[Day: April 9th. Time: 5:50 p.m.] [It's still dusk! Not that you'd know it. You're in a Zukunft lab where most of the security has been disabled, due to a sudden attack by Claude Sherman et. al. Rose has a fairly plain, 30-something, not particularly fashionable woman with a gun to her head, and the Italian speaking bear man has dropped his gun. Evidently, he speaks English, too. Where is this going? I have nooooo idea.] [Start] * Roseli keeps the gun to the woman's head. She says in English to the big Italian, "" and she tilts her head to Luana. * Jamie concentrates on the remnents of the buildings security systems, hopefully her quarry will run in front of a camera that's still working again. * Togo pulls 2 sets of reinforced manacles out of his jacket, and slides them to the man. "" [""] (Did he slide his gun? He already put it on the ground, so...) "" ( Nope! ) * Roseli nods. Look. Gun to the woman's head. (I'm over in #Casino.) (Hey, the man of the hour!) (Man of the hour?) 2d8-10 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Jamie (2d8-10) and gets a natural 6 for a result of -4. 2d8-2 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Jamie (2d8-2) and gets a natural 13 for a result of 11. [The man moves his foot as if to do so, but stops when a shadowy form materializes from the floor behind Jamie, foorming into the teenage girl from last-last time. As she appears, she wraps her bare arm around Jamie's neck, putting the dark gauntlet against her head. "Sorry I'm late."] * Jamie doesn't struggle with her. ( Which teenage girl is this now? ) (Which one?) ( Togo hasn't met her, but she showed up back in... ) ( Session 19 ) * Luana whips her gun over to point at the new person. ( brb ) (It's our favorite shadow ninja!) ( Anyone going to do anything? ) (I don't remember who she is at all, hang on.) ( That's what happens when we don't play in forever! ) ( Is she speaking in German or English? ) * Jamie 's going to try and bring the helecopter with the ward launcher into firing position as quietly as she can. (That's why. I wasn't there either.) (No, it's what happens when I wasn't in the session. XP) ( Oh, English, sorry ) (Yep. It was just me and the wards first time we went up against the group, because everyone CUT CLASS) [The Italian guy bends down and picks up his gun.] * Togo keeps his gun pointed at the big guy. <"Ah ah ah."> * Jamie attempts to shoot the woman holding her hostage in the back. * Roseli frowns. "" [He smiles at Togo, not stopping. ""] 2d8-5 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Jamie (2d8-5) and gets a natural 14 for a result of 9. (Jamie, roll it so I can go? Thanks.) (Thanks Dicy.) [The teen shrugs. "" And then that happens. Let's have new init rolls] 2d8+14 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Togo (2d8+14) and gets a natural 4 for a result of 18. 2d8+7 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Jamie (2d8+7) and gets a natural 3 for a result of 10. [That being a ward shoots right past her and Jamie, and hits the wall.] 2d8+12 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Luana (2d8+12) and gets a natural 10 for a result of 22. 2d8+18 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Roseli (2d8+18) and gets a natural 15 for a result of 33. [Rose, Luana, Teen, Togo, Woman, Bearman, Jamie (Why must my init suck?) [Rose] * Roseli isn't buying any of this bullshit; if they really wanted her to live, they wouldn't have done this. She fires right into the woman's head, probably getting brains everywhere. Pulling punches is for other people. ( O: ) ( Are you really sure you want to do that? ) (Dude. LOOK AT WHAT THEY DID.) (You're really doubting Roseli's desire to shoot someone in the head?) (I'ma go splat now kthx) (Rose really was going to let her go.) (She REALLY WAS.) (Look at past evidence. How many headshots does we have?) (And then they grab Jamie and don't care about giving that gun up? No.) ( Sorry, but I really, really need to ask again. Are you sure that's what you want to do? ) (... Fine, I'll give them one. More. Chance.) ( Now are you sure THAT's what you want to do? :D ) (GOD DAMN IT BRETT) (Just go with what I was doing.) ( Which is? Giving them another chance or blowing her brains out? ) (My head hurts. Why did you need to question if you're going to question regardless?) ( Rose's next action could have serious consequences, that's all I'm saying. ) ( So is shooting her your plan? ) (Go with my first reaction, yeah. It's my first reaction, so keep it.) ( Okay. ) (Time for Luana to be awesome!) ( Can she simultaneously shoot and not shoot her? Shroedinger's Headshot? ) (Hah hah, thanks Mecha. >.>) (What's my penalty to not shoot Jamie?) (I believe in the power of Luana.) ( First we need Rose to roll. ) ( Silly WD. Didn't you ever see Speed? =P ) (No, actually!) It's point blank. I thought it's a given. (That's in parens.) (I belive in the fact that if Luana hits me first the gauntlet's going to hurt less.) ( orz. Is this in the rules? ) ( The 'shoot the hostage' principle. Or the 'hit them both with something that'll hurt less than an instakill.' ) (We'd worked it out, so yes, it is. I grapple; if they struggle away it's a grapple to shoot them in the head. If they don't - and she didn't - it's a given.) ( Hmmmm.... Well, alright then. ) ( Though I'm still giving her a defense roll. Not that it's going to matter. ) (Hindered by being grappled) [Rose blows the woman's brains out. The Italian guy screams, "Breann!" And the tean shrieks. "You bastards! I'll kill all of you!] [Luana!] (They shoulda thought of THAT before they decided not to cooperate!) ( Um, penalty is... ) (This is what happens when you do mexican standoffs.) (People die.) ( +8, to not hit Jamie. ) (It's like iai duels.) (+8? @_@) (Rose Shot First.) (It'd be easier to shoot them in the head!) ( Well, yeah, she's using Jamie as a shield. ) ( This is before acc, mind ) (Actually, shooting them in the head is *also* +8 I thought.) (What if I go melee on her?) (Same penalty?) ( Yeah ) (You could probably tear Jamie away from her with opposed rolls.) (She'd still be moving Jamie to block with her.) (What do I roll if I try to grab Jamie away?) ( I'll rule pulling Jamie away as a disarming via grappling. Opposed rolls, You get a +2 penalty, she gets a -2 bonus. ) (Can I do anything to help here?) ( Pray? ) ( Not really. It's not your turn :P ) (Right) (I'm actually pretty glad I went with that. Rose, uh, doesn't do Mexican standoffs.) (I feel like that's the best I'm gonna get, so... grabbing Jamie! Hopefullyplease.) 2d8-2 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Luana (2d8-2) and gets a natural 12 for a result of 10. (DR) 2d8-2 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Luana (2d8-2) and gets a natural 8 for a result of 6. ( Better ) (Make!) ( Make by 2, though. Prospects aren't that great. ) (Be on our side for once, dice.) (Still better than a not-make!) ( I'll roll it in channel. That way it's fair. But she needs a 6 and she's got a -5 bonus, soo.... ) ( Just saying, you know the odds. ) ( Here goes. ) 2d8-5 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Brett (2d8-5) and gets a natural 11 for a result of 6. (... Even up.) (Goddamn.) ( orz ) (Luana won by more!) (Sad panda) ( True, tiebreaker goes to Luana. ) (I get a Jamie?) ( I think it goes to the defender. ) ( Because usually, that's the way it works. ) ( Shh with your 'logic' and 'rules'. =P ) ( /me rubs his head. Do you want to roll again? ) ( Well, I'm sure IC Jamie kinds wants to. =P ) ( ugh ) (Well, if it's contested, then it's margin.) (As per P60.) (Roll the grab one more time, or try a different action?) ( Right, and she needs a 6, which... she got. ) ( Aha, we have a citation! ) (She needed a 6 to _tie_?) ( Yes. ) ( It's not a margin, it's an exact tie. ) ( So... I'll let Luana reroll if she wants. Which she probably does, because she loses if not. ) 2d8-2 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Luana (2d8-2) and gets a natural 7 for a result of 5. ( Clutch! ) 2d8-5 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Brett (2d8-5) and gets a natural 11 for a result of 6. ( Well, there you go. ) (Ohthankgoodness.) (Thank you.) [Luana snatches Jamie away! How lucky she is. Goddamn I'm too generous.] ( Of course, I say that now, but this is about to become one huge mess. ) [The teen shrieks in rage and charges at Jamie, aiming an attack at her back!] (I'm going to burn one of my attacks for a full deff here.) ( Go ahead. ) (She's trying to grapple, right?) 2d8-4 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Jamie (2d8-4) and gets a natural 11 for a result of 7. (Missed by two) (Dicey is so out to get you. Also, it looked like a strike to me.) (Well, if I could go for a block defense, that's spot on) (But I don't think you have anything to block with. @_@) (My arms?) (This fight is going -so- well.) ( Actually, Luana, give me a defense roll, too. ) 2d8-4 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Luana (2d8-4) and gets a natural 13 for a result of 9. (Er, no.) (...you can't do a block defense with your arms unless you have a reason for your arms not to get hurt.) (Like Heinrick does. :P) ( Wow. ) (Well, if they're punching you... well, whatever) [Well, Luana managed to keep Jamie from losing her brains, but... As the teen's gauntlet strikes, it makes a good-sized hole in Jamie's back. In fact, it goes all the way through and makes one in Luana's stomach, too.] d4 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Brett (d4) and gets a natural 1 for a result of 1. ( Rose, gimme a hearing check! ) (So... uhm. I've got a hole all the way through me?) ( I've got bandages? ) 2d8 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Roseli (2d8) and gets a natural 6 for a result of 6. (Made by four.) (Magic nanonic bandages.) ( Hokay! Gimme a ranged def now, Rose! ) 2d8-3 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Roseli (2d8-3) and gets a natural 10 for a result of 7. (Spot on!) [Rose hears the click of a gun and is able to avoid the shot! Who shot at her? Dunno.] [Togo!] (Where was the click from?) ( Behind you! ) ( Do I have a clear shot at the girl? ) ( Not really, Luana and Jamie are in the way ) ( Ok ) ( And Jamie... it's only a little hole. ) ( All the way through you :P ) ( Ok, it's a kinda big hole. As in that attack just did a lot of damage. ) (Quick! Somebody slap me back to health!) ( hole. ) * Togo fires a burst at the big guy with the gun with his asault rifle, trying to put him down. 2d8-3 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Togo (2d8-3) and gets a natural 5 for a result of 2. ( Made by 7. And assault. ) [The big guy takes numerous bullets. But somehow he's still standing.] [He roars and charges at Rose! As he does, he transforms into a really, really big bear.] (EXERCISING HIS RIGHT TO BEAR ARMS. YES.) (Hey, he is a bear!) ( Gimme an unarmed (strikes) roll, Rose! ) (HAHAHA) (HE IS THE BIGGEST THREAT TO BUCHERBLOCK!) (Oh wait, penalty for defending more than once a round, right?) 2d8+1 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Roseli (2d8+1) and gets a natural 7 for a result of 8. (Fail by one, THANKS TO THAT PENALTY. THANKS, PENALTY.) ( Can I tame him and ride him into battle? BEAR CAVALRY! ) (You can't trust that guy. He's a godless killing machine.) (Which is clearly different from Roseli.) [Rose is slapped by a bear! It's a painful slap, that sends her flying back through the air and colliding with the wall.] [Jamie!] (SWEET, I CAN FLY.) (She could touch the sky.) * Roseli slams into the wall and crumples to the ground, dazed. She's already trying to climb to her feet, though. * Jamie knows where her priorities are right now and she's hunting for BEAR. 2d8-3 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Jamie (2d8-3) and gets a natural 11 for a result of 8. (Quick! You gotta save Butcherblock!) (Damnit Dicy!) (God damn, what's with all the elevens?) (Don't you get two attacks or something something?) * Jamie fires again! 2d8-3 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Jamie (2d8-3) and gets a natural 12 for a result of 9. (...) [Jamie shoots not a bear.] [Rose!] * Jamie 's other helecopter makes a pair of CRACK-hssss noises and also makes a pair of clean holes in the wall above the bear's head. * Roseli gets to her feet and looks around. (Can I see whoever it was that shot me?) ( Nope! ) (Right then.) * Roseli backs away from the bear, firing at him with both hands on her gun. 2d8-4 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Roseli (2d8-4) and gets a natural 9 for a result of 5. (*thumbs up*) [He takes some more bullets! And looks to be slowing, but he's still conscious.] [Luana.] * Luana moves between Jamie and everyone else and does her best to stop Jamie's bleeding. If that's even -possible-. (Emergency response, yeah?) ( Yeah. 'Course, you're bleeding too. ) * Luana is ignoring her own wound as she tells Jamie frantically, "It's okay, you're okay." 2d8-2 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Luana (2d8-2) and gets a natural 7 for a result of 5. (make by three) * Jamie doesn't seem to be paying much attention, maybe it's the bloodloss, or maybe she just doesn't care what happens to her body. [Luana bandages Jamie up!] * Roseli spots what's going on, shakes her head to clear it, and barks, "Luana! Deal with the enemy!" [Of course, that doesn't stop the teen from striking at *her* back.] ( Luana and Jamie, gimme def rolls! ) (That's why I told her to!) (She panicked when Jamie got hurt.) (I know; it's a Luana reaction. ;P) 2d8-4 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Luana (2d8-4) and gets a natural 13 for a result of 9. (No. Crap.) ( Technically, these should be at +1... buuuuut I'll let them slide. ) 2d8-2 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Jamie (2d8-2) and gets a natural 10 for a result of 8. (G'night folks) (Good lord. Dice wants to KILL us.) (We were planning for Jamie to get killed anyway, right?) (No!) ( Well, that solves the problem of new personality for Jamie. ) (As a contingency, not as the desired outcome!) (Oh geez.) [By sticking close to Jamie to tend to her wound, Luana puts herself in danger, and now they both have similar wounds on the other sides of their bodies. Matching sets! Plus they're also unconscious.] (Jamie just needs to upload her personality onto the nearest computer.) [But at least one of Jamie's wounds is bandaged!] (God. Togo. You need to take your ward into intensive training. x.x) ( She usually does better than that. =P ) (You SAY that... we should have this conversation IC. XP) ( Okie ) ( Ummmm ) ( Oh, right! ) ( Rose! Hearing check! ) 2d8 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Roseli (2d8) and gets a natural 9 for a result of 9. (Made.) ( Now a defense roll! ) 2d8-3 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Roseli (2d8-3) and gets a natural 3 for a result of 0. (Made!) [Rose avoids getting shot by nothing! Again.] ( My turn? ) ( Yes! ) ( Sorry ) * Togo curses as he sees Luana and Jamie go down, but focuses on putting down the wounded bearguy with another burst from his assault rifle. 2d8-3 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Togo (2d8-3) and gets a natural 4 for a result of 1. ( made by 8 ) (Why can't I roll like that in combat?) [And now the bear guy goes down. Which still leaves you with other problems.] [Rose!] 2d8 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Keiko (2d8) and gets a natural 12 for a result of 12. * Roseli sets her sights on ninja girl now and fires. 2d8-4 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Roseli (2d8-4) and gets a natural 12 for a result of 8. (Damnit Keiko! I'm the only one allowed to roll like crap this session!) (Yup.) d2 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Brett (d2) and gets a natural 2 for a result of 2. (I'm trying my best!) (Actually, it's good in this case that she rolled like crap.) [Rose fires at the girl! It'd be totally awesome if she hit, buuut the girl just deflects the shot with her gauntlet.] [Then she attacks Rose! "I won't forgive you!"] ( Gimme a def roll, Rose! ) (That move was cooler when Heinrick did it. D:<) (That was in English?) 2d8-3 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Roseli (2d8-3) and gets a natural 7 for a result of 4. (*thumbs up*) [Rose avoids getting hit! Lucky for her.] ( Gimme another hearing roll! ) 2d8 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Roseli (2d8) and gets a natural 5 for a result of 5. (Made.) ( And a dodge roll! ) 2d8+1 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Roseli (2d8+1) and gets a natural 13 for a result of 14. (Fail.) (Sheesh, you guys.) ( >.> ) (DIRT NAPS FOR EVERYBODY!) (What? I HAVE AN INVISIBLE SNIPER TRYING TO KILL ME.) (You can't expect me to dodge everything! :() [Rose hears the click, but this time she's unable to avoid the shot. It tears through her side. Coupled with her earlier injury, she's really not doing so well now.] [Togo!] * Togo pivots and fires a burst at the girl with the gauntlet. * Roseli actually grimaces. She switches her gun to one hand and reaches down to stop her bleeding. Ineffectively, but hey. 2d8-3 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Togo (2d8-3) and gets a natural 6 for a result of 3. ( Made by 6 ) (Wait, wait...) [She manages to block a few shots, but not all of them. The ones that hit don't make her bleed, but rather a shadowy darkness pours from the wounds.] (So the three females roll awfully and the one male rolls awesome?) [Rose!] (DICEY SWITCHED SIDES) * Roseli tries to dodge around, shooting at the ninja girl again. Stupid sniper thing... 2d8-4 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Roseli (2d8-4) and gets a natural 15 for a result of 11. (OMG YOU HATE ME) ( ._. ) [Rose shoots the Ninjawall instead.] [And the teen takes another slug at her.] (If I roll a fifteen, it's not my fault anymore. ;_;) (And doesn't miss, right? aigh.) 2d8-3 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Roseli (2d8-3) and gets a natural 13 for a result of 10. (Nope.) (Sorry, guys. I tried.) [The teen strikes Rose! And it stings! But it doesn't leave a big hole in her gut. The teen looks confused.] (Ahahaha!) (... HAHAHA) (Your petty tricks won't work on me!) [Before you celebrate, Rose needs a hearing check] 2d8 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Roseli (2d8) and gets a natural 7 for a result of 7. (Yes!) ( And a defense roll! ) (Oh God. I wish multiple defenses weren't so HARD in tri-stat.) 2d8+1 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Roseli (2d8+1) and gets a natural 9 for a result of 10. (Sigh. No.) ( Mannnnnn ) [Rose's victory is short lived. She goes down.] (Dude, if I didn't get a +4 for the second defense, I'd have made almost all of those.) [Togo!] (Spend the three CP!) (Get me three CP to spend.) ( Quick, pull a miracle out of your trenchcoat! ) ( I've given you guys tons of CP >.> ) (And I spent it on useful things like demolitions and improving my combat skills. ;P) * Togo realizes he's the last person standing, pulls a smoke grenade out of his pocket, and drops it at his feet. [It's smokey now!] ( Do you roll for how long it lasts, or do I? ) (It's not tons of CP. I tried to explain to you that that's actually under recommendation. ^_^;) ( You do it. ) d6+2 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Togo (d6+2) and gets a natural 1 for a result of 3. ( 3 rounds ) ( I've given you like 8 CP >.> ) (Bad roll. Boo. :() (Guys, let's not argue about CP right now?) [Regardless, It's smokey now!] ( Yay, people attacking inside or into the smoke get a +4 penalty ) [Which is apparently a good thing, because neither the teen nor the sniper make a successful attack. Togo!] * Togo shifts position inside the smoke away from the girl, places the silencer on his assault rifle, and fires another burst at her. 2d8-3 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Togo (2d8-3) and gets a natural 11 for a result of 8. ( Made by 1 ) (I think it's just that Dicy has a crush on that girl and won't give anybody who acts against her a roll less than 10) (Could be!) [Togo fires! Unfortnately for him, he's not entirely successful in hitting the girl. Or even successful at all, for that matter.] [The teen might be successful in hitting him, though.] 2d8-3 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Togo (2d8-3) and gets a natural 9 for a result of 6. ( made ) [But she's not!] [Neither is the sniper!] ( Man... I hate to do this... But I did say I wasn't going to change anything. ) (That you did.) (I'm lying here and bleeding! Hooray!) (So, is another team going to go after us if we wipe, or are we getting disavowed and sent to chargen?) [A voice shouts, "Enough!" And two men emerge from around a corner that leads deeper into the lab. One is a familiar Asian man, carrying a magic sword. The other is, apparently, Claude Sherman himself.] (We haven't died yet!) ( Aww, I coulda taken these two. ) ( You probably could have. That's why I hate to do this. But Gryph can attest to the fact that these two were moving in ever since you guys started fighting. They had to show up some time.] ) (Don't know if us being there or not would have helped.) ( Hmm. I probably can't take all four. Okay. ) [Togo! Your turn if you wanna do something.] (They were. >.<) ( Technically Jamie's still alive only because I was really nice. o/~ ) (Thanks boss!) [Sherman has a gun, by the way. Desert Eagle, from the look of it] ( It's Togo's move! ) ( If he doesn't attack, I'm gonna stop calling rounds though. ) * Togo sees the two down the hall, droops a bit, and pulls out a bandolier of grenades. "Okay, so I can't take all of you. Let me tend to my wounded and get out of here, or I blow us all up." (Welcome to crazy!) (Dude. We are all bonkers.) ( My name is Togo, I'll be your zucchini. ) [Durandal guy glares at Togo. "As if I couldn't..." But then Claude steps in front of him. "I said enough."] * Togo nods at Claude. "What are your terms?" [He takes another step forward, glancing at the body of the dead woman, then back to Togo. "Tobias Goranov. It's been a long time."] ( Did I know that I knew him? I forget. ) ( You should >.> He was in the last game. ) (I don't remember him.) ( srsly? ._. ) ( Claude is 4-eyed guy, right? I don't remember him ) (Yeah, seriously.) (What'd he do?) (...) ( http://besm.sandwich.net/MC3/logs/mchv49.txt is his first appearance. ) (Appearance.) (His first *mention* was the very first Guardian Briefing.) ( Right. ) (... Aha, he was the scientist guy who shot things.) (now I remember!) ( He's totally been all over the place. :X ) (...pretty much, yes!) (He was with Asahara.) Near that Asahara facility in Germany. It has been a long time. (DUR.) (He's one of the bad guys. Of course he was with Asahara.) [He glances at the woman again. Then at Togo. "Why, Togo? I want to know why. Asahara took your eyes. Remember what they did to Alys Onedyr's parents? Remember what they did to Khalil Bin Harith's village? To say nothing of the war that followed, a war that was essentially all Asahara's fault."] ["And now you're working with a corporation who's no different, no better than Asahara. Why?"] [Durandal guy snorts. "I already asked him. He didn't have a decent answer then. He won't now. He's lost sight of himself."] * Togo tilts his head. "You seriously haven't figured it out yet?" (Durandal just made a Jesse-worthy pun.) ( o/~ ) [Durandal speaks! "They offered you something. Money?"] * Togo shakes his head. "Claude knows my history. So why would a card-carrying white hat who lost his eyes to Asahara join Asahara lite?" [Claude peers at Togo through four eyes. "I think I see."] ( Zing! ) [The girl doesn't, though. "See? See what? He killed Breane!"] (Actually, no, I killed Breane!) ( I killed the bear guy ) (And now you're bleeding. Funny how karma works out.) (Eh, he deserved it.) (Haha.) We were all ready to leave them handcuffed and treat her wounds when you showed up. [By now the smoke disappates.] * Roseli can be seen! On the floor. Bleeding. Clearly, it was the sniper in the hallway with the gun. 2d8-3 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Keiko (2d8-3) and gets a natural 4 for a result of 1. [And the sniper appears! He's the guy who was a "hostage" with the woman from way back when, too. "So they could go back to Zukunft labs? That's worse than death."] * Jamie 's also bleeding on the floor with two big holes punched through her for some reason. (Rose was happy to help out, then. ^^) * Togo shrugs. "You guys probably would've freed them while we were searching the facility." *to Claude* "What evil shit was going on at this place?" * Luana is bleeding too! Being like the popular kids was never so painful. She's also still unconscious. (Ah, we can pose bleeding like the best of them.) ["Gene-splicing. They're trying to create gene-modified warriors, much like your wards, but without any free thought. We came here looking for Evzen's sister." He nods at the teen.] [Evzen scowls. "No cracks about it being a guy's name."] (Evzen's a guy's name?) (Also, free thought? What's that?) (I don't know.) ( Yeah, I didn't realize til I said it. ) Right. So what do we do from here? I couldn't stop all of you even if I wanted to, which I don't particularly. ( So... yeah, she's got a guy's name ) ( Free thought should be free will ) [Mr. Durandal moves forward. "No, you couldn't."] [Claude holds up his arm. "Calm yourself, Mitsuji."] (... WHAT?) (Ha ha ha.) (Oh GOD.) (Fuck the what!) ( Who was Mitsuji again? ) ( Oh come on. He's a 30 something Asian psychic. You can't tell me you didn't see that coming >.> ) (What color's his eyes again, Brett?) ( Brown ) (The kid Lukas turned into.) (Xuan's little brother.) ( Mitsuji U-E-D-A ) (HAW!) (Well, we're fuxed.) ( Man, I thought that was so obvious. I'm surprised you didn't realize when I said he was Asian. <.< ) (I had originally intended all of the Ueda psychics to have violet eyes, which is why Rei's unpowered littlest brother had brown, but this works fine, too. XD) ( They're contacts :P ) (So, this is possibly the worst battle ever.) (Then it makes sense, yes.) (Brett, not all asians are Uedas.) ( How about Asian psychics? ) (Unless Keiko has a secret which isn't on her sheet.) (KEIKO IS ASIAN PSYCHIC.) (They are in MC games. You know, we totally had a six degrees of Shigeru Ueda by the middle of MC2.) ( Asian psychic hackers ) (So wait for it. You're related. Somehow.) (I would never invade Japan ever if all Asians were Uedas.) (Really? Neat.) (She's a genetically modified psychic, not a natural psychic!) ( ... I have much more work to do. ) ( Asian psychic hackers who are in their thirties, when there was a teenage Asian psychic hacker in the previous game. ) (Hotaru wasn't related to the Uedas, but she wasn't actualy asian either.) (I never caught him being a hacker. Anyway!) (Shiggy - first psychic Ueda - was actually also a genemodded psychic. Though, uh, with much cruder techniques. And demons were involved somehow.) (Brett: Live with it. We didn't figure it out. :P Move on!) ( I'm trying to. I keep losign my spot. ) (I actually had completely forgotten that he was psychic, but Rose wasn't involved in the earlier fights with Sherman, so.) (I didn't know! Yay!) (I actually don't remember it coming up in that battle either.) [Claude says, "We've done what we came to do anyhow. The lab is damaged; it'll be weeks before they get it operational again. And Pavla's not here. So the deal is this: You take your wounded and go, and we'll do the same."] (... this just keeps getting worse.) [Mitsuji stares at Claude. "Are you fucking joking?" And Evzen yells, "But they killed Breane!"] ( o/~ ) ( He used TK. He didn't really use his telepathy on you guys, I don't think, but I always kept in mind that he was speaking to his team with it. ) (The best part is, all any of us are going to know about this is what Togo decides to tell us.) ( So if there was ever a time they seemed to coordinate really well, that's why. ) 2 2d8-4 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Keiko (2 2d8-4) and gets a natural 12 for a result of 5 8. (And I'll only know what you decide to tell me!) Sounds fair. *pauses* One other thing. All else being equal, I'd rather not hurt any more of your people. If, in the future, you folks cleared out when we arrived, or just delayed us while you finished what you were doing, it would save both sides a lot of grief. Because if your people are trying to kill my people, I *will* defend them. [He smirks. "If Blitzkrieg didn't react so quickly, that would certianly be preferable."] Nothing I can do about that. Just consider it. [He nods. "Evzen, Justin... If you would grab Brutico and Breane..."] ( Actually, before I go, let me go over my teammates' tendencies so you can do just that...) [Mitsuji growls. "I don't fucking believe this."] [Claude looks at him. "I have a pretty good idea of what's going on. I'll explain it once we're away."] 2d8-3 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Heinrick (2d8-3) and gets a natural 15 for a result of 12. * Togo puts away his grenades, pulls out his nanomedpak, and starts working on his three downed teammates. "Please do. I'd like to avoid any further casualties if possible." ( Rose tends to shoot first, ask questions later, Jamie doesn't ask questions, and Luana here is my pide and joy!) (Rose will ask a question.) (That's what she did.) (They gave the wrong answer, so she shot. It's a very simple system.) [Evram and Justin do as they're told, but they don't look happy.] (It's about equivalent to the Heinrick method.) (Although swap "shoot" with "jab with needles" or "get punched in the facemeats.") (Still, telling them that she in particular doesn't make empty threats would probably be useful for them.) [They start to leave, apparently intending to use an exit other than the main one. as they go, Claude says, "Oh, and Togo? Now that we've reached an understanding.... The same is true for my group. If you harm another one of my people, there will be blood shed."] I'll do my best. But don't put me in a situation where I have to choose between one of your people and one of the kids. (Rose is fair game!) (I am always fair game. ^^) 2d8+8 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Heinrick (2d8+8) and gets a natural 6 for a result of 14. [He leaves without saying anything more.] ( brb ) (OH SURE, NOW YOU ROLL LOW) 2d8+7 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Keiko (2d8+7) and gets a natural 10 for a result of 17. (I M FSTR) * Togo continues to use the medpak, starting with Jamie, then Luana, then Rose. (Let us know if we regain consciousness, Brett.) (He's afk) (That was for when he gets back. >.>) ( Back ) [Eventually, you all regain consciousness ] * Roseli opens her eyes slowly, blinks once, and then jerks up into a sitting position. She grabs her gun and looks around, her eyes threatening to close again and her other hand already reaching for her bracelet. * Jamie slowly sits up and puts her right hand against one of the bloodly holes in her Chinese style dress, a little surprised that there isn't a hole through herself anymore. ( It's still bloody though. Togo's med pack only heals 30 hp ) ( 20 ) ( =P ) ( Oop! ) (In that case I'm not at all surprised to find a hole still through me.) * Roseli asks, dazed, "Jamie...?" She blinks and focuses on the one guy who's up and about. "Togo, situation." ( Just 1, though! ) * Jamie orders the helecopters back into the air and crawls to Roseli's side. * Luana sits up, supporting herself with one hand and touching her stomach with the other. She winces and doesn't try that again, then turns to Jamie. "You... okay?" I managed to... convince them that sticking around to finish us off was not in their best interests. Claude and the guy with the sword... Claude called him Mitsuji... showed up right after you went down. I would've been able to take the girl and the sniper, but when the other two showed up, I had to improvise. * Roseli reaches over to the girl, pulling her to her when she's close and giving her a one armed hug. She keeps her attention mostly on Togo, though. [Jamie looks to be in arguably better condition than Luana. Arguably. ] (Togo's so old.) (The girl being Jamie, naturally.) * Roseli nods. "What did you do?" * Jamie shakes her head and then buries her face in Rose's shoulder. * Luana lays back down on the floor. * Togo moves to kneel next to Luana. "You're still hurt bad. Don't try to move too much." *to Rose* "I pulled out a bandolier of grenades and threatened to blow them the fuck up." * Roseli sets her gun down and decides now is a good time to smooth Jamie's hair. So she does it, with a faint "hm" sound in response to Togo. They'd lost one already, and I would've at least taken out the bear and the gauntlet girl. Claude's apparently a little more risk-averse than our bosses are, and agreed to terms. Those were? They leave, and I don't blow them up. ( He wanted a pony ) * Luana says quietly, "I'm sorry I wasn't any help." * Jamie sniffles. * Roseli says dryly, "Got what they already wanted." Glance at Luana, then down to Jamie. "Let me look at you," she says, her voice turning soft and kind. ( Look out Jamie! Run for the hills! ) (Shouldn't be "already" in that statement, so strike it.) * Togo taps Luana in the forehead lightly. "We'll worry about mission evaluation later, kid. Just relax." * Jamie raises her head and shifts away from Rose, not coving her extra oraface. * Roseli takes a look at that, then starts bandaging it as best she can, because she can do that kind of thing. 2d8-3 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Roseli (2d8-3) and gets a natural 15 for a result of 12. (Wow, maybe I just suck because THE DICE HATE ME.) (... Look at it this way, if you screw up enough to hurt me, I STILL GET HEALED!) ( Rose bandages Jamie's face instead! ) (Sweet.) * Luana mumbles, "I hope Keiko's doing better than this." (Watch Rose give up and punch Jamie instead. Actually, that'd be funny. Maybe I'll do it.) (*mmrmph!*) ( Look on the bright side. At least now Luana and Jamie can talk with Karin about what it's like to have a hole through your body. ) Get them and yourself bandaged up; I'll call for medical evac. * Roseli nods. "Do that." She works on bandaging herself, then goes to Luana and does the same. 2d8-3 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Roseli (2d8-3) and gets a natural 7 for a result of 4. 2d8-e3 * Togo shifts to a sitting position next to Luana, and pulls out his phone and calls for said medical evac. 2d8-3 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Roseli (2d8-3) and gets a natural 6 for a result of 3. (Much better.) ( I'ma call it an end ) (KK) (This is not going to look good on my performance review, let me tell you.) [End!]