Last time on Section M: Jess went on a magical adventure through the island Police system! There she made a great many friends and a good time was had by all. Or not, I guess. Anyway... Now it's the next morning, after getting you all up bright and early, so you can do your morning exercises (they gave you access to their fully stocked gym), Major Rose treated everyone to a cafeteria breakfast before taking everyone to the command floor for a meeting on the last mission and a quick briefing on what your training will entail. [Friday, January 13, 2063] [Inside the conference room] [Collar status: Currently on!] [Session start] The Major already escorted the entire team in and supplied them all with their preferred morning beverages. The Colonel is currently late, but has told the Major she should be there shortly. Right now you're just waiting. * Scratch is seated and awaiting further instructions. * Cara looks at her watch and yawns. * Fallone idly taps her pen on her ubiquitous notebook * Crow is bright-eyed and bushy-winged, though his hair is a mess. He probably didn't even comb it this morning. His cupid outfit is all clean and spruced up, though. He has a plate in one hand, and a fork in the other. He must have refilled it as he was leaving the cafeteria, as he's still forking sausage and pancake into his mouth at a polite but steady pace. Ahh, he looks comfy in his usual chair. * Jess is actually quiet, head face down on the desk. Almost looks half asleep. So, did anyone get that history homework done that was assigned yesterday? * Fallone stops tapping her pen and puts her head in her hand. Apparently not. Nope! * Jess starts to mumble the answers to the assignment. History's less interesting than biology, anyway. Did you know that regeneration magic definitely can fight cancer cells? * Crow forks another bit of pancake into his mouth, as if to emphasize. * Scratch nods. "I am currently up to date with all assignments this quarter." Interesting, but that won't help me pass History class. * ColonelHall steps into the glassed in conference room several minutes after the intended meeting time. Good morning everyone. No, but you're so far ahead of us in there that you can miss one boring homework. *jumps a bit at the colonel's entry* Oh! Hi, Colonel. Good morning. ^_^ * Fallone smiles wanly. * Scratch stands and salutes the Colonel. "Ma'am! Good morning, Ma'am!" * Jess just keeps her head down on the desk still mumbling out history information. * Cara stifles a yawn. "Morn." There's another figure that follows her into the room. The first thing you notice is the bandages he has on his arms and on his face. He's still wearing his dress uniform over them though. Have a seat, Sergeant. Ma'am. * Archer he sits at the far end of the table. * Scratch stands at attention, waiting to be seated. * ColonelHall takes her seat at the head in her large comfy chair. * Scratch reseats himself on cue. You can sit too, Scratch. Good morning, Sergeant. How're you doing? * Fallone glances over Archer and picks up her pen again. I've been better. * Cara does the elbows-on-the-table-while-hands-hold-head-up bit. Well then, they were able to perform the autopsy this morning so now we have a better idea what was actually going on with our metahuman friend from the church. I trust you had no trouble getting in to watch, Crow? None, ma'am, thank you. It was fascinating. What did you learn? I trust Mr. Archer has been looked over to make sure what he had wasn't in some way contagious? Oh, many things. I do wonder if the cancerous growths were magically induced, or if he was simply unlucky enough to catch them somehow. Regenerative magics seemed to have been fighting them in a losing battle, though. * Archer touches the bandages on his arms but doesn't say anything. So far everyone else has checked out clean. That's good. They don't have the magic to fight it the way our spidery friend was. I wonder how effective his pharmaceutical endeavors were, though. When will the drug tests be back, to see what had been injected into him? I'm betting it's not standard anti-cancer stuff. We're not sure whether the regeneration was helping or hindering the cancer. It would be assumed that cancer cells would regenerate just like everything else. * Cara looks as if she's only half paying attention to the conversation. Looks like she could drop asleep at any moment. Oh, my. That would be unpleasant. Mmm, so not as much a losing battle as a warzone in his cells... We're having his blood tested to see all what was running through it. It's not all that uncommon for an awakened to have blood of a different composition. Oh I'd better pass these out so you all know what we're talking about. * ColonelHall opens up her briefcase and passes out folders to everyone at the table. Inside are the autopsy reports complete with pictures. * Archer looks his over not even having a reaction to the pictures. * Cara idly flips through the pictures. Something to distract her from sleep. * Crow flips through his nonchalantly, not really evincing any interest in it and leaving it open on the last page when he's done. He sort of stares off into space. * Fallone frowns, a bit turned off by the pictures, but interested in the results. * Jess perks up and starts to flip through them frowning and making notes* The report shows that he had some sort of infection that caused his cells to rapidly mutate out of control. Several of the growths had developed into various cancers. He had some level of regeneration that appeared to be fighting the cancer, but regenerating cancer is of course not the easiest thing to fight. Can we keep these? He also had a set of marks on his arms that looked like he had been receiving injections. As long as you keep them confidential. * Fallone smiles in a fashion that is not ironic or sarcastic, for once. Thanks. * Scratch scans the file and leaves it placed open and squarely positioned in front of his seat. * ColonelHall closes up her briefcase and places it back down next to her chair. Pity he's decaying so fast. Looks to be part of whatever was put inside him. That sucks. Well put. * Crow 'hms' disinterestedly, staring at Colonel Hall. Well, past her, actually. Probably somewhere about three meters beyond the window behind her, if his magical powers include the ability to see through her head and chair, even with his collar active. Something on your mind, Crow? No ma'am. Alright. Anyway, this is all up to the white coats now to look at and study. What we're concerned with is getting all of you ready before your next assignment comes in. * Archer sits up a bit straighter in his chair at that. You mean math class? And that's-- No, not quite, Fallone. -- That's why Mr. Archer is here with us. Andrew Clay who was your planned training officer was... He died while on mission. And the General has graciously offered us the services of Mr. Archer here as a replacement. * Jess is still very very quiet. * Scratch audibly cracks his knuckles and wrists under the table. * Fallone tries valiantly to keep her skepticism from her face, with only marginal success. * Archer he stands up and nods at the group at his introduction. "Good morning everyone. You will address me as Sergeant from now on." * Fallone has even less luck now than a moment ago. * Scratch stands and salutes the sergeant. "Sir, Yes sir!" * Cara rolls her eyes. * Crow just grins lazily. * Archer sits back down. * Scratch reseats himself accordingly. * Fallone grimaces and flips her notebook open. I have been briefed on all of your training up until now and I must admit that there's still a lot of work that needs to be done before you're fit to be soldiers. These next three weeks are going to be intense for all of you. Some of you more than others. * ColonelHall just smiles and watches, sipping her tea. * Fallone looks at Hall, then at Crow, and resumes tapping her pen on her open notebook. * Crow gets a bit more focused. Mostly on eating his food. Which is almost gone, finally. * Jess just pays attention to the folder in front of her. * Scratch continues to pay remarkable attention to the imaginary spot directly in front of him. * Archer looks over to the Colonel a bit confused. "Shouldn't they be saluting and saying 'Sir, yes sir'?" * Fallone leans over to Crow, "could I get a bit of pancake?" * ColonelHall only smiles wider. "Well like you said Sergeant, they're not soldiers." * Cara straightens her stack of photos and closes the folder in front of her. Yes, but-- * Crow eyes his plate mournfully, but offers Fallone the remainder. There're maybe six bites left. Now now Sergeant, this isn't boot camp. They're highly specialized forces. You'd do well to learn to embrace their uniqueness than try to force your way against it. * Fallone just has half a bite, but gives Crow a nice smile. That's two for the day! Right. Of course. * Archer sighs. Shall we head down to the training grounds then? * Archer looks around the group. * Crow takes it back and greedily polishes it off. He then starts chugging his heated apple juice, so kindly provided by the Major. * Fallone gives Archer the "bug under a microscope" look. * Jess glances up and just shrugs. No enthusiasm there. "Cara, want to go shopping later today?" * Cara rises and stretches. "Sure. Maybe I'll wake up while training. And maybe tomorrow Jess, I still have to finish my unpacking and do the homework that will be assigned today. * Crow yawns. "Hey, yeah, we're going to be late for class. I can't wait to start training, Mr. Archer." * ColonelHall smiles and claps her hands together. "Great! I can already see all of you are bonding already. You have fun with the Sergeant now." She certainly has a tone of knowing something amusing that she's not going to share with anyone else. Ma'am! Thank you, ma'am. * Fallone looks at the Colonel and suspects she's not going to be amused by it as the Colonel is. Right then. Let's go. *he turns and heads out of the room* * Fallone picks up her notebook and stands. * Scratch scans the faces around him before rising from his seat and waiting for the others to move. Do we follow him, or wait for him to come back and say forward march? * Crow lifts his arms and legs up, and looks surprised for a moment when he doesn't move. Then, not at all chagrinned, he picks himself up and looks to the Colonel. "Where should I leave my dishes, ma'am?" Well I'm not going to tell you to get along with him, but at least be polite. Like it or not he does get to fill out reports that go directly to the UN. The Major will take care of them. Yes, ma'am. Thank you, ma'am. Okay. Tell her 'thanks' for me, please. *leaves them on his chair, and heads out the door* Anyway, I have other business to attend to, so if you could so kindly clear out of my conference room, it would be greatly appreciated. * Scratch salutes the Colonel one last time before exiting the room in the direction that the Sergeant had directed. "Ma'am!" * Cara walks on out at a pretty leisurely pace. * Fallone inclines her head and strolls out behind the others. * Jess slowly gets up and follows every one out* * Archer is waiting inside the lift for everyone else. He ignores the handful of eyes in the office that are looking his way wondering exactly what he is doing. * Fallone gives the people who are staring a few glares of her own, just so they don't think they can get away with it. * Scratch stops in front of the lift, saying nothing. So, care to tell us what we'll be doing, or is it a surprise? After everyone is inside the lift takes off all the way to the base of the tower. It looks to be mostly storage down here. Archer leads the group out the southern section towards the military courtyard. He continues on to an open area that looks like it's normally used as a firing range. Right now you're going to show me what you're capable of. You're Cara, right? Yep. * Scratch stays weary of the possibility of incoming ordinance. There doesn't appear to be anyone else in the area so you should be safe. Mostly. * Fallone looks around for a relatively clean place to sit, and preferably something to sit on. * Scratch remains weary. Well, we'll have you go first then. I saw your rock form at the Church and your file mentioned you have three other forms you transform into? * Crow finds a wall or support post to lean against, and stares lazily out into the middle of nowhere. Sure do, captain. It's Sergeant. Can I see them? * Crow grins. Can you turn my collar off? Right. Give me a second. *he pulls one of the controllers out of his pocket, looking it over for a second before hitting the right button* [Collar status: off!] Do you have a preference which I should use first? Or shall I just burn through them in whatever order I like? Is there any particular order you have to do them in? * Archer holds up his metal clipboard case to make notes. * Cara continues her little private game of Questions Only. "Wouldn't that be a little hindering out in the battlefield?" It's my understanding that your powers aren't made for the specific purpose of fighting wars. Fallone does notice some benches off to the side that look like they're not covered in too much dust. * Cara seems slightly disappointed that Archer didn't keep asking questions and thus didn't keep the game going. "They're not. But every now and again they come in handy. So, since you seem to have no preference, I'll start with Fire." * Fallone walks over to the benches and sits down, pulls out her notebook again and settles it on her lap, eyeing Cara and Archer. I'm merely trying to learn what all you're capable of. Go ahead and show me in any order you like. Is there anything you need to do before you change? * Crow smiles in amusement. A little space. That's it. * Archer nods and takes a step or two back. * Cara focuses for a bit, a ring of red forming around her. A column of fire begins to circle around her, rotating while rising. Soon, she is covered completely by the fire, preventing people from seeing her. The column of fire begins spinning quicker and quicker before it vanishes in a wave of heat and light everyone in the area can feel. After the brief flash of light as dimmed down, her form can be seen. * Cara is floating several inches off the ground. Her outline remains mostly the same, but she seems to be made entirely of flame. Every now and again a drop of fire falls from her arm or hair or somewhere just to fall to the ground and fizzle away quickly. * Archer makes a couple notes. "So are you always burning or can you turn it off and on?" When I'm like this I'm always ON FIRE! Once it's on IT'S ON! Right. Can I see the water one next? * Cara begins to move from side to side, excitedly. "Sure, I can. It's not as much fun as this one, but I'll manage." * Cara hovers closer to the ground and in a brief flash of light returns to her normal form, falling slightly in the process. Despite being on fire, her clothes seem no worse for the wear. Do you have to turn back before switching forms? Yes, I can't just switch between the forms. My elemental energies don't play well with each other. * Archer nods and makes more notes. * Cara focuses inwardly, a blue ring forming around her this time. After a moment, Cara seems to melt down into a pool of water completely restrained by the blue ring that she formed earlier. Slowly she rises from the pool in her watery glory. Once again, her outline remains the same, but this time she consists entirely of water. If one looks closely, one can see little currents flowing throughout her. Aw, nuts. I like it when she has a goldfish in it. * Crow doesn't even seem to be looking at Cara. You have no idea how uncomfortable that is. * Crow just smiles. What can you do in this form? * Cara seems nonplussed to explain herself to Archer. "This form's purpose is to hinder the enemy while supporting itself. Currently the weakest of the offensive forms, it's not to be used unless supported by others. When supported by others, this form can ideally restrain others efficiently and quickly. Because Cara does not concentrate her efforts on this form, favoring the others, this form is nowhere near full effectiveness." * Archer nods. "So you'd like to work on it more?" Yes, I would like Cara to work on this form more, but she has had no reason in the past to worry about such measures. I fear that unless she works on this form, she won't be as effective as she could be, putting all of us in jeopardy. We'll have to talk to... her about that that. Can I see the air form next? * Fallone gives Cara a funny look and writes a few things down. * Cara replies, "Of course," just before a cascade of water falls from her, soaking the ground around her. * Crow munches on a fruit-filled granola bar. * Cara concentrates slightly with no visible ring forming around her. After focusing for a bit, the wind picks up in the room slightly, and Cara begins to slowly blow away starting with her head and going down like a pillar of sand. It looks as if she's disappeared entirely till she says, "All done!" If you squint and look carefully, you can see that's she's still there, just all wispy-like. She's really ticklish in this one. * Cara begins to float about, drifting with the wind slightly. It says here she's not even touchable. That's because she's so ticklish. * Scratch scratches at his forearm unconsciously for a moment. Nope! Things go right through me! But then I can't pick up my cell phone when I'm in this form. I hope I don't get a call. * Archer reaches an experimental hand out to her. * Cara attempts to shake his hand, but her hand keeps going around his, or his hand keeps going through hers. However you want to look at it. Hmm. Well it looks as if you have a good versatility. You can go ahead and switch back. Can do Mr. Sergeant! * Archer flips through his papers, switching to the next one. "John uh... it says to call you Crow?" He looks at the winged one. * Cara stands there as a little dust storm begins swirling around her. After a few seconds the dust storm disperses and Cara remains there. * Cara then goes and sits down. She seems quite exhausted. Hm? Yes? *turns his head to regard Archer sleepily* * Crow doesn't stop leaning. You turn into crows and also summon them, it says. Yep. You also were able to change those webs into something. But there's a limit on how often you can do that? It's a bit draining. Do you know your limitations on it? Catch. * Crow tosses a 5 kg mass to Archer. It's obviously 5 kg; it's one of those things you use on a balance, labeled "5 kg". * Archer catches it without much effort, setting it on the ground. And how long till you can do that again? * Crow tosses another. * Archer just moves out of the way of that one. It lands heavily on the ground behind him. * Crow looks at his watch, and taps his foot for a little under a minute. "Okay, I can do it again, if you like." That was about a minute. ^_^ Alright. Is there anything else? * Crow suddenly has a knife in his hand, and drives it through the palm of his other one. Leaving it there, he holds it up, turning it side to side to show that it is, indeed, all the way through. The blood pouring from the wound is probably evidence that it's not sleight-of-hand. "I regenerate," he says by way of explanation, as if there were nothing wrong at all. * Crow then casually shakes the knife to the ground, and holds up his hand to show it already healing over. * Fallone looks a bit ill. And don't seem to be really bothered by pain, it seems. * Crow nods, and yawns. "Sorry, not much sleep last night," he says through the exhalation. * Crow 's hand is no longer wounded, and even the blood that leaked from it and stained his shirt sleeve is gone. * Archer makes a couple more notes before turning to Fallone. "Fallone? It says here that you destroy things? And you can make other metahumans powers stronger or weaker?" * Fallone nods. That's right. Not exactly right... but close enough. What would be exactly right then? Your reports seemed to have the most conflicting information. Apparently you're harder for the testing equipment to track than most. More exactly right would be that I can, em... make it easier or more difficult for other metahumans to use their powers. And I don't destroy as much as disrupt, in a way that tends to have destructive consequences. * Fallone spreads her hands and smiles faintly. It all amounts to the same result. Hmm. Can I have you demonstrate on Crow? Em... I don't think he'll like it much... Like what? Or would you like me to just ... increase his abilities? * Crow yawns again. * Fallone kind of twists her lips saying it, not liking the phraseology. Yes, I'd like to see how much of an increase it gives him. * Crow actually does stand up straight, though, and kicks off the ground to drift closer to the group. He stops about ten feet away from Fallone, flexing his wings lazily as he hovers about a foot off the ground. Okay... * Fallone puts her notebook on the bench and stands up. * Fallone closes her eyes, and an aura much like the one that appeared around her at the church appears. Wind begins gusting away from her, but her aura, instead of turning black, this time slowly turns to white. * Fallone opens her eyes, and something that looks more or less like a bolt of forked lightning streaks from her, and strikes Crow, arcing through his body, trails of what energy circling over and around him, crawling on his skin. * Crow giggles a bit. Alright Crow, now see how much you can make. * Fallone looks through Archer, unfocused, and nods. It won't last very long... Long enough for the purpose of this demonstration. * Crow laughs, and the sky darkens with crows. Crow holds up his hands, and an iron rod appears in them. He drops it, and makes another. And another. "...I could keep this up all day." * Crow looks at Fallone, narrow-eyed and consideringly for just a moment, before laughing again. "I literally can't exhaust my magic right now!" * Crow tries to summon another bar, and stumbles, almost fainting, as the crows vanish and the sun returns. "...or maybe not." * Fallone looks at Crow, the same thousand yard stare as she's concentrating... Maybe not... no... * Crow shoots straight up into the air, very quickly, and does a back flip before returning to the ground. "This is invigorating, though." * Fallone nods again... "The other one... is less so..." Thank you Fallone, Crow. You can sit down now. * Fallone gradually comes back down to earth as the energy circulating over Crow's body fades. Jess? You're welcome. * Fallone sits and picks up her notebook again. * Jess blinks and looks up. "yes?" It says her you manifest magic from playing cards? * Crow drifts over to the bench and hovers over it, as if there were a two-inch cushion of air for him to sit on. He crosses one leg over the other, and resumes staring absently into space. Yes. Do you have your cards with you? * Jess she actually smiles then. "Always, want to play?" I don't play cards. Can you give me a demonstration of what you can do with them? * Crow reaches over and taps Archer's front pocket. "Then why do you have a deck in there?" * Archer reaches into his pocket and pulls out the deck of cards, handing it back to Crow. "Don't." * Jess perks up. "SURE!" with that she riffles through her deck and two cute little chibi dragons appear next to her and they proceed to start a cheer routine for the team. * Fallone scribbles more stuff. Do they do anything besides... dance? * Crow eyes the cards strangely, but takes them. He puts them on the bench next to Fallone, and seemingly forgets about them. * Fallone looks at the cards and picks 'em up. She looks through the deck. Well, I'm sure a prepared army person like yourself who is just sooooooo cute in that uniform would have on that piece of paper about how I can't do anything really combat wise unless threatened. Anyways they are just so horribly cute this way don't you think so, Scratch? * The cards are just cards for Jess's game. Probably more duplication than is legal, but as far as Fallone can tell, they're a playing deck. * Fallone flips through a few of the cards, looking at the various stats and symbols which hold little meaning for her, then sets them back where Crow left them, but makes sure they're stacked neatly. Alright. And you can make any card from this game of yours? Of course, Silly! what would be the point if I couldn't? After a bit of time the things Crow has made begin to turn back into whatever they started out as. Well I'm sure you wouldn't be on this team if you didn't have some sort of point. * Jess gets the cutest blank look you ever did see. You can sit down. Crispin? *he turns to Scratch* * Scratch straightens to attention in his place. "Sir!" * Fallone looks up from her notebook and gives Scratch a really funny look. You turn into a dragon? And you can do it in parts? * Scratch responds crisply, "Sir! Yes, Sir!" Very good. It looks like at least one of you had some proper training. Can we see your dragon form? Sir! Yes, Sir! * Scratch walks towards an unoccupied bench. He slips out of his shoes and begins to undo the buttons of his shirt. * Fallone puts her feet up on the bench and puts her head behind her notebook. You need to be undressed for this? * Scratch finishes unbuttoning in shirt, removes it from his moderately built torso and folds it neatly before placing it on the bench. Sir, I'm sorry, Sir! I do not have a second set of clothing prepared, sir! No, it's fine. I'm just asking. * Scratch turns and stands facing the sergeant, bare-chested. Having received the go-ahead, he undoes his belt and removes his pants to be placed neatly on the bench beside his shirt. * Scratch then without hesitation removes his boxer-briefs and places them with the rest of his belongings. * Fallone is turning distinctly red behind her notebook. * Cara politely turns away. * Crow holds out wings to hide Fallone's and Cara's and Jess's faces from the display Scratch is making. Conveniently parting feathers so they can peek through, of course. * Fallone lowers her notebook a bit and tugs closed the peep-hole in the feathers. * Scratch , taking a few steps away from the bench, hunches forward abruptly. The skin all over his body rips and tears audibly as his limbs elongate, his fingers grow into claws and dig into the ground in front of him. Leathery wings erupt from his shoulders and stretch into the air. * Jess of course just looks at the feathers. * Crow wraps his wings over his shoulders again, out of the way, once Scratch has transformed. * Scratch 's face, with an exhalation that might have been a sigh coming from human lungs, also elongates under it's skin which too gives way to a scaled reptilian head underneath. * Scratch 's backbone extends passed him a good 4 meters forming a spined tail. Within the expanse of a few seconds the moderately built young man has transformed into an emerald-colored dragon roughly the size of a large recreational vehicle. * Scratch cranes his long neck down towards where Archer and the others are standing. His bright green eyes are narrow slits as he focuses and awaits further direction. Hmm. Do you breath fire? * Scratch 's voice comes in a low growl at first, "Sir. No. Sir." ...why -does- everyone ask him that? Seemed logical. I didn't ask... Oh, right, that was Stacy, wasn't it. Anyways dragons are cuter when they don't breath fire. I'm afraid I'm having trouble connecting the words dragon and cute. * Scratch 's ruggedly muscular limbs quiver and flex. He reflexively stretches in a cat-like fashion leading into a yawn that displays his many needle-like teeth and fangs. * Fallone looks at Scratch. That's not cute to you? * Scratch turns on all fours and sits in front of the group as a dog would, his wings folded at his sides. * Jess of course is looking at her chibi dragons. It's hard to call anything larger than I am cute. So that appears to be just about as big as they said it was. Alright, you can switch back now. * Scratch 's dragon-expression almost looks disappointed before he stiffens back up and replies, "Sir. Yes, Sir..." * Scratch whips his head from side to side, giving his neck's a good stretch before his entire form shrinks in on itself in a manner not at all unlike a deflating balloon. What is left at the end is not a rumpled back of flesh however, but a very well kempt, and naked young man. * Scratch awaits further instructions before proceeding. * Crow plucks a downy feather out of his hair and commences blowing on it as he holds it between two fingers. You can put your clothes back on. Sir! Yes, Sir! * Scratch does as allowed and returns to the group. I've made up a rough schedule for your training each of you can look over. We'll adapt it after we discover all your strengths and weaknesses. * Scratch nods. "Sir!" Sounds good. * Crow seems to have nodded off. He's actually sitting on the bench, too. * Archer passes out pieces of paper to each person. On it is a schedule that looks very militaristic. He also has you getting up at 500 hours. * Fallone glances at Crow, smiles faintly, takes the schedule, coughs and chokes in surprise. In case they didn't explain it to you, you will be excused from all your classes during these three weeks. You'll be given packets of homework to work on during your free time. But, My morning yoga class, then the sunrise walking club, then the pancake breakfast fundraisers... * Crow doesn't take one. Sir! Yes, Sir! My... morning... not being awake... You'll be missing those until you're finished, Jess. * Jess gets a full on pout and looks at Crow. * Fallone folds up one of the schedules and sticks it in amongst Crow's feathers. * Cara doesn't look too happy at the prospect of being up that long before the sun rises. Are there any questions before we move onto shooting practice? [End Session]