* Keiko shuffles out into the room that had all the soldiers (and the miniguns) in it! And possibly beyond! * Luana sort of hovers near Keiko without getting too close and keeps an eye on anyone they pass by. * Keiko thinks at Luana, as they try to find a room, ~I don't want to be here.~ ~Where would you rather be? I don't know about you, but even our normal building... I don't think it would feel safe right now.~ * Keiko pushes a door without people open with TK, hard, and heads into the room. Whatever it is. And then she turns back to Luana and replies, mentally, ~I... Luana, these aren't my friends. I'm here to help you. They just... they want me back in the cage. Us back in the cage.~ ~Togo doesn't. We're going to be free after this. He'll take us away.~ * Keiko closes her eyes. ~Lu, I--how? The second any of these people find out he's a spy, we're all dead, and you... can't hide it like he did." * Keiko shudders and closes her eyes, one of her hands slipping down to grab the arm that Eileen hurt and grab it tightly, causing her to hiss through her teeth as she sits down on a chair. * Luana sits down on the floor by Keiko's feet, facing the doorway. She keeps a pistol in one hand. ~I'll do anything to protect you two. It'll be okay.~ * Keiko looks down at her, then reaches over and grabs Luana's shoulder tightly, with her now bloody hand, and says, ~You don't get to die. You... you might have a better life than I can.~ * Luana reaches up to grip Keiko's hand, then stops abruptly. ~...Don't touch me if it bothers you. And there's no point in living if you and Togo are gone.~ * Keiko closes her eyes. ~Lu, touching you is the happiest thing I can do. But it's sad too. Just... not the saddest.~ ~I didn't sleep... last night. Because I couldn't. I couldn't, I can't... I can't stop moving.~ * Luana holds Keiko's hand. Her eyes start watering slightly, but she never stops looking at the doorway. ~I love you so much. I'm sorry I can't give you what you need. I wish I could be perfect for you.~ * Keiko chuckles weakly and thinks back at her, ~That's... that's the problem. I... I could change your mind. When you sleep, I could...~ * Keiko shakes her head and stands, breaking physical contact. ~I can't.~ * Luana looks up at her. ~Could do what?~ * Keiko turns to look down at Luana. ~I'm... I'm a psychic, Lu. I can control minds, I... I can shape minds. If I let myself, I... I don't know what I could do to you.~ ~I can't stop. I can't get dull. I'm afraid, Lu...~ * Luana thinks quietly, ~I hate to see you hurting.~ ~We shouldn't do anything right now, not while we're in the middle of something this big. But, after, when we're free... I, I'll think about letting you.~ * Keiko stares at Luana. ~I--what?~ * Luana starts blushing pretty badly and looks back to the door. ~Um. I'll consider it.~ * Brett has quit IRC (Quit: z.z) * Keiko looks down at Luana, her mouth slightly open at what Luana's said, and then she drops down to her knees and says, quietly, ~You... you would? You would trust me that... to...?~ ~Of course I trust you! I just, um, don't know if I want to-~ * Luana starts mentally babbling. ~Well, it's just, I'm not going to find a boyfriend easily anyway, the only people I love that much are you and Togo and my siblings, and no to incest, and Togo's way old, so it would be, convenient, and it would hurt you less, and-~ * Luana keeps on in that vein of thought. * Luana 's blush keeps getting worse as well. * Keiko falls back on her heels for a moment, surprised as Luana's thought washes over her, a blush starting to appear on her cheeks as well, and then she swallows and reaches to her shoulder with one hand, and to her mouth with one finger, pressing it to Luana's lips. ~Ssh.~ * Luana quiets down her thoughts and looks anywhere that isn't at Keiko. * Keiko thinks at her, after a few moments, ~We... I... we'll see, Lu. When this is done, if you... if you still trust me, we can...~ ~Right. Um, anyway... go sit down, okay? I'll keep watch, so you sleep.~ * Keiko leans back to sit on her heels again and is silent for a few moments, hand brushing over her arm, before she thinks back, quietly, ~Lu, I... Okay.~ She stands slowly. ~If you say so... I will.~ * Luana smiles and turns her concentration back to listening for footsteps and watching the door. * Keiko moves over to a section of the floor, then she thinks at Luana, ~I... hope you understand how... amazing that thought makes you, Luana.~ She pulls out a pillow and a sleeping bag, then think-adds, ~Want one?~ * Luana pauses, then nods. ~Yeah, but get out some stuff to help me secure the door first. I don't trust these people.~ * Keiko nods a little, and starts pulling out... sandbags. * Luana blinks, then laughs a little and starts barricading the door with the sandbags. * Keiko manages to smile a little too. (Doneish, or?) (Done, yes) [(Mini)Session done!]