o Segev 2d8-2 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Alys (2d8-2) and gets a natural 10 for a result of 8. * Ten shouts. "Hey, we're the cavelery!" (Made! Barely!) [Ashley hurts Mikaela's feelins and she goes home :(] (Sweet!0 [Alys deflects the incoming naginata! She hasn't been hit by it yet. She's got super naginata-defensive skeelz.] [Khalil!] 2d8-5 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Ten (2d8-5) and gets a natural 10 for a result of 5. ( Erm ) ( Wait ) ( Not Khalil ) ( Bugz ) * Ten tries to take her action! (It might be nice if I got to act, too, as well as 'Kaela responding, maybe? Or did I hold action for nothing? ^_~) (Alys is the anti-Naginata!) ("Nyah nyah, the naginata likes me better than you!") [Khalil's sword flies out of his scabbard and hacks at a bug!] ( Let's hope nobody patches it. ) [Hacks it pretty good, too.] [Meanwhile, Mikaela seems a little confused. "Lukas?"] ...well that's an interesting tactic. (Shh! It's Volt! DIdn't you get the memo, woman?!) * Lukas bleeds with happiness! And smiles slightly too. "Jesus, 'Kaela, you coulda picked a better time, but not by much." He gestues at Xuan with another of those staticy blue blasts. Have to try, at least! [If Lukas was going to do something, now would be the time. Else the bugs are gonna move.] 2d8-4 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Lukas (2d8-4) and gets a natural 7 for a result of 3. (Hooraye.) [Not so much Hooraye, as Xuan swiftly dodges the blast.] [Now the bugs go. They all attack Togo!] (3?) ( Yeah ) ( Wait a sec ) ('kay) ( Forgot the blindness :X Two of 'em miss. ) 2d8-3 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Togo (2d8-3) and gets a natural 8 for a result of 5. (Made) [Togo easily dodges the bug's attack.] [Ashley!] (Hold action) * Ashley looks on all the wierdness. [Mikaela figures out what's going on enough to run forward, spreading her hands in front of her as she does. A blast of ice crystals showers the remaining bugs, takining one of them out and seriously injuring the others.] [Herman's wishing he had a sandwich.] [Alys!] ( We've got one seriously injured bug, one almost dead bug, and Xuan. ) * Alys runs at Xuan and swings her chains at her. She looks a bit less tense now that more people are there to help. 2 2d8-2 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Alys (2 2d8-2) and gets a natural 6 for a result of 2 4. [Alys scores two hits on her, also!] [Khalil!] * Griff_Khalil doesn't try to get the sword back, at least for now. Instead, he picks up a dead bug carcass near him and hurls it at Xuan. 2d8 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Griff_Khalil (2d8) and gets a natural 13 for a result of 13. (Crud. But still a fun idea.) (You need to take levels of improvised weapon skills) (Yes.) [Khalil's still feeling woozy, and the bug only goes a few feet.] [Togo!] (Are the two remaining close together?) * Zegon is now known as Zegone ( Yeah ) * Togo stows his machine gun, pulls out his shotgun, chambers a round, and fires into the two remaining bugs. "I love the smell of backup in the night." 2d8-3 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Togo (2d8-3) and gets a natural 6 for a result of 3. (Made) [Togo turns the reamining bugs to goo. All that's left now is Xuan.] [Ten! Her sword immediately goes to attack, but Xuan blocks it with her naginata.] [Lukas!] * Lukas pants slightly and crouches as he says, weakly, "Take it, Mikaela." He's palmed his gun, but doesn't seem to be taking action. [Too bad, 'cause Xuan goes after Alys again.] 2d8-2 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Alys (2d8-2) and gets a natural 4 for a result of 2. [Alys totally dodges. Mad Naginata-defensing skeelz. ] (Go Alys go!) (Woot!) [Ashley!] (Hold action!) * Ashley watches the battle from on top of the stone! [Mikaela makes a chilly grab for Xuan's arm, but the other girl dodges.] [Soooo Alys!] Like, wow she's fast. Possession by evil tends to do that to people. * Alys attacks again! "Give up already!" 2 2d8-2 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Alys (2 2d8-2) and gets a natural 14 for a result of 12 12. (Egh.) [Alys misses! How anti-climatic.] [Khalil!] (;_;) (*Shakes her fist at Dicy! The power of hero boobies should win over villan boobies!) * Griff_Khalil tsshes under his breath and withdraws his whip. He snaps it at the naginata and tries yanking it from Xuan's grasp. 2d8-2 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Griff_Khalil (2d8-2) and gets a natural 3 for a result of 1. ( 'Specially with the way this fight is being drawn out. orz ) (...now THAT, finally, is win.) (Go Khalil go!) [Khalil pulls it from her grasp!] [Togo!] * Togo puts away his shotgun, pulls out his revolver, and shoots a stun bullet and Xuan. "Lady, you are fucking lucky I'm such a damn good soldier, or I'd beat you to death with a fucking rake." 2d8-3 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Togo (2d8-3) and gets a natural 4 for a result of 1. (Made) [Without her naginata, Xuan seems fairly defenseless and takes the bullet. She staggers, but it still standing.] [Ten! Her sword cuts a gash in Xuan's leg. Ouch.] 2d8-5 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Ten (2d8-5) and gets a natural 10 for a result of 5. [Ok, the sword doesn't slash her. It sure tries to, though.] 2d8-5 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Ten (2d8-5) and gets a natural 10 for a result of 5. [Instead it smacks her with the flat end.] [Lukas!] * Lukas is still crouched and bleedy. His hair has changed color, to match Mikaela's skin. And... it is beginning to snow. Could it get even COLDER than Mikaela made it? Apparently. [Xuan arches in a painful looking way, and black mist rises out of her. It forms into the shape of a three-story tall insect. It's got a mosquito's head, a dragonfly's body, three pairs of claw-like hands and about eight wings. "Mortals!" Its voice booms, "You will not keep me from returning to my body! From the strength of the soul contract, my power is supreme!"] [Talkative thing. Ashley!] [There's a giant bug, Ashley. What do you do?!?! * Ten shouts at it. "You suck!" (Quiver. ._.) 2d8-4 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Ashley (2d8-4) and gets a natural 5 for a result of 1. [Something may have happened!] * Ashley thrusts his hand out and grimaces! ACTION (Ashley succedes at quivering!) [Mikaela stares at the giant bug in horror. "My god... Is that... Is that Beezlebub?"] [Alys!] ( OMG BZLB! ) * Lukas manages to say, through his concentration, "Does it... matter...?" * Alys gapes at it, but manages to think enough to throw one of her stronger wards at it. 2d8-2 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Alys (2d8-2) and gets a natural 14 for a result of 12. (dr) (Yay DR!) (Dicy likes them 14s) 2d8-2 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Alys (2d8-2) and gets a natural 3 for a result of 1. (There we go!) (And the threes. [Alys's ward connects and starts burning! But it's a huge bug, so this could take a while.] [Khalil!] * Griff_Khalil goes to pick the Naginata and looks up at the bug. "This certainly explains things." He woozes a little. "Just need a little more..." [Togo!] [The old guy who hasn't done anything the whole fight slides up to Togo. "Now would be a good time."] I was thinking the same thing, sir. *pulls out the Ace of Winchesters; gets down to one knee; fires* (Full attack) 2d8-5 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Togo (2d8-5) and gets a natural 4 for a result of -1. (Make, obviously) (Go boom) (I am sitting in my chair giggling inanely at image macros. Ima kill a bitch) [A huge beam of light hits the giga-bug (giga-bug, I like the sound of that) head on, obliterating it almost entirely. What's left is a naked, unconscious Valmont.] ... bitch. [Mikaela stares, speechless.] Duuuuude! Togo! That was made of awesome and win! * Ashley stares at the naked. Then shakes his head. "No! Evil nookie is bad for Ashley!" * Griff_Khalil looks at the remains. "It had best finally be over." He goes to check on Xuan. * Togo puts away the Ace, and walks over to the unconcious Valmont, pulling out... a shovel. * Alys sits down on the grass. "Finally! I-" She tilts her head back and looks at Ashley. "Please don't bugger the bad guy. It's just not right." 2d8-3 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Togo (2d8-3) and gets a natural 9 for a result of 6. [Xuan is bruised and unconscious, but otherwise okay.] Well, he IS kind of ripped... but no! I mean yes. * Ten actualy looks at Lukas now... and then starts flailing her arms. "WAAAAH! LUKAS IS ALL BAD!! HERMAN! FIX HIM!" * Lukas stands up from his crouch, slowly. Conveniently, his hair begins to fade back to normal, and the eyes he opens are changing away from black. Also, the snow starts to dissipate. "Only... slightly bad, Ten." He coughs. "Fuck." Totaly all bad! You're the wrong color an' everything! * Griff_Khalil sighs and closes his eyes slightly. "Thank Muhammed, she's okay." He stands slowly and looks at Lukas strangely, blinking. "I had not noticed." 2d8 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Togo (2d8) and gets a natural 4 for a result of 4. * Lukas runs his hand through his color-shifting hair. "Happens." He looks over to 'Kaela. "I'm guessing you were a few steps ahead of me, huh?" * Ashley hops down off the stone pillar. I'll buy the first round. * Griff_Khalil then winces and clutches his wing. "Ow. I hope I did not break it." [Togo notice Valmont's eyes flash open just in time, pulling out of the way as the man gets to his feet, his hand going for Togo's throat as he rises. "You...! If it weren't for you, I would have obtained ultimate power with Beezlebub's soul contract! Damn you!"] [Mikaela was about to respond when that happens.] * Togo tosses the shovel aside, pulls out his shotgun, and blasts Valmont. 2d8-3 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Togo (2d8-3) and gets a natural 11 for a result of 8. (Made) [Valmont winds up with a big hole where his stomach used to be. He staggers back and looks down at it, then back at Togo. "D... damn you. Damn Dante... everyone betrayed me..." Then he falls on his back with a *thud*]] * Lukas turns towards Valmont and raises his hand as he says, "God dammit..." * Lukas then gets to stop! Hooray. "... or he could just die by gunshot wound." Is he fucking dead YET? * Griff_Khalil walks over towards Valmont, takes the Naginata, and drives it through his chest point first. "Does not hurt to be on the safe side." [Mikaela stares at him for a bit. "...That's Ricardo Valmont, head of Asahara."] Please be dead. Really dead, not undead or redead or any other kind of semi-dead. (And Khalil can drive it HARD.) [In addition to the gaping hole in his stomach, Valmont now has a naginata through his chest.] Yeah. He also throws really bang-up parties. Real macabre decor. * Togo looks over at Khalil. "Fucker's dead." * Lukas coughs again and sways on his feet. "Fuck." [Mikaela turns to Lukas, swiftly. "We need to get you some medical attention!"] * Ashley kicks him. "Fuck medical attention, the man needs a pint of stout." [She doesn't try to help him though. That could do more harm than good.] Like, Herman could fix him! Only he's kinda... * Griff_Khalil pulls the Naginata out, and looks over at Togo. "The man destroyed my village and kidnapped my sister who wound up going against me. You would deny me that?" [Herman gets to it. Jeez, he's not that insensitive.] * Ten waves at the center of the forcefield. "Doin' somethin'" Oh, yay! Thank Herman! No, no. I'm not saying 'He's dead, let up.' I'm saying 'He's dead, let's spit on his corpse.' * Lukas gets watered up? Yay? * Togo spits on Valmont's corpse. * Griff_Khalil looks at Valmont's body and curses mildly in Arabic. "The man is not even worth my spit." A camel would be more fitting. [The old man is still there. He's presence inspires a chilly feeling. Or maybe it's just because it's cold.] * Griff_Khalil goes on hovering near-death then. Lovely. [Lukas gets watered up. Hot.] (Hawt Man on Man action!) * Togo puts his shotgun away, and pulls out his medkit. "Use this. You need it more'n I do." * Lukas looks at the corpse as he's healed, then looks to 'Kaela. "Yeah, our favorite portable hospital." Then he glances to the old man. "Anyone we should know, Kaela?" Old Man Winters. From the bar. Knows everything. [Mikaela glances back at him. "I'm not sure... He was in my office. He just told me you were fighting the danger at Stonehenge, and... well..."] We came! We saw! Ass was kicked! * Alys moves over towards Xuan. "God, you've had a terrible time of it." She smiles down at her, then looks up to watch the conversation. * Ashley perks up. "From the bar? Then we clearly have to escort him home. Immediately." * Lukas nods slowly. "Rrrright." * Griff_Khalil lets out a chortly griffin laugh. "You noticed? And here I thought I was doing well being stoic." he presses the kit to his feathers and lets the nanites do their work. [Xuan doesn't answer. She's K.O.] I'm blind, but I saw you take a beating. I'm fucking impressed you can stand. * Griff_Khalil winces slightly at the injection. "That so did not go as planned." Since when did bugs become intelligent? [The old man speaks! "I am England's protector. I brought help where help was needed."] Wait, there was an actual plan? I thought it was just sort of, you know, fight what comes our way. Which we did. When they're controlled by Beezlebub, I'd guess. * Togo looks back at Winters. "So do we still owe you a pint?" [Mikaela answers Khalil. "I'm pretty sure that was Beezlebub. He's the lord of insects... And he's supposed to be dead, from what Interpol said."] I'd like a plan. It'd mean being covered in less blood. * Griff_Khalil looks over at Alys. "Well, I had a plan at least. It...kind of faltered when I was surrounded by 4 of them." [He shakes his head. "This one is on the house. Besides, it isn't over yet. England is still in grave danger."] * Lukas looks at 'Kaela and says in a half-joking tone, "Does that mean I can move to Norway? I know a real nice cabin." * Togo looks down at his bloody wounds. "Well, the danger damn well better take a number." Can we sleep before we deal with more danger? Wait, can we have a drink, and then sleep? That sounds better. [Mikaela tries to help Lukas without touching him. It... doesn't do much good.] (... I patently refuse to sit around for more exposition.) ( We can end whenever. ) ( In fact... ) [The old man speaks some more! "Meet me at the usual place, as quickly as you can. I'll be waiting." Then he vanishes as deus ex-ly as he came.] ( Say your last lines. ) It ... is definitely beer o'clock. I wanna get changed! * Griff_Khalil sighs. "Me as well." I could use a lot of things. [Session End!]