[It's Rising Sun Pioneers time! Y'all are currently in the TUNNELS OF POSSIBLE DOOM, and since you've already come across not one, not two, but *three* corpses, you can be sure that multiple somebodies died down here. But enough about that, let's talk about this! It's been a few hours since you've entered. Suzunosuke is still missing, but Jinx assures you all he'll choose the right path.] [And that's about the size of it. You're in the ever increasingly narrow passageways heading east. Er... you think, anyway.] [Session Start.] * Millie flips out her compass just to see if they are, indeed, heading east. Convenient little thing, isn't it? * Jinx walks along in front with a bit of a spring in his step, shotgun aimed at the edge of the lantern light ahead of them. * Mikoto would be walking a little more nervously if he knew that, as the person holding said lantern, that he had a shotgun trained on him. * Tairan eyes the throwing knife he found s'more. (Naw, it's at the forward edge of the light, like twenty feet ahead. Sorry to be unclear. ^^;) * John continues walking, confident in his step. [Awareness checks, por favor. HA and HS hearing count.] * Tairan secures the knife in his belt, adjusts his hat, and goes back to being attentive. 2d6 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Jinx (2d6) and gets 9. 2d6 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Tairan (2d6) and gets 5. 2d6 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Millie (2d6) and gets 10. 2d6-2 * Dicesuke throws the bones for MaryAnne (2d6-2) and gets 4. 2d6 * Dicesuke throws the bones for John (2d6) and gets 11. (Millie and John went deaf) 2d6-2 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Mikoto (2d6-2) and gets 5. [Mikoto and Mary Anne hear, in addition to their own footsteps, another set coming from not far behind.] * Millie stops for a moment at the edge of the light and scribbles more in her makeshift map, making sure to keep track of this all. * MaryAnne comments "Oh, I do believe I hear Mister Suzunosuke coming up behind us." * MaryAnne stops and looks back that way. * Millie doesn't look up from her journal. "Yeah?" * Jinx smiles and keeps his eyes forward. Eh? Well it's about time. * MaryAnne says "Well, I can't imagine who else it might be." * Mikoto pauses, stopping and turning around. "Well, I must admit your hearing's much better than mine." He smiles distractedly. "I certainly don't know the sound of Suzunosuke's feet." [Mary Anne sees nothing! But as she waits, she spots some light coming around the bend.] * Suzunosuke saunters up to the group. Whee. * Suzunosuke nods politely. Glad ya didn't get too lost...things are twistier than a sand storm down here. * MaryAnne says "It's good that you found your way back to us, Mister Suzunoskue. We feared you lost to us." ... the path of the samurai is fraught with peril and, apparently, wrong turns. *grin* Welcome back. * Jinx chuckles but keeps concentrating on the tunnel ahead of him. "Told you he'd find the way." I was pondering the alliterative possibilities of "tunnel". * MaryAnne says "Let us continue and lose no more time over this matter." and starts walking again, using her folded umbrella as a walking aid. * Millie mmms at her map, putting her fingertips to her cheek and tapping them softly. "I wonder how long this thing is.." * MaryAnne says "We absolutely must make our way out and reaquire the tablet as soon as possible." Who said he wouldn't? * Mikoto smiles at Suz, but doesn't say anything, then turns back to the tunnel at hand. * Jinx walks again, setting a fast pace. 2d6-2 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Millie (2d6-2) and gets 9. * Tairan keeps walking. * John keeps his pace. * Suzunosuke follows along, occasionally mumbling words that start with "t". ( tofu, tako, toenail... ) * Millie just stares at what she's drawing, then gets a real awful grimace about it. ...ah hell. (Telephone, toothbrush, taco stand...) (SHARK.) ( tryptophan ) (Trogdor.) * Jinx slowly transfers coins in small amounts from a chest pocket to a pants pocket. He keeps the amounts small enough that he can quickly drop them and resume holding his shotgun with both hands. * Suzunosuke quirks an eyebrow at Millie. ... can't say I like these caves. Not enough space. * Mikoto sighs, shivering a little. "This outfit's good for combat... not so good for keeping you warm." * MaryAnne says to Millie "I say, I rather hope we haven't become lost." * Millie snaps her journal shut and slips it in her pack but keeps her compass out. "Yeah...we're lost." Never enough space when there's no daylight. I've been in worse, substantially worse, this feels practically room.. Damn. * MaryAnne exclaims "Oh bother." [It gets narrower and narrower! Talk about cramped for space. Soon, there isn't enough room to comfortably fit two people side by side.] * MaryAnne asks "What forever shall we do now?" Well, we're not completely blind, unless the tunnel weaves back on us..which I bet it will. Why're we lost? Are we still heading east? Jus' keep goin'. That's all we can do. Lost? Well, we've only been going one direction. * Mikoto blinks, then puts his hand to his forehead. "Lovely." He eyes the sudden narrowing of the tunnel. "...even more lovely." * Suzunosuke reaches one hand out and trails it along the wall. * Jinx shrugs and keeps walking, moving just a little faster. There's been like 3 splits so far...it don't really matter. Why not? * MaryAnne offers to Millie "Well, it seems to reawson that if we continue in a generally Eastward direction with the aid of your compass, we should eventually reach the Eastern side of the cave." * Millie eyes Jinx a bit. "I sure hope your namesake ain't all it's cracked up ta be." * Jinx doesn't reply to that. * Millie looks over towards Mary with a faint expression. "An' if there's a deadend an' we need ta backtrack?" * Mikoto looks back at Mary Anne. "The issue, Miss Pippin, is that it's a *cave*. There's no guarantee of an exit." Or if the tunnel loops? Well, if he does, we can always make our luck. * MaryAnne says "Well, without a guide or map, I see little else we can do other than to keep going." That's what I've been sayin' all along. There was an easterner in the tunnel, that makes me think that there's an exit somewhere. ( I resemble that remark? ) * Millie walks slowly through the narrow gap, taking care that her poor rifle doesn't scrape the cavern sides. No sense worrying about it yet. Least not until we have to resort to cannibalism. * MaryAnne says possitively while smiling "Then let's carry on like troopers." ... * MaryAnne continues on. [The temperature, which was rather cool, begins to rise a bit.] * Millie really REALLY doesn't comment to Tairan. * Suzunosuke inches away from MaryAnne. * Millie slows down a bit. * John keeps walking, his eyes wandering slightly, but never going away, from the light. * Millie lowers her voice. "I wonder...if it is, it ain't good..." (Don't go into the light!) * Jinx stops transfering money and briefly glanceces over to Mikoto. "Feeling better now?" * Mikoto laughs a little. "Somewhat. More in that the heat means we might be getting closer to the surface." * Millie looks over at Mikoto. "Or that we're encounterin' these mountains namesake. * Suzunosuke is at the rear. * Mikoto keeps on walkin'. * MaryAnne continues on. Slamanders. Don't remind me. As long as it's not that fire demon from the temple... *mutter* * Suzunosuke has gone from alliteration to adverbs. * MaryAnne inquires "Fire demon? Is there such a beast?" Well, they are how the mountain range got its name. Knowing what kind of stuff they have in the East? I wouldn't be surprised. * Millie sighs slightly, still trying to keep her gun from scraping the sides. "Can't be much worse than those cacti." Apparently. Stopped at a fire temple on my way across the mountains... keeper and his granddaughter let me sleep there for the night. Fox spirit apparently posessed the kid, though, and I had to stop her from tearing the runes off a boulder where the thing was trapped. * Mikoto sighs and glances back at John. "Such a sentiment is hardly fair, considering it was Injun magic that let us into this place to begin with." But Sallies...lizards make Millie's skin crawl. An' why wouldja put runes on a boulder? To keep the demon inside. Possession... interesting, I assume that sort of thing isn't common in the east. * John chuckles slightly. "I didn't say we couldn't have the same things in the west, did I?" * Millie eyes Tairan. "Well, yeah. But a boulder seems a weird place ta stick a demon wouldcha say?" Common? Nah, first I ever saw of it. Confused the hell outta me. Nothing can be strager than the cactii. * MaryAnne looks at Millie and says "Lizards make your skin crawl?" Especially a fire demon...it'd make sense ta put it in like...a stone casing at the bottom of a lake. It'd be kinda hard to work on the runes then, wouldn't it? * Millie looks MaryAnne in the eyes carefully. "What'sit ta you?" Hey, I didn't trap the demon, I just kept it from getting out and eating me or something. 'sides, rocks don't burn, right? * MaryAnne says "I always thought snakes were rather creepy with there little flickering tongues." [Millie, Tairan, Suzu: give me hearing rolls. Heightened Awareness and Heightened Senses: Hearing count.] * Jinx listens, but concentrates on the tunnel in front of him, he seems to be taking a bit of confidence from the gun in his hands. Well...yeah... 2d6 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Suzunosuke (2d6) and gets 7. 2d6 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Millie (2d6) and gets 10. (*MURDERLIZES Dicey!*) 2d6 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Tairan (2d6) and gets 4. * MaryAnne says "I always thought little lizards were rather funny looking." [Tairan hears footsteps coming from behind. He isn't sure how many sets, though.] * Tairan looks back. *quietly* "We got company coming from behind. Dunno how many." * MaryAnne asks Millie "Did you know that some lizards tails will fall off if you tug at them?" Well, yeah. They jus' bug me for some reason...strange little critters.. * Suzunosuke turns around, fluidly drawing his sword. Have ya tried tuggin' tails o... * MaryAnne giggles. * Millie freezes and tries to look over her shoulder. * MaryAnne continues "When I was a little girl, I did." Suz, kneel down so the others behind us can shoot over you. * John pulls out his rifle and spins on a dime to the other direction. * Millie shhs Mary, trying to get her rifle at the ready. * MaryAnne notices the groups alertness, stops, and looks about. (Is Suzu holding a torch?) * Jinx keeps facing forward, he quietly says. "I'm not gonna have a shot, I'll keep guarding forward until someone tells me differnet." (He should be, we left one for him) I can hardly fight while kneeling. * John nods. "Millie, can ya shoot on the left?" ( in one hand, now ) Yeah, but you can hardly fight with bullets in your back. Just for now, until whatever it is gets close. * Suzunosuke crouches anyway, tensed to spring forward. * Millie nods over her shoulder to John. "Gotcha." She levels her rifle and aims to the lefthand side of the corridor. Plus, you got the light... *draws his pistol; crouches down slightly so as to not be in the others' lines of fire* * MaryAnne stands there looking about. [At the edge of Suzu's light, a skeleton grins back at him! It's wearing Teckian clothing... in fact, it's one of the ones you met earlier. It's holding its rusted over rifle.] * John does the same for the righthand side. * Suzunosuke drops the torch. * Millie backs up against the wall and freezes. "...shait..." ... well that's new. * MaryAnne puts one hand to her mouth and exclaims "Oh, how dreadful." * Jinx glances back for a moment. "That'll teach me not to steal the weapons." * John doesn't move. "What do you want to bet it's not friendly." [More laughter echoes down the tunnels, from behind the skeleton, which takes a step forward.] * Millie takes a step back from the step forward, mumbling under her breath. ... okay, everyone. We can either stand and fight, or try to keep going and find someplace a bit more open to fight... I think we can move fast enough to stay ahead of these things, and Suz and I can guard our backs. Whattya think? * Suzunosuke shifts into a more workable stance. His sword, glimmering with a faint yellow light, is pointed down, ready for a swift upward stroke. [Millie bumps into Mary Anne.] * Mikoto blinks, swinging around with the lantern and eyeing the skeleton. "I'm all for moving. Not all of us have guns ready." He smiles grimly. "Besides, the skeletons don't have any bullets." * MaryAnne says "Oh!" * Millie trips over Mary and stumbles back, falling over. How do you know they don't have bullets? We took them. Okay, everyone move... don't run, but move quick. Suz, keep your eyes on them. You sure about this? * MaryAnne catches herself with one hand on the cave wall. * Jinx gets a move on. "Good idea, but if they're catching up we should stop and fight. Lest there be more ahead of us." [The skeleton takes another step forward. It's about five feet from Suzu now. Other sets of footsteps can be heard behind it, along with the laughter, which hasn't stopped.] * Millie stares behind her, taking a deep breath. "...right..." No time to be sure. Move. * John shrugs. "Best not to argue at a time like this. Let's move." * Mikoto nods and gets moving at a brisk pace. * MaryAnne straightens herself up. * John keeps up with Mikoto. "Com'on." Although, if you have a clear shot back as we go Tairan, you might want to take it. * Tairan draws his sword, and walks semi-sideways as he moves. * MaryAnne hurrys along too. * Millie gets up with the help of the wall, her legs like weights, backing away slowly. You... took things from them? 'You' is such a strong word. Less talk, more move. *drags Suz* * Suzunosuke retreats carefully, watching the skeletons advance. * MaryAnne chastises the group "I knew no good would come from scavenging from the dead. This is absolutely terrible." * Millie keeps mumbling as she goes back. "Ain't no skellingtons gonna get after ol' Millie, no sir..no how..." * Jinx chuckles darkly for a bit. "Feel free to blame me for this. But I don't really fear the dead, if they were really threatening they'd have died of old age." For once I must agree with our employer. * Tairan puts away his sword, and levels his pistol towards the skeleton as he retreats. "Suz, lean towards the right. I'm gonna try and get a shot off as we move. Those skeletons would come after us anyways, I bet. Nothin' we can do about it now. [The skeleton keeps moving forward. From over his shoulder, Suzu sees another behind that, and another behind that. They don't seem in any huge hurry, though they advance steadily.] * Suzunosuke leans, but asks, "Is that really a good idea?" ... point. Might make 'em angry. Angrier. As we said. Less talk, more move. Oh, and right now they're chasing us casue they like us? * MaryAnne comments as she hurries along "Unless one of you have a shotgun, I don't see your weapons doing much damage to them." * Tairan scowls. "Okay, but be ready in case they start moving faster." * Tairan keeps moving along. "Maybe they just want a hug, Jinx." I can pass back my shotgun if need be. [You move forward, gaining speed and leaving the skeletons in the dust, though you can hear their laughter in the distance! Jinx comes across a fork in the path.] * Millie keeps her eyes fixated behind her. "Can ya please all stop jokin' an' DO SOMETHING?" * Jinx gestures to the right. "This way, fast and silent." We are doing something. The majority may just go left by luck of the draw, now move, before they see which way we went. NOT ENOUGH! * Jinx does just that. * Mikoto nods and follows suit without saying a word. * Tairan follows along with the others, and hisses. "Quiet!" * John goes to the right in stride. * Suzunosuke shushes Millie, and follows. * Millie keeps looking down the passage, then down where everyone else went, running that way. * MaryAnne hurries along [You run right! Suzu, Millie, perception rolls.] 2d6 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Millie (2d6) and gets 10. 2d6 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Suzunosuke (2d6) and gets 4. ( And you know I'm NEVER going to make one of those. ) ( Unless you do a perception-body roll. ) (Suzunosuke notices his foot!) ( Your body percives it is being stabbed in the back. Ouch! ) [Go right, go right, go! The corridor actually narrows even more.] * Mikoto blinks, starting to look a little nervous now. "This... might have been a bad choice," he mutters. This isn't working... Keep moving. We're way ahead of 'em for now. We ain't goin' back there, we AIN'T! Alright, how many of them are there. * MaryAnne says "I don't really know much about combat tactics, but am rather hoping someone has a sound idea." * Suzunosuke looks back occasionally. I don't care, keep movin'! We're not in combat. Yet. * Tairan turns back to Millie. "Why don't you just leave a trail of freakin' breadcrumbs for them? Keep it down..." * Millie pushes whoever's in front of her. * MaryAnne is in front of Millie and being pushed * Jinx keeps moving. [And... Jinx runs straight into an open "room", about thirty feet around. Beaten, dirty leather and cloth cover the floor, and more than one person is lying around, in Shomuran clothing. Seems this is fairly recent.] * MaryAnne comments "I'm moving along as fast as I can, Millie." * Jinx quickly steps out into the room and turns around. "I'll start shoopting at these guys, someone dismember that corpse." * MaryAnne says upon emerging from the passage and into the room "This...this doesn't look good." It's fine. We got the space we need, and the skeletons will have to come in one at a time. * Jinx keeps his shotgun aimed at the fall until everyone is out in the room. * MaryAnne moves aside to someone not really close to any dead things, moving ones or still ones, either way. * John comes into the room. "It's better than the tunnel, and that's all we need." [Perception rolls, everyone in the room. HA and HS (sight/hearing) count.] * John holsters his rifle and draws his shotgun, keeping the sight torwards the ground until everone is in the room. Tairan... You're the practical sort and you've got a sword.. Mind making sure that body doesn't get up. * Millie gets out into the space and heads for the other end, planting herself against the wall. 2d6 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Millie (2d6) and gets 10. 2d6-2 * Dicesuke throws the bones for MaryAnne (2d6-2) and gets 6. 2d6 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Jinx (2d6) and gets 7. (dr1) 2d6 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Jinx (2d6) and gets 8. 2d6 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Suzunosuke (2d6) and gets 2, a CRITICAL SUCCESS!!! "Hey, a crit! Remember this next Christmas." 2d6 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Tairan (2d6) and gets 10. 2d6 * Dicesuke throws the bones for John (2d6) and gets 8. ( Ked snarfs his tea. ) 2d6-2 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Mikoto (2d6-2) and gets 6. * Tairan draws his sword. "Got it. Legless corpses, coming right up." * Jinx grins. "Good man!" (It must be that time of the month for Millie's dice too =P) * Tairan goes around, separating the corpses from their legs at the ankles with his sword. (everybody out of the tunnel yet?) * MaryAnne is. ( Think so. ) * Mikoto frowns as he looks around. "CLoth and leather...?" Uh - why are you disturbing the dead? * Millie is well out of the tunnel. Making sure they can't get up even if they wanted to again. * MaryAnne fans herself, trying not to watch. ( AND IS THERE ANOTHER EXIT?!? ) (Of course not.) * MaryAnne says from behind her moving handfan "I really can't say I'm happy with this situation." [Mary Anne and Mikoto notice that body on the right? Yeah. Its palm is planeted on the floor, and it's starting to slowly push itself up.] * Jinx steps into the tunnel. "Alright, someone get my back, ideally carrying a torch or a light as well as a gun." * Suzunosuke pointedly ignores MaryAnne. * Millie unslings Greenpeace, plastering her back against the wall, eyes wide. All you with guns, line up opposite the door. * Tairan continues hacking at the corpses. "Happy don't matter. You're alive and got all your limbs." * Mikoto sighs and walks over to Mary Anne, handing her the lantern. "Please forgive me, Miss Pippin, but you'll need to take this. I need both hands free." ...those bodies ARE moving! * John checks his shotgun, making sure it's loaded. * MaryAnne takes the lantern in hand and holds it out. * Tairan growls. "So'm I!" * MaryAnne says "What dreadful business." ( roll init :P ) Suzonosuke... cut off some damn legs. Can I get a torchmen here, I'd like to shoot them some before these skeletons join the party. * Suzunosuke shakes his head. "And there's something strange about that armor, too. d6+5 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Jinx (d6+5) and gets 10. 1d6+5 * Dicesuke throws the bones for MaryAnne (1d6+5) and gets 10. d6+7 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Suzunosuke (d6+7) and gets 12. This was a bad idea..a real real bad idea. d6+6 * Dicesuke throws the bones for John (d6+6) and gets 10. d6+7 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Millie (d6+7) and gets 13. d6+7 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Tairan (d6+7) and gets 10. ( I think you're right, Millie. ) No, it was a good idea. We have room to fight. * Suzunosuke eyes the armor, suspiciously. * MaryAnne is holding out the lantern and fanning herself with her hand fan. ( Where's Mary Anne's umbrella? ) d6+6 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Mikoto (d6+6) and gets 11. * MaryAnne has a hand strap, and it's attached to her wrist that is holding the umbrella, hanging there. ( And, as Tairan hacks up corpses, "It's a Sin" comes onto PsyAmp. =P ) ( I prefer to think of it as professionalism. ^_^) [Millie's turn!] (Humoriously enough, "Buried Alive" song by Billy Idol is playing on my WMP =P ) [According a few people, some of the bodies are starting to rise. Except a few which crawl after Tairan without legs.] ( What about the other people? ) [The skeletons have not yet come into the room. * Mikoto stands nearish to Mary Anne and assumes a fighting stance. "That laughing we heard... someone is controlling these. I can feel it." ( Order? Number of enemies? ) ( You don't know ^^ ) Then let's take these bastards out and wait for the boss to show up. * Millie puts her stock against her shoulder, but the point doesn't seem quite right. It's wavering through the air in about an imperfect figure 8 motion, raising towards the closest thing trying to rise. "Damn it..damn." She fires off, her eyes closing just as Greenpeace goes off and the barrel cocks. * John nods. "Sounds like it a plan." 2d6-1 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Millie (2d6-1) and gets 7. ( Character order is Millie, Suzu, Mikoto, Jinx, Mary Anne, John, and Tairan. ) [Despite her lousey aim, Millie does manage to blow a good-sized hole in the chest on one of the rising corpses. It keeps rising anyhow.] [Suzu's turn!] * Suzunosuke twirls and delivers a vicious blow to the set of armor resting against one wall. 2d6-2 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Suzunosuke (2d6-2) and gets 4. [Suzu's blow sends the armor tumbling a few feet away. when it stops tumbling, it's standing, and wielding a jagged-toothed, ornate naginata. A blue flame glows from the chest in the armor.] ... that's new, too. [The armor swings the naginata in front of itself, towards Suzunosuke. Though the distance is too grate for the actual blade to strike him, the air between them ripples.] 2d6 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Suzunosuke (2d6) and gets 7. [Suzu stumbles back in pain.] Umph! [Mikoto's turn!] * Mikoto closes his eyes for a moment, then lunges at the nearest zombie with a snap kick right to the jaw. ( Presuming that one is upright enough that the jaw's a viable target. :P ) ( Yeah. Go ahead and roll it ) 2d6-4 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Mikoto (2d6-4) and gets 6. [Mikoto kicks the zombie, causing its head to snap back. It keeps coming after him, regardless.] [The skeleton from before stumbles out of the tunnel and fires at John. Unfortunately for it, it's out of ammo.] * Mikoto frowns, his voice oddly cold and flat. "This is going to go nowhere very quickly. We have to find the thing controlling them." [The one after it isn't however, and fires its pistol at Jinx.] * John hears the click and smirks. "Maybe it's a good thing we did take the ammo." 2d6-3 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Jinx (2d6-3) and gets 3. [It sure is. Jinx dodges the rather poorly aimed shot.] [And now it's Jinx's turn!] * Jinx fires his shotgun right back at the skeleton, he doesn't seem to be aiming as he's looking at Millie. "You're too much of a professional to lose your cool like this! Think you'll be the first person in centuries to explore those ruins of yours without meeting some undead?" 2d6-6 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Jinx (2d6-6) and gets 6, a CRITICAL FAILURE!!! "I can recommend some good Dice Cleanser, if you like." (dr2) 2d6-6 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Jinx (2d6-6) and gets 1. Sh...shut up! * Millie 's keeping her eyes on the undead. "Just shoot the damned thing!" They're just like bandits, but slower and stupider! [Jinx blows the skeleton into bits.] Check! Now hold your damn gun straight! [MaryAnne's turn!] * MaryAnne is back against a wall as far away from the nearest crawly as possible, holding the lantern out and fanning herself with her handfan as she watches the dreadful events unfold in dread. She has various facial expressions that clearly shows her discomfort at the sitation, but she doesn't perform any combat actions at this time. (Someone's gotta hold the light =P ) [John's turn!] * John takes aim at the next skeleton in line to die (again) and fires. 2d6-4 * Dicesuke throws the bones for John (2d6-4) and gets 1. ( Fires with...? ) (Shotgun. ^^;) [John gets much the same effect.] [Tairan's turn!] * Tairan darts his eyes around the room, eventually settling on the floating glowing armor with the pointy stick. "When in doubt, go for the weirdest looking..." *fires his pistol as he charges, then slashes at it* 2d6-3 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Tairan (2d6-3) and gets 3. 2d6-2 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Tairan (2d6-2) and gets 5. [Tairan hits with his shot, but his bullet bounces off the armor, doing little more than leaving a scratch. His blade is parried by the naginata.] I hate opponents that can't talk back. YOU hate 'em? (They can laugh and taunt though) Who doesn't? ( *sobs* The mean armor deflected my penetrating x1 bullet. ;_; ) * Millie just lets out a meek nod, keeping her eyes on the zomboids. (I think it only penetrates if you hit dead-on, Tairan.) [A third skeleton comes out of the tunnel in a stumbling run, and swings the hilt of its broken katana at John. The lack of blade does a great deal of no-harm to John.] * John blinks as the hilt comes near him. "See? I can't even taunt him now." [And now be patient while I roll for undead. :P [Four of the zombies seem to have gotten to their feet, while three more are moving without said feet.] ( I need defense rolls from.... ) ( Millie, Mikoto, and two from Tairan. ) 2d6 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Millie (2d6) and gets 2, a CRITICAL SUCCESS!!! "That was close. One cycle later and you'd have fit nicely into a sandwich." (...I don't believe it.) (Dicesuke forgot to tack on the '1'.) 2d6-2 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Tairan (2d6-2) and gets 5. 2d6 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Tairan (2d6) and gets 8. 2d6-2 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Mikoto (2d6-2) and gets 3. ( ...Haha! Hahaha! I made a defense roll! In BESM! ) ( Man. All that karma used up on a BESM game. What a waste. ;_; ) (What a world, what a world.) [Mikoto dodges the clumsy swing of the zombie attacking him easily. Tairan notices a zombie at his side and steps away just in time, but one of the legless zombies on the ground chomps his ankle. And Millie shoves her zombie away so hard that it falls to the ground.] [There were also two more attacks: a stander against Suzu and a crawler against Mary Anne, but they both missed.] [Millie's turn again!] Ow! Damn ankle-biting son of a whore mother! * MaryAnne exclaims "EEK!" I think it wants its ankle back. 2d6 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Millie (2d6) and gets 8. * Millie puts her hand to her chest and pants, moving back to the wall. She tips open Greenpeace. "...right...I'm calm..Millie's calm.." The bullet she's trying to put into the barrel falls out of her shaky fingertips and skitters across the floor. "...Shait!" [Suzunosuke's turn!] * Suzunosuke presses one hand against his skull as if to steady it, then focuses on the armor once more and charges. 2d6-2 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Suzunosuke (2d6-2) and gets 6. [Suzu slashes, managing to penetrate the thick armor once more.] d2 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Brett (d2) and gets 2. [The armor changes targets, attacking Tairan with its naginata.] 2d6+2 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Tairan (2d6+2) and gets 9. ( HA! No. ) [There's a high-pitched keening noise as the naginata blade moves accross Tairan's stomach, cutting a deep gash into him.] [Mikoto's turn!] * Tairan grunts. * Tairan also bleeds profusely. He's not doin' too well. * Mikoto sighs, shaking his head and tightening the falconer's glove on his right hand. "I didn't want to have to do this... ah well. Time to wake up, Mirabel." [It takes more effort than usual, but Mirabel shimmers into existance.] [Jinx's turn] * Jinx runs to stand between Millie and the zombies as he reloads his shotgun. His voice is caustic. "That how your father taught you to load Greenpeace, girl? Use one those magic bullets and take that damn armor down!" He then prays that Millie won't shoot him in the back. You...you jus' worry 'bout your own self, Jinxy! [Mary Anne's turn!] ( Mary Anne has a legless zombie trying to bite her, I should remind...) (Munchy! :9) * Millie starts to fiddle with the bullets she took, mumbling to herself. "Blue aura, blue aura..we're in the Sallies...no, that won't work..." * MaryAnne flicks out her foot at the crawly nearby her feet and trys to kick it away and exclaims "Shoo! Shoo! Go away you aweful, dreadful, bad thing, you!" 2d6 * Dicesuke throws the bones for MaryAnne (2d6) and gets 4. Brett> [Mary Anne kicks it in the jaw, which falls right off.] [John's turn!] * John stares straight at the skeleton's face as he shoots it point-blank in the chest with his shotgun. 2d6-4 * Dicesuke throws the bones for John (2d6-4) and gets 3. [John blows it to pieces.] [Tairan's turn!] * Tairan holsters his gun, and grasps his katana with two hands. "Bullets don't work... let's see how this does." *swings at the armor* (with +5 damage for 2- hands! =P) 2d6-3 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Tairan (2d6-3) and gets 1. [That does very well; Tairan cleaves the armor in half like a hot knife through butter.] * Jinx lets out a breath. "Nice sword." ( All that's left now are the zombies. I need defense rolls from... ) Thanks. Ow. Fuck. ( 1 from Mary Anne, 2 from Jinx, 1 from John.... That's it. The other three attacked Tairan (twice) and Mikoto, and missed. ) * MaryAnne is too busy to comment about Taifan's use of language, so he doesn't get scolded =P 2d6 * Dicesuke throws the bones for MaryAnne (2d6) and gets 6. 2d6 * Dicesuke throws the bones for John (2d6) and gets 9. 2d6 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Jinx (2d6) and gets 8. 2d6+2 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Jinx (2d6+2) and gets 9. [Mary Anne gets chomped on the ankel, while a zombie grabs John from behind and chews on his shoulder. Jinx also gets bit twice: once on his ankle by a crawler, once on the arm by a stander.] [Millie's turn!] (How does MaryAnne get chomped when she kicked it's jaw off? =) ) ( Just the top teeth ) ( She got gummed! ) (Snicker =) ) * Millie almost screams as Jinx is hit but catches it in her throat. "O-okay..I hope I got it." She finally decides on one of the red bullets and jams it into Greenpeace almost too hard, slamming the stock back into ready, staying behind Jinx * Jinx staggers, but stays up. [Suzu's turn!] * MaryAnne yells out "AHHH!" * Suzunosuke looks for a zombie, notices the one chomping MaryAnne, and hacks away at it. * Tairan winces. "Not so loud... ow." * John gets chewed out. "Chewing a man from the back is hardly sporting." 2d5-2 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Suzunosuke (2d5-2) and gets 4. 2d6-2 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Suzunosuke (2d6-2) and gets 5. [Suzu cuts the zombie's head off and it stops moving] [Mikoto's turn!] Jinxy, just...whatever you do, don't move. * MaryAnne has tears forming in her eyes, having completely lost her 'proper' composure. * Jinx groans slightly. "Wouldn't think of it." 2 2d6-3 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Mikoto (2 2d6-3) and gets 5 9. [The falcon claws at the zombie, hitting with one strike, missing with the other. Doesn't matter; the first was enough. The zombie topples and stops moving.] [Jinx's turn] * Jinx doesn't move as he turns his shotgun on the standing zombie. "I suppose.. this is the price I pay for tombraiding." He then grins slightly as he pulls the trigger. "But that's not going to keep me from looting your sorry corpse." 2d6-6 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Jinx (2d6-6) and gets 0. (mym CV is infact greater than zero. ^^) [Jinx finishes the thing off.] [Mary Anne's turn!] * MaryAnne sniffles and then her teary eyed face turns to an expression of anger and just jumps up and down on the zombie that bit her, despite it no longer moving, and repeatedly stomps in into the ground, having completely lost her lady-like demure. **STOMP STOMP STOMP** [John's turn!] ( Go Mary Anne! Try to turn it into goo! ) (=) ) * Millie would comment, really she would. But she's too busy trying to stay, y'know, alive and all. * John drops his shotgun, draws his right pistol, and shoots it into the wall, trying to riccochet the bullet into the Zombie behind him. 2d6-2 * Dicesuke throws the bones for John (2d6-2) and gets 1. (I look good! XD) (Oooh, facny =) ) (Mmm, ricochet shot. Showoff.) * Millie looks up at John and her face puffs out with genuine anger. "Dammit, get SERIOUS!" [John's fancy shot tears the right arm of the zombie right off. But it doesn't seem to mind.] [Tairan's turn!] ("Tis only a flesh wound.") Who said I wasn't? * Tairan draws his pistol again, fires at the standing zombie not eating John, then charges and slashes at it. 2d6-3 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Tairan (2d6-3) and gets 4. 2d6-2 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Tairan (2d6-2) and gets 2. [Tairan's gun penetrates, but doesn't do too much damage. However, his sword makes up for that by cleaving the zombie in half. Tairan's been cutting a lot of things in half recently.] [Millie's turn!] ( And I forgot to roll for the zombies, so we'll assume they all missed :P ) (Cheeeeeese.) ( lord knows their CV is low enough for that to be likely. ) * Millie glares at Jinx a bit "Thought I told ya not to move." She tries to level Greenpeace up, aiming for the one near Tairan. "Hope this works like I think it will.." 2d6-1 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Millie (2d6-1) and gets 10. (...) (Note to self: Get levels in DR so THAT doesn't happen to me.) ( At least she didn't critfail and shoot me in the back. ) [Millie fires! The bullet streaks towards the zombie, trailing flames in its wake. It flies right over the zombie and impacts on the wall behind, disappearing with a small burst of flame.] [Suzu's turn!] (Always a big bummer to miss with an expendable magic item =( ) *hackityhackityhackity* 2d6-2 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Suzunosuke (2d6-2) and gets 8. * Millie resists the urge to throw her rifle down on the ground. She's not having a good day. [Suzu similarly misses that zombie.] [Mikoto's turn!] * Mikoto calls back the bird, strokes her beak, and dismisses her. [Jinx's turn] * Jinx grabs the shotgun by the barrel with both hands and takes his best sandgolf swing at the anklebiter. "I didn't move! If you wanted me not to shoot you should have told me not to shoot!" 2d6 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Jinx (2d6) and gets 6. (dr3) 2d6 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Jinx (2d6) and gets 5. [Jinx knocks its head off like a golf ball.] [Mary Anne's turn] * MaryAnne continues to obsessively jump up and down on the zombie, stomping it repeatedly with both feet. The lanterns light bounces up and down as she does. [John's turn!] * John turns around on the zombie and draws his other pistol in his left hand. He fires both in succession at the zombie as it comes into his line of fire. 2 2d6-3 * Dicesuke throws the bones for John (2 2d6-3) and gets 3 7. [John plugs the zombie in the head and it falls over. His other bullet misses.] [Tairan's turn!] * Tairan slashes at the remaining zombie, then pumps a bullet into it for good measure. 2d6-2 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Tairan (2d6-2) and gets 2. 2d6-3 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Tairan (2d6-3) and gets 4. [Tairan pretty much obliterates it. Ok, not quite that severe, but it's not getting up again. Not that it ever could in the first place, having no legs and all...] * MaryAnne continues to obsessively jump up and down on the zombie, stomping it repeatedly with both feet. The lanterns light bounces up and down as she does. [The zombie is now crunchy and squishy] * Millie keeps her wide eye, breathing hard, her knees locked together as she falls to the floor, her feet splayed out in opposite directions. She cradles Greenpeace like a child in her arms, staring straight ahead. "We're...we made it..." * MaryAnne hasn't yet noticed that all foes are no more and seems quite obsessed in putting the zombie in it's place. Oh, that was hardly a glorious victory. ... ow. *sheathes his sword; holsters his pistol* * Jinx puts away his shotgun and turns around. His voices entirely loses its earlier taunting tone. "You alright?" I... * Tairan falls to one knee, and silently downs his healing potion. They came again...jus' like... Can someone calm down out beloved employer? * John rolls his eyes and winces as he checks his shoulder. **STOMP STOMP STOMP** * Jinx nods. "Just like before?" [Tairan's bleeding slows and then stops, and the gash in his stomach starts to close. That looked like it hurt.] * Millie looks slowly up at Jinx, as if just noticing he's there. "...yeah..." * Suzunosuke has a nasty headache, but figures that he can stand it. * MaryAnne shouts as she continues to stomp "I HATE YOU ZOMBIE!" * John looks at MaryAnne. "Calm down Mary. Calm down..." It's dead... again. * Suzunosuke looks like he wants to sneer at MaryAnne, but isn't... quite. * Jinx offers Millie a hand up. "And you've survived again, in fact this time we've won." * Tairan finishes the potion, and chucks the empty bottle at the wall next to MaryAnne. * Millie 's eyes soften a bit, but she's still holding her rifle real close. "Jinxy...I'm sorry..." We need to get moving. [The bottle shatters against the wall!] * Millie takes the hand, still keeping her eyes on Jinx. * Millie jumps at the bottle, then glares at Tairan. "Don't do that!" * John reloads his weapons, stowing them in their appropriate places. * Tairan gets up and rubs at where he was just bleeding profusely. He quickly reloads his pistol. "Might as well see if there's anything salvageable here..." * MaryAnne suddenly feels the eyes of the group on her and with one last stomp, she stops and looks towards the other. She steps off the zombie pancake and brushes her feet on the cave's floor. * Jinx glares over at Suzonosuke. "They're going to stay down, give us a moment." He then helps up Millie. "It's alright, sorry for what I said, figured you could use a little anger." [You guys are standing in what looks like an abandoned camp. Lots of corpses and bones and whatever scattered all over from the fight, not to mention more than a bit of blood. The armor's on the ground; there's no light around it anymore, and the ornate naginata lies next to it.] * Millie nods then digs through her pack, pulling out one of the potions and holding it out for Jinx. "Here." * MaryAnne seems to regain her composure, as she coughs with her hand to her mouth, and states to straighten out her clothing. * John looks around the room. "Think we should check the corpses for anything useful?" * Tairan looks around. Anything salvageable besides the naginata? * John starts checking the room as well. ...is that really such a good idea? [You'll find out... later! Session End!]